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Cheerilee has Hayfever (MLP, F)


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And yet another submission from ponysneeze coming to you with a new pony story. This one is for Cheerilee the school teacher. A pony with hayfever. Ironic yes but still its well written. Click this link here http://pastebin.com/pYGM1apH , or read on below to enjoy.


Cheerilee woke up to the sound of her alarm clock. Normally, she woke up much earlier, when the sun began to rise, but last night she had been out until midnight with friends. The fact that her alarm clock was going off at all meant that she had just enough time to get ready and get to work at the Ponyville Elementary School.

Cheerilee was always groggy in the morning if she didn't wake herself. She walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. She began brushing her mane, taking care of the tangles that had appeared during the night. Still feeling half-asleep, as soon as she heard the timer for the coffee, she walked in and poured herself a cup.

Next, she began the most important step in getting ready. The one she could never forget, especially this time of year. Cheerilee filled a glass halfway with water, and opened the pill-bottle which sat above her sink. She dropped the large pink pill onto her hoof. It was the last pill; she was going to have to remember to get the bottle refilled today.

As Cheerilee raised her hoof to swallow the pill, it slipped off, and hit the counter. She scrambled to grab it. Those pills were worth a lot of bits. Still groggy, she knocked it into the sink. It landed directly in the drain, not even giving her another chance to catch it before it disappeared forever. Cheerilee's heart sank.

Despite the three smiling daisies on her flank, Cheerilee had always been allergic to daisies. In fact, she was allergic to just about every flower. It didn't end at flowers either. Any pollen producing tree, grass, or weed would also aggravate her symptoms. And this fateful day, with no allergy medicine, and no time to run to the pharmacy before work, happened to come right in the middle of hayfever season, when all of the plants were in full bloom, and the air was packed with pollen.

Sighing, Cheerilee remembered that it hadn't even rained in almost a week. The next storm was scheduled for tomorrow. Her nose tickled just thinking about the what it was like outside. She knew a lot more than a tickly nose faced her out there, however. By the end of the day, she would be a sniffling, itchy-eyed, red-nosed, snot-faced sneezing wreck, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Cheerilee grabbed her bags and opened the door. She wasn't quite ready to face the outside world, but she had little choice. She supposed that she would try to get the day off, but that required that she go to the school anyhow, to ask the principal for special leave. Already she could feel the assault on her sinuses beginning. Her nostrils flared. Cheerilee tried to breathe through her mouth, to stop too much pollen from entering her nose.

Sneezes weren't exactly her favorite thing, but Cheerilee had learned a long time ago not to bother holding back allergy sneezes. Her allergies would find a way through, and no trick of hers would stop them for long. And so, when her snout began to twitch, and her eyes fluttered shut, she did not resist. She simply tilted her head back, raised a hoof to cover her mouth, and... "Itchhii!"

Her head bobbed forwards with the sneeze, and she paused to see if another was coming. No, she was in the clear for now. Cheerilee resolved to get to the schoolhouse before a sneezing fit overtook her. Not that she had much say in the matter, but it still gave her something to strive for. She reflexively sniffled, and the scent of pollen filled her nose, which was still relatively free from mucous. "Hee.. Heee.. HITCHiiii!"

This time, there was another sneeze coming, right behind the first. "Hee.. Heeee.. Hii..."

Cheerilee sighed, exasperated. If there was one thing that was worse than sneezing, it was false starts. Those just forced you to experience the build-up and tickle again and again until the sneeze finally emerged. The sneeze would come, too. Having a false start didn't even free you of that.

"Hiiii!" The tickle snuck up on her, and she couldn't help but gasp loudly. But, the sneeze faded again, returning to the deepest depths of her nostrils. Cheerilee walked in silence for a while. She could feel the tickle returning, slowly pushing its way through her nose. Her eyes rolled back, and her tongue curled inside of her mouth. "Iitchi! GITCHHEee!"

"Hee... Heee..." Once again, the tickle left her. She cursed under her breath. Cheerilee was almost to the schoolhouse by now. This was not entirely a good thing. The school was right next to the largest, oldest oak tree in all of Ponyville. By itself, this would mean nothing, but oak pollen happened to be Cheerilee's worst allergy by a large margin.

"Hee... Hiiiiyisshhii! ITCHHeee!" Cheerilee could tell more sneezes were on the way, so she picked up her pace a little. She stopped as a particularly large tickle overwhelmed her. "GISSSSHHHEeee!"

