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Excerpts for Nitori's Observation Diary (Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfic)


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Natto: Hello there! This is a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfic. So far, despite it's huge popularity elsewhere on the Internet, I've only seen one fanfic thusfar on this forum. Since I'm a firm believer in writing what you want to see, I decided to contribute my own story. This one here is about Rin and Nitori, two high school students on a boarding school swim team. They are roommates. According to one of the Drama CDs, Nitori keeps an observation diary about Rin...as the title suggests, this is an excerpt of entries wherein Rin has a cold, and Nitori catches it.

Here are some references for anyone who is interested: http://free-anime.wikia.com/wiki/Aiichiro_Nitori and http://free-anime.wikia.com/wiki/Rin_Matsuoka

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the story, and let me know what you think!


January 20th, 11:32 AM

Senpai has been snorting and sniffling since he woke up. I wanted to get some homework done this morning, but it's basically impossible to concentrate with all that noise. He sounds like he's really stuffed up. I don't know why—maybe he's got allergies? He's not allergic to anything that I know of, but I haven't known him long enough to be sure. Or maybe he's catching a cold? Either way, I hope he feels better soon. It's always so frustrating not to be able to breathe through your nose.

January 20th, 12:21 PM

Senpai just sneezed really hard into the crook of his elbow. He got some mist on his sleeve and had to wipe it off with some toilet paper he got from a bathroom. After that he mumbled to himself about people talking shit about him, blew his nose into the toilet paper, and sniffled some more. This better not last too much longer. Poor senpai!

January 20th, 1:35 PM

I've been putting it off because I don't want to bother him, but Senpai hasn't stopped sniffling and sneezing, so I finally got up the courage to ask him if he was feeling okay. Here's how it went.

Me: Are you alright, senpai? You sound a little bit under the weather.

Senpai: I'b fide, I'b just stupidly codgested. Bight be allergies.

Me: Ohhh, do you have allergies, senpai? I had no idea! What are you allergic to?

Senpai: Snrk! Polled. Bostly id Australia, but sobe id Japad too. AHHKK-SHH! Snnf.

Me: Wow, what a loud sneeze. Um, is that all you're allergic to?

Senpai: Yeah.

Me: Well...it's January. There's not really any pollen around right now. I think you might have a cold.

Senpai: That would be really idconveniedt. Snff. I have fucking swibbing practice. Hhh...kkshh! Ugh. I deed to buy sobe tissues. Sddff.

Me: I'll do it!

After that, I went to the store and bought three boxes of super soft tissues with lotion on them. Senpai's nose is already looking pretty raw, and while it's sort of adorable, it's probably really uncomfortable and I don't want him making it worse. I also got him some cough drops and some herbal tea that's supposed to be good for colds. When I gave it to him, he thanked me and tried to pay me back. I absolutely would not accept the money, and that turned into a small argument, but it's okay, because Senpai thanked me!!

January 20th, 6:25 PM

I told him not to, but Senpai went to swimming practice anyway. I did everything I could to convince him that it was a bad idea, but nothing I said seemed to work. In fact, Senpai told me to stop micromanaging him. He said that I wasn't his mother and that it shouldn't matter to me whether his cold got worse. He could handle it. All I should care about is whether or not I'd be ready to swim in our next tournament.

What Senpai doesn't understand is that there's no way I can stop worrying about him, and there's no way that I can do my best work if I'm worrying. I couldn't tell him that because he'd think it was weird. Instead I told him that I didn't want him to get the rest of the team sick. He laughed and said that he'd caught it from Captain Mikoshiba.

Anyway, Senpai didn't do so well at practice. He couldn't pace his breathing properly because he was so stuffed up, so he had to keep stopping randomly to clear his nose or cough or sneeze....and the chlorine was making him sneeze a lot. Like, every few minutes, three or four at a time. It was so disruptive that Captain Mikoshiba squatted by the side of the pool and told him to get out. Senpai was pissed, obviously.

Captain Mikoshiba: Aww, looks like you caught my cold! Sorry about that, dude. Snff.

Senpai: Yeah, thadks a lot. Hpp-CHH! SHH! Hkk-CHUH! *blows nose wetly onto a tissue offered by Captain Mikoshiba*

Captain Mikoshiba: You should get out of the pool. You're just going to make yourself worse, and you're not getting much done right now. Snff. Go home and get some rest, okay?

Senpai: Dod't be ad idiot. Srrf. How ab I supposed to stay id shape if I take breaks for stupid reasods? HAKK-CHH!! HHHCHH!

