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Caught in the Waves - Percy Jackson


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Hey guys, this is my first FF on here, everything else had been originals. I've recently started reading the Percy Jackson series and I LOVE it. There are so many easy prompts from the series. With that being said, I have only read the first 3 books. Please don't leave spoilers in the comments and I am looking forward to hearing what you think of my story.


Hi my name is Perseus Jackson. My best friend is a satyr named Grove, and my friend Annabeth is a demigod. My Mom’s name is Sally Jackson and my father is well… my father is Poseidon. Well you might now believe me, but that’s the true for you. I’m 15 years old and have been battling monster for the last 4 years. Kronos is threatening a war to destroy the world and it’s up to be to save it! You cannot imagine the pressure that is place on me… It’s no wonder that after a quest throughout the Antarctic Oceans that I woke up the next day with a sore throat. Of course our quest wasn’t over yet. We’d finished our task, but we’d yet to make it home safely. The oceans were raging and icy storms were brewing.

It was my shift on watch duty. Annabeth, Grover, and my brother Tyson lay sleeping in the ships cabins. Oh yeah! Tyson is a Cyclops. Sorry it’s the ADHD, all demigods have ADHD and dyslexia. It comes with the genetics I guess. Anyway back on track. It was dark, but I could feel the oceans changing as we sailed through the choppy waters. I was dressed in warm clothes, but I was still freezing. My throat hurt and my nose had begun to run, but I blamed it on the cold weather. I could not wait to get back to Camp Half-blood and sit around the fire at dinner.

“Percy, it’s my turn to keep watch. Go catch some sleep.” Annabeth touched my shoulder. I shivered under her touch. She and I had a rough started. After all, my father and her mother hated each other. We found a way around that though and have become really great friends. I would never want to go on a quest without her.

“I’m not tired.” I stated bluntly. Truthfully, I was exhausted. Every time I closed my eyes the nightmares returned. Nightmares of Annabeth being killed fighting a dracaena or Grover getting lost in the underground, or Tyson falling into a pit of darkness… Yeah, now you can understand why I wouldn’t want to sleep.

“Percy, you’re exhausted! You need to sleep or else you’re going to get sick.”

“You sound like my mother!”

“Yeah, well, you’re mother would be right.” Annabeth sat down next to me. “You haven’t slept in three days. I don’t even know how you are standing.”

A smile crept onto my face. “I’m not standing, I’m sitting.” Annabeth let out an exasperated sigh.

“Please, try and sleep. You can lay up here on the deck and I’ll wake you if you start freaking out in your sleep.” Annabeth put her hand on my knee and I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. She definitely was the daughter of the God of Wisdom. She always knew what to say to me. I nodded and used my backpack as a pillow. No sooner had I lain down did the boat begin to rock and not in the way caused by the waves. It rocked like something had taken hold of the ship and begun to shake it. I bolted up and looked over the edge of the and sure enough large tentacles that glowed purple held onto the side of the boat.

“Get into the cabins! I’ll take care of this!” I dove into the water not waiting for a response. Even with the powers on Poseidon on my side the icy waters caused my chest to ache. I could see the monster. It’s huge purple body looked like and elephant and octopus mixed. With three long noses and either long tentacles. I pulled our Riptide (my pen/sword). I uncapped is and swam closer to the monster. The monster swung a tentacle as me and I cut it off with riptide using the water to propel me through. I cut off all the tentacles and then launched the boat with the water.

I swam along with the boat until I knew we were out of range of the monster. Tiredly I climbed back into the boat, soaking wet… Wait soaking wet? I never got wet… Shivering uncontrollably Annabeth ran up to me yelling insults about how stupid I was and that could’ve been really dangerous. I didn’t hear most of what she was saying between my teeth chattering and the shivers convulsing through my body.

“Percy! Can you hear me Percy?” Annabeth was shaking me. I tried to respond, but nothing came out. I was shaking too bad to say anything. “TYSON! Something’s wrong with Percy help!” It didn’t matter that Tyson was asleep, he has exceptional hearing and as soon as Annabeth said I was in trouble he came running.

