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Sneeze Fetish Forum

One Direction: He finds out you have the fetish. :)


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Well, I've been reading A LOT of the cute 1D fanfics, (Especially the "He Can't Stop Sneezing," ones! ;D) and I thought it would be cute to do one, but fetish themed :D If you want to write one for one of the other boys, you can go right ahead.

I'm starting off with Harry even though I'm a Louis lover. :) (I'm sorry if this has been done before. :/)

Here we go!

He finds out you have the fetish....


You were sitting on your couch watching TV, when all of a sudden you hear two GIGANTIC sneezes coming from the kitchen. You look over and Harry is just standing there with a tissue up to his face.

"Babe, I just sniffed up a bunch of pepper...."

"Ummm, why?"

"I wanted to see what would happen...."

"Well, ummmm okay then,"

You start watching TV again. It was hard for you to focus because you were still wondering what Harry was up to.

Harry comes up to you and blows his nose.

"Hey babe, I know your secret,"

"Ummm what secret?" You look around nervously.

"You know, your fetish,"

You open your eyes wide. How did he find out?!


"Oh come on, don't hide it. It's cute!"

You know you can't hide it anymore.

"You think it's, cute?"

"Yeah, and I've been reading up on that forum you've been on,"

It hits you. THE HISTORY. You totally forgot to delete it.

"Oh really? Ummmm. So, what did you look at?..."

"Random topics, you guys really seem to find a lot of videos of me sneezing on stage,"

"Haha, you have no idea,"

He smiles.

Suddenly a GREAT idea hits you.

"Hey, I know it's a little soon, but could you do something for me?"

"Does this involve sneezing?"


You quickly sprint into the kitchen.

You bring out your iPhone and some pepper.

"I want you to sniff some pepper, and I'll record it,"

"Well, I guess if that's what you guys want then-"

You answer him before he finishes

"Yes please!"

He smiles at you.

"Alrighty then,"

He takes the pepper and sniffs it.

You press the record button and wait for the magic to happen.

"Hi viewers of this video!" He waves at the camera.

Suddenly, a MASSIVE sneeze comes out. "EEEEIIICHOO!!!!" He repeats the same sneeze twice.

Just before you end the video, he takes a tissue and blows his nose and waves goodbye.

"There happy?"

You squealed with joy. You couldn't wait to post it on YouTube so everyone on the forum could see it.

"You are the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, I love you,"

Harry leaned in to kiss you, but was cut off by a sneeze. "EEICHOO!"

You giggled, "Bless you,"

He smiled and kissed you.

Best. Day. Ever. :D

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Ouh best topic ever!!!! The plot is lovely. C: how about you make one with each of the other 4 boys?. That way we would see how each of Liam,Louis, Niall & Zayn's persanlitys would interpret a sneeze fetish C: either way I just want to see read all of them sneeze.:3 do what you can though, you're the writer C: but just ideas.

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Ouh best topic ever!!!! The plot is lovely. C: how about you make one with each of the other 4 boys?. That way we would see how each of Liam,Louis, Niall & Zayn's persanlitys would interpret a sneeze fetish C: either way I just want to see read all of them sneeze.:3 do what you can though, you're the writer C: but just ideas.

Okay. I can try. Hehe. :)

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Awweee.. that was cute! The way he teased her at first haha... Omg, if that really happened, Harry's girlfriend would probably become the most popular member of the forum with posting all those yummy videos of Harry! :D

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Ouh best topic ever!!!! The plot is lovely. C: how about you make one with each of the other 4 boys?. That way we would see how each of Liam,Louis, Niall & Zayn's persanlitys would interpret a sneeze fetish C: either way I just want to see read all of them sneeze.:3 do what you can though, you're the writer C: but just ideas.

Okay. I can try. Hehe. smile.png

Awesome c: Your writing is always amazing c:

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Ouh best topic ever!!!! The plot is lovely. C: how about you make one with each of the other 4 boys?. That way we would see how each of Liam,Louis, Niall & Zayn's persanlitys would interpret a sneeze fetish C: either way I just want to see read all of them sneeze.:3 do what you can though, you're the writer C: but just ideas.

Okay. I can try. Hehe. smile.png

Awesome c: Your writing is always amazing c:

AWWW. :3 hehe. Thanks.

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Ouh best topic ever!!!! The plot is lovely. C: how about you make one with each of the other 4 boys?. That way we would see how each of Liam,Louis, Niall & Zayn's persanlitys would interpret a sneeze fetish C: either way I just want to see read all of them sneeze.:3 do what you can though, you're the writer C: but just ideas.

Okay. I can try. Hehe. smile.png

Awesome c: Your writing is always amazing c:

AWWW. :3 hehe. Thanks.

. No problem c:
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Here's the Louis one! :D


You were outside with Louis sitting on the lawn, talking to each other.

"Hey hun?,"


"Do you have any deep dark secrets?"

You have been debating whether to tell him or not. Was this the right time? Should you just tell him some other lame secret?

Louis interrupted your thoughts,

"I think I know yours,"

You were panicking inside. What if he found out? What would you say? Would you deny it?

You tried to stay calm.

"Oh yeah? I bet you don't,"

"Well, I think I do,"

Now you were SUPER nervous. You could almost guarantee he knew.

Right after he said that, Louis let out a couple sneezes. The first one he tried to stifle, but failed. The second one he let out.