Captain Mikoshiba: You're not going to be able to practice at all if you get pneumonia or some shit. You're done for the day, captain's orders.

Senpai: Goddabit, I'b fide! *lurches out of the pool and grabs a towel* You fuckers just dodn't wadt be gettig bore practice thad you...HHKK-SHH! Snff. *storms off in a huff*

Me: Wait, Senpai!!

Captiain Mikoshiba: Just leave him alone. If he's going to be a pissy little brat, that's his problem. When I was really sick I didn't come to practice either...it's just common sense, damn.

I wish Senpai wouldn't be so upset, but I'm glad that he didn't swim for the whole practice.

January 21st, 8:42 AM

When Senpai woke up this morning he grabbed a handful of tissues and tried to blow his nose right away. He was so congested that trying made him cough, and I don't think he was able to make much progress in unstuffing his nose. I offered to buy him some nasal spray, but he just grunted at me and pulled the covers over his head. When I actually bought it he said that it never works on him, it just makes his nose burn. So I guess I have some nasal spray for the next time I get sick...which could be soon, with all the time I'm spending around Senpai.

January 21st, 4:12 PM

When I got home from classes, Senpai was in bed with a drying washcloth on his head, and wadded up tissues stuck in each nostril. He wasn't snoring, which meant that he wasn't asleep—last night he snored like a chainsaw, and kept me up until nearly 4 AM. I asked him how he was feeling and he just grunted in response.

Me: Did you go to class today, Senpai?

Senpai: Snnrt. Yeah, but by bath teacher kicked be outd. Snf. I was distractidg everyode because I was sdeezig too buch. Snnff.

Me: Aww, that's too bad. At least you get to rest, right?

Senpai: Yeah. Snff. I have a fever dow, so I dod't have the edergy for class adyway. Srff.

Me: Oh no, a fever!! Don't you think you should see the school nurse then? What if you have something worse than a cold?

Senpai: Hkk-CHH! HAAH-SHOO! *blows nose into a handful of tissues, then stuffs them under his pillow* Do, I'b fide. Just tired. Snff. Srrk. HAP-SHKK! Snff. Cad you shut up so I cad take a dap?

Me: Okay Senpai...just let me know if you need anything, okay?

There are a lot of things that I want to do for Senpai. I want to get his washcloth on his head wet and cold again, and I want to give him some medicine for his fever. I want to take him to the nurse's office. I want to call his sister and let her know that he's sick. Most of all, I want to lie down next to him and cuddle him until he feels better...but he'd never let me do that, and if he did, it would just be because he felt too sick to stop me.

January 22nd, 12:17 PM

My throat is starting to feel dry and itchy, but I'm trying to ignore it for now. If it's nothing, I don't want to make a big deal out of it. If it's something, I don't want Senpai to have to worry about me while he's still feeling really sick himself. I also don't want to find out that he isn't worried at all. I know that Senpai doesn't care about me nearly as much as I care about him, but I like to think that he cares about me at least a little bit. Sometimes, he compliments me on my swimming technique, or lets me show him pictures of all my dogs back home, or offers to clean up the bathroom even though it's my turn. Rin won't say that he cares about somebody, but those actions show that he does, at least a little bit. Even if it's only as a roommate.

January 22nd, 8:34 PM

I'm completely exhausted. Usually I try to go to sleep whenever Senpai does, but I don't know if I can stay up much longer. It's not even 9 yet! I got ear plugs to block out Senpai's snoring, so I got a little over seven hours of sleep last night. I think I'm this tired because I'm catching Senpai's cold. One of my nostrils is all blocked up, and the other one is dribbly. My throat still hurts.

I'm getting carried away whining about that, though. This journal is supposed to be about senpai, not me! So, let's talk about Senpai.

He didn't even try to go to school today, which is good. Last night he said he was going to, but he slept through his alarm. When I came back, his sister Gou was here! Senpai almost never talks to his sister, so I was really happy to see them getting along. He said that he invited her so that she'd give his cold to the Iwatobi swim team, but I don't think he was serious. They spent most of their time playing Super Smash Brothers Melee, and they even let me play with them! I love playing video games with my Senpai! I just wish that he would

January 23rd, 7:12 AM

I fell asleep before I could finish last night's entry. I don't remember what I was going to say anymore. My head is aching pretty badly, so it's hard to think clearly. I want to stay home from classes, but I don't want Senpai to know I don't feel well, so I'm going to have to suck it up and go. I hope he gets in the shower soon. I really need to blow my nose, but I can't until he won't be able to hear me.

