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Looking for God in all the wrong places (Supernatural, Sick Castiel)


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I've 'recently' became a fan of Supernatural, watching all 8 seasons twice in a row an became rapidly obsessed with sneeze/sick fic about Castiel. *blush* Long story short, I decided to try my hand at a sickfic smile.png

There isn't much sneezing yet, more hurt/comfort, coughing and a lot of description of how he feels. That's his first human illness (and my first fic btw) and it's written as if it was part of season 5 so he's kind looking at it like a child would smile.png But I'm getting to the good stuff soon. And it's only because I'm a sucker for well written characterization and believable plot that I let it stretch that long smile.png Fellow Supernatural fans, don't hesitate to correct me if my characters sound off. And of course, English is still not my primary language so I might have let slip a few bad chosen words.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy smile.png So, here I present to you the first few pages of my fic...


Looking for God in all the wrong places

Dean was driving back from their last hunt and Sam was snoozing, slumped against the window and mouth agape. Drooling a bit too. Dean chuckled and looked back at the road. All in a good day's worth. They were driving back to Bobby's after killing a bunch of vamps in Kansas City and it had been hard on them both. Dean was tired but the triple expresso he had at his last stop was keeping him wide awake.He knew it wouldn't last too long thou but he would manage to stay awake long enough to get them home safely. After an hour driving - a bit faster than required - he heard his cellphone vibrate and took it to his ear.

"Hey Cass..."

"Where are you, Dean?"

Dean looked outside. They were in rural Dakota

"We're on our way back to Bobby's now... Interstate 29-N, mile marker...112"

"Thank you"

Castiel... saying Thank you? This alone strike Dean as peculiar... but it took a few more seconds to realize that the 'Thank you' didn't come from the phone but from the back seat of his Impala. Throwing a fast look to his rear view mirror and not seeing the angel he doubted his perception. Speaking again in the phone he said.

'Hum, you coming?'

'I'm already there, Dean' No doubt possible. Throwing a look behind him this time, Dean was surprised to see Castiel sprawling on his back seat.

'What...' Dean swerved and parked himself on the side of the road. Behind them, a car honked and Sam jerked awake. Dean finished his sentence.

"What are you doing... laying down... on my back seat?'

"I... hum... it's just the way that I arrived...'

Castiel slowly got to a sitting position and Dean realized the angel didn't look all that good. His hair were matted on his head, his trench coat was wet and his face... he thought he looked paler than usual but it might just have been the lighting. Sam looked back and joked.

'Having problems with your landing, Cass?'

Castiel didn't answer immediately as he started to rub his eyes. Sam looked at Dean. Something was definitely up with their angel he thought.

'I... maybe... yes' and without saying another word, he laid back down

Dean frowned 'Nothing worse than a cryptic angel' he thought. They waited for him to explain himself but as he didn't say another word. They just took a good look at him and seeing nothing obviously wrong - No blood or anything sticking out of him - they decided that he would probably tell them what was a matter eventually and Dean resumed his course toward Bobby's. Except that Sam was no longer drooling on his window and looked back a few time to check on the angel who stay silent and did not move a muscle until they arrived at their destination, a few hours later.


2 days before

Castiel was sitting on a bench in London, looking at the sun rise over the river Thames. It was a particularly clear day and he was happy for the prospect of a little sun. The few cities he had visited the previous days were a bit damp and crowded but he hadn't found God in Bolivia, Singapour or Moskow. Next in the list was this park in London. It was a bit empty at the moment but in a few hours there would be lots of people passing through, children playing, dogs and squirrels running around. Castiel closed his eyes and when he opened them again, it was 10 o'clock

As expected, there was more life than at 6:44 in the morning. A few people walking thru the park also childrens were playing in the swingset and running around. Castiel got up and touched Dean's amulet that was hidden in his left pocket. Imperceptibly warmer, he was sure it was a sign! He started to walk toward the playing children, still touching the amulet and gauging it's temperature, letting it guide his step.

So concentrated he was on his task that he didn't see the kids that were running his way and, as kids often do, they bumped into his legs throwing off his equilibrium. The little boys stopped and laughed at him as he crashed loudly on the ground. Luckily their mother was able to catch them at that moment.

