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Wreck it Ralph for Fixitfelixfan (felix)


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Okay I'm not the best author so don't get your hopes up. xD Enjoy!


Just Another Day

It had been many weeks since Ralph was left out, 4 weeks and a few days until Ralph and Felix were friends, 4 weeks since he and Venelope saved the arcade, and 3 weeks since they invited Q*bert an his friends to the game. Three weeks... Of those three weeks-

"ngxx! Ngxx ngxx! ahh ahhh... NXCHA"

Today was just another day.

Felix sighed and placed a finger under his swollen nose to stem the flow of mucus... Under that finger, his nose twitched and itched, so immensely that his eyes closed, his nostrils flared, and he couldn't help but stifle yet another fit.

"ngxx! ngxx.... ngxx! ngxx ngxx! angxx! ahhh... ehhhh..... ehhhhh..... ahhhhhheee,,," and his nose tortured him yet again. he pinched and squeezed his nose, attempting to alleviate the itch, but no results. He sniffled miserably, pulling out a white handkerchief and blowing his nose.

Oh, darn Q*Bert and his friends! he thought.They don't look too hairy but boy can they shed!

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar itch deep in his sinuses. He brought his hanky up to prepare but found that they were stuck. Breath hitching, he went to the bathroom mirror of the penthouse to take a look at himself, but turned away as soon as he saw. Thank goodness the arcade was closed for repair. He couldn't go out there looking like this.

His eyes were red and puffy, as was his drippy nose. He looked like a mess.

Oh pickles! he thought It's Ralph's birthday and I haven't even gotten a gift!

Though he might have be able to temporarily fix his look with his hammer, he couldn't fix his allergies or the burning itch inside. With another sigh, he left for the store.



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I'm sorry guys! With the plane trips and school starting I'm so busy!

It's alright :) .

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Hey guys. Thanks for all of the nice things you said that encouraged me to continue! (; been busy but managed to write the next part. It's a bit different from what I was planning to happen. Well enjoy!


Just Another Day



He never would have believed that such an itch existed, and that he would be feeling it every day. He never would have believed that mucus could run out of his nose then be reproduced so fast. He never would have believed how many times the feeling, the tingly, itchy, burning feeling would come over him so many times, the presneeze itchy madness that lingered in his sinuses forcing him to double over and stifle another

"Ngxxt!" Into his handkerchief. He never would have believed that he would be standing in convenient store he had built for Q*Bert when he moved in, the one the furry guy worked in when he wasn't in the game. He never would have believed it until it happened.

"Ngxxt! Ngxxt! ahhh, ehhh...." Felix stumbled to the desk where Q*Bert stood.

"@#$**?" Q*bert said, turning his head sideways like a confused dog.

"@#!*>%" Felix answered in his language. Which, in English, amounted to. "I came here for a present for Ralph."

Q*Bert waked over to a counter to get a brown box, some wrapping paper and a bow. "#*$@!?"

"Thank you," Felix answered in Q*Bert's language. "But I-I want ehhh... the actual pr-present."

Felix couldn't hold it off anymore. His sleeve was pressed to his runny nose trying to stop the itch but nothing helped.

"Ehhh... Ngxxxt! Nggxxt! nxgtnxgt! Ehhh.. Ngxxt! The next ones were too hard to stifle.

"eh, NGXXT! Egxxt! ESHOO, ESHOO! ehhh... ASHHOOO!"

Felix left the store, no present in hand. Sneezing seemed to be the only thing he had accomplished.



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OMG!!! I didnt think we would get to see this continue for a LONG time! This made me so happy :D Yes, PLEASE continue!! Felixs allergies must live on lol! Now Im even more excited for part 3!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay sorry I've waited so long! Hope you like it and tell me what you think (:


Just Another Day



"NXGGT! NGXXT! Eshoo! ESHOO! ehhh..."

Felix pressed his nose to his sleeve as his breath hitched, nose twitched and ran with watery mucus, and eyes streamed allergic tears.

"ESHOO! Ehhh... ahhh... ESHOOO!"

It had been an awful idea to go into the store! Why hadn't he realized that it would only get worse there? He mentally kicked himself.

"Ngxxt! ngxxt! ESHOO!!"

Just as he started another fit he bumped into Ralph, or what looked like Ralph through his bleary eyes.

"Oh..." Ralph said to him, staring at his bright red streaming nose and runny eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Ralph pinched his nose. It was bad enough that Ralph had to see him this way, but he didn't want him to experience one of his fits.


It didn't help. The sneezes came anyway and Ralph raised an eyebrow.

"Umm, is everything... ok?"

Ralph looked at him with a look he hadn't ever seen on him before. A mix of worry and... concern?

"ahhh... ehhhhh.... yeah.... It's faa.. fine.... ahhhh"

Felix's breath hitched as he tried to stop off another sneeze.

"Ummm... ahhhhh.... Haa- happy birthday ra.... ralph!"



"are you feeling okay?"

felix pinched his nostrils closed as watery snot ran through his fingers.

"Yes.... J-Just allergies.... Ahhhhh.... ESHOOO!.... ESHHOOO! ESHOOO..... ESHOOO! ESHOO!.... ESHOOO! eshoo! eeee..... ehhh..... ESHOOOO!"

Ralph supported him from behind, but he was so exhausted from sneezing so much that he collapsed and was out like a light.

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Sweeeet! I was so excited to see this when I got home :D Great continuation :) I LOVE this story. Sneezy Felix is the best!

Poor little guy. He sneezed himself into passing out :( I LOVE his sneezes here. Hope Ralph gets Calhoun to come take care of Felix. Maybe while he is resting, QBert comes to visit? :o Felix would not enjoy that ;)

Cant wait to see more. This is too great to end. There needs to be more sneezy Felix ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 11 months later...

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