"heh-nnSHOO!" "Hah-SHOO!"

He sniffed a bit, wiped his arm across his nose, and then started playing with the grass.

You were so turned on by it, but you couldn't let it show. You were afraid he might notice.

Louis turned to look at you and stared for a minute. You could tell he was observing you to see any signs.

"Hey, what did you think about that?"

Your stomach went up to your throat, HE KNEW. You tried to act as natural as possible.

"Ummm, about what?"

"My sneezes. How were they?"

"They were......normal...I guess,"

"Normal? They weren't....sexy?"

HOLY CRAP. He DEFINITELY knew. How do you respond to this?! You tried to keep calm.

"Was I supposed to?"

"Oh don't act dumb, I know about your sneeze fetish! You left the page open on your laptop and I seen it. I looked around on it for a bit, and I think it's actually really cool and unique,"

"Seriously? You don't think it's....freakish?"

"Not at all, I mean everybody has their quirks, yours is just more special. I love it."

"Awwww. Yay."

He smiled and kissed your cheek.

"I noticed you guys have been trying to find a video of me sneezing,"

You nod your head.

"Well, I'm going to do you guys a favor,"

Your eyes light up.

"Really? Tell me!!!!"

He smirks.

"Next time I get the feeling in an interview or on stage, I'll sneeze, just for you guys,"


"Yeah, I don't sneeze in interviews because my sneezes are kind of loud and I hate the attention they give me,"

You smile and giggle.

"Well I love them,"

You both kiss and go inside to enjoy the rest of your day.

I would REALLY love to see one of you guys write one. I love "aww"ing at these, and it's kinda hard to "aww" at your own work. Lol. I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER. :3

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This is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~!!! And I would love to write one, but I suck at weighting 1D fics... Sorry about that. And if anyone is going to write an other one... May I request some Niall Horan? Thanks and sorry.

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Uh well let me drop in one fanfic. Marvelous one ! Really captures Louis persanlity.

Title : Quirky Kink

Charecters : Niall. You c:


Today you & Niall were sitting on your bed playing truth or dare.

Niall then asked you "Truth or dare y/n?".

You answered truth c:

He asked " What is your weirdest turn on( fetish or quirk.. ect. )? . "

You blushed a thousand shades of red & answered "sneezing".

Niall said "Aha new it ! , hold on babe I have to heh-heh"

you saw his nostrils flare delicatly but he seemed to have lost the sneeze.

He sighed in relief but then you just grunted because you were so excited to see him sneeze.

Later on that evening you two were enjoying a meal while sitting on the couch.

Niall had his arm wrapped around you, you looked in the corner of your eye & saw him cupping his hands quickly around his mouth.

You pretended not to notice as you were embaressed enough for one day.

He sneezed twice into cupped hands "Hitchioo hitchoo"

You said "Blesss you" while blushing scarlet.

He thanked you....

When you guys were cuddling on the couch he let you induce on him.

You tickle his nose as the feather dances on his nostrils.

you feel his nostrils flare with your hand as he sneezes on your hand twice, you feel the spray.

You were layed against his chest, feeling his chest expand against urs with each hitching breath

He sneezed again "Hatchoo". you felt the spray against your neck

You blushed with delight as you both feel asleep...


Notes: Sorry if I went too far again?. Made sure I didnt. Enjoy please, might not be the best C:

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Uh well let me drop in one fanfic. Marvelous one ! Really captures Louis persanlity.

Title : Quirky Kink

Charecters : Niall. You c:


Today you & Niall were sitting on your bed playing truth or dare.

Niall then asked you "Truth or dare y/n?".

You answered truth c:

He asked " What is your weirdest turn on( fetish or quirk.. ect. )? . "

You blushed a thousand shades of red & answered "sneezing".

Niall said "Aha new it ! , hold on babe I have to heh-heh"

you saw his nostrils flare delicatly but he seemed to have lost the sneeze.

He sighed in relief but then you just grunted because you were so excited to see him sneeze.

Later on that evening you two were enjoying a meal while sitting on the couch.

Niall had his arm wrapped around you, you looked in the corner of your eye & saw him cupping his hands quickly around his mouth.

You pretended not to notice as you were embaressed enough for one day.

He sneezed twice into cupped hands "Hitchioo hitchoo"

You said "Blesss you" while blushing scarlet.

He thanked you....

When you guys were cuddling on the couch he let you induce on him.

You tickle his nose as the feather dances on his nostrils.

you feel his nostrils flare with your hand as he sneezes on your hand twice, you feel the spray.

You were layed against his chest, feeling his chest expand against urs with each hitching breath

He sneezed again "Hatchoo". you felt the spray against your neck

You blushed with delight as you both feel asleep...


Notes: Sorry if I went too far again?. Made sure I didnt. Enjoy please, might not be the best C:

Oh my gosh, one word: PERFECT.

That was SOOOOOOO cute.

I can't stop awwing! <3

More por favor? :3

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Uh well let me drop in one fanfic. Marvelous one ! Really captures Louis persanlity.

Title : Quirky Kink

Charecters : Niall. You c:


Today you & Niall were sitting on your bed playing truth or dare.

Niall then asked you "Truth or dare y/n?".

You answered truth c:

He asked " What is your weirdest turn on( fetish or quirk.. ect. )? . "

You blushed a thousand shades of red & answered "sneezing".

