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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Pokemon short oneshot (M)

Kushami Suki Da!

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Here is a fix I wrote a long time ago (before my Heralia obsession) it's sick Shigeru/Gary.


Ash, Misty, and Brock were lost in the forest - again. It had been raining on and off for a few days, but they did their best to stay dry. Stopping under trees and using umbrellas. Misty was starting to worry, they had been lost for just over a week, and still no sign of any civilization what so ever.

Suddenly, a figure walked into the group's veiw from behing some trees. Eyes still not focused on the person in front of them, ash still knew who it was. He could recognize his voice that was humming casualy. Though everyone noticed his slight differance in his silhouette, his hair was wet and weighed down"Gary!" Ash yelled surpized and excited. "I challange you to a Pokémon battle!"

"Fine, it's been a while, *Ashey-boy*. well, lets ge-" Gary stopped mid-word. His expression changed too, like he was focusing hard on nothing in paticular... His breaths became short and irregular, starting to hitch. "Heh... Ttch... Hehh..." His nose now twitching, nostrals flaring, subtly, but rappidly. His eyes started to water. Misty could tell what was happening and went to offer him a tissue. As soon as she got close enough to hand him the tissue, Gary's eyes slammed shut and his head tilted back. "heh'xshoo!-heh!" Gary exploded, snaping forward, sending a spray of mucus all over misty's face. This first sneeze opened the door for many others and Gary broke into an all-out sneezing fit. "Heck'iissh hek'ish heeh-kish-kish-kish" when it was over, Gary was sitting on the ground, trying to control the intensity of the sneezes. blushed from embarrassment. He still took the tissue from misty and blew his nose as quietly as possible.

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