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Adam Lambert ficlet


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I thought I remembered someone requesting an Adam Lambert fic with illness a while back and felt inspired, especially since I haven't contributed anything in a while. Also, if you look through the photos of the "For Your Entertainment" CD it might give you some lovely visuals to go along with the different parts of this.

"Ugh." Adam scrunched his temples trying in some way to relieve the pounding in his head without messing up his airbrushed makeup. 'This was so not the day to get sick', he couldn't help but think as he tried on what must have been the 19th jacket for his album cover photo shoot. In fact, this was actually his third day of being sick, but the first that he seemed utterly unable to hide it.

"Tylenol?" A hand reached out timidly and he looked at what he assumed was his personal assistant for the day.

"Thanks." His smile was genuine, and grateful, as he took a small pill and water bottle from the girl.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" He didn't want to admit being sick, but given she had already brought tylenol, he figured she probably knew what was up.

"Probably tissues," he coughed against his fist, aggravated with the congestion building in his throat as well as his sinuses.

The girl pushed her pocket open revealing a travel pack, "Already covered Mr. Lambert."

"Just call me Adam."


The sound of clicks and flashes seemed to go off from every direction. He tried to look straight off to the side but couldn't help as his lips parted nostrils hitching with irritation. Finally he snapped into his elbow, "h'TSHHOOO!"

A few bless you's resounded as Adam slowly lifted his head. Everything had stopped, and he blushed as he realized the droplets that shone bright against the pleather under the lights.

"Makeup!" Someone shouted, and he saw the PA come forward as makeup was grabbing their materials.

"Here" Adam took the proffered tissue and blew gently, cheeks reddening when he realized the girl had busily taken to wiping off the moistened sleeve.

"You really don't have to do that."

"It's fine," she managed, smiling quickly, before being crowded out by the makeup team.



Thankfully this time Adam had managed to smother them into bare skin, thanks to the latest wardrobe change. But he barely missed, smashing his face into the spiked bracelet.

"Trying to poke an eye out." The girl chuckled and Adam laughed with her just realizing what he had almost done.

"There almost ready on set."

Adam looked at the mirror.

"Shit", he cursed as he looked at his hair.

"I kind of like it that way."

A head poked around the corner and quickly ushered him on to set. New hairstyle it was.


"You going to be okay."

Adam looked up, smiling at the concern of his new found friend, if you could call a PA that. However the light triggered that incessant itch and he found himself doubling over into his hands.


"Bless you."

"Nnn, not done." Adam barely managed to blurt out keeping his hands at the ready.

"h'TSHHH, up'TSHHH, heh'KTSHHH!"

"Bless you again."

Adam looked up and intended to take the tissue from the girl's hand before realizing she was using it to wipe off her arm.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it." Her smile was soft and kind and Adam had no idea how he managed to get so lucky, "now here, hold still."

Adam, either out of shock, or just being plain tired, did as she instructed.

Pulling out another tissue, the girl wiped sweetly along under his eyes that had begun to tear from the itch in his sinuses and then gently under his nose.

"Now go home and rest. I'll see you tomorrow." As she said her last sentence she handed him what little was left of the tissue pack.

"Thanks." Maybe being sick wasn't so bad after all.

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