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*Supernatural* RPF: Dream Scene


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Um... So this is just weird. It's based on a messed up dream I had the other night. Unsurprisingly with the amount of Supernatural I've digested over the last month in reviewing the show..... I've had a few dreams about Sam, Dean, Jared and Jensen. All I can say is, I hope that this one above all the others comes true.

I've never been to a Con. So... if the details aren't accurate I apologise!

*sigh* This feels like the most narcissistic and self-indulgent thing I've ever done or written. So, you're warned.



“Next question please, the woman in the purple scarf? That looks comfy.”

“Yeah, *ahem* it is, thanks.”

I could not believe I was sitting in the same room and breathing the same oxygen as Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. This was the moment I had been waiting for all weekend, the J2 Breakfast panel. And I had to wake up with no voice. It’s not like I’d been yelling too loud in karaoke the night before with Misha and Richard, honestly! Screw it, my question was too important to worry about embarrassing myself with a scratchy voice.

I clear my throat once more before continuing, shaking loose a small cough.

“Bless you.” Jensen’s green eyes fixated on me crinkle in sympathy.


“Eh? For a minute I forgot we were in Canada!” Jared cheerfully joins in. The crowd giggles. I’d seen it before. The boys, especially Jared, like to tease the nervous fangirls when they’re trying to ask questions. It was working. My knees were already feeling wobbly, my palms sweaty on the audience mic.

“What’s your question?” Jensen politely tries to reign in his co-star and the audience.

“It’s about your directing and what do you think you’ll do after the series is finally over? Will you be stepping behind the camera on a more permanent basis? Love your work so far!”

“Thanks. Great question!” Jensen enthuses, pausing slightly to pass a finger under his nose.

He answers my question with a practiced answer, telling the slightly disappointed audience that yes he plans to pursue a career as director or producer when the series wraps up. Jared makes his patented Sad-Sturgeon-Face in parallel of the groans from the audience.

“And what do you do?” Jared’s taken over my question because Jensen is gearing up to sneeze, being careful to shift his mic safely onto his lap before offering a loud Hurr’SHOO!! into his shoulder.

It’s my turn to smile and bless Jensen along with a chorus from the audience.

“Me? I-I’m a professional singer. With a background kind of in theatre and an interest in film?”

“Really?” Jared sounds intrigued. “Can you sing us a little something?”

Jensen pipes in, “Sounds like you’re a bit under the weather. You don’t have to, really.”

My head is pounding in time with my heart. It’s no big deal. I’m a professional right? I straighten up, take in a low deep breath and start to sing.

Winter is here again oh Lord,

Haven't been home in a year or more

I hope she holds on a little longer

Sent a letter on a long summer day

Made of silver, not of clay

I've been runnin' down this dusty road

Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

I don't know where I'll be tomorrow

Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'

The words and music just flow around me, I’m gaining in energy as I hit the chorus, not thinking about my sore throat, headache, or stuffy nose.

I only realise my eyes were closed when I stop singing and open them to cheers and applause erupting around the room, including Jared and Jensen.

& & &

I’m in the lobby restaurant, hands wrapped around a mug of tea, watching the bustling activity and hoping for one last glimpse of celebrity as everyone prepares to leave. I turn away for a few seconds to cough into my scarf, and the next thing I know I’m staring into a pair of extremely recognisable green eyes. Jensen Ackles has come and sat down at my table. Joined by none other than Jared Padalecki, of course. Suitcases in tow, they look as if they’re about to leave.

“Hi!” It’s the only thing my sleep-deprived brain can think of to say. Good one, brain. I resist the urge to roll my eyes, but wince as the single syllable comes out low and gravelly.

As I swallow to try and loosen some congestion, Jensen picks up the thread of conversation.

“That was great this morning! That was one of my favourite Journey songs. I think we’ve even had it on the show once or twice, right Jared?”

“Yeah I think so. Seriously all the more impressive to sing like that and you’re sick. How’d you do it?”

I shrug. “No big deal. My vocal coaches taught me how to deal with illness. As performers we don’t always have a choice to be completely healthy when we have to be on.” The boys nod, knowingly. “So, they teach us how to always have a voice to sing with. During my Masters, I had laryngitis for two months in third year.”

“Sounds awful!” Jared comments.

“Care to tell us some of your trade secrets?” There’s an irresistible twinkle in Jensen’s eye when he smiles that charming smile at me. “Haaaah… AhiiCSH!!

“Bless you.” I sniff away a tingle in my own nose, pulling out my trusty Kleenex pack that’s never been far from my pocket this weekend. “You don’t sound so well yourself.”

“Convention season is always the hardest. Just after work lets up, and your body wants a break and instead we’re working harder on media events, interviews, and panels.”

“Listen, if you can help us… me… get through the next convention?” Jensen coughs away from Jared into his shoulder.

Jared’s large hand comes out to pat his friend on the back.

We laugh and talk as Jensen and I sniffle and cough through the next ten minutes. Jared seems to take it all in stride, sharing personal space with us germies. I never thought I’d be giving vocal health advice to some of the hottest and most famous men on television. I must be dreaming. Pinch me?