'Oh I'm sorry Mister... they're always running into trouble those two...'

Still sitting on the ground Castiel got a good look on the mother of two. Skin white as snow and a few freckles. Shoulder length auburn hair. He saw goodness in her warm hazel eyes.

'Alex... Nathan... are you gonna say sorry to the man?'

Looking down Castiel tried to smile at the two brazen 5 years old boy and hope that as Dean had put it, he didn't look too much like a psycho. The two boys opened their mouth at the same time, and although one did say sorry, the other had a different response. He sneezed wetly right in Castiel's face. He blinked as both boys laughed and ran away, leaving the mother gaping at what had just happened. She got a tissue out of her handbag, tried to wipe Castiel's face in a rush as she explained how sorry she was... then she left to catch the boys anew.

Finishing to wipe his face with the tissue, Castiel got up, dusted himself off and touched the amulet. Still lukewarm. Maybe he had imagined the change in temperature.Or maybe he should stay in this park until the end of the day just in case.

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Somehow I'm not sure that Quebec is its own country. Not for lack of trying, though ;)

Great start! And your English is pretty darn close to perfect. I couldn't write like any of this in French...

My favourite part is the title, actually. Sad but true.

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Lol you got that right:)

I'm trying to do my best...and I'm having a blast writing this. I have about 10 pages already but I have to correct and edit them before I'll post them. Next part will be posted later this evening thou :)

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I dunno how cute Cas could be in my fic. I just finished writing a part where he feels quite poorly and sneezes his head off tonguesmiley.gif More about that later wink.png

Btw, the whole 'present time' and '1 day before', it's the way I found to express my flashback. I'm not sure it's working good but after this part it's all going streamline so...

Looking for God in all the wrong places (part 2)

Present time.

Dean stopped the car as Sam jumped out. He decided to wait a few moment to see if Castiel would get out with them. Or start talking. After 10 long seconds and no movement from the angel, Dean extended his arm to touch him

'Hey Cass... we're here! You're asleep or what?'

After a pause,he answered

'I....I was meditating' then he slowly sat up.

Dean got out of the car and waited for the angel to do his disappearing and reappearing act behind him but instead Castiel opened the door and with a hand griping the side, he got up. 'Weirder and weirder' Dean though. For a moment,he wondered if the angel might have discovered the pleasure of drinking alcohol but he didn't look inebriated, just tired. And at the risk of being insulting, Dean asked.

'Hum, your ok Cass? I mean, your vessel hasn't been damaged or anything?'

To what the angel threw him a hard look, then swaying a little, his gaze seemed to look right thru him. If Dean didn't know any better... he would have though Cass was about to faint but... he can't, can he?

As an answer, Cass fell on his knee and Dean grabbed him before he could fall face first on the pavement


1 day before

Castiel would have stayed a bit longer in London, but the beautiful day had left it's place to a cloudy afternoon then a rainy evening. He strolled around the park until midnight then left for a small town in Texas.

He soon found another bench and sat, observing the scenery while touching the amulet. It was a little bit after supper time and the sun was getting low. Still, it was warmer and more importantly, less humid than London. With a shrug he dried his coat and continued his vigil until morning,

Around 7 o'clock, with a shiver he became aware that the amulet was getting colder, not warmer. This sudden realization struck him. He jumped on his feet, saying to himself

'God must have been in London'

But back in London, the rain had picked up to biblical proportion and Castiel decided to follow the people in a nearby bus stop shelter. As the buses brought and and took away more people, it was a good place to search for God but no matter how he touched he amulette, it stayed cold. Then after half an hour, when the clouds started to let go of the sky and the rain dimished to a faint drizzle, he decided to go back in the park and see if he could find again the faint traces of God's presence.

A flap of his wings later, he was back in front of his park bench where he touched yet again the amulet. As another big shiver took him by surprise he couldn't believe what his fingers told him. It was colder still. 'Not possible' he thought. He had to be closer, he had to. Why did the amulet kept getting colder even if only a few hours ago it had reacted in this same neighborhood. Was God running away from him? The though made his head spin a little.