"Hee... Hii-hii! nnnyYISSHHEEeee! Heetsheee! Hee... HiYICHHee!" This was the beginning of a full blown sneezing fit, brought on by the oak pollen. She knew she had to get inside, so she began walking forward as fast as she could while in the clutches of sneeze after sneeze. "Hee... Itchii! Itchiii! Itchii! Itchii! Hee... ITCHEeeee!"

Cheerilee slammed the door behind her. There was now a wall between her and the horrible oak pollen, for what it was worth. The schoolhouse was an older building, and there were surely places where the pollen could get through. "Heee.. Heeee.... HIPPSCHEEE!"

That sneeze seemed to clear her nose quite a bit, so she walked down the hall to the principal's office. All of the time she had spent grooming her mane this morning had been for nothing. It had grown disheveled from the constant sneezing. Furthermore, her nose was turning a shade of light pink. A small bit of mucous began to drip out of her nostril, but Cheerilee sniffed it back up.

"Sniff... Hee... Heee... HITCHeee!" And, just like that, the mucous was back on her face. She knocked on the principal's door, and let herself in when the answer came from inside. The first thing Cheerilee noticed when she walked into the small, musty room was the giant bouquet of flowers sitting on the principal's desk.

"F-flowers... Heeh.. KITCH-heeee! Itchiii!"

"Bless you! Aren't they nice? I got them from my husband this morning."

"Itchii-itchii-itcheeee! HiyYYISSHHeee! Hee... Heee... TEEEEcheee!"

"Oh my, are you allergic?"

"Cahhhn't... Brea-hee... HEEE! HEEEE! GIITCHEeee! KITSCHHeee! Brea-hee... Brea-hee... Itchii! Brea-hee... Breathe... GNISHHEeeee!"

Rubber Stamp, the school's principal, put a hand on Cheerilee's back and guided her out of the room. Cheerilee's head tilted back, and her lips quivered as another sneeze built up.

"HITCHHeee! Hiiitchee! Hee.. Hitchiii!-chii! HESSHHeee!"

"Cheerilee my dear, I had no idea you were so allergic or I never would have brought them into my office. Tell me what it is that sets you off, so I can avoid it in the future."

"Oh.. n-no.. neeheeeheeed... I'm HEEETSheee! Allergic to everything." Rubber Stamp looked confused, so Cheerilee explained. "I normally take really... HITCHEeee! Really strong anti-histamines, but I ran out. That's actually why I came into your office, is there any chance I can take the day off?"

Rubber Stamp had a sad look on her face, a look which made Cheerilee's heart sink. She already knew the answer.

"Neither of your colleagues is here today, Cheerilee. You know Sugar Song is on vacation, but Star Charmer had to travel to Manehatten for a family emergency. And I can't get any more subs in on such short notice, so I have to teach Star Charmer's class today."

"HEEETISSHEeee!" Cheerilee replied.

"I'm so sorry," Rubber Stamp continued, "If it makes you feel any better, you don't need to help with recess today. You probably shouldn't be outside."

"HGGIIHHTCHiiii! Hee.. HeeeeTISHeee!" Cheerilee figured that she should reply, but she really did not know what to say. Just thinking about being stuck all day in the old, uninsulated school house was making her nose tickle fiercely. "Iitchiii! Itchee! Hitchii! Hitchii!"

Cheerilee raised a hoof to her inflamed nostrils, trying to hold off long enough to finish the conversation. But rubbing her nose just made it tickle more. "Hee... Heee.. HEEEE! KYESHHHEeee! AITCHEE!"

Cheerilee was caught in a full-on fit, and there was nothing she could do. She nodded at Rubber Stamp, and managed a quiet "OK."

Then, her nose took back over. Her eyelashes fluttered shut, and her mouth hung open as yet another sneeze built up. "Hee.. Hee.. Hitchii! HITCHHeee! HIYYIITCHHHeeee!"

Cheerilee walked through the doorway into her classroom. The sneezes would just not stop. "Iyitchee! GISHHHEeee! Heeshee! Hee.. Heee... HITCHhee!

Suddenly, the tickle in her nose left, and Cheerilee caught her breath. She looked at the clock, and realized that the students would be arriving any minute now. Sure enough, the door opened, and Featherweight entered the classroom, early as usual.

A long time ago, the Ponyville Elementary School was the only school in Ponyville, a one room schoolhouse. As the town expanded, so did its need for education, and the rest of the school had been tacked on to the classroom which was Cheerilee's now. Because of this, Cheerilee's class had a door directly to the outside, which had originally been the back door. Most of her students used this door. The same door that Featherweight had entered through this morning. The same door that led to the terrible outside world, with its horrible sticky pollen.

