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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Emergency! Johnny Fan Fiction


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Hey Emergency Fans! I'm a hardcore fan of this show, and desperately want to see Johnny sneeze, but since it looks like that's not gonna happen on its own, I decided to make it happen myself.biggrinsmiley.gif This is a quick fic I just did today (I was off school) for fun. Its what I wish happened in the episode "Green was my thumb" When Roy takes care of some woman's pants. This is just a fun story that doesn't go in to deep emotion on Hurt/Comfort. Its just straight and to the sneezy point! I fully intend to continue writing this Saturday! So It may not be Perfect Grammar Wise due to my laziness or story wise due to the same cause yawn.gif. I posted it from word so I hope it comes out good! Anyway, enjoy poor sneezy Johnny! f

Johnny’s elder partner Roy Desoto had agreed to water and care for one of his recent rescues Ms. Johnson’s Plants, and Johnny being as curious as he is, wanted to tag along. So they walked in to the plant room. Johnny’s nose immediately tingled from the various exotics scents, but he rubbed it off. “And this one’s named fern. Oh and this over here is Ruth….” Roy informed Johnny with a slightly over exited tone. Johnny was really starting to worry about his partner. He was getting a little two in to Ms. Johnson’s plants. Johnny plopped down on her sofa and began examining one of the plants, but the tickle in his nose had returned and was getting stronger. His sniff of this plant named “Sandy” was the final trigger and his face ever so slightly scrunched and his eyes fluttered closed. Roy didn’t see any of this while he was watering some of the up high plants. In fact he was in the middle of explaining to Johnny all about fertilizer when Johnny had just enough time to bring the back of his hand to his nose before his sneeze took over his body, bending him forward “He… HISSHOO!”

“Bless you.” Roy turned around taken aback by Johnny’s sneeze. It worried him, but he thought he’d let it go.

“Thanks.” Johnny sounded a little nasally now, which worried Roy further. “I think sneezed on Ruth.” He joked.

Roy laughed. John was very unhappy to find that his sneeze did not relive the consistent tickle, and he felt the uncontrollable urge to do it again. Twice. “Ha….. HISHOO! HISSOO!” Both sneezes bended him over powerfully overtaking his tall and lean frame. The volume was enough to make Roy jump and nearly drop his watering can.

“Bless you, Johnny are you okay?” Roy was considerably alarmed now.

“Ya ya.” He straightened up. “I….I ISCHOO!” He gave a audibly loud sniff and took his hand away from his face. “Fine.” His poor nose was extremely stuffed up now and a girly pink color.

Roy suddenly remembered how Johnny took allergy medication and was allergic to various flowers and pollen.

“Johnny, did you take your allergy medicine today?”

“Well…… Ha HASHOO!” This was the messiest and loudest sneeze yet, and a pretty solid answer for Roy who picked up a box of tissues from the coffee table and handed to his friend. Johnny gave him his famous puppy face and grabbed the tissues from him, took one and blew his nose loudly. Roy could see his eyes watering up.

“You should really go wait in the squad. Besides we go back on duty soon.” It was taking every effort for Roy not to burst out laughing from his partners’ stupidity, but he was also genuinely concerned. He had never seen Johnny have a reaction this fast. They walked over to the door together. Johnny pulled on the door knob with his tissues still in his hand, but it didn’t open. He stuffed the tissues in his back pocket and set the Kleenex box down and jiggled the door.

“Its no use Johnny. This door locks from the outside.”

Johnny slowly turned around with a mixture of shock, vulnerability and anger across his face. Roy became worried he might faint, as Johnny was known to do that in dire situations.

“Locked?” He said slightly higher then usual. “You mean were stuck in hear?!” His nasal congestion even more obvious now. He looked mildly insane. Then again Roy thought, he was mildly insane.

“I’m sorry John don’t worry will get out of here soon. I…I promise.”

“Roy! My nose can’t take any more of th- oh no…..”

“Oh no….. “ Roy repeated

Roy knew Johnny’s look. It was the look he got when he was going to sneeze….. big time. John’s sneezes were always loud and forceful, but when he got that look, it meant his “gigantic” sneezes were on their way.

Johnny stood there with a dazed look on his face, unable to comprehend what was going on. All he wanted to do is sneeze the tickling sensation was torture. Like a feather was swishing around through his nostrils. Roy handed him some tissues and stood back, knowing what was coming. Johnny rubbed his nose three times lightly, still completely out of it. Then finely his face scrunched up and he started his build up

“Ah….. his breath hitched twice more and then with no further warning he let it loose. “HAISHOOO! HISHOO!” He was now at a almost 90 degree angle. “AH-ISCHOO! AH-ICHOO!” the tingling did not let up one bit after this. Tears streaming down his face he knew he was going to sneeze once again. His breath was hitching once again he built up the power to sneeze, and this time, once he started, he didn’t know if he could ever stop. “HA-……. HA-CHEW! HA-CHEW! HISHOO! HAISHOO! HISHEW! HISCHEW!” Every sneeze stuffed him up more if possible. He gave a huge sniff then looked at Roy who was so stunned he’d dropped the plant he was holding. Johnny’s throat was starting to fill with mucus and for once, decided not to say anything He grabbed another tissue and blew loudly, but not much came out. His nose was beet red now. Roy had finely recovered from the shock that came from the volume and quantity of Johnny’s sneezes.

