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Looking for God in all the wrong places (Supernatural, Sick Castiel)


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Awww this is cool. And so sweet with Cas experiencing all this for the first time, and bumbling through trying to keep an eye on them! The image of him all sick and bedraggled with his box of tissues in the lobby is precious. I love the Cas logic: "he hadn't found God in Bolivia, Singapour or Moskow" and the Dean logic: "When we get sick, we get soup." And oh my goodness, that photic sneeze from Sam was a complete surprise and made me very, very happy :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen the post about you writing this fic and I have been waiting for it because I am just in love with SPN. You are a wonderful writer aw and sick Cass is my favourite next to sick dean :) thanks for posting this cool story. Can't wait for the continuation!! :)

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  • 1 year later...

It's been almost 2 years since I've written that story that I stopped because I felt my case didn't align properly. I'm a perfectionist after all :) But what do you know, people change and in the last two years, my style and views about writing changed and somehow, I don't fear loopholes any longer.

So I embrace the possibility of leaving some unexplained things and decided to go ahead and finish the fic because, it's my first one... still close to my heart. And I'm inspired as heck these days so... here you go.

Looking for God in all the Wrong Places, part 7

Dean lazily strolled on the 15th floor to check the first vic's room that Sam had found on the hotel database. It was looking more and more as if something else was causing the suicides but he wasn't convinced yet. He felt a definitive breeze back there. Maybe it was a spirit gathering energy for a future strike. He couldn't be sure. The lack of EMF bothered him. This wasn't a clean cut haunting as he and Sammy were used to.

Arriving at the door, he got a little black box from his back pocket, glanced around to confirm the hall was empty and proceeded to connect it to the electronic lock. Sam had found this little gizmo on Ebay a few months back and they never had to use it yet. Crappy motels usually didn’t splurge on security like the Hilton. When, a few seconds later the red light flickered green, he made his way in.

* * *

In the meanwhile, Sam kept researching the database for any information he had missed.

On the other side the room, Castiel was still trying to establish where the feeling of wrongness emanated from. He felt it in the back of his mind, like an intangible ache that he couldn't quite feel but knew was there. Not unlike the feeling he had when there was angel warding close by. He made his way to the desk where Sam was working when he felt the pain swell, morph and engulfed the front of his face. It made him stop on his track. Not a second later he pitched forward.

'Eh... Ksheww.... eh.. ehhhhh... ekSHa... ehhhh... ehhh... ehhhhhhhhhhh'

He held his hand in front of his nose, wishing for the release but it just dwindled until it almost disappeared. He wetly sniffed.

Sam was no longer looking at his computer. He was looking vaguely his way, mouth agape as if he was in shock. The angel was apprehensive for a second. Could he see him? Had he heard him? Before he could think of anything else, Sam's eyes shut close and his head snapped forward, releasing the sneeze that had been teasing him.

'Et KCHUuu'

He watched puzzled as Sam used his hand to rub at his nose absently, his attention back to whatever he was reading on the computer. Castiel rubbed at his nose the same way and felt the remaining of the tickle recede. He would have to remember this trick.

* * *

After an hour scouring the hotel and the local police database, Sam leaned back on the chair and rubbed his eyes. He definitely couldn't find anything pertaining to ghost or angry spirit activity and he felt more and more as if he was missing something. Sam got to his feet and went back in the bathroom to take one more look at the writing on the mirror.

The words were still there, in their dried blood glory. I DID IT. He checked around to see if anything was out of place and he spied a few more drops of blood on the side of the vanity and on the ground near the trashcan. He looked inside and saw a bloody rag under a pile of other crumpled tissues which he found weird. Maybe one of the police officer had an allergy attack while surveying the crime scene? Sam's nose tickled in sympathy. Apart from that, nothing was out of place.

* * *

After Sam went into the bathroom Castiel had taken the opportunity to sit on the chair. He’d felt dizzy all of a sudden and wondered if it was still this 'flu' affecting him or the thing from the room. Once his head stooped spinning, he got back up to finish surveying the room.

Beside the bed, half hidden by the rumpled cover was a briefcase. Castiel walked closer and as he was preparing to touch it, the urgent feeling came again, making him hitch only once before he launched in fit of harsh sneezes that shook his entire frame and almost made him trip.

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I am obsessed with Castiel , having only just powered through all ten seasons in a month. I'm so glad you decided to write more. There is not enough people talking about how cute Cas would be with his first cold, etc.

This is sooo lovely. Thank you so much for picking it back up.

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I am obsessed with Castiel , having only just powered through all ten seasons in a month. I'm so glad you decided to write more. There is not enough people talking about how cute Cas would be with his first cold, etc.

This is sooo lovely. Thank you so much for picking it back up.

LOL This is how it all started for me too... binge watching everything up to the 8th season's finale :) I'm working hard on writing or prompting more Cas' story at the moment so hang tight :)

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