"Hee... HITSHEee!" Cheerilee sneezed. "Oh dear..."

"Bless you, Ms. Cheerilee!" Featherweight said.

Cheerilee tried to respond, but the door swung open again, bringing two other students inside, along with another influx of pollen. Her head tilted back, and her eyes squeezed shut. "Th-th... Hee... Heee.. Itchii! Itchii!"

"Bless you!" The three students said, almost in unison. Cheerilee had just covered basic manners, and while she was happy that her students were applying their lessons, she could tell that it was going to get annoying after a while. Without even stopping to reply, she hastily scrawled a note, grabbed some tape, and handed it to Featherweight.

"P-post this on the door plea.. hee.. please..." She said, feeling more sneezes coming on.

"Please use other door?" Featherweight read. "What's wrong with the door we normally use?"

"Hisheee!" Cheerilee sneezed, and all three students blessed her again. "You'll understand once I start class, just do as I say for now."

Featherweight nodded. Just then, the door opened again, and Applebloom came in and sat down. Cheerilee felt a big, oak pollen sneeze building up. Her nostrils flared widely and her hoof fanned the air in front of her face. "Hee... GITCHEEeee! GIIITCHHHEEEeee!!"

"Good mornin', Miss Cheerilee," Applebloom said, "An' bless you!"

"Thank you," Cheerilee replied, trying not to talk too much in case there was another sneeze lurking. As it turns out, there was. "Yishhheee!"

"Bless you again!" Applebloom said.

"Thank you again!" Cheerilee said, trying to maintain her enthusiasm. The other students were slowly arriving.

"Why are ya sneezin' so much? Are ya sick?" Applebloom asked.

Cheerilee didn't reply. She could feel another sneeze building up. She tilted back her head in anticipation. Her tongue curled inside of her mouth. "Hee... Hee... Heeee... HEEEH!"


The bell rang, distracting Cheerilee from her sneeze. She looked down to see that most of the class was here, so she called their attention.

"OK class, today... today... we're going to behee... be learning about Unicorn Magic. Even if you aren't a Unicorn, there are some important things you need to know." Cheerilee's speaking normalized as she talked. "But first, I have something to... HITCHEee! Go over. Who here has heard of allergeeeee... Hee... allergies?"

Most of the class raised their hands, but Cheerilee had been planning on explaining regardless of how the class responded.

"An allergy is like a special kind of sickness that some ponies have," Cheerilee began. She felt like she was going to need to sneeze soon, but she continued anyways. "If a pony has this sickness... Hee... Then a certain thing will... Hee... Heee... Cause them to react. For instance, a pony with an allergy to dust would react around dust. Hee... Heee.... HIATSHeee!"

"When a pony has an allergic reaction, many things can happen. They might throw up, or get a rash, or in some very sehee... severe cases a pony can die from an allergic reaction. One common reaction is that an allergic pony will get cold-like symptoms around the thing which she is allergic to. Snee.. sneehee.. Sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, a runny nose, for instance."

Twist raised her hand, and Cheerilee called on her. "Miss Cheerilee, do you have an allergy?"

"Good question, Twist, and the answer is yes. I have several... HEE! Allergies... Yes, Diamond Tiara?"

"What are you allergic to?" The pink filly asked.

"Many, many things. Just about every plant outside causes me to.. Heee... Hee... react. I'm sure you can all guess what my symptoms are like. Itchy, red eyes," Cheerilee touched her eyes. The tickle in her nose grew worse. "Hee... Ruhh.. Runny nose... HEE! HEE! And snee... Snee-hee... Snee-hee-hee... SNEEZITCHEeeee!"

The whole class began to laugh, Cheerilee included. It had been hard to time her sneeze so perfectly, but the payoff had been worth it. "Oh, and one more thing: I'll probably be sneezing a lot today, so while I am glad that you are all practicing your 'bless yous,' I would appreciate it if you didn't practice on me."

"Alright, now on to our lecture for today. Unicorn magic is a.. Hee... Hee... HITCHhee! Unicorn magic is... Itchii! Itchii!"

The class chuckled. Cheerilee tried to continue. However, when she opened her mouth, all that came out was a resounding "HEEE!"

"HIYYISHHEee! Hitchi-itchii-ITCHEeeeee! Hee.. KITSHEeeee! NYITCHEeee! Whew... Unicorn magic-HEEESHeee!" Cheerilee paused for a moment, but could still feel more sneezes coming. "HIPPCHEeee! HEE! WAHCHEeeeee! Oh deheeheehear I'm sorry class I just ITCHHEeee!"