“Why is brother wet? Brother can’t get wet.” Tyson looked puzzled as he picked me up and carried me into one of the cabins. My nose was burning; there was this sudden intense need to sneeze. Annabeth was hovering to closely. I tried to warn her, but couldn’t. I just rolled to side quickly and succumbed to the darn sneezes. “Het’chiew! Htchiewse! Hietchieew!”

“Bless you…” Annabeth said quizzically. I don’t think she’s ever seen me sneeze before. I’m not even sure that I can remember the last time I’d sneezed. My Mom did when she dusted the house or had a cold. Now that I thought about it, I couldn’t remember the last time I was sick. It was long before I learned of my heritage. “Percy, I told you to relax. You’re only half god, you are still susceptible to illnesses.”

“I’m not sick. I’m just cold.” I managed to speak between body convulsions.

Grover walked in, just coming in on the drama unfolding. “Percy, what happened?”

“I went for a midnight swim… what else?” I stated sarcastically as a bout of coughing over took me. I sat up and pushed everyone off of me. I needed space and no one seemed to understand that. “HEtcHIEW! Can you guys leave so I can get changed?” I said with a biting tone. I don’t know why I felt like this. It was a common feeling when Ares god of war was around, but he wasn’t. They all left me alone. Exhausted, I didn’t even stand up. Physically I couldn’t, I felt drained of all energy. I lay down on the bed and soon fell fast asleep, wet clothes and all. It didn’t take long before the dreams started up again.

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CONTIUE <3 i<3 THIS FIC.! c:

lovely writing. .

First fic??? Seems like you're quite the writer C: great job.

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Haha sorry guys, I didn't edit the first chapter at all. I just read through it, but it was too late. Ooops :). I read through this one, but I'm still not very good at editing. My brain works faster than my hands can type sometimes.

DeathNoteOwner - Thanks! I've written originals before, but not usually FF. I don't seem myself as a talented writer, so thank you.

I felt cold, even in this dream I couldn’t get warm. I was standing on the edge of an iceberg, looking out over the raging seas. Walking towards the iceberg I could see a man, well I guess not a man, but a god. Poseidon, my father… I couldn’t believe it. He never approached me, it was apparently forbidden.

“Percy, listen to me.” Poseidon spoke out. His voice gave me the same warm feeling that it did when I was a kid, before I new about everything.

“Why should I?” I bit back. Poseidon did care about me.

“I know you’re upset. Listen to me, you’re getting sick. You must stop and sleep, I mean really sleep not what you’re doing now. Normal demi-gods get illnesses, but children of the Big Three don’t! Something is amiss here Percy. The oceans are raging and I believe so is your immunity. You’re weak.” I couldn’t listen to this anymore. I wasn’t sick, I was just tired and now I’m sleeping.

“I’m fine.” I turned and ran away. Trying to get away from him, trying to get out of the cold, trying to run away from my destiny. I was no son of Poseidon.


I woke slowly. Everything felt wrong. My throat hurt and my nose was running, that incessant itch burning with the intensity of the sun chariot. My chest felt tight and I couldn’t stop shivering! Still I wasn’t sick. I just needed more sleep, something that I wasn’t about to get. While I kept shivering the air felt warmer and wetter. The humidity had picked up… I forced myself out of bed and up to the top deck. The sun shone brightly and immediately it felt like miniature nymphs were having a dance party in my nose. My breath hitched a few times, but I held it at bay. The last thing I needed was to get caught sneezing. That would just convince Annabeth that I was sick.

“Percy! You should be in bed still.” Annabeth attacked me with a hug and then frowned. “You’re still in wet clothes! Go change now!’ She demanded pushing me back into the cabins. I didn’t fight her and I didn’t say anything for fear of losing the battle going on in my sinuses. “Now where are some dry clothes?” Annabeth searched the room and I pointed to the dresser. She needed to leave NOW or I’d have completely lost this battle. I refused to lose!

