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Reunited- A Great Gatsby Sneeze fic (m-Gatsby)


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Hey guys! Okay, so this is a "The Great Gatsby" Sneezefic. It's the scene where Nick Carraway invites Daisy over for tea so Gatsby can reunite with his old fling and cuteness(: In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio (Gatsby) was out in the rain, so I was inspired a fic where Gatsby gets a cold and stuff! So, it's not that great and it's two am, but I hope you like it!!!! :D


'C'mon, old sport, you can do this,' the great Jay Gatsby thought to himself as he shivered at the door way of his next door neighbor, Nick Carraway beneath the pouring rain.

Originally, the wealthy, Oxford man had been stationed uneasily in the decorated living room of the little cottage. However, after four seconds of intricate contemplation, Gatsby fled from the back door and around the house. What if Daisy walked in to find him just sitting there like a buffoon waiting for her? No, no- much too obvious.

With his entire body caught in a bout of shivers, Gatsby began to question whether or not this plan of his was so great after all. His pearl, cashmere suit was drenched in freezing cold rain water; and he himself was soaked to the very bone.

"Huh...H-hrr'schuu!" Jay sneezed gruffly with a sniffle.

'Oh, now this will never do,' Gatsby thought to himself anxiously, 'If that should happen in front of Daisy, she'll refuse me for sure!'

Jay Gatsby was easily susceptible to disease, you see. After his many years of sailing, Gatsby (or, rather, James Gats at the time) would often catch cold. As a boy, no more than sixteen, young James had taken a great fall into the ocean one November day. Though lucky to have been saved by his master, young Gatsby barely survived the wicked case of pneumonia that followed his icy cold encounter with Death. As well as this, the conditions if the war trenches hadn't helped the young soldier's immune system either. Since then, it took to make Gatsby ill. But right now, he didn't care if he had hypothermia: he had to see Daisy!

'...Now, Jay, you can do this! After all - you're an Oxford man... sort of. For Daisy... For Daisy...'

Swallowing hard against his sore, scratchy throat, the man of wealth adjusted his sagging, wet suit and knocked firmly on the door. As he heard the scrambling of footsteps approaching, Gatsby quickly reached into his handkerchief pocket to wipe his nose. Before given the chance, the mysterious individual spotted the golden door knob turning and stuffed the unused hanky back into his pocket immediately.

"What are you doing?!" Nick hissed angrily as he opened the door ( he knew to do it in a hushed tone so Daisy wouldn't hear).

Remaining unresponsive, Gatsby carried his soaking wet body through the front door of Nick's house and into the living room where he would find...


After five, long, painful years of monotonous waiting, the day had finally arrived when the great Jay Gatsby would, at long last, have the pleasure of seeing the ever beautiful Daisy Buchanan. All he could do was look into her shimmering, bright eyes. Clearly glad to see him, Daisy shared a warm smile with Gatsby. Just as Nick brought the tea through, the Oxford man accidentally let a slight shiver wrack his body.

"Oh my," Daisy exclaimed, "Are you alright, Jay? You must be positively freezing!"

"She's right," Nick added as he strained the tea, "You're soaked to the bone. Would you like to-"

"N-nothing to fuss over, old sport," Jay laughed with a sniffle, " I-I'm simply content with sharing an afternoon with the two of you."

But Nick saw right through it. Sure, he was excited to see Daisy, but he looked awful! His cheeks were flushed, his nose was tinted pink, and the discomfort he felt showed within his bloodshot eyes of crystal. Still, Gatsby seemed the proud type; and he certainly did not seem as thigh he wished to admit he was feeling ill. Regardless of the truth, Nick had promised Gatsby a perfect tea time with Daisy; and Nick was a man of his word.

"Uh, Daisy," Nick inquired, handing his cousin her tea cup, "What do you take- cream or sugar?"

"None, thank you," Daisy replied.

"Er, Gatsby," Nick asked (though it felt odd to call the man by his name, considering he had never done so before), "What'll you have?"

"If you dod't bind," Gatsby began stuffily, "J-just a bit of sugahhh, ahh... *sniff*, h-huh, H'hrr-gxt-tchu!"

With his cheeks bright red as he stifled his sneeze, Gatsby stirred frantically through his pocket to pull out his soaking wet handkerchief. He couldn't believe he had done that! And in front of people... In front of Daisy.

"Please excuse me," the wealthy war veteran mumbled sheepishly, "I am terribly sorry, I-"

"Gesundheidt," Nick saluted as he handed him his cup of tea.

"Oh, you poor thing," Daisy cooed as she placed backside of her hand gently to Gatsby's forehead, "Must've caught a chill out in the rain. My, and you're a bit feverish, as well!"

"I-I assure you, Daisy," Gatsby swore as he cleared his dry throat, "It's nothing more than a sniffle. Just these flowers, I suppose. But I am just fine, do be sure of that."

Tailing off into the night, Nick left the Oxford alum and his dear cousin to chat alone: finding himself oddly misplaced in his own home! While the two sat and talked together, each of them found a new, enlightened sense of calm they hadn't experienced in a long time. Just as planned, everything was going great... until Gatsby's nose began to itch.

