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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Enjolras/Grantaire oneshot


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I've noticed a distinct lack of Les Mis stuff around here, and given my current obsession, I decided to change that. This is technically modern AU, but I tried to give it a timeless feel, as if - small details aside - it could take place at any point in time. Or maybe I'm just crazy. There isn't a lot of sneezing, but there are some other indulgent things I included purely for my own mental eye candy, so I hope you like it.

I Will Stay With You Until You Are Sleeping

Grantaire returned to his room to find his roommate sitting at his desk laptop open, wearing only a pair of sweatpants; his shoulder length blond hair was wet and curling, presumably fresh from a shower. Though he had a notebook and pen beside him, Enjolras did not appear to be doing much work. His materials remained untouched as he sighed, sniffed, and alternated between rubbing his nose, his eyes, his forehead, and back to his nose. Grantaire was about to make his presence known when the blond suddenly stiffened. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his lithe muscles contracting as his breath hitched. He moved away from the desk just in time as he convulsed with two harsh sneezes, directed at the floor and feebly shielded with one arm.

Ehhng’chesshoo! Nnahtcsh’ih!” A soft groan escaped him as he brought his wrist to his nose.

“Bless you. Do you need a tissue?”

Enjolras glanced up, startled, as Grantaire spoke. “When did you get here? I didn’t hear you come in.”

Grantaire ignored this and grabbed a box of tissues from the table, offering them to his roommate. “Are you all right? You sound sick.”

“I’m fine.” Nonetheless, Enjolras accepted the tissues and blew his nose thickly, resulting in a burst of hard coughs.

“It’s late. You should be in bed, especially if you’re getting sick. What is it you’re working on anyway?”


Grantaire raised an eyebrow. Enjolras was rarely so withholding.

“Nothing that would interest you,” he amended.

“Ah.” Grantaire paused as if considering his next words carefully. “You know, you’re no good to France if you’re sick. Or to any of us, for that matter.” Enjolras looked up sharply and frowned at him. Grantaire immediately looked away, abashed. “I’ve said something wrong again, haven’t I?”

“No, it’s… You’ve never referred to the Friends of the ABC as ‘us’ before. It was always ‘you’.”

“Oh.” Apparently at a loss for words, Grantaire shrugged.

Enjolras glanced wearily at the work on his desk. “Perhaps you’re right, for once. This can wait until…” He trailed off with a gasp and quickly turned away from Grantaire. “Aahckt’choo! Escht’chih! Hih-hih… Isshng’chihh!

“Bless you.”

Enjolras sniffled and sighed. “Thanks.”

“Come here,” Grantaire beckoned, pulling out one of his own sweatshirts and offering it to the shivering young man.

Enjolras stood and crossed the room, but a sudden coughing fit left him stumbling. He reached out a hand, and Grantaire was at his side in an instant, supporting him until he regained his balance. Whether he was flushed from coughing or a blush was coloring his cheeks, none could say, but Enjolras wordlessly allowed Grantaire to pull the sweatshirt over his head. As Grantaire was taller and slightly bulkier, the sweatshirt was large and fell loosely about Enjolras’s trembling frame.

Perhaps he was emboldened by the earlier conversation, or maybe he was just caught up in the moment; whatever the reason, Grantaire stooped, hooked one arm under Enjolras’s knees, picked him up, and carried him across the room to deposit him gently on his bed. It happened too quickly for Enjolras to protest. Once he’d pulled the quilt up to Enjolras’s chin, Grantaire retrieved the desk chair and sat down next to the bed.


“Shh. Just rest.”

“What are you going to do?”

The man smiled. “I’m going to stay right here until you’re asleep.”

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I like this a lot :) I'm always a fan of a headstrong character being cared about so much that help is pretty much forced on them. Grantaire will make things better Enjoras... however much you protest!

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Wow this basically fulfils a prompt I asked for months ago and had long since given up on. I love this so much you have no idea. NO IDEA. I hope you write lots more les mis fic!

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Gaww! Supper love!!! I have to say I have a HUGE crush on Enjolras, so much appreciated! If you can, keep going!

Edited by Alexys52
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