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I cad do id byself. (Naru from GhostHunt fic for Peppercat)


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I am SO SORRY that this took so long for me to post, Peppercat! Please forgive me! I hope you like it. I'll be starting school again soon, so