"So, anyway," Daisy gabbled sophisticatedly, "Jordan and I... You remember Jordan, don't you? Well, we decided one night to--"

It absolutely pained Gatsby to tune Daisy out like this, but he simply couldn't help it. This damn nose of his was tickling like crazy! He just knew that he had to get this thing under control- he wouldn't forgive himself if he had sneezed again!

And as Daisy talked more and more, the tickle grew greater and greater. Gatsby tried to sniffle it away, but that only made things worse. Just breathing in general made that sensation urge to sneeze even more and more desperate.

"-And so, you see, I thought the pony could do the trick! It was the circus, after all-"

With his nostrils twitching and flaring , Gatsby's denial faded as he felt the inevitability of a sneeze coming. But he had to stay strong: he couldn't just give up!

'I can do this,' Gatsby pondered as he sniffed deeply, 'Remember, Jay, you're an Oxford man. Oxford men are known for their manners! You musn't... Musn't-'

"-Jay? Oh, Jay?"

"H-huh," Gatsby exclaimed as he escaped his train of thought; rejoining reality and fighting of his nasally dilemma.

"Weren't you listening, "Daisy chuckled, "I was wondering what you've been up to!"

"O-oh," Gatsby laughed with a sniffle, "I-I've *sniff* You, erm- y'see, I've-h-huh...heh, huh..."

'Fight it Jay, fight it,' Jay thought, oh but the tickle! His chest began to rise and fall, his words were slipping lost in the distraction of his impending sneeze. Holding a finger beneath his nostrils, Gatsby fought with all his might to hold back his urge to sneeze. Oh, how foolish he must have looked to Daisy, how humiliating!

"H-huh, D-Day-uh, eh- D-Daisy, I hhaaah'H'haaaah..."

Oh, boy- this was it! He couldn't fight anymore.

"H'HRRRRRSCHOOOO! H'huh-HEEE'sChOOO! H'Hup'Schoo! Huhshooo! Ha'schooo!"

What could be worse; Gatsby was caught in a fit of uncontrollable sneezes. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as the thirty-year-old tried to stifle his involuntary actions.

"H'happ-gxt! 'Eh,'Hrr'sh-xt! Huh'Ish'xgt-shoo! 'H'Hurrrsschoo! 'Haah... Hiiiih... HUUUURRRROOOOOSHHHUUUU!"

After the fit subsided, all Gatsby could do was stare at the ground. Never had he ever put on such a disgraceful display. Still a bit sniffly, the wealthy man found it completely pointless to grab his handkerchief. He didn't really want to do anything, as a matter of fact. Except, maybe, crawl in a hole forever. There was a dead silence in the room, until Gatsby cleared his throat, and mumbled quietly.

"I... I do humbly beg your pardon. I... I have no idea what came over me-"

"Why that's perfectly alright," Daisy giggled as she handed Jay her own dry hanky, "Here. Please, don't be bashful."

As he stared into Daisy warm, inviting eyes, Gatsby felt his cold beginning to melt away as he reached for the handkerchief. He felt better already. Placing her hand over his, Daisy began to comfort the ailing man.

"You were always one to catch cold easily, weren't you, Jay," she said with a lovely grin, "Why, do you remember the stroll we took on that chilly, October evening back when I still lived with my parents? And as we were walking home, like the ever charming gentlemen that you are, you gave me your jacket to wear?"

"How could I forget," Gatsby laughed as he wiped his runny nose, "By the tibe we got to your house, I was sndeezing so mbuch that I couldn't bid you a kiss goodnight."

Chuckling madly, Daisy began to tousle Gatsby's hair as she spoke.

"And you were in bed for a week," Daisy commented quietly.

"Add you brought mbe soup everyday," Jay recalled as he sipped his tea, "You took very good care of me, y'know."

"Well, how about you?! That time I caught that awful stomach bug," Daisy recalled, "You stayed by my side every minute!"

"You know what," Gatsby muttered hoarsely, "I'm feeling better already. Daisy Buchanan, you're a miracle worker."

Grabbing his hand, the fair blonde maiden looked her old romancer by the hand. Jay couldn't be any happier; he'd stay by Daisy every second if he could! With the warmth of Daisy's heart melting away the rest of his cold, Gatsby knew that this was one of the best remedies he could've ever hoped for.

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You don't even understand how much I love that one very short part of the book where Nick opens the door and Gatsby's standing there in the rain with his hands in his pockets. UNFFFF. :drool: So yeah, I loved this fic. It's everything I wished had happened!

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This. Is. Perfect. I love The Great Gatsby! Unfortunately I haven't seen the new movie, only the old one. But still, this is so good! I can just imagine this whole thing so vividly. Pleeease continue! :)

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Aaaahhhmahgoddd ever since I saw that movie I was thinking "Someone should write a sneezefic for that part where Gatsby is out in the rain."

This is perfect. :wub:

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  • 1 month later...

This is adorable! I loved that scene in the movie. This creative fanfic just makes it all the more perfect!

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  • 4 months later...

I also love The Great Gatsby! :) This was so cute... poor Gatsby, trying not to sneeze....

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