He sat down puzzled, and decided that maybe God had fled the rain,not him and maybe he would come back when the sun was out again... he just had to be patient.

Present time – a few minutes later

'Fucking angels'

Dean was yelling as he walked in circle in one of Bobby's room, He was so angry at Castiel that he couldn't stop swearing. Even if God was to appear in the room at that particular moment to smite him, he didn't care. He was angry at Castiel for dropping unconscious at his feet. Why hadn't he say something? He'd been silent for the two whole hours they were together in the car... he could have said something for Christ sake!

'Fucking angels'

He ranted again and Sam looked at him as if to say 'Shut up already' But Dean didn't care either. He was angry. But also worried. Bobby and Sam had helped get him inside - the angel was heavier than he appeared - and they imediately felt the heat radiating from him. And the strong shivers that almost made them drop him. twice. Bobby came back with his thermometer and placed it in his mouth but Dean was sure he had a fever from hell.

And now he was starting to feel remorse for not seeing it before... his whole appearance was screaming 'I'm not ok' but Dean didn't call him on that. Not before they were at Bobby's. Cass was not used to ask for help so he should have been the one to said something... if someone deserved to be yelled at, it was him.

The thermometer beeped and Bobby checked it.

'104...look like a fever to me but how are we to know... ever took an angel's temperature before?'

Sam looked closer and saw that Castiel's eyes were slightly open and ventured.

'Hey Cass... How you feeling?'

Dean stopped walking in a circle and got closer, Cass eyes were a bit unfocused but they were looking toward him.

'I... I'm not sure...What happened? Why am I...' his voice caught in his throat and he started to cough uncontrollably He rolled on his side and regained control. He continued with a weaker voice 'My throat appear to have been set on fire'

Sam, Dean and Bobby looked at each others and Dean said

'Not only your throat...you are burning up man. Any idea why is that?'

Castiel decided to shook his head instead of speaking and he realized that he brought him great pain and he winced.

'Head... hurt...'

Bobby walked to the desk, brought back Tylenol Caplets and a bottle of water.

'Well for that and for the fever that... we assume you have, we got Tylenol'

Sick or not, the angel managed to look puzzled. Bobby looked at Dean and Sam and they propped him in a sitting position with some pillows, and he reluctantly accepted to take the pills. Another clear sign that Cas was under the weather. Sam gave the Nyquil bottle to Bobby and he nodded. Of a common accord they had decided that talking to Cass in this state would get them nowhere. Better he rested, and the Nyquil would get him the sleep - again they assumed - that he needed as well as take care of his throat. Once he had swallowed the syrup, they left him 'meditating' a bit. The snoring they heard soon after confirmed the Nyquil's success.


A few minutes before.

God... was not there. God wasn't anywhere!

Castiel was still sitting on the bench, shivering almost continually now and tugging at his wet coat. He was cold, colder than he ever was. He got up the bench but had difficulty keeping his balance. The earth was shifting and shaking under him, but he took a breath and it steadied. At least the rain had stopped for a bit, and he could walk around the park. Slowly he began to move away from the bench and touched the amulet. Dean's amulet Dean's icy amulet. Dean who was not there... where was he?

He reached his other pocket to take the cellphone...

Edited by NorthernLady
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Thanks smile.png It's gotta get worse before it gets better right? Besides, the fun is just starting!

Oh and I didn't write any disclaimer before but of course none of this universe and characters are mine. Sadly. Even if I wish for it very hard. But I typed every single words smile.png

Btw when I started to write the fic, I wasn't sure in what season the story would take place and forgot to correct it when I decided that it would be set in the 5th season. Bobby is suposed to be in a wheelchair.

Looking for God in all the wrong places (part 3)

A few hours later...

Castiel slowly opened his eyes and realized he wasn't in London anymore. And he was lying down. On a bed. Something icy cold weighted heavily on his forehead and a shiver overtook him. Dean drew closer and took his hand, green eyes locked on his own, filled with concern.

'Dean...' the angel croaked but it was all he could say before the atrocious fire started anew in his throat and made him cough again. Hard.