“B…b…bless you. Oh man Junior. You really have to get out of here! Sit down and drink some of this water!”

“Yes Mother.” Johnny laughed a little and sat down with his tissue wad still over covering his beet red nose. “YA know Roy I haven’t had an attack this bad since grade school! What the hell is in here?”

“I don’t know Junior but whatever it is sure doesn’t mix well with you. Why didn’t you take your allergy meds?”

“ Because its October Roy! I don’t get allergies in October!”

“Then why’d you volunteer to come here if you knew you didn’t take your meds?”

“I didn’t think we’d be in here very long, but obviously, I was wro- …HICHEW.”

Roy sighed. Then out of nowhere they heard a phone ring.

“Where’s that comin’ from?” Johnny got up but Roy pushed him down again.

“Don’t try to look for it. I know you, Johnny. You’ll end up accidently burring your face in the plant your allergic to or something.” Johnny cringed at the thought.

Roy found the phone under a fern and picked it up.


“Roy?” It was Chet.

“Uh, ya.”

“Where are you and Gage? You were supposed to be back here for duty 10 minutes ago! You left this number on the fridge. You two better not be at that plant lady’s house. The Cap’s getting mad.”

“ Actually that’s exactly where we are. We accidently trapped ourselves in her plant room. Can you come help us out?”

“See? This is the exact kinda thing that happens when you hang around Gage.”


“What was that?”

“Uh, Nothing Chet.”


“That sounds like Gage sneezing, except much quieter.”

Hearing Chet’s insult Johnny motioned for Roy to give him the phone. Roy hesitated, But handed it over.

“Chet, I’m in no mood. Get your butt down here and let us out of this torture chamber.”

“What’s wrong with your voice, Johnny baby? Crying cause you struck out again?” Chet was genuinely concerned after hearing the congestion in Johnny’s voice, but he wouldn’t dare show it.

“Just get over here will you?” Johnny angrily hung up the phone.

“UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH” He groned. “Chet Can not know about this under any circumstances. Why’d you get him anyway?”

“He called us, remember?”

Johnny rubbed his eyes violently, and was about to grab another tissue but alas “HISCHW! ISCHHO! ISHH!” Got in the way; and for once, he wanted Chet to get here quicker.

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Johnny blew his nose. Again; While Roy sat supporting his head with his hands. He was getting extremely tired of blessing his allergy ridden friend.

“Do you have any allergies?” Johnny asked him.

“Not that I can think of, no.”

“Well thanks a lot, rub it in my face!”

“You asked me!”

“So you were supposed to lie and make me feel better about this!”

Roy starred in amazement at his partner. “You are really crazy aren’t you!”

John pondered this for a moment. Then sighed. “I’m sorry Roy. I just hate this so much. I mean usually I can deal with it, but this…”

Roy felt bad for his partner. He really did. “This must be hell to you, in a room with everything your allergic to.”

Surprisingly Johnny laughed. “You could never imagine.”

A car horn sounded from outside.

“It must be Chet!”

They ran over the third story window and yelled down at Chet.

“Up here!” Johnny shouted. Unfortunately, yelling seemed to trigger something in Johnny’s already irritated nose. He turned his head away from Roy. “ASHOO!” he sneezed wetly in to a tissue.

“That’s gross John!” Chet yelled back.

“Shut up!”

“That’s enough!” Roy joined the yelling. “Chet can you get the ladder up here?”

“Ya it’s on its way.”

Chet got the ladder from the squad up to the window and Johnny stuffed some extra tissues in to his pockets. Chet stabilized the ladder.

“You better climb down first, Johnny.”


Johnny got to the bottom and Chet saw close up how red his nose looked. The stuffy voice, the sneeze, the plants? “Classic Gage” he smiled to himself.

“What are you so happy about?” Johnny sniffed.

“You really have reached a superior level of stupidity. Going in to that plant palace? Everyone knows how allergic you get!” Chet would have thought of a further insult, but he could see how much John was suffering. In fact Johnny had just opened his mouth to say something but it quickly turned in to a sneezing fit.


Roy came down the ladder at that moment and glanced at Chet, who was shocked.

“Can he work like this?”

Roy shrugged.

“Of course I can work like this what are you talking about? HASHOO!”

“Ya Johnny maybe you should take the day off”

“Roy!” Johnny was nursing his worn out nose with some tissues. “It’s just an allergy! I’m not even sick!”

“Johnny…. “

“Look, well talk about this at the station. And Kelly I don’t wanna hear a word out of you.”

“What are you going to do? Sneeze me to death?”

Johnny was going to say something back when they heard the tones go off from the HT.


Please Try and enjoy this pathetic excuse for an update. I have a lot to do this weekend and may not be able to update it, so I wanted to give you something without leaving you hanging. I'm also really tired and Just wrote this so it probably sucks. So, my apologies play_ball.gif (I thought this icon was cute)

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