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Desperation(F, allergy, Cat Deeley fic)


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I know that Cat is famous and this is unrealistic, but bear with me, please!

"HIISHIEEW! HIISHIEEW! ETCHIEW! HESHIEW!" Jeremy jerked awake to the sound of his wife's desperate allergy attack. Her job as an aide at a perfume counter at the mall, coupled with her morning job at the human league, had her in fits that no amount of antihistamines could control. Times were tough, and Cat had taken the job she could get. The foster animals at their house didn't help either.

Sighing, Jeremy sat up in bed and turned on the light. His tall, buff figure accentuated his dark blue eyes and tousled brown hair. The room was small, nearly filled by two dressers, a desk, and their bed. Standing up, Jeremy walked to the small living room/kitchen of their two room apartment, taken aback by Cat.

Even after the 24 hour allergy attack, she was still beautiful. She dressed beautifully in a pale blouse and dark, floor-length skirt, stilettos, and simple jewelry. Her hair had come undone from its bun, and the scent of expensive, misery inducing fumes clung to her. At the moment, Cat's exquisite blue eyes were squeezed shut as she sneezed, but Jeremy knew they were red, watery, and swollen under their lids. Her nose was worse, buried in a shredded tissue, the red contrasting starkly against the white paper.

"ISHIEW! HUSHIEW! CHIEEW!" That broke Jeremy out of his trance. Crossing to his wife, he wrapped an arm around her and thumbed away her allergic tears.

"Come to bed, love."

Is this worth pursuing?

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Thank you, Death!

Jeremy gave his wife a hug, and smoothed her hair before handing her a fresh tissue and guiding her to the cat-free bedroom. His heart was breaking, watching her allergies causing her to suffer so much.

"Huh...HUHISHIEW! HUSHIEEWSHIEW! ITCHIEW! Uh...USHOO! Sorry, Jer." She said, congested, as she sneezed into her tissue. Jeremy rubbed her back and wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Nothing to apologize for, love. You oka-bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you...I give up." His wife had launched into another itchy, desperate, harsh fit.

"HISHIEW! ESHIEW! HUHSHIEW! ITCHIEW! HESHIEW! HISHIEW! Uh...uhh....oh god...HIIIYISHIIIIEEEEEWW! Uh.." Cat stumbled slightly, and then collapsed onto the bed, blowing her stuffy, runny nose. When she took the tissue away and looked at Jeremy, he saw the full extent of her misery.

Cat's blue eyes were bloodshot and bleary, red rimmed, watery, and swollen a quarter of the way shut. Her mascara had streamed down her cheeks, adding to the misery. As he watched, she grabbed a tissue and dabbed at them. Her nose...Jeremy felt his stomach knot as he looked at it. It was redder than he would have thought possible, swollen, with a bit of liquid near the front, and the nostrils were pulsating and flaring.

His wife looked helpless as she sat, rubbing her eyes and nose, looking like a little kid. Jeremy crossed to her, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"How do you feel, baby?" He asked, rubbing her back again as a sneeze escaped.

"Huh...HuhISHiEW! Ub, dot grea...HISHIEW! Dod gread. Huh...I'b...huh....I'b...HISHIEW! SHIEWSHIEW! ISH! ISH! ISHISHISH! HUHISH! HUHISHIEW! HISHIEW! HISHIEW! HUHSHIEW! Huh...HUSHIEW! HUSHIEW! ESHIEW! TCHIEW! TCHIEW! Uh....so sdeezy." She finished with a small laugh, breathless. Jeremy frowned.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry."


Jeremy felt powerless as he watched Cat sneeze and sneeze, with barely a chance to draw breath. It tore at his heart, the desperation with which she was telling him it itched.

Should I continue? Please let me know what you think.

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It's great c: any fanfic is worth the read so to continue (:. Not a problem.. Just thank you for writing aha !!:3

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Thank you for your support! And without further ado, here's the continuation!

Jeremy reached out and gently rubbed Cat's nose, pinching it, massaging it, and oh-so-carefully scratching the moist, raw edges. It didn't help at all, though. The perfume had clung to his hand from Cat's clothes, as had the dander, and so she sneezed harder and more furiously. It was to the point where they were almost screamed, due to the stuffy intensity of the itch.

"HIIISSHHOOOOOOO! YASHIEW! HISHIEEWSHIEW! HASHIEW!" Desperate to help his wife, Jeremy slammed a finger against her nose, and sawed it roughly back and forth, using the other hand to rub the itchy tears from her eyes. It worked, and he sighed with relief.

Cat sucked in a deep breath of air, gasping and winded from her fit. Jeremy knew, though, that the itch still tortured her. Her nostrils flared and liquid pulsed against his finger, but he didn't mind. While she caught her breath, he talked to her.