Niall said "Aha new it ! , hold on babe I have to heh-heh"

you saw his nostrils flare delicatly but he seemed to have lost the sneeze.

He sighed in relief but then you just grunted because you were so excited to see him sneeze.

Later on that evening you two were enjoying a meal while sitting on the couch.

Niall had his arm wrapped around you, you looked in the corner of your eye & saw him cupping his hands quickly around his mouth.

You pretended not to notice as you were embaressed enough for one day.

He sneezed twice into cupped hands "Hitchioo hitchoo"

You said "Blesss you" while blushing scarlet.

He thanked you....

When you guys were cuddling on the couch he let you induce on him.

You tickle his nose as the feather dances on his nostrils.

you feel his nostrils flare with your hand as he sneezes on your hand twice, you feel the spray.

You were layed against his chest, feeling his chest expand against urs with each hitching breath

He sneezed again "Hatchoo". you felt the spray against your neck

You blushed with delight as you both feel asleep...


Notes: Sorry if I went too far again?. Made sure I didnt. Enjoy please, might not be the best C:

Oh my gosh, one word: PERFECT.

That was SOOOOOOO cute.

I can't stop awwing! <3

More por favor? :3

. Awwe thanks >--< didn't think it was any good . Ill write another part later after school but with Liam yeh ?. c: ^-^ adios for now.
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Uh well let me drop in one fanfic. Marvelous one ! Really captures Louis persanlity.

Title : Quirky Kink

Charecters : Niall. You c:


Today you & Niall were sitting on your bed playing truth or dare.

Niall then asked you "Truth or dare y/n?".

You answered truth c:

He asked " What is your weirdest turn on( fetish or quirk.. ect. )? . "

You blushed a thousand shades of red & answered "sneezing".

Niall said "Aha new it ! , hold on babe I have to heh-heh"

you saw his nostrils flare delicatly but he seemed to have lost the sneeze.

He sighed in relief but then you just grunted because you were so excited to see him sneeze.

Later on that evening you two were enjoying a meal while sitting on the couch.

Niall had his arm wrapped around you, you looked in the corner of your eye & saw him cupping his hands quickly around his mouth.

You pretended not to notice as you were embaressed enough for one day.

He sneezed twice into cupped hands "Hitchioo hitchoo"

You said "Blesss you" while blushing scarlet.

He thanked you....

When you guys were cuddling on the couch he let you induce on him.

You tickle his nose as the feather dances on his nostrils.

you feel his nostrils flare with your hand as he sneezes on your hand twice, you feel the spray.

You were layed against his chest, feeling his chest expand against urs with each hitching breath

He sneezed again "Hatchoo". you felt the spray against your neck

You blushed with delight as you both feel asleep...


Notes: Sorry if I went too far again?. Made sure I didnt. Enjoy please, might not be the best C:

Oh my gosh, one word: PERFECT.

That was SOOOOOOO cute.

I can't stop awwing! <3

More por favor? :3

. Awwe thanks >--< didn't think it was any good . Ill write another part later after school but with Liam yeh ?. c: ^-^ adios for now.

Yay!!!! :D thank you!!!!

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So uh I got mixed requests?._. nah I just read the replys. dont mind if Im not paying much attention to spelling alright xD . I'm sneezing alot so it's distracting..

Alright. let's torture Liam now c:

Title : How do you spell the word, flour or flower? .:3

Charecters: You c:. Liam.


You & Liam were baking cookies today in his kitchen.

You got all the ingredients(idk how to spell.), milk, eggs, chocolate chip & Flour.

Liam got the flour bag , as he opened it the flour went on his face floating up in cloud form ,

The powder dances in his nostrils as you observed them twitching alot. You observed his pre-sneeze face ever so cute.

He then pitched foward covering his mouth with his hand . "Hitchoo Hitchoo" seemed painfully stifled.

You giggled as you felt your face blush a delicate red. You then said "Bless you love c:". He thanked you.

Later that day, you & Liam was going too the park. You sat down at a tree( at the bottom of a tree? I dont know how to explain).

Liam walked over too a field & picked flowers.

He came too you & handed them to you with a smile, he said "For you, my beautiful/handsome c: (trying to aim everyone)" .

You giggled cutely & blushed scarlet.

You asked him to smell the flowers aswel, he accepted & smelled the flowers,

he say " Oh they smell so s-s-sweet.." you herd his breath hitch as he accidently sneeze on your arm "Hitchoo".

You blushed at the spray, he stuttered with embaressement "sorry babes, I didn't meen to "

You just said ." Oh liam dear I dont mind... its my fetish"

He said "Ohhh I knew c: thats cool"

The rest of the day you guys had a nice picknick in the park, played football(soccer for americans) & just enjoyed your evening.

He even sneezed another time from flowers c:

The end.


Notes : Sorry about my english & stuff. Not sure if it's good, you guys can request a certain band member & element to make them sneeze if you want. Aha the title was clever right ? C: Ahaha. c:.. I hope you enjoyed c: c:

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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So uh I got mixed requests?._. nah I just read the replys. dont mind if Im not paying much attention to spelling alright xD . I'm sneezing alot so it's distracting..

Alright. let's torture Liam now c:

Title : How do you spell the word, flour or flower? .:3

Charecters: You c:. Liam.


You & Liam were baking cookies today in his kitchen.