'Hey Cass.. I'm here... we're all here' he said to comfort him. Sam joined him a moment later, holding a glass of water for him to drink, which he did, without any protest.The cold water calmed the fire in his throat and Castiel risked a few more words,

'Why am I...' His voice was no longer the gruff and deep voice they knew. It was weaker, whispery and broke at the end but Sam understood what he was asking.

'We don't know... we thought you could explain it to us. You called us to know where we were and you appeared in the car in this... state.' He frowned 'What's the last thing you remember?'

Cass closed his eyes with a look a pained concentration and for a moment they thought he had dropped back to sleep. But after shivering once again, he opened his eyes and looked away.

'... searching for God


'Not in London'

'Right... Were you attacked?'

He slowly shook his head, remembering the worsening pain he felt last time he did.

Dean looked at Sam, not sure what to ask next but the angel's mind appeared to be far away.

'So cold and... wet'

Outside of his field of vision, Bobby frowned and grumbled to himself 'Idjit!' Dean and Sam threw him a questioning look and he explained.

'London is really rainy this time of year... Friggin' Angel must have stayed in the rain too long and caught his death!' Then half to himself he continued 'Well at least it explain the state of his clothes too.'

They looked back at Castiel who was back with them but looked a bit scared. Bobby concluded.

'No you ain't gonna die... it's an expression. You just caught a bug...a virus' he corrected 'and now you're sick.' Cass looked more confused by the moment. 'I know I know... you're an angel of the lord and all that but... Ya feel like crap, you faint, you burnin' up and your throat feel like a goddamn volcano, right?

Barely perceptible nod from Castiel.

'Yeah! Sound like the flu to me. I guess you're not immune to our earthly disease anymore'

The angel's gaze lost focus for a few seconds as he appeared thoughtful and Bobby shrugged and said more softly this time.

'Well at least you came to us and you're in good hand now. We know our way around our human failings' Taking the bottle of Nyquil from his lap he said. 'And we got just the stuff to take care of it'

Castiel slowly nodded.

* * *

When he woke up a few hours later, Cass was feeling a little better. His throat and head were still hurting. And he still felt shivery but his mind seemed clearer. Dean was asleep on a desk chair and didn't look too comfortable.

The angel stretched, tested his muscles and winced as he was sore all over. Even his wings so he didn't risk using them to get out of bed. He instead moved very carefully to avoid waking up Dean.

As he was preparing to put his feet on the ground, he felt a slight tickle which made him hitch once before it receded. He paused an instant, wondering where this was coming from. He lifted his hand to his nose, touching the bridge where the tingling had originated and it came back stronger, making his eyes water and his nostrils quiver. He couldn't stop himself from opening his mouth, hitching three or four time before it exploded out of him.

'K'shhhhhew..eh... kshhhhu...kshhhhew... uh uh...Uhhhhh Ksheew... Ksheh Ksheh eh... eh... ehhhhhhh......'

His eyes shut as he seemed suspended in time, the only thing moving was his nostrils then....


Dean had jerked awake at first sneeze and looked around, surprised to see Cass who seamed to have totally lost control and surrendered to the fit. Then after the last one erupted out of him, he lost himself again to the coughing fit that followed.

Dean winced as he stroked his back and after the fit ended, he eased Cass back into the bed. The angel didn't complain or fight back. Whatever that was, it had exhausted him and small bead of perspiration had appeared on his forehead.

Sam who had come running at the first sign of trouble, walked back to Bobby's study as he conferred with him about the possible course of action.

He sighed 'Maybe we should find a way to reach someone in his garrison. He doesn't seems to get better. His fever keeps spiking back up no matter how many meds we give him.

Dean joined them 'I dunno Sammy... I think there's a reason he came to us instead of going back upstairs. Maybe he can't, or maybe he doesn't want to. He keep saying it's a civil war up there...'

Bobby chimed in 'Well I sure doesn't want a fight to break in here too... but It's only been about a day. I say we give him a little more time before getting more feathered ass in here. Till then, we keep the hex bags close' he said, stroking the one in his pocket. The brothers agreed.

He was about to roll out of the study when he stopped and said.