January 23rd, 2:02 PM

Ugh. My head is exploding. My nose is absolutely stuffed, but still somehow producing a never-ending stream of snot. It feels like a million little ants are crawling around inside my nose, but I haven't been able to sneeze even once. My throat is burning. I'm exhausted. I just want to get out of here and go to sleep, but I have to act normal and healthy for Senpai. I don't know how I'm going to manage that, but I'll try. Maybe I can use that nasal spray I bought when he's not looking. Then I'll sound raspy, but at least I won't sound so congested.

January 23rd, 4:45 PM

No go on the nasal spray thing. I left it in the medicine cabinet, and Senpai is in the bathroom taking a bath. I'm glad that he's doing that, I'm sure that the steam will help his congestion...but I'd really like to get in there and get the nasal spray to help my congestion. I'm just going to have to wait it out and hope that he can't hear me blowing my nose from the bathroom.

January 23rd, 5:12 PM

There are two good things about me getting sick. The first one is that these are senpai's germs, and even though I know it's stupid, I still like the idea of having something that belongs to him. If I have to catch a cold, I'd rather catch it from Senpai then from Captain Mikoshiba or my mom or anyone else. We're sharing an experience, and that's meaningful to me, even if it won't be to him. The second thing is that I no longer have to worry about how Senpai might be feeling. I know exactly how he's feeling because I'm feeling exactly the same thing. I know he's going to be okay because I know I'm going to be okay.

January 23rd, 7:15 PM

Senpai caught me. All my itchy-noseyness finally caught up to me, and I sneezed about ten times, into my shirt because I didn't want to use any of Senpai's tissues. Senpai pulled out a handful of tissues and gave them to me.

Senpai: Blow your dose for fuck's sake. Snff. Dod't ruid your shirt. Snff.

Me: Ahh, sorry Sedpai! Srrk. Um...I'b fide. *blows nose and completely fails to clear it even a little bit* I just...sobethig id the air, I guess. Snff. Allergies, baybe.

Senpai: Allergies by ass. Snff. You caught by cold. Ughh...I'b really sorry. I feel like absolute shit ad id's gettig worse every day. Snnrf. I doubt id's goig to be ady better for y...youIAHH-CHHOO! Snnf. Ugh.

Me: I'b sorry you feel so bad, Sedpai. Snff.

Senpai: Dod't worry about it.

Me: Ihhchhiew! Ch-hou! Chhiew! Srffk.

Senpai: There's a place nearby thad sells soup. Wadt to order id? Snff.

So, Senpai and I ordered some soup, and spent the rest of the night watching old re-runs of Digimon and blowing our noses. It wasn't exactly fun feeling so stuffed up and exhausted, but it was nice to spend that time bonding with Senpai!

January 24th, 4:21 PM

Senpai is talking to Gou over Skype. Her nose is red and chapped, she's wearing a fluffy geen sweater with koi fish on it, and she's clutching a soggy purple handkerchief. She's complaining that Senpai got her sick.

Gou: By dose has dever beed this stuffy before! Snnf. What kide of butant code is this??

Senpai: Are you sure you got it frob be? I heard you were hadgig aroud Captain Bikoshiba a lot last week. Snff.

Gou: Screw you! Huhh...you're such a butthole, 'dii-sa...huhh...why're you insiduating weird...hhuuhhh...HUHHCHOO! AK-SHOO! Thigs. *blows nose so hard that it honks* Thad literally accobplished dothig. Snff.

Senpai: Just bake sure you pass od your code to Haru ad the others, okay?

Gou: Dod't worry, I did. Rei sdeezed so hard today thad his glasses flew right off his face. Snff.

Senpai: Hah! Serves hib right.

I don't know what exactly Rei did to deserve this, but as long as Senpai is happy, I'm happy. And if he can talk about the Iwatobi swim team without getting angry, he must be ecstatic.

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ohhhmyyyygaaaawd!!! eek.gif

i liked it!!! yes.gif

i´m also into free! so extremely, can´t hardly wait for the next episodes...

awww rin is so evil happy.png he wants that gou passes the cold to the other guys too...really bad guy heh.gif

is there maybe some more...a diary from gou about haru, makoto, rei and nagisa??? heart.gif

According to one of the Drama CDs, Nitori keeps an observation diary about Rin...as the title suggests, this is an excerpt of entries wherein Rin has a cold, and Nitori catches it.

uhhhmmm...a drama cd....:boom: is there a chance for me that you might have a link to this drama cd??? :blushing:

Edited by Ciuty80
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I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! I was actually initially going to write about the cold Haru caught in episode 3, but then you posted that lovely thing by your friend and I decided, you know what, I'm going to do something else, because that's already been done wonderfully, and no one has touched Rin yet!

