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Summary: Jim's day couldn't get

worse. He gets sick, that freaky

spider thing is at him again, and to

top it all of, nothing he seems do is

right. Can Silver show Jim that he

isn't alone and can always come to

him for help?

(This takes place before Jim finds out who Silver really is but after they become close. So lets say a four weeks before the munity yeah?)

I sadly don't own nothing. Every thing but my story Is ruled by Disney....

JimxSilver(SonxFather relationship!!)

Jim Hawkins was one of those

teenagers that seemed troubled,

rebellious, and just too darn

stubborn to come to those who are

willing to help him out. Well that

wasn't to shocking to Silver. When

Jim first arrived on the ship in order

to change his life around, he seemed

rough around the edges. But the

reason Jim was like that Silver soon

discovered when Jim let his guard

down, was due to his father's

absence in his life. Jim never had

that father figure that most boys

needed. Silver had a soft spot for

Jim. Maybe because he felt pity for

the young lad. Or maybe because

Silver saw a little of himself in Jim.

That's why Silver decided to take the

young pup under his care as the

cabin boy. One to keep a close watch

on him and two, because he always

wanted a son to teach things to. But

Silver had to be careful around his

fellow "Shipmates." That was

because for the exception of the

captain and her second in command,

he and the others were pirates who

were looking for Captain Flint's

treasure. Silver had to be especially

careful around that spider mutant.

He was a very crafty being and

getting too soft wasn't what Silver

wanted...or was it? Like he thought

before, Jim was a great boy. He had

the makings of greatness in him. But

right now as morning came and

Silver was making sure everyone

was doing what they were suppose

to be doing, he couldn't help but

worry about the boy who was

mopping the deck. Something was

just off about the boy more than


Even Morph, Silver's pink and

gooey friend noticed...

Jim woke up feeling awful this

morning. When he got up for his

grueling chores, his entire body

ached and his throat was sore.

Coughing was both a pain to his

body and the others who heard it

because while the other members of

the ship glared at him, the spider

freak had to start something.

"Watch it Cabin boy!"

That's what he had said to Jim and

also added a little push just to make

sure Jim knew his place along with

an evil glare. He groaned silently to

himself as the Spider freak walked

away. Jim just knew it. He was sick.

He hated being sick because it

meant pity and that's the last thing

he needed. Jim's throat was really

becoming sore by the minute and he was

getting hot but chose to ignore what he

knew was happening.

Suddenly as he was putting some

more water into the bucket to mop

with, he then sneezed...

"A-achhoo! heh-nxxt...heh...nXxt!" "Ugh!"

He tried to muffle the sneezes so the

others wouldn't hear though the sneezes

hurt his head. Fortunately for him, the

others didn't hear except Silver and

Morph who didn't make any indication to

alert Jim.

Jim went back to mopping the deck and

coughed a few times on the sleeve of

his jacket. Jim swayed a bit due to a

fever he was developing but again

none of the others noticed this...except

Silver and Morph. Silver had just about


'The young lad had to get some rest,

thestubborn fool! Maybe the Captain

wouldn't mind plus Jim was his

responsibility anyway.' With those

those thoughts in nind, Silver limped

over to Jim acting as though to see

the progress he was making.

"Oi Jimbo ya nearly done here

laddie." replied Silver as he eyed

Jim's body posture but not to much

to draw attention.

"Yea, as soon'd as I'b done here, I'll

clean below deck." said Jim but the

way he talked wasn't his spunky,

rebellious tone.

Jim hoped that Silver didn't realize

the tiredness in his voice or the

congestion. Deep down, Jim didn't

want Silver to be disappointed in him

and approval was the one thing Jim

truly wanted. Although sleep was in

his head, that was the last thing Jim

wanted to do. That showed weakness.

"Well Jimbo, you can take a little rest

for a wee bit. You've done a lot


"N-no that's just stubid! y-you gave

be a-a-nxxt! a job to do and I'b

going to f-f-follow it through." The

congestion in Jim's was a dead

give away to what he was feeling.

Plus he was starting to feel cold. Silver

and Morph noticed the sick teen's shivering.

Morph noticed that Jim was trying to

hold back a very stong sneeze by the way

he rubbed his nose and lied about dust

in the air. Morph took a huge liking to

Jim just as he did with Silver. Morph

well... morphed into a feather and

flew toward the inspecting teen and

tickled his pinkish nose. Jim who

was so weak because of his ailment,

couldn't fully shake Morph off.

" Morph, whad the hell are you-y-you

A-hahchoo! ugh!" But Jim's nose had other Ideas.

"Heh...heh... nXXT! Ha...ha..

HERSHOOO!" "D-damb it! Herchoo! HEH-CHOO"

Jim's entire body became so weak that he

nearly fell over but good thing for Silver

because before Jim fell over on his face,

Silver caught him.

"Well, this young pup is ready for that little break of his ain't he Morphy?"

Said Silver sadly who had an unconscious Jim in his arms bridal style.

Morph just flew around Silver and look around to make sure the rest of

the crew didn't see what happened.

They were to busy talking amongst themselves to notice or care.

Morphy flew back towards his two friends and chirped to Silver that no one saw.

When all was confirmed, Silver looked at the sleeping boy in his arms.

Jim's face was extremely pale saved for his nose which was a shade of red

and the dark pink tint on his cheeks that indicated a really high fever.

The poor boy's breathing was fast as if he just finished running.

Silver made on last look to make sure no one saw his fatherly actions and

went below deck with Morph close behind. Silver took off Jim's jacket, boots,

and socks and placed him on the hammock.

The burly pirate then went to look for a heavy blanket for Jim since he was shivering really badly. Silver then went to get a bucket with some cool water and a cloth to try and reduce Jim's fever as much as he could.

Jim started to cough and moan softly as the cool water hit his heated head.

But calmed down when he felt Silver run his fingers through his sweated

brown locks.

Satisfied, Silver told Morph to look after

the sick teen so he could go back to

do his usual chores of mopping the

deck and etc. It was very hard for

Silver to stay away from Jim because in the time period that they were together,

Jim had become a son to him.

Before he had to leave, Silver looked at his "son" one more time and

smiled a soft smile at him and said:

"Sleep well ya little pup. Know that I will always be there for you."

Welp! I hope it was it was good enough.


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Baww Silver <3 NGL, I still love this movie, and wish it had gotten more attention than it did. I like their relationship, very cute and in-character!

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Aww! Thank you both for the wonderful comments. I'll try to do more sickfics with Jim. He's too cute. :heart:

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