'I'm going on a hunch here but I'll say that if wing boy can be sick, he might as well need to eat too so I'll go warm up a little soup for him' He pushed foward in his wheel chair saying 'Be back in a few'

Dean went back to check on Cass and Sam sat back in front of the computer, intent on looking for any signs of Horsemen or Demonic activities. The world wouldn't save itself!

For the moment Dean observed, the angel seemed to have settled in a restful slumber so when about 15 minutes later, Bobby came back with a steaming bowl of, from the smell of it, homemade chicken soup, he hesitated a few second before gently trying to rouse him.

'Hey Cass, buddy... Wanna try some chicken soup?' The angel's eyes opened ever so slightly. In his whispery broken voice he protested.

'Don't require... sustenance'

Dean explained 'It's kind of a ritual for us humans. When we get sick, we get soup. It's one of those things that makes us feel almost instantaneously better. You should try it, it can't hurt'

Castiel studied the steaming bowl as if he was trying to count how many molecules it contained. Then he looked up and nodded. Dean helped him get seated and watched him take his first sip cautiously, then a second and a third. So far, so good. But after half his bowl his sipping slowed down. His eyelids heavy, his head started to bob down. He was falling asleep. Dean gave back the bowl to Bobby, and he helped him down once again. Then he sprawled back on the uncomfortable chair for another nap.

* * *

Castiel slept another few hours until he woke up in the middle of a dream. He didn't remember having one before so it must have been his first. But it was not a pleasant one.

He was in Hell, searching for Dean so he could bring him back from the pit but no matter he looked, he couldn't find him. And it was so hot his feathers were starting to turn grey and smoke. Panicking he thought 'What if I can't find him? What if I fail God? What if I stay stuck in here and burst into flames?' He was breathing faster and faster. He felt the heat on his skin and he caught the sent of his feathers starting to burn.

'Dean!' he was screaming....'Dean!' The smoke caught in his throat and he started to cough uncontrollably...

... and he woke up still coughing as Dean was trying to comfort him. Tears were streaming down his face as he had trouble catching his breath but as the smoke from his dream dissipated, so did his coughing fit. Still remembering his nightmare, Castiel looked straight into Dean's eyes with an intensity he had almost never shown. Fierce blue eyes locked into his own green, worried eyes. Silently screaming 'Don't ever leave me'

Dean still a bit shaken whispered to the angel.

'You ok now?'

Castiel nodded as he concentrated to slow down his breathing. Then he said with his ghost of a voice.

'Just a bad dream'

Then he closed his eyes again for a few seconds...

* * *

... which happen to last a few hours.

He came to as something in his mouth made a noise. He opened his eyes to see Dean and Sam looking down on something then they smiled.

'It's definitely going down' Dean rejoiced.

'Good lord,..finally!' Bobby said from the other side of the room. Sam looking down nudged Dean.

'Welcome back Sleeping Beauty!' Dean cheered. Cass frowned, not understanding the reference

'You scared us for a while but I think you gonna start feeling better soon.'

From beyond his field of vision, Bobby asked.

'You want some more soup?'

The angel nodded. He didn't feel hunger but the soup had succeeded at making him feel better so he hoped it would work again this time. And when Sam brought the bowl, Castiel sipped it in it's entirety. Then more Nyquil and Tylenol lulled him back to sleep.

Edited by NorthernLady
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Thank you :) I'm happy of the way the story is going. It's almost writing itself. And soon we'll meet the mischievous Cass who doesn't want to stay put and has to spy on the Winchesters as they investigate their hunt... tee hee :)

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So here's part 4... it's smaller because I'm still working on what comes after. I'm trying to work a little more action into my story
And a few more sneezes from other characters

But i'm going ahead of myself... enjoy!

Looking for God in all the Wrong Places, part 4

When Castiel woke up next, he definitely felt better. His head still hurt but it was not throbbing as before, his throat was also less raw and no where near the 'goddamn volcano' level, as Bobby had put it. He wasn't freezing or shivering which was a nice change. He looked at the empty chair beside him. Dean was probably sleeping in his bed. Cass sighed, relieved.He would have slipped back to sleep if he hadn't seen a glass of water waiting for him on the table which reminded him he was very thirsty.