I actually really like that idea! I'll think about it. It might be a while because school just started up, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the idea!


Just to make sure I'm not accidentally misleading you, the cold stuff is my imagination. None of it actually happened in canon. It's just the "Nitori keeping an observation diary" thing that's canon!

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Oh... my..... wow. This. This. O.o *speechless* Dude, this is fantastic. Two sneezy boys, an adorable relationship between them, and such a creative and unique story format!! I love it, thank you so much for posting it!! biggrin.png I may have to go watch this anime now, lolol. xDDD You aren't by any chance going to continue this fic, right? heh.gif

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Just to make sure I'm not accidentally misleading you, the cold stuff is my imagination. None of it actually happened in canon. It's just the "Nitori keeping an observation diary" thing that's canon!

thank you for the link ;)

i just thought so that you by yourself put in the sick part :lol:

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I like this !!!! No I love this <3 better be a second part so I can observe the contagion ??:3 please continue.

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smileyfacegirl^^: Thank you so much! Yeah...I tried some Free! things in traditional narrative format, and none of them were really coming together. For some reason, this one worked out. You should definitely watch Free! It's incredibly delightsome. I didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I do, actually, but I highly recommend it. And...I MAY continue? I'm not sure yet...but Ciuty up there did give me an interesting idea that I'm considering.

DeathNoteOwner: Thanks! Um...I'm thinking about it! We'll see how much of my time grad school gobbles up. But Ciuty up there gave me a good idea...and I did leave a hook for a sequel--so I'll try, but no promises, okay?

Hearts4Love: Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you liked it.

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smileyfacegirl^^: Thank you so much! Yeah...I tried some Free! things in traditional narrative format, and none of them were really coming together. For some reason, this one worked out. You should definitely watch Free! It's incredibly delightsome. I didn't expect to like it nearly as much as I do, actually, but I highly recommend it. And...I MAY continue? I'm not sure yet...but Ciuty up there did give me an interesting idea that I'm considering.

DeathNoteOwner: Thanks! Um...I'm thinking about it! We'll see how much of my time grad school gobbles up. But Ciuty up there gave me a good idea...and I did leave a hook for a sequel--so I'll try, but no promises, okay?

Hearts4Love: Thank you so much, I'm really glad that you liked it.

Aha its fine c: Do what you can, you are the writer after all c:

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SENPAI NOTICE ME lololol that's all I hear out of Nitori's mouth XD It's cool though he's quite cute despite being a little pathetic

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So I am now current on Free!, and I freaking love it. (Note new signature pic. xDD) I'm not sure how I feel about Nitori as a character, though, lolol xD;;; but anyways, for the record, if you were to write the idea Ciuty gave you, I would be all over it. xDDD I may even write something for this series myself...... :3

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@ Kawaii Kushami: Thanks! Nitori is pretty cute, though not entirely without his creepiness.

@ emichan94: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

@ Akahana: Oh, no, Nitori is totally pathetic. Especially here. But the fact that he keeps this journal IN CANON at all is...well, it's stalkerish and creepy and I imagine Rin would be furious if he ever found out. But, he's still somehow cute. I'm glad that weird dichotomy came across in my writing!

@ smileyfacegirl^^: God, I love it too. I'm so sad that the last episode is today. I haven't seen it yet, so it's not OVER in my mind, but it will be by the end of the day. Oh well, it was a really wonderful series, and there's still fanfiction. I'd love to see anything you came up with! If you post something, I'll definitely read it. I'm actually working on a continuation of this, but I don't think it's going to be EXACTLY Ciuty's idea.

@ jadeharley: Thanks, I'm so glad you liked the story. I am working on a continuation...I'm not sure how long it's going to take, but it's in progress!!

As I said in a few of my replies, I am working on a continuation. I'm not entirely sure about the format, so it may end up taking some time, but it is in progress, and hopefully I'll be able to post it soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i was just reading this again (wow lame) & i realized there a bunch of options for like, other plot lines attached to it?? like one with captain mikoshiba & gou or one with nagisa & rei?? (or just the iwatobi boys)) or something idk. if i had any writing skill i would definitely jump on it sigh

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