You got all the ingredients(idk how to spell.), milk, eggs, chocolate chip & Flour.

Liam got the flour bag , as he opened it the flour went on his face floating up in cloud form ,

The powder dances in his nostrils as you observed them twitching alot. You observed his pre-sneeze face ever so cute.

He then pitched foward covering his mouth with his hand . "Hitchoo Hitchoo" seemed painfully stifled.

You giggled as you felt your face blush a delicate red. You then said "Bless you love c:". He thanked you.

Later that day, you & Liam was going too the park. You sat down at a tree( at the bottom of a tree? I dont know how to explain).

Liam walked over too a field & picked flowers.

He came too you & handed them to you with a smile, he said "For you, my beautiful/handsome c: (trying to aim everyone)" .

You giggled cutely & blushed scarlet.

You asked him to smell the flowers aswel, he accepted & smelled the flowers,

he say " Oh they smell so s-s-sweet.." you herd his breath hitch as he accidently sneeze on your arm "Hitchoo".

You blushed at the spray, he stuttered with embaressement "sorry babes, I didn't meen to "

You just said ." Oh liam dear I dont mind... its my fetish"

He said "Ohhh I knew c: thats cool"

The rest of the day you guys had a nice picknick in the park, played football(soccer for americans) & just enjoyed your evening.

He even sneezed another time from flowers c:

The end.


Notes : Sorry about my english & stuff. Not sure if it's good, you guys can request a certain band member & element to make them sneeze if you want. Aha the title was clever right ? C: Ahaha. c:.. I hope you enjoyed c: c:

AHHH YES! This is quite adorable. :3 May I request a Louis one? Could you possibly have him be a photic? That would be....asdfghjkl....... *runs away and dreams these fanfics were real* oh, and I love that title. AMAZING! :D
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Okay, well, I got bored, and I just decided that I should contribute a long-ish

fic for this thread.

This took me like an hour (maybe a bit more) to write.

I'm really sorry if this sucks. I really am not a big writer, and I can't get my

ideas to come across as well as I'd like to. Oh well, ENJOY I GUESS.... :D


You and Niall were in bed sleeping.

Your arm was wrapped around him and you could feel his

chest going up and down with each breath.

Since you've been with Niall, you always wanted to tell him your secret,

but you were always afraid to. You didn't want him to run away thinking you

were a freak, but you also didn't want to be the only person who knew (minus

the forum of course ;) ) you had it.

You were still laying in bed, but it was about time to get up. You needed

to wake Niall up too. You thought for a bit on how to wake him up.

Suddenly, the perfect idea struck you.

You ran over to your bathroom, pulled a Q-Tip out of the medicine cabinet,

and quickly ran back over to Niall, who was still sleeping like a rock.

You thought about the idea for a minute. Should you really do this?

You decided not to.

You walked over to the bathroom, and put back the Q-Tip.

As you started to walk out, you heard a noise.

You peaked into your room and saw Niall sitting up on your bed.

You could hear him moaning and sniffling.

You watched as he pulled a tissue out of the box, and put it a couple inches

from his face.

His breath started hitching. Slow at first, then quickly.

His head started to tilt back.

You were just staring at him, in awe of how adorable this was.

You had never seen Niall sneeze alone before, it surely had to be

quite different than when he was with you or around people.

His head tilted back just a little bit more, and he took one final breath.


You sighed.

Niall took the tissue and blew his nose. He then crumpled it up in his

hand and sat there for a minute.

You were still staring. Even if he didn't sneeze, this was one of the hottest

things you've ever seen, in your life.

You were about to leave when you heard a sudden quick breath.

It was Niall, and you were certain he'd sneeze this time.

He didn't have the tissue this time.

His hand weren't even cupped over his mouth and nose.

His chest moving up and down rapidly.

One final breath.

Your eyes were wide open and your mouth was drooling.



He sneezed.


It was so soft that you could barely hear it.


Then one of the cutest sneezes you have ever heard in your life came out

of him. You had a thing for weird sneezes, so when this sneeze came out,

you practically fell to your knees.


He sniffed and stretched.

That sneeze sounded so desperate.

You just wanted to go over to him and kiss him and bless him and.....

well....just everything.

.....but you couldn't....you didn't want him to think you were just watching him

the whole time....even though you were.

You waited a few minutes, and walked into the room.

Niall was laying back down.

He looked over to you and

motioned you to come over.

You sat down on the bed.

Niall wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you on top of him.

"I'm sick,"

He wimpered like a puppy.

"I can tell,"

"Can I get a kiss to make it all better?"

You smirked.

"But won't I get sick?"

"Yeah, but we'll be sick together,"

He smiled at you through his suffering and you couldn't resist.

You started kissing.

Just as you started, Niall's breath started hitching.


Too late.


Niall sneezed right in your face.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!"

You were definitely going to get sick now.

Niall practically threw you off him and ran to get something.

He was sneezing and running around.




You jumped off the bed and stopped him.



He sneezed in your face again.

"Please just sit on the bed,"

He walked over and sat down.

"Don't you think it's a bit disgusting that I sneezed in your face?

Don't you want it cleaned?"

You looked into his light blue eyes, and smiled.

"Hey, if I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone?"

He looked a bit puzzled, but he nodded while wiping his nose with the back

of his hand.

"Well, you may not believe this, but what you just did, was really hot,"

He looked even more puzzled.