Slowly and carefully this time as to avoid waking up his sore muscles or the tickle in his nose,he sat and stretched his arm to grab the glass,then proceeded to drink it in small gulp. It's about at that moment that he realized that his coat and suit were neatly folded on the table. And he was dressed in a light blue pajama. How in heaven did it happen without his knowing, he wasn't sure.

After finishing his drink Castiel decided that he felt well enough to go look for his friends. He grabbed the chair for support - just in case, really - and let his feet touch the ground. A sudden shiver made his fear the return of the dreaded fever but looking down, he saw that his feet were naked. And the floor was cold.

He then started to walk toward the room's entrance.

* * *

Sam and Bobby were hunched over the computer studying a map of weather patterns and Dean was reading a newspaper.

Hey I think I got a lead
' Said Dean lifting his head.Sam got closer to read the headline.

Rash of unresolved suicides in popular Minneapolis city hotel.

Bobby said
'I don't see any Demonic Omen in the vicinity but...

Five suicide Bobby... from the same hotel and in the same week?
' Dean interrupted him.
'It can't be coincidence!

Sam went back to the computer and opened a new browser window to search for more information. A few minutes later, having hacked into the police database, they had a lot more info. The 5 victims were from all over the U.S and were staying in the Minneapolis Hilton to attend the same business convention. A few witnesses described the victims as a bit jumpy -isn't that a nice choice of words- nervous and a tad of paranoia. They stayed on differents floors but they all jumped to their death from the pool floor on top of the 25
story building.

Sam winced at the photographs enclosed in the file. The corpses looked like bloody disarticulated ragdolls. Not much to autopsy but the chem work indicated no drugs of any kind.

Without lifting his eyes, he said '
It does look fishy... One suicide per day in the last 5 days. We might as well go check it out

Dean got up '
Good! I was starting to get stir-crazy in here'
he said walking away
'If we go now we can arrive bef....


Interrupted, Dean looked toward the door and saw Castiel frozen in place and hiding his nose with a hand, the other was tightly gripping the door frame.

Hey Cass... you need someth...
' he inquired as the angel interrupted him again.

Kshhh... Ehhhh... ehhhh....KHSHGN!
' He then kept his hand in place, hitching a few times before the tickle left him. '
By apologies
' he mumbled.

' Sam took a tissue box and threw it at his brother as if to say 'He surely needs it' He caught the box and held it to Castiel who looked at it puzzled.

Need to blow your nose?
' to which Castiel nodded and slowly removed his hand from over his runny nose and grabbed a few tissues .His eyes fluttered once more as the tickle came back with a vengeance and he sneezed a wet double, this time right in the tissue.

' Then he dabbed at the wetness escaping his nose..

Thagn you Deed

Sam chuckled as Dean kept holding the box to him...

Take it, look like you'll need it...

Cass grabed it with his free hand but kept the tissues held to his nose with the other.. Dean opened his mouth as something occurred to him.

You know how to... blow, right?
' The angel blinked but nodded before doing so and disposing of the used tissues in a trashcan near the door. Dean was glad he didn't have to instruct him how to do it. Sammy was the specialist, having allergies and all but he, well, let just say that he hated sneezing and everything that came with it.

He patted Cass's shoulder and smiling reassuringly he said. '
Well keep at it.. Me and Sam gotta go, there's something we gotta check out but we'll be back in no time
' He winked at Cass '
Keep an eye on Ironside for us, okay?

He and Sam swiftly walked to their room to pack. Bobby wheeled himself closer and said '
You heard him, Wing Boy
' Rolling past he continued '
I got more soup for you if you want it

Tissue box in hand he followed Bobby to the kitchen. He might as well get better, later tonight he would need his strength if he wanted to keep an eye on the Winchesters.
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Marry me and lets write beautiful ficlets together~ Can't wait for more! <3

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I'm glad you like :) Next part might take a little longer to prepare because i'm writing it right now but I'm very motivated! I got a few good sneezy situation waiting in my head and it's making me giggle in front of my computer :P

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So here's the next part with a surprise sneeze from Sam wink.png Maybe i'll write a few more from him in the next part wink.png

Looking for God in all the Wrong Places, part 5

Cass was not hungry but ate two bowls of the soup nonetheless – the more the better right? - he then excused himself to take a nap. He laid down, expecting the sleep to come as it did the other times but after an hour, it didn't. He took it as a sign that his angelic abilities were coming back to him and he sat on the bed. He already had picked up on the loud snoring Bobby in his study and he decided that it was the perfect time go check on the brothers.