The sneezes stopped as suddenly as the arrived, leaving Cheerilee feeling lightheaded. "I'm very sorry about that, class. If I have to sneeze, there's nothing I can do besides let it out. Yes Sweetie Belle?"

"Miss Cheerilee, will you be like this forever?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"No, of course not. I've always had allergies, but you've never noticed before because I normally take very strong medication to control them. Today, I simply didn't get to take my medicine. Now.. back to Unicorn Magic..."


The rest of the lecture was relatively uneventful. Cheerilee sneezed quite a bit, and she had a sneezing fit or two, but it was nothing like what had happened earlier that morning. Rubber Stamp even came by to let her know that she could let the children out to recess fifteen minutes early. After wrapping up, she laid down on her desk to take a nap.

The ringing of the bell woke her up again, and to her surprise, she actually felt slightly better after the short rest. Of course, her symptoms were still there, but she didn't feel nearly as irritated with the situation as a whole. The students began to file back into their seats.

"OK class, like I promised before recess, we can add this week's stars to the Super Readers chart." Cheerilee walked over to the drawer where she kept the chart and stickers, and slid it open. What she saw would have astonished her, had her reaction not been immediate. "KERCHEEEE! GITTEEECHEEE! KITSCHHEEE! KITSCHEE!!"

The drawer was filled to the brim with various plants, with the bottom layer being a particularly large ragweed specimen. Cheerilee was paralyzed, except for the parts of her body that were needed to release a sneeze. "Hee... HEE! HEEE! GARRRISHHEEE! HATCHHEEE! GITTEECHEEEE!"

"Miss Cheerilee, are you OK?" Applebloom asked.

It was enough to snap Cheerilee out of her sneezing trance, if only for a moment. She took two steps backwards, shook her head meekly, and resumed sneezing. "HITSSHEEeee! Hee... HATCHEE-CHeee! HIYYISHHEeeee!"

Applebloom got out of her desk, looked into the drawer, and gasped. "Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle! Get up here and clear this drawer out. I'll get Miss Cheerilee somewhere safe." Applebloom began guiding the still sneezing Cheerilee towards the door.


"Now you just wait here, we'll let you know as soon as its safe to come back in." Cheerilee managed the best nod she could, her head tilted back and her lips locked with a pre-sneeze expression. Applebloom went back into the classroom.

"Itchii-itchiii-Hitchii-Hitchii-HIYICHHEee!" Cheerilee suddenly realized what was going on. She couldn't leave a bunch of foals in a classroom unsupervised. She walked back through the door.

"... would be a fun prank, I didn't know she would..." Diamond Tiara stopped mid sentence, noticing her teacher's return. Cheerilee looked over to the desk drawer which had caused all of this trouble. Scootaloo was struggling to remove the giant ragweed from the drawer. She gave a strong yank, and the plant split in two, releasing a giant cloud of pollen.

"Hee... Hee.... HEE..." Cheerilee began. Her head tilted back as far as it could go. Her eyes squeezed shut, allergic tears streaming down her face. Her nostrils, which by now were red as beets, flared to a tremendous size. Her hitching gasps grew increasingly shrill. "HEEE! HEEE! HIII! HIII! HIIIIHEEE! GITTTEEECHEEEEEEEEEE!!"

Everything else happened in a sneezy haze. Applebloom guided her back out of the classroom. "HITCHHHEEE! HITCHEeeee! KERCHEEeee!" Somepony had brought the principal from the classroom next door. "Itchii-ITCHEE! HISHHEeeee! HASSHHEeee!" Rubber Stamp told Cheerilee that everything was going to be alright, and she could go home now. "GAATCHEeee! KITSHEEee! ITCHEeee!" She couldn't speak, so she just nodded and headed out the door. "Itchii-Hitchii-Itchii! Hee... HESSHEee!"

Cheerilee's sneezes slowed down a bit, and as they became slower, she picked up her pace. What a sight she must have made, galloping through town, stopping every so often to release another barrage of sneezes. Cheerilee didn't care what she looked like, she just wanted to get back inside her house where it was safe.

She opened her door, ran inside, and slammed it behind her. Finally, the sneezing fit stopped. She collapsed on her bed, exhausted. Sure, she would have to venture back outside to get her prescription refilled, but the worst of the day was behind her now. Cheerilee fell asleep.

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