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Bad Timing (Pitch Perfect: Jeca fic)


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"Heh-USSCHH! Ahh-ASSCHUH! Ughhhhh." Jesse groaned and threw his head into his hands. There was no denying he was sick, and with the ICCA finals less than a week away, it was possibly the worst timing. "I have sooooooooup!" And Beca. Beca was being the most amazing girlfriend, even though she was at risk of being sick herself for the finals. This was why Jesse loved her, she was constantly putting him before herself. She was amazing girl, and Jesse counted his lucky stars every day. "Dhanks babe. Heh-USHHHH! Ughhhhh." Beca sighed sadly, handing her boyfriend the steaming bowl of soup and tentatively she placed a hand on his forehead. "Jesus, Jess, you're burning up! Do you need anything, cough syrup, tissues, painkillers?" Jesse shook his head, taking his girlfriend's hand and giving her palm a gentle kiss. "I wad guddles." Beca smiled at how cute her boyfriend was, all sleepy and his voice all m's and b's from his blocked nose. "Fine, but if I'm sick for the finals on Saturday I'll kick your cutie ass." Jesse visibly tensed at the mention of the fast approaching ICCA finals. "Chillax Jess. You'll be fine for Saturday, I promise. Plenty of rest and fluids and you'll be fine. Plus, you have your amazing caretaking girlfriend to take care of you." Jesse chuckled, with turned into a full blown, throat-ripping coughing fit. "Whoa Jess, whoa." Beca massaged his boyfriend's sweatshirt-clad shoulders gently, praying that he'd be better in time for the ICCAs. It wouldn't be fair for him to be sick, this really was bad timing.


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I SECOND THAT CONTAGION ^^ you know me ;D.

your story is well writen & absouloutly cuuuuuute c:

okay continue

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"Hey Jess, here. I got you some shhhnxt. Some cough syrup." Jesse smiled, taking the vile smelling bottle from his girlfriend. "Begga, go back do your roob. I dod wad you gedding sick." Beca shook her head, taking her boyfriend's temperature yet again. "Benji's already in there so that HE doesn't catch what you've got too. And I'm shhhhhhhxt. Fine. Trust me, I'll be perfect for Saturday. I just have a bit of a sore throat, I'll be fine though. Hmm, 99.8. It's gone down a lot, Jess. How are you feeling?" Jesse sighed at his girlfriend. "I'b feelid bedder Beg. By throad is bracdigally bended. Bud you deed do go rest. You're snifflid babe, ad I dod wad you do ged sick. Sleeb." Beca nodded slightly, conceding defeat. "Fine, I'll sleep. But only for you. I'll room with shhhhhhxt. Fat Amy or someone to give Benji a chance to rest up. If you need anything just shhhhhhxt. Text me. And if I don't text back within a second then call me because I could be asleep. Love you Jess." Beca kissed Jesse on the head and pulled his blankets closer to his shivering body. "Sleep well babe. I love you." Jesse smiled at his girlfriend. "Lobe you Beggy. Dop worryid aboud be. I'll be find. You deed do go heh-RESHHH! Ugh. You deed do sleeb. I'b dellid you that as your boyfred. Go and sleeb, I'll see you id a few hours." Beca left the room and went to Fat Amy's to sleep for a while. She so hoped that she wasn't getting sick from Jesse. Even though she knew that she wouldn't be able to compete on Saturday with a cold, Beca didn't want Jesse to feel guilty for getting her sick, which she knew he would. Beca fell asleep almost instantly, thankful for a room not filled with the sound of a sneezing, coughing Jesse. Hopefully they would both be well for the ICCA finals in three days.

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"Go geddem Treble." Jesse smiled nervously. He was about to go on stage with the other Trebles at the ICCA finals, and thanks to Beca, he was over his cold almost completely. Beca however, had a sore throat, and although she'd never admit it, Jesse knew it was his fault. He was hoping that the Bellas would win the Finals, so to make him feel less guilty. "We are gonna smash you Bella. Oh, I was wondering, who's your favourite Treble of all time? We're doing a survey in the group, and..." Beca smiled deviously. "Oh Bumper. Definitely." Jesse smirked at his girlfriend as the familiar beats of Don't You Forget About Me started up. "This one's for you Bec. Thanks for taking care of me and being so amazing. I love you so much." Beca rolled her eyes at her cheesy boyfriend. "You're so... heh-CHOO! Ughhh. You're so cheesy. Now go, go!" Jesse ran out on stage, killing the performance and you could hardly tell that he'd been sick at all! But it was hard to perform well when all Jesse could hear was Beca sneezing and sniffling from the sidelines. He got her sick, and for Jesse that was the worst feeling in the world. As he rushed off stage, all he could think about was how he hoped that Beca's voice held up.

Oooh, cliffhanger! More to come! :)

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Jesse watched from the sidelines as the Bellas took to the stage. He saw Beca stifle a couple of sneezes into the crook of her arm and let a throat-ripping cough into her fist. Jesse's fingernails found his mouth as Beca started her solo, you could obviously tell that her throat was ripped to shreds. Just as she was hitting the high note, her voice finally gave way, resulting in some horrible sound. Beca ran off stage, brushing past Jesse without a word. The other Bellas quickly followed. "Stacy? Heh-USCHHHH! Ugh. I am so sorry, if I hadn't gotten Beca sick... I just cost you the ICCAs didn't I? God I'm so sorry." Stacy smiled, putting a hand on Jesse's arm. "It's fine Treble, really. It isn't your fault. I just hope Beca isn't too shhhhhhhhhhxt! Beat up over it. We'd better go and find her. See ya later Jesse."

Will I continue this? X

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Yes you will continue c: it's awesome. Adorable & filled with contagion <3 mhm do continue

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"Beca? Beca? Where are you Bec?" Jesse was running around backstage at Lincoln Center trying to find his girlfriend. "Benji, you guys go on stage for the results, get the other Bellas out too. I'm gonna keep looking for Beca OK?" Benji ran off in the general direction of the stage, leaving Jesse to search for the missing Beca. "Hpppppppfffchee." The quiet, muffled sneeze led Jesse to his crying girlfriend. "Bec. Come here." Beca looked up at Jesse, smiling slightly. "Shhhhxt. Hey Jess. I'b dorry I rad away. Heh-hpppppfffff! Ugh. I feel derrible. Did you hear the doise I bade?? I souded awful dided I? I cad belieb I gost the girls the ICCA. I habe to go abologise heh-CHOO!" Jesse shook his head, pulling his girlfriend up and into his arms. "Don't be silly Bec. You didn't make an "awful sound" at all, you had an incredibly sore throat and you didn't want to admit it because you wanted to perform and help out your friends. And I admire you so much for that. But you aren't well baby, I need to take you back home and take care of you like you did to me. And don't worry about saying sorry, the girls totally get it. Now come on, let's go home and on the way we can get some soup from that amazing place down the street from Barden, yeah? OK baby, c'mon."

Does this need another installment? I think it's a pretty conclusive ending? If y'all want more just let me know!

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I'd say its a lovely ending, but to read more would be great !!!!:3 lovely update c:

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