"Me sneezing?"

You nodded.

"I have a sneeze fetish, and you're the first person I've ever told this about."

He stared into your eyes and smirked.

"So that's why you always look at me all turned-on like when I'm sneezing,"

You giggled.

"Yes, exactly,"

He looked at you funny again.

"Wait, I don't ever recall you sneezing before. Explain this to me,"

You were kind of shocked, but you answered anyway.

"Ummm, well you see, I have this thing called a mental block. A lot

of us have it. It's where we just can't sneeze in front of people,"

"Hmmm, well, shall we cure you of this 'mental block'?"

You opened your eyes wide.

"Uh, how?"

"Well, I'll go get some pepper, and you can sniff it, and I can finally hear you


You were shocked. Scratch that. VERY shocked. Why would he care about

you sneezing?

"I don't know......"

"Oh come on! You get to admire me sneezing all the time, just please let me

see you sneeze once!"

You couldn't believe you did it, but you agreed.

Niall excitedly ran over to the kitchen and grabbed the pepper shaker.

What have you gotten yourself into?!

"Ready to sneeze?"

He grinned at you evilly.

You sighed.


He smirked.

"Too bad,"

He put a bunch of pepper in his hand and threw it in the air.

You had the feeling right off.

Shoud you just hold it in or should you let it out?

You couldn't hold it in, pretty soon you were sneezing uncontrolably.

Niall was just staring at you with his mouth wide open.

You stopped sneezing and turned bright red.

"Oh my goodness Y/N, that was incredible," he starting clapping his

hands causing you to blush even more.

"You better sneeze in front of me from now on. I didn't know how hot a

sneeze could be,"

You smiled, still blushing.

"Oh, and bless you,"

He smirked and kissed your cheek.


you smiled.

And that concluded that best day of your life. :3


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Okay, well, I got bored, and I just decided that I should contribute a long-ish

fic for this thread.

This took me like an hour (maybe a bit more) to write.

I'm really sorry if this sucks. I really am not a big writer, and I can't get my

ideas to come across as well as I'd like to. Oh well, ENJOY I GUESS.... :D


You and Niall were in bed sleeping.

Your arm was wrapped around him and you could feel his

chest going up and down with each breath.

Since you've been with Niall, you always wanted to tell him your secret,

but you were always afraid to. You didn't want him to run away thinking you

were a freak, but you also didn't want to be the only person who knew (minus

the forum of course ;) ) you had it.

You were still laying in bed, but it was about time to get up. You needed

to wake Niall up too. You thought for a bit on how to wake him up.

Suddenly, the perfect idea struck you.

You ran over to your bathroom, pulled a Q-Tip out of the medicine cabinet,

and quickly ran back over to Niall, who was still sleeping like a rock.

You thought about the idea for a minute. Should you really do this?

You decided not to.

You walked over to the bathroom, and put back the Q-Tip.

As you started to walk out, you heard a noise.

You peaked into your room and saw Niall sitting up on your bed.

You could hear him moaning and sniffling.

You watched as he pulled a tissue out of the box, and put it a couple inches

from his face.

His breath started hitching. Slow at first, then quickly.

His head started to tilt back.

You were just staring at him, in awe of how adorable this was.

You had never seen Niall sneeze alone before, it surely had to be

quite different than when he was with you or around people.

His head tilted back just a little bit more, and he took one final breath.


You sighed.

Niall took the tissue and blew his nose. He then crumpled it up in his

hand and sat there for a minute.

You were still staring. Even if he didn't sneeze, this was one of the hottest

things you've ever seen, in your life.

You were about to leave when you heard a sudden quick breath.

It was Niall, and you were certain he'd sneeze this time.

He didn't have the tissue this time.

His hand weren't even cupped over his mouth and nose.

His chest moving up and down rapidly.

One final breath.

Your eyes were wide open and your mouth was drooling.



He sneezed.


It was so soft that you could barely hear it.


Then one of the cutest sneezes you have ever heard in your life came out

of him. You had a thing for weird sneezes, so when this sneeze came out,

you practically fell to your knees.


He sniffed and stretched.

That sneeze sounded so desperate.

You just wanted to go over to him and kiss him and bless him and.....

well....just everything.

.....but you couldn't....you didn't want him to think you were just watching him

the whole time....even though you were.

You waited a few minutes, and walked into the room.

Niall was laying back down.

He looked over to you and

motioned you to come over.

You sat down on the bed.

Niall wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you on top of him.

"I'm sick,"

He wimpered like a puppy.

"I can tell,"

"Can I get a kiss to make it all better?"

You smirked.

"But won't I get sick?"

"Yeah, but we'll be sick together,"

He smiled at you through his suffering and you couldn't resist.

You started kissing.

Just as you started, Niall's breath started hitching.


Too late.


Niall sneezed right in your face.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!"

You were definitely going to get sick now.

Niall practically threw you off him and ran to get something.

He was sneezing and running around.




You jumped off the bed and stopped him.



He sneezed in your face again.

"Please just sit on the bed,"

He walked over and sat down.

"Don't you think it's a bit disgusting that I sneezed in your face?

Don't you want it cleaned?"

You looked into his light blue eyes, and smiled.

"Hey, if I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone?"

He looked a bit puzzled, but he nodded while wiping his nose with the back

of his hand.

"Well, you may not believe this, but what you just did, was really hot,"

He looked even more puzzled.