“I can find my own clothes.” I bit more with more anger in my voice than was intended. I regretted it immediately, but I didn’t have time to apologize. This sneeze was going to come out in the next 30 seconds no matter what. My breath hitched, but thankfully she shut the door. “Hah'ishuh, Hah’ishiuh, Hai’hishih!” My head pounded like it’s never pounded before in my life. I just hoped Annabeth hadn’t heard my outburst. I changed clothes and made my way back to the top deck.

Tyson stood on deck keeping watch while Annabeth and Grover ate lunch. Tyson’s eyes lit up as I walked onto the deck. “Brother, is okay!” Poor guy must have been freaked out after last nights events occurred.

“Goat boy said we’re almost to camp!” Tyson said elated. Almost to camp? We should still be two days away.

“We’re still two days away from camp.” I said looking at the sky. It was quite warm out already, it felt great after two weeks sailing through the Antarctic oceans.

“No we’re really only a few hours from camp. Somehow in your sleep you kept propelling us through the waters all night. We covered so much ground over night.” Grover stated as he finished off the last of his paper plate. Annabeth avoided eye contact. I wasn’t sure if I had done it, but it was possible I guess. What else would have pushed us through the water so fast? I can’t say I was upset, I was really starting to feel crappy, not that I would admit that to anyone. I mean I’ve held up the sky…so you could say I’ve felt worse, right?

A tickle formed in the back of my throat and I could help but stifle a couple coughs. Annabeth didn’t say anything, but I could feel her glaring at me.

“Brother, okay?” Tyson looked concerned. I forced the best smile that I could. I had to press on and ignore this feeling, whatever this feeling was.

“I’m perfectly okay. I slept without any nightmares.” I lied, although I wouldn’t necessarily consider an argument with my father in a dream would count as a nightmare. Annabeth kept glaring at me. I needed to do something to convince her I was fine. I had no idea how to do that, but I needed her on my side.

“You didn’t have any nightmares last night.” She sounded relieved. I went down and sat next to her. I hadn’t realized how fatigued my body felt. I could have gone back to sleep, but just as I thought about it we spotted land. Camp! Thank goodness we were finally home! I couldn’t wait to get next to a fire and finally warm up.

We arrived at camp, forcing myself to act as normally as I could, we were barraged with question after question about the quest. A welcome feast was provided. I wasn’t really hungry so I sacrificed my whole meal to Poseidon. Tyson, Grover, and I sat at the Poseidon table while Annabeth sat at the Athena table. She didn’t seem to stop staring at me. Her facial expressions had gone from scowls to worry. I wish there was something I could do to convince her I was fine, but after that night she seemed even more worried than before.

Later that night Chiron pulled me aside to the Big House. We sat in the front room by the fire, thank goodness! He stared at me awkwardly for what felt like an hour. Then he asked me the question I’d been dreading all day. “Are you feeling alright, Percy?”

“I’m totally fine. What makes you ask?” I’m sure Annabeth had told him her concerns. She cared too much. This made me smile, despite how lousy I really did feel. Chiron seemed too be studying me even more intensely. I fidgeted awkwardly next to the fireplace.

“Percy, I’d planned to send you to stay with your Mom for a while, but Annabeth convinced me to let you stay. She said out there you were vulnerable to monsters and that you needed to rest not constantly fighting monsters.” He looked at me too closely. “Why would she think you needed to rest?”

“The nightmares. They’ve been keeping me up for days at a time. As Luke gets stronger the dreams get more intense.” I sighed, not sure how much longer I could stand.

“Tell me about some of these nightmares.” I told him of the recurring dream of Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson dying. To be honest the ones that scared me the most were about Annabeth. After the nightmares with her in them I can never seem to get back to sleep. “Annabeth seems to think that you had another dream.” Chiron was too aware of everything for his own good. “She’s confident she had the same dream that you did, the night you collapsed.”

“I didn’t collapse! I fell asleep and how would she know, I haven’t told her any of our dreams.”

