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Even the Smart Ones Get Sick (Avengers Tony and Bruce)


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So I watched the Avengers again and it seems like it's been so long since I had a good science bros fic on here. I mean to continue this, but you know how well that goes.

"I told you not to come."

Bruce frowned at Tony.

"And I told you to come to the tower. See we both listen so well."

Tony smiled, as he flipped his face piece off. Banner had been hiding out in this abandoned building for a week and as much as he wanted him in the tower, this isn't exactly what how he had planned it.

"Just go...ah away Tony." The doctor just barely had time to turn his body before forcefully stifling a round of sneezes into his hands. "If dis virus has godt through by imbune system, think whad id could do to a norbal persod."

"Listen, Pepper's already been ordered to stay away, and she insisted I bring you back. Besides, you arn't exactly much of a threat to me if that's what you are worried about? What are you doing?"

Tony knew his friend was at least listening to him, but he still seemed distracted as he tossed clothes around in an unusual fashion.

Finally Banner stood upright with what seemed the intended goal, a Hulk ravaged t'shirt which he brought to his nose.

"Excuse be," was growled under his breath before emitting what sounded to be a ton of mucous.

"Done? Is this really what I have to look forward to?"

"Not if you just leave me alone." The older man was not budging.

"God, that's not what I mean. Jarvis, abnormal stats please."

"Sir, your current temperature is 101.2, blood pressure slightly elevated, and mucous production is up by five percent and rising."

So distracted by his own discomfort, Banner quickly realized he hadn't really even looked at Tony, at least not until now.

Tony's eyes were glassy with fever, sweat beaded at his brow, and his friend's nose was just barely turning pink, not that he ever had looked at his nose that carefully before... really.

"What the hell are you doing flying Tony!"

"I thought we already established this, I'm coming to get you... preferably before I can't fly anymore."

"You realize, heh'," Banner paused, head tilted back before jerking into the t'shirt, "M'PFSH hUH'PTSHH," and scrubbed at his nose, "you could have just started with you're sick." The doctor continued forward with his shirt preparing to be lifted up by his friend.

Face plate returned for flight Tony couldn't help but add, "Thank you for complying, and just or the record 'I' never said I was sick." Typical Tony, Bruce rolled his eyes.

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Gah, sick ScienceBros are the freakin' best. :wub:

I can't wait to see the next part! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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And let the witty banter ensue...

Chapter 2

"Bruuuuce, I'm dying."

"All vitals seems to be stable sir, I see no reason to believe your death is imminent."

"Shud ub Jarvis, I did't ask you." Tony blew wetly into a tissue.

"I thought you weren't sick." The doctor smirked, but ushered the man in.

"I'm not... I'm dying." Stark gave his best puppy dog eyes before yelping and jerking away, "Oww."

"Okay, so probable ear infection," Banner barely managed to spit out before turning into his elbow, "hTSHH h'PSHHH heh...", but the final sneeze never seemed to come and the man finally shook his head a little in frustration.

"Here." Tony pulled out a clean handkerchief, 'Stark' embroidered neatly in the corner, from the fluffy robe he had surrounded himself in and handed it over.

"Really, do you have your name on everything?"

"Hmmm, not my shampoo... I'll have to get Pepper on that."

"Figures," Bruce moved towards Tony, a new instrument in his hand; but despite being sick, the younger man was quick on his feet.

"Quit being a baby."

"Quid pokging be wid dhings."

"Blow your nose."


"You are impossible."

It didn't matter that the great Tony Stark was being abstinent, his nose had other ideas, and he barely managed to get his own handkerchief to his nose in time.

"hu'RSHHOOO hR'ESHHH! OWWW, NO FAir!" Stark tried to shout, but his voice gave during the process and he proceeded to cough and blow his nose.

"Bless you." The doctor smiled gleefully as the distraction gave him the time to poke his companion eliciting a drop of blood, as well as the yowl.

Tony decided to go back to the pathetic approach.

"Can't we just go lay down. I don't feel good." In his defense, Tony really wasn't looking good. His temperature had finally steadied around one hundred, after some medicine, but his nose was a bright shade of red from constant rubbing and he had developed circles under his eyes. The crease in his forehead indicated a headache, and if Bruce had to take a guess Tony had multiple infections ranging from his sinuses to his ears. It didn't help, that although Banner was feeling much better compared to earlier in the week, it did feel like he was getting worse for wear. He probably should be resting.

"Go find us a movie, I want to start the analysis on this," the older man sighed as held up the metal pointer holding the drop of blood he had taken earlier, "but then yes, we can go lay down."

Tony smiled, very very happy with himself.

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All the feels!!! *drowns*

Wow. Tony is so cute and whiny and Bruce is just all like "shut up, you baby" and their banter and gahhhhh!!

ScienceBros FTW. :heart:

Update soon! :)

bye. :wub:

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**gurgles helplessly** this is too much hot and cute all in one place, i'm dazed >w < <333

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Okay, really really insanely short update, but this scene has been haunting my brain and it needed to come out and I'm too lazy to write more right now.

Chapter 3

'Who knew the genius loner extraordinaire would be a cuddler', Tony thought to himself as Bruce nuzzled his head further into the younger man's robe covered abs. In fact, within five minutes of laying down the doctor had fallen fast asleep and curled himself up like a giant kitten.

"k'shhh k'shhh k'Tshhhh."

'He even sneezed like a kitten', Tony thought as Bruce moved more of his body, not fully waking from the sneezes.

Absentmindedly, Stark ran his finger's through his friend's hair. Maybe Bruce was a giant kitten in disguise. More likely, was that the fever was going to Tony's brain, but he couldn't seem to help himself as he drifted off dreaming of giant green mutated kitties.

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Doieven...what? Mybraincan'tsurvivethecuteness. Goodbyeadorableworld.


Ifyoucan'ttellmybrainhaskindofshortedout. I'lljustgonow.


bye :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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