"Me sneezing?"

You nodded.

"I have a sneeze fetish, and you're the first person I've ever told this about."

He stared into your eyes and smirked.

"So that's why you always look at me all turned-on like when I'm sneezing,"

You giggled.

"Yes, exactly,"

He looked at you funny again.

"Wait, I don't ever recall you sneezing before. Explain this to me,"

You were kind of shocked, but you answered anyway.

"Ummm, well you see, I have this thing called a mental block. A lot

of us have it. It's where we just can't sneeze in front of people,"

"Hmmm, well, shall we cure you of this 'mental block'?"

You opened your eyes wide.

"Uh, how?"

"Well, I'll go get some pepper, and you can sniff it, and I can finally hear you


You were shocked. Scratch that. VERY shocked. Why would he care about

you sneezing?

"I don't know......"

"Oh come on! You get to admire me sneezing all the time, just please let me

see you sneeze once!"

You couldn't believe you did it, but you agreed.

Niall excitedly ran over to the kitchen and grabbed the pepper shaker.

What have you gotten yourself into?!

"Ready to sneeze?"

He grinned at you evilly.

You sighed.


He smirked.

"Too bad,"

He put a bunch of pepper in his hand and threw it in the air.

You had the feeling right off.

Shoud you just hold it in or should you let it out?

You couldn't hold it in, pretty soon you were sneezing uncontrolably.

Niall was just staring at you with his mouth wide open.

You stopped sneezing and turned bright red.

"Oh my goodness Y/N, that was incredible," he starting clapping his

hands causing you to blush even more.

"You better sneeze in front of me from now on. I didn't know how hot a

sneeze could be,"

You smiled, still blushing.

"Oh, and bless you,"

He smirked and kissed your cheek.


you smiled.

And that concluded that best day of your life. :3


kslsjisjsushah can't explain how perfect this is <3 & thank you for all those compliments, critism is apreciated. Yes when I get home from school I shall torture Louis with the sun :P that will be very fun c:. Awesome. Just yeh ill get to that request soon, I love Louis & Harry both xD . Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Okay, well, I got bored, and I just decided that I should contribute a long-ish

fic for this thread.

This took me like an hour (maybe a bit more) to write.

I'm really sorry if this sucks. I really am not a big writer, and I can't get my

ideas to come across as well as I'd like to. Oh well, ENJOY I GUESS.... biggrin.png


You and Niall were in bed sleeping.

Your arm was wrapped around him and you could feel his

chest going up and down with each breath.

Since you've been with Niall, you always wanted to tell him your secret,

but you were always afraid to. You didn't want him to run away thinking you

were a freak, but you also didn't want to be the only person who knew (minus

the forum of course wink.png ) you had it.

You were still laying in bed, but it was about time to get up. You needed

to wake Niall up too. You thought for a bit on how to wake him up.

Suddenly, the perfect idea struck you.

You ran over to your bathroom, pulled a Q-Tip out of the medicine cabinet,

and quickly ran back over to Niall, who was still sleeping like a rock.

You thought about the idea for a minute. Should you really do this?

You decided not to.

You walked over to the bathroom, and put back the Q-Tip.

As you started to walk out, you heard a noise.

You peaked into your room and saw Niall sitting up on your bed.

You could hear him moaning and sniffling.

You watched as he pulled a tissue out of the box, and put it a couple inches

from his face.

His breath started hitching. Slow at first, then quickly.

His head started to tilt back.

You were just staring at him, in awe of how adorable this was.

You had never seen Niall sneeze alone before, it surely had to be

quite different than when he was with you or around people.

His head tilted back just a little bit more, and he took one final breath.


You sighed.

Niall took the tissue and blew his nose. He then crumpled it up in his

hand and sat there for a minute.

You were still staring. Even if he didn't sneeze, this was one of the hottest

things you've ever seen, in your life.

You were about to leave when you heard a sudden quick breath.

It was Niall, and you were certain he'd sneeze this time.

He didn't have the tissue this time.

His hand weren't even cupped over his mouth and nose.

His chest moving up and down rapidly.

One final breath.

Your eyes were wide open and your mouth was drooling.



He sneezed.


It was so soft that you could barely hear it.


Then one of the cutest sneezes you have ever heard in your life came out

of him. You had a thing for weird sneezes, so when this sneeze came out,

you practically fell to your knees.


He sniffed and stretched.

That sneeze sounded so desperate.

You just wanted to go over to him and kiss him and bless him and.....

well....just everything.

.....but you couldn't....you didn't want him to think you were just watching him

the whole time....even though you were.

You waited a few minutes, and walked into the room.

Niall was laying back down.

He looked over to you and

motioned you to come over.

You sat down on the bed.

Niall wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you on top of him.

"I'm sick,"

He wimpered like a puppy.

"I can tell,"

"Can I get a kiss to make it all better?"

You smirked.

"But won't I get sick?"

"Yeah, but we'll be sick together,"

He smiled at you through his suffering and you couldn't resist.

You started kissing.

Just as you started, Niall's breath started hitching.


Too late.


Niall sneezed right in your face.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!"

You were definitely going to get sick now.

Niall practically threw you off him and ran to get something.

He was sneezing and running around.




You jumped off the bed and stopped him.



He sneezed in your face again.

"Please just sit on the bed,"

He walked over and sat down.