“Poseidon came to you in your dreams, didn’t he?” I stood there stunned! How in the world could he know that? That means Annabeth saw him run away. Would she think of him a coward? Is that why she was glaring at him all the time? “I’ll take that as a yes. What did he say, Percy?”

“He told me I needed to sleep, and that children of the Big Three don’t get sick.” I said, omitting the part where he told me I was sick. Unsure of the importance of everything, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and let someone take care of me. My sinuses were beginning to tickle again.

“Annabeth was right.” He started mumbling to himself, forgetting that I was in the room. Then he looked at me with such a deep concern in his eyes that I felt a chill run down my spine. “Percy, your life is hanging in the balance. You need to rest and gain back your strength. You are getting sick and the only thing that can mean is the link between god and humans is failing. Your human blood is fighting with your god blood causing your immune system to weaken.”

“Why isn’t Annabeth or Clarisse sick then? And I am not getting sick!” I wanted to storm out of there, but I didn’t. Whether for respect of simply because I did not have the energy, I did not know. I coughed a few times into my elbow. Why did my body fail me in front of everyone that it needed to be strong around?

“Annabeth’s and Clarisse’s blood is different. They have less powerful god blood. Thalia would be ill except she chose to be a huntress.” Nico! Would Nico be ill too? I needed my head to stop pounding so I could think. Hiechiew! Hah’ishiu! Hai’hishih! Hah’ishiuh! Hai’hishih! HAH’ shiuhh! Hhuh…huheh…hishu! No warning this time. Just a volley of uncontrollable sneezed ripping out of me. I felt dizzy; immediately I sat in the nearest chair I could find and buried my head in my hands. How could I save the world if I felt like this? I hope Nico didn’t feel this rough!

Chiron placed his hands on my shoulder and helped me stand. “Go to your house, get some rest. Don’t worry about training for a little while. Recover, or you’re no use to us during this oncoming war.”

I sighed, this was more than I can handle alone. As we walked back to the cabin Annabeth came running up to Chiron.

“I’ll help him back from here.” Annabeth had a soft smile, a genuine sympathetic smile. It made her glow. This was what I loved about her… Wait loved… I mean like about her. “Did he convince you to rest?” I didn’t really hear her. I was to preoccupied trying to remain standing with this persistent tickle dancing around deep in my sinuses.

“Annhheh annehuheh’” She seemed to understand and we stopped walking briefly. Hah’ishiu! Hahieh’ hehhuh… HHACHTIESHEW!

“Gods bless.”

I just busted out laughing. Annabeth looked at me like I was crazy. I laughed so hard I broke out coughing. Once it subsided I smiled and looked at Annabeth’s beaming face. “Really gods bless? I don’t imagine that will do me much good. Since you know all the gods hate me.” Annabeth smiled and laughed. We walked back to the cabin and I finally lay down to rest. Annabeth and I sat and talked about the dream.

“I think it was my father who propelled the boat faster toward camp, but I don’t know why.” I said looking out at the ocean.

“Because he loves you, Percy.” Annabeth had the most tender look on her face. The way the sun reflected off of her skin made her look like the goddess Athena herself. “He’s concerned about you. He told me so, after you ran off in the dream. He made me promise to look after you. He knows there’s something wrong and you getting sick is beginning to made all the gods nervous.”

“Have you ever been sick?” I closed my eyes and listened to the breeze and Annabeth’s voice.

“Yes, only a few times. It’s no fun. I always recovered super quickly, being a half-blood. Is this really the first time in your life you’ve been sick?” I nodded without opening my eyes. My mom had always joked about my monster immune system.

“I don’t think I can do this, Annabeth. I’m so tired.”

“You’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulder. It’s a burned that no one should do alone.” Annabeth took my hand and smiled again, but this time I could tell it was a half hearted smile.

“No, I know what the weight of the world feels like and so do you… this feels worse.”

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Woah for some reason I never found this little piece of amazingness until now! It's incredible love the writing love the plot! Gah please continue! :)

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