& & &

Edited by swann_ee_song
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Oh my goddddd this is so wonderful. I always really really REALLY love convention fics, just because they seem so real to me, which makes them so much hotter. I'd love to read more but I"m also totally satisfied with just what you've given us. I love all the sympathy, and the blessings and the turning away from the microphone (HOT HOT HOT) and pretty much like... everything... wowwww what I'd give to experience a dream like that!!! Thank you so much for sharing! (And good luck catching up! I won't spoil anything but season 8 was definitely one of my favorites...)

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Agghhh, you beautiful genius! The whole idea of this is just so gorgeous, it's so real, why isn't this a thing, why??? So cute. So perfect.

Teach me about vocal health!! I want trade secrets. I want to know how to sing when sick!! Also, is that a real thing?? What.

Also, I am incredibly impressed that your dream self could think up such an ingenious idea! I mean, like, of course the boys would want to know how to survive filming while feeling and sounding so sick, and if some sweet wonderful adorable sick singer just happened to sing for them at a Con... they would be itching for tips. I mean, I know you said it was BASED off of your dream, but still, my dreams never make that much sense.

Anyway, I reaaaaally liked this. Thank youuu!

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Wonderful. Amazing. Fantastic c: awesome. Splendid. ( running out of words too describe this because it's too perfect ^-^) alrighty.

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That was great! I always love when a dream comes along that actually makes enough sense for a fic! Good job on converting it into a story! I really enjoyed it! :)

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Oh my goddddd this is so wonderful. I always really really REALLY love convention fics, just because they seem so real to me, which makes them so much hotter. I'd love to read more but I"m also totally satisfied with just what you've given us. I love all the sympathy, and the blessings and the turning away from the microphone (HOT HOT HOT) and pretty much like... everything... wowwww what I'd give to experience a dream like that!!! Thank you so much for sharing! (And good luck catching up! I won't spoil anything but season 8 was definitely one of my favorites...)

Yuh. Don't see too many convention fics. So... I was really worried about posting this, 'cause playing with someone's characters in fictional writing, tv, or movies is one thing but messing about with real live people's personalities? Just feels like way too much pressure to me on the realism front. So I'm glad it went well... and maybe this means I'll be writing more RPF?

Not sure if there will be more happening in this particular story? Who knows though, it might turn into a more fleshed-out fic?

THANKYOU for enjoying!! And for your wonderful comments!! <3

More please? this is AMAZING!

Awww thanks!

Agghhh, you beautiful genius! The whole idea of this is just so gorgeous, it's so real, why isn't this a thing, why??? So cute. So perfect.

Teach me about vocal health!! I want trade secrets. I want to know how to sing when sick!! Also, is that a real thing?? What.

Also, I am incredibly impressed that your dream self could think up such an ingenious idea! I mean, like, of course the boys would want to know how to survive filming while feeling and sounding so sick, and if some sweet wonderful adorable sick singer just happened to sing for them at a Con... they would be itching for tips. I mean, I know you said it was BASED off of your dream, but still, my dreams never make that much sense.

Anyway, I reaaaaally liked this. Thank youuu!

Well if you ever see someone ask this question in panel and/or sing this song at a Con. <,< >.>;; That might be me. One day. If I ever get to go to a Con.

The vocal health stuff is all real. Actually in the dream which was bits and pieces of this situation, I laid out a lot of the actual detailed things. I thought that would be kinda boring to read about. Good to know there are peeps who are interested! tonguesmiley.gif Actually, that's kind of the reason I took an extended hiatus a while back. Being seriously ill with respiratory stuff did not make me want to come here and play with the sexy side of things. I did actually have laryngitis for 2 months at one point, and was sick/recovering for so many months DURING finals. Singing for virtually all of my classes, plus rehearsals, plus performances, plus finals... plus working a singing job.... without a voice. It was really miserable. But hey, I learned a lot of helpful tricks.

IMHO a lot of teachers and actors need to learn the same vocal health care that singers do, because they use their voice as their primary professional tool too. Especially because talking (doubly so in English) is very harsh on the cords whereas singing, done right, is not. I'm sure the boys know and have encountered some of this stuff for sure. Otherwise DAMN I would offer my services so fast as a vocal health coach they wouldn't know what hit them.

Hit me with a PM if you want to hear more babbling on the subject...

blushsmiley.gif ... I've been dreaming about showing off at a Con for a few nights. Once it was about Jensen taking a personal interest in my film projects, and then this dream happened where I sang for them. I wonder what my dream self will come up with next?? o.O;

Wonderful. Amazing. Fantastic c: awesome. Splendid. ( running out of words too describe this because it's too perfect ^-^) alrighty.

STAHP. Seriously I'm grinning like an idiot reading your lovely feedback! I'm so glad you liked it!

That was great! I always love when a dream comes along that actually makes enough sense for a fic! Good job on converting it into a story! I really enjoyed it! smile.png

Thanks! Yeah. It's been rare since I've dreamed with regularity and every night this week I've had strangely coherent dreams. I AM BATMAN.

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