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What is Felix allergic to? (story for fixitfelixfan)


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Chapter 1

It's been a good few months since Ralph, Felix, Venellope, and Sergeant Calhoun saved the arcade. Game jumping was now allowed as long as it was done after arcade hours so as to not upset the arcade players. Normally, the four friends hung out together in one of their games after hours, but tonight was anything but normal. Sergeant Calhoun had an emergency and couldn't come. Instead she had to train new soldiers and make sure they would know what to do during the game. So Venellope decided that she wanted to go to a new game with Felix and Ralph and go exploring.

"Why do we have to go into the "Haunted Mansion 2" game?" Ralph complained.

"Because there'll be ghosts and other creepy stuff! It'll be a blast! Venellope said eagerly.


"Yeah Felix ghosts! But don't worry, they won't hurt us, it's after arcade hours." Venellope said in hopes to get Felix to agree.

So they hopped aboard the game train and headed into the "Haunted Mansion 2" game. It was dark and windy in the game so they quickly ran inside the house for some warmth.

"Woah! THIS IS AWESOME!" Venellope exclaimed

They started walking deeper into the house when all of a sudden, Hschoo Hschoo! Felix started sneezing.

"You ok dude?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah I'b fide just some allergies".

"Maybe your allergic to Ralph's stupidity!" Venellope joked.

"HEY! I"m not stupid!"

"Whatever you say Ralphie !"

"It's kinda dusty in here, maybe I'm allergic to the dust" Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo!! Felix sneezed again.

"Well here let's see!" Venellope scooped up some dust off of the table and held it up to Felix's nose.

"Well, I guess it's not the dust, 'cause I'm not sneezing",

"Guys let's keep walking the faster we explore this house the faster we can leave" Ralph says.


TBC! Wonder what Felix is allergic to?????? Comments, Tips, etc are appreciated. I have to go fix my school schedule they messed up my 2nd block. So I will finish this in a few hours. :)

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this is a great start! Maybe they have to hide somewhere and Felix has to sneeze, but Ralph and Vanellope have to stiffle it for him ;) Cant wait to read more of this :D

Vanellope is hilarious in this btw ;)

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Hahaha thanks! Venellope always cracked me up in the movie!

Chapter 2

They continue walking through the house, pausing every few minutes to let Felix sneeze.

"I wonder if your allergic to the mold on the walls" Ralph comments.

Venellope scoops some of the mold off the walls and holds it up to Felix, however he doesn't sneeze.

"Nope" Felix says while rubbing his eyes.

They climb up the rickety house steps and as they get to the top they feel the temperature drop 20 degrees. A ghost appears around the corner and spots them. The ghost flies toward them trying to attack.

"RUN!!!" Ralph screams.

They run throughout the rooms, where more ghost see them and join the chase. They finally escape the ghosts and stumble into secret room within a room. They hide behind the door.

"I thought you said they wouldn't try to hurt us!" Felix whispers angrily.

"I didn't think they would besides I mostly said that to get you guys to agree to come with me!" Venellope whispers back.

They hear the door of the room outside the secret room open.

"Huh-huh-huh..." Felix starts huffing like he needs to sneeze.

Venellope and Ralph thinking fast cover his mouth so that all that comes out is a muffled. Hschoo hschoo hschoo!

They eventually hear the door close as the ghosts leave. The room is dark so they decide to flip on the lights.

"Woah..." Venellope says.

The room is full of plants and experiments.

"I must be allergic to something in here" Felix says.

Venellope and Ralph make Felix sniff all the experiments but none make him sneeze.

"Guys look!" Felix exclaims. Sitting near the air vents are a ton of flowers.

"The pollen must flow into the wents and into the rooms which is what's making you sneeze." Ralph comments.

"Must be"

"I still think it's Ralph's stupidity that's making you sneeze" Venellope says.

"I think the coast is clear. You guys ready to go to a different game?" Felix asks.

"Yeah let's go!" Ralph says.

They head out of the house and get on the train back to Game Central Station.

"Let's go to the "Flower Power" game next!" Vanellope exclaims.

"NO!" Ralph and Felix shout together.


Finished....Maybe, out of ideas :P Tips, comments, suggestions, etc appreciated!

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That was a great story :) thanks for finishing it :) If you need more ideas, Id love to see more Felix stories. The more the merrier. Maybe one where he is suffering from hay fever or something like that, and his sneezes are big and wet, runny eyes and nose, big build ups, all that good stuff. I love Ralph and Vanellope in the stories, so include them if you can :) YOur writing is great :) keep it up! thanks so much for the stories :) REALLY hope to see more. let me know :D

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Uh uh oh torture Felix in the flower power Portal c: I meen game ( Wow am I talking in spyro:year of the dragon langage? My bad c: portals<3). Anyways I read both chapters & loved it. Please go torture him in flower power >:D okay I'm done my reply C: you're call though writer :P

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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