He sniffed to test his nose. It was still hard to breath thru but besides that, he had no discomfort. Same for his throat who hurt only when he swallowed. Getting up he ruffled his wings. Everything was sore but it was manageable.

He got dressed and as he was ready to go, grabbed the box of tissues, just in case. Then in a gentle breeze he was gone.

- - -

A few hours after they left Bobby's, the Winchesters had time to discuss the case and after throwing out a few hypothesis, they had concluded that it was probably ghost possession. They would book a room right at the scene to investigate, find the culprit then salt and burn. Easy Peasy! They'd probably be done before morning.

As they were nearing their destination and the sun still high in the sky, a reflection caught Sam directly in the eyes and he squinted. Swiftly turning his head toward the window he hitched once then stiffed.

'Ehh....Kgnn chu'

Without looking away from the road, Dean asked 'You're not getting sick on me are you Sammy?'

'Na... just the dust' he lied.

Dean smirked, then he gently caressed his steering wheel, cooing 'Baby is gonna get a nice shampoo when we get back' Sam rolled his eyes but didn't comment about Dean baby talk. Besides, they were almost there.

* * *

A strong breeze announced the arrival of Castiel in the lobby and he already knew he had made a mistake.

The trip had been more demanding that he thought. Dizziness forced him to take support on a nearby wall. Of course, he couldn't have been more conspicuous. His coat and gruff appearance contrasting with the suit and ties that were passing thru the lobby. A woman almost bumped into him then stopped, staring at him and the box he was holding in his left hand. It was white with pink floral patterns. He suspected that it would have been better if he hadn't appeared in such a public place – the brothers would spot him immediately upon their arrival - but it was too late. The little energy he had recovered had been spent and he couldn't travel to another more secluded location, at least not without his walking there. He waited until the woman and the wave of dizziness disappeared then walked out of the lobby.

Once outside, Castiel took notice that the entrance was devoid of trees or any structures behind which he could have concealed himself. However, at his left and a short walking distance away was a park with a few unoccupied benches, some even hidden in the shades. He would wait for the brothers there.

He sat and rested his eyes for a few seconds. The next thing he knew the distinctive sound of the Impala brought him to total wakefulness. He opened his eyes as the car pulled into a parking space. He had to move now if he didn't want to lose them. As he was getting to his feet, he felt his energy had sufficiently replenished so he could obscure himself from view.

Minutes later, a homeless man walking by found the tissue box forgotten on the bench.

Edited by NorthernLady
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Sick Cas with all the contagion...yes please... I really love this! Your writing is really brilliant and I'm actually rather curious about the string of suicides. Not to mention, the unexpected Sam sneeze was beautiful, thank you so much. I'm so excited! I wonder what'll happen when Castiel discovers that he's left his tissues behind...hmm...

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I love sick Cas... and if this is contagious OMG YES PLEASE SICK SAM AND/OR DEAN

I wasn't sure about contagiousness but you are starting to inspire me in that direction wink.png Look for subtle signs in the next few post and try to guess who will be next wink.png

Not to mention, the unexpected Sam sneeze was beautiful, thank you so much.

Thank you:) It was inspired by an obs I read on the forum. I love photic sneezing smile.png

I wonder what'll happen when Castiel discovers that he's left his tissues behind...hmm...

I'm starting to address this in this chapter:)

So here I go!

* * *

Looking for God in all the Wrong Places, part 6

As soon as the car was parked, Sam got out and stretched his long muscular frame and straightened his suit. The Impala was a large and accommodating car but still, a few hours without moving much was giving him leg cramps. Dean opened the trunk to take out a few bags and fakes Ids then they walked to the hotel check-in counter.

'We'd like a room with two beds please' Dean said to the girl as Sam was eying the lobby. She looked up from her paper.