"Honey, you can't go on like this! You're just so miserable!" He exclaimed. As her breathing reached a higher pitch, he rubbed a little harder, trying to keep the itch under control. "You're a sneezing machine, babe. Your jobs make you miserable, it's the middle of summer, so the pollen is everywhere, and at home, we have to have the cats!"

Cat sighed, and tried to respond. "I...heh...do. Id's jusd thad we deed the bodey, bud...HAH...HEH...." Jeremy's finger tightened beneath her nostrils, and she relaxed a bit-"bud I'b so sdeezy...so idchy...HEH! Please, jusd led be sdeeze! Id idches!"

Once again, Jeremy's heart broke. He pulled Cat's head to his chest, and released his finger. She buried her head in his thin shirt, and sneezed with all her might. As her body shuddered, Jeremy resolved that he would take her place, or something. He just needed her to be less miserable!


Should I continue? Any suggestions for what happens to Cat next?(No colds, please, that's my only thing!)

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I feel like continuing....so I will!

When at last that fit was finished, Jeremy just sat, cuddling his wife. Her weak sniffles made his heart ache even more. He knew she was miserable, itchy, exhausted...but he didn't know how to help her. Even if she didn't have to be around perfume and cats, her allergies would still be horrendous.

He could remember the summer before, where Cat couldn't go outside for five seconds before collapsing into an endless fit of sneezes. The ragweed, flowers, and trees were all blooming again, and so that added to his wife's itchy sneezing fits.

He'd never met a person that sneezy, he thought as Cat began to sneeze against his chest again. From March to November, the pollen had her in an uproar. In the winter months, the dust, Evergreen trees, mold, and holiday plants made her sneeze as well.

"HASHIEW! ISHIEW! HISHIEW! HISHIEWESHIEWSHIEW! SHIEW! ESHIEW! ESH! ESH! ASH! ASH! ISHISHISH! ISHIEW!..." As the fit continued against his shirt, Jeremy rubbed Cat's hair and back, feeling her breath hitch and then expel. When she became aware of what she was doing, she began to stifle in an effort to stop the liquid from hitting her husband.

"NXGT! NXGT! NXHT'NXHT'NXHTngxtnxgtnxgtnxgtNXGTNGXT..." Jeremy grew alarmed. He knew she couldn't breathe much at all, her back was heaving with the effort of containing them, and it was just making her sneeze worse!

"CAT! Honey, just sneeze! It's okay. Please..." She shook her head, but eventually gave in as the fit continued to grow in intensity. Jeremy checked his alarm clock: 1:30. When at last her fit died down, Jeremy made her lie down.

"Thadks...I'b so gross. Ugh..." Jeremy kissed her forehead, using a tissue to gently clean her face where the mucous had gone everywhere.

"You're allergic, not gross. I'll be right back." He tucked her in, then hurried to the bathroom. Once there, he wet a washcloth for her swollen eyes and gathered a few handkerchiefs. Then, he heard another desperate fit.

"Ah...heh....huh....YASHIE! HRSHIEW! ISHIEWSHIEWISHIEW! HUHSHIEE!..." Jeremy watched helplessly as his wife's form shook with each desperate, itchy explosion. He sat down next to her and pressed the handkerchief to her nose. She rubbed her face furiously against it, trying hard to stop sneezing.

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Thanks, Live! I'll continue. Does anyone have any suggestions? Would anyone read a part where I showed what her day at work was like?

The fit ended at last, and Cat slumped back against the pillows, exhausted.

"Sorry, Jer." She sighed, giving a little allergic cough. He put his arms around her and the washcloth over her swollen eyelids.

"Shh, shhh, babe. Just go to sleep, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry."


Jeremy slipped quietly into bed and turned off the lamp. He was exhausted and couldn't even imagine how Cat felt. Her breathing was even, congested and ragged as it was, so that was soothing to know she could sleep. Slowly, Jeremy managed to drift off too.

At around five o clock in the morning, Jeremy awoke to the bed shaking. Immediately, he sat up and switched on the light. Beside him, Cat was face down on her pillow, stifling her sneezes. Jeremy immediately reached over and touched her back.

"Baby, stop, stop STOP! Just let it out, okay? It's okay." Cat's stifled sneezes turned into loud, desperate, itchy, and exhausted "hihYISHOO! HUHESHIEW! SHIEWSHIEWSHIEW! HUHSHIEW!..."

He couldn't help it. Reaching out, he pulled Cat into his arms and cried.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry!" Why did she get no relief? She couldn't sleep, she couldn't breathe right! Every second was spent in itchy, miserable hell!

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