"Don't you think it's a bit disgusting that I sneezed in your face?

Don't you want it cleaned?"

You looked into his light blue eyes, and smiled.

"Hey, if I tell you a secret, do you promise not to tell anyone?"

He looked a bit puzzled, but he nodded while wiping his nose with the back

of his hand.

"Well, you may not believe this, but what you just did, was really hot,"

He looked even more puzzled.

"Me sneezing?"

You nodded.

"I have a sneeze fetish, and you're the first person I've ever told this about."

He stared into your eyes and smirked.

"So that's why you always look at me all turned-on like when I'm sneezing,"

You giggled.

"Yes, exactly,"

He looked at you funny again.

"Wait, I don't ever recall you sneezing before. Explain this to me,"

You were kind of shocked, but you answered anyway.

"Ummm, well you see, I have this thing called a mental block. A lot

of us have it. It's where we just can't sneeze in front of people,"

"Hmmm, well, shall we cure you of this 'mental block'?"

You opened your eyes wide.

"Uh, how?"

"Well, I'll go get some pepper, and you can sniff it, and I can finally hear you


You were shocked. Scratch that. VERY shocked. Why would he care about

you sneezing?

"I don't know......"

"Oh come on! You get to admire me sneezing all the time, just please let me

see you sneeze once!"

You couldn't believe you did it, but you agreed.

Niall excitedly ran over to the kitchen and grabbed the pepper shaker.

What have you gotten yourself into?!

"Ready to sneeze?"

He grinned at you evilly.

You sighed.


He smirked.

"Too bad,"

He put a bunch of pepper in his hand and threw it in the air.

You had the feeling right off.

Shoud you just hold it in or should you let it out?

You couldn't hold it in, pretty soon you were sneezing uncontrolably.

Niall was just staring at you with his mouth wide open.

You stopped sneezing and turned bright red.

"Oh my goodness Y/N, that was incredible," he starting clapping his

hands causing you to blush even more.

"You better sneeze in front of me from now on. I didn't know how hot a

sneeze could be,"

You smiled, still blushing.

"Oh, and bless you,"

He smirked and kissed your cheek.


you smiled.

And that concluded that best day of your life. :3

THE END. biggrin.png

kslsjisjsushah can't explain how perfect this is <3 & thank you for all those compliments, critism is apreciated. Yes when I get home from school I shall torture Louis with the sun tonguesmiley.gif that will be very fun c:. Awesome. Just yeh ill get to that request soon, I love Louis & Harry both xD .

Okie Dokie. I'll be waiting. :D hehehehehe.

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Well guess who's back from Hell( school)? Me.

Seems like the perfect time too torture Louis C:

Title : Mr.sunshine

Charecters: You & Louis.


Today you & Louis were sitting outside on your front lawn(grass) . As you sat down you noticed out of the corner of your eye Louis' distracted Look in his blue(i think) eyes.

He looked up at the sun & sneezed quite louldy " ATCHOO HATCHOO". He blushed scarlet n said "excuse be" congested & meekly.

You said "Oh my gosh that was cute. blesss you" while turning red noticing what you said.

Louis said "oh I know gurrrl , It turns you on, " and he chuckled.

Later that day Louis asked to play a game he found online , it was too make the other person sneeze but if you sneeze then you loose.

Louis told you his various allergies , Pollen, perfume, dust & pet fur.

You said that you had an advantage since you didnt have any xD

It was your turn first, you blew dust in his face then sprayed perfume. His breath started to hitch but he pinched his nose refusing to loose.

you found his chest expanding quite sexy.

Then for Louis turn he blew some pepper on ur nose. you had a superb mental block so you didn't give in quick c:

Your turn now, you took a flower n put its petals on Louis nose & twirled the petals making the pollen dance in his nostrils.

Louis breath hitched you herd it "Heh-heh-heh" he finally gave in & broke into a fit of sevarel sneezes "HITCHOO hitchoo hitchoo htichoo heh-HETCHOO". You giggled & said "bless you babe c:". He said "thanks, well played mate ".

the rest of the evening you continued with your night playing videogames on the couch whilst cuddling c:

The End. blushsmiley.gif


Notes: Hope I fufiled the part about your request alright "Sneezewuv"?. c:. Enjoy everyone. I can take more requests too if you enjoyed c:.

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Well guess who's back from Hell( school)? Me.

Seems like the perfect time too torture Louis C:

Title : Mr.sunshine

Charecters: You & Louis.


Today you & Louis were sitting outside on your front lawn(grass) . As you sat down you noticed out of the corner of your eye Louis' distracted Look in his blue(i think) eyes.

He looked up at the sun & sneezed quite louldy " ATCHOO HATCHOO". He blushed scarlet n said "excuse be" congested & meekly.

You said "Oh my gosh that was cute. blesss you" while turning red noticing what you said.

Louis said "oh I know gurrrl , It turns you on, " and he chuckled.

Later that day Louis asked to play a game he found online , it was too make the other person sneeze but if you sneeze then you loose.

Louis told you his various allergies , Pollen, perfume, dust & pet fur.

You said that you had an advantage since you didnt have any xD

It was your turn first, you blew dust in his face then sprayed perfume. His breath started to hitch but he pinched his nose refusing to loose.

you found his chest expanding quite sexy.