'I'm sorry Sir, we're booked 'til the end of the week... for the convention. I can suggest the Day Inn just down the road...'

Dean cleared his throat and smiled his most charming smile as he removed the fake ID from his pocket 'We heard you just had some vacancy.... Agent Young FBI, this here is agent Angus' he said as Sam turned and showed him his card.

The girl's eyes opened wide as she shoved her paper aside. 'Oh... I'm gonna get my boss' She said as she ran in an adjacent room. Sam took this opportunity to whisper to Dean.

'The building is recent. We won't have a lot of history to search for haunting or other suspicious deaths'

'Well it's a nice change...' Dean whispered back 'I was tired of crappy motel room, at least we'll be able to take a nice warm bath without...'

A short stubby man in a suit and white tag written 'Manager' hurried from the backroom and joined them.

'Agent Young, Angus?'

Dean looked at him seriously. 'Yes'

The manager continued 'I'm sorry to have kept you waiting but we were under the impression that the police had finished their investigation'

'They are but the FBI had taken an interest in this case. We think it might be' he cleared his throat again for added effect and finished his sentence in a whisper 'a serial killer'

'A serial killer?' the manager said weakly 'But we thought it was suicides?'

'Our bosses think differently. Don't you find it curious that five people jumped to their death every day for the last five days?'

'Of course! But the police told us to update our security. We just installed cameras and we have a security guard keeping watch of the pool floor on all time!'

Dean took note and nodded. 'That's good but we would require access to the rooms if possible' It was the managers turn to nod.

'Okay.. but we'll need you to sign papers...'

Dean took the fake FBI business card from his pocket and held it to him 'Call my boss, Agent Willis. He'll clear that out for you!' Nodding again, he took the card and put it in his pocket. Then after a few keystrokes on the computer, he gave them two keycards.

* * *

On the 11th floor, Castiel followed the brothers as they entered the room. Immediately Dean looked around the room that had obviously been lived in for a few days. Remnants of food, dirty glasses and even an empty whisky bottle in the trashcan beside an unmade bed. Lagavulin 12 years. This guy had taste, he thought feeling the sudden urge to go sample the minibar. But there was more urgent matters. He set the bags on the bed and took out the EMF detector. After walking around the room he concluded.

'No EMF here' Castiel had known from the moment he had entered the room but since he was spying on the boys, he had to stay quiet. But his senses told him something was wrong with the room. He just couldn't put his finger on it yet.

Sam lifted his head from his laptop 'The hotel was constructed in 1992. As far as I can see, no accidents reported on the site. Except a few drug overdoses and death by old ages, nothing I can see that suggest a vengeful spirit.'

Dean checked out the bathroom. 'Well something definitely happened in here' he said. Sam joined him and he saw drops of blood in the sink and the mirror, something had been scribbled in it.

'Oh' escaped Sam. 'Last words?' Castiel drew closer to read the bloody text.


'You think we'll find something similar in the other rooms?'

'Might be!' Castiel moved out of the way as Sam walked back to his computer to hack into the hotel database. Dean was about to follow him when a sudden draft made him shiver. He frowned looking around then slowly walked back to Sam.

Still in the bathroom the angel was pinching his nose. The tickle had come so suddenly that he couldn't have stopped the sneeze that came out of him. He had to be careful. Sound, like the sight of him was hidden by the spell but the air that was forced out by the tickle could still manifest itself. He let go of his nose and realized it had started to leak again, which reminded him that he had forgotten about the box he was holding earlier. He must have left it on the bench outside. He sniffed and looking around, he saw that there was another of those tissue box beside the sink. He grabbed a few tissue and blew the wetness away.

When he was finished he walked out of the bathroom but it was too late. Dean was already gone.

* * *

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Nuuu we need more

And you shall :) Working on the next part as we speak! I'll post it tonight or tomorrow...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, I like your sneezy clueless brave Cas! And do i sense some kind of contagion??? *waiting, waiting, waiting*

Yes there is contagion coming up :)

I stopped writing the next chapter to try and figure out where the story was going. Now I understand why they say 'write about what you know' :P I have to research before I figure out how how it'll all end. But I plan on finishing it. No quitting.

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