Then for Louis turn he blew some pepper on ur nose. you had a superb mental block so you didn't give in quick c:

Your turn now, you took a flower n put its petals on Louis nose & twirled the petals making the pollen dance in his nostrils.

Louis breath hitched you herd it "Heh-heh-heh" he finally gave in & broke into a fit of sevarel sneezes "HITCHOO hitchoo hitchoo htichoo heh-HETCHOO". You giggled & said "bless you babe c:". He said "thanks, well played mate ".

the rest of the evening you continued with your night playing videogames on the couch whilst cuddling c:

The End. blushsmiley.gif


Notes: Hope I fufiled the part about your request alright "Sneezewuv"?. c:. Enjoy everyone. I can take more requests too if you enjoyed c:.

MMMMM. YES THIS IS FABULOUS. :D Man, you are REALLY good at writing these. Hmmmm. I feel like we're leaving Zayn out! D: Maybe you could possibly write one for him..? :3

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Well guess who's back from Hell( school)? Me.

Seems like the perfect time too torture Louis C:

Title : Mr.sunshine

Charecters: You & Louis.


Today you & Louis were sitting outside on your front lawn(grass) . As you sat down you noticed out of the corner of your eye Louis' distracted Look in his blue(i think) eyes.

He looked up at the sun & sneezed quite louldy " ATCHOO HATCHOO". He blushed scarlet n said "excuse be" congested & meekly.

You said "Oh my gosh that was cute. blesss you" while turning red noticing what you said.

Louis said "oh I know gurrrl , It turns you on, " and he chuckled.

Later that day Louis asked to play a game he found online , it was too make the other person sneeze but if you sneeze then you loose.

Louis told you his various allergies , Pollen, perfume, dust & pet fur.

You said that you had an advantage since you didnt have any xD

It was your turn first, you blew dust in his face then sprayed perfume. His breath started to hitch but he pinched his nose refusing to loose.

you found his chest expanding quite sexy.

Then for Louis turn he blew some pepper on ur nose. you had a superb mental block so you didn't give in quick c:

Your turn now, you took a flower n put its petals on Louis nose & twirled the petals making the pollen dance in his nostrils.

Louis breath hitched you herd it "Heh-heh-heh" he finally gave in & broke into a fit of sevarel sneezes "HITCHOO hitchoo hitchoo htichoo heh-HETCHOO". You giggled & said "bless you babe c:". He said "thanks, well played mate ".

the rest of the evening you continued with your night playing videogames on the couch whilst cuddling c:

The End. blushsmiley.gif


Notes: Hope I fufiled the part about your request alright "Sneezewuv"?. c:. Enjoy everyone. I can take more requests too if you enjoyed c:.

MMMMM. YES THIS IS FABULOUS. biggrin.png Man, you are REALLY good at writing these. Hmmmm. I feel like we're leaving Zayn out! D: Maybe you could possibly write one for him..? :3

Ouh thank so much <3. Aha im glad you apreciate. Wow so many compliments xD I feel overwhelmed.

Hum alright ill get to torturing zayn probly tommrow xD Leave me a reply of what you want as an element or trigger to make him sneeze c:. Peace.

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Well guess who's back from Hell( school)? Me.

Seems like the perfect time too torture Louis C:

Title : Mr.sunshine

Charecters: You & Louis.


Today you & Louis were sitting outside on your front lawn(grass) . As you sat down you noticed out of the corner of your eye Louis' distracted Look in his blue(i think) eyes.

He looked up at the sun & sneezed quite louldy " ATCHOO HATCHOO". He blushed scarlet n said "excuse be" congested & meekly.

You said "Oh my gosh that was cute. blesss you" while turning red noticing what you said.

Louis said "oh I know gurrrl , It turns you on, " and he chuckled.

Later that day Louis asked to play a game he found online , it was too make the other person sneeze but if you sneeze then you loose.

Louis told you his various allergies , Pollen, perfume, dust & pet fur.

You said that you had an advantage since you didnt have any xD

It was your turn first, you blew dust in his face then sprayed perfume. His breath started to hitch but he pinched his nose refusing to loose.

you found his chest expanding quite sexy.

Then for Louis turn he blew some pepper on ur nose. you had a superb mental block so you didn't give in quick c:

Your turn now, you took a flower n put its petals on Louis nose & twirled the petals making the pollen dance in his nostrils.

Louis breath hitched you herd it "Heh-heh-heh" he finally gave in & broke into a fit of sevarel sneezes "HITCHOO hitchoo hitchoo htichoo heh-HETCHOO". You giggled & said "bless you babe c:". He said "thanks, well played mate ".

the rest of the evening you continued with your night playing videogames on the couch whilst cuddling c:

The End. blushsmiley.gif


Notes: Hope I fufiled the part about your request alright "Sneezewuv"?. c:. Enjoy everyone. I can take more requests too if you enjoyed c:.

MMMMM. YES THIS IS FABULOUS. biggrin.png Man, you are REALLY good at writing these. Hmmmm. I feel like we're leaving Zayn out! D: Maybe you could possibly write one for him..? :3

Ouh thank so much <3. Aha im glad you apreciate. Wow so many compliments xD I feel overwhelmed.

Hum alright ill get to torturing zayn probly tommrow xD Leave me a reply of what you want as an element or trigger to make him sneeze c:. Peace.

Muahaha. I feel so in control. >: )

Hmmmm. How about possibly.....inducing with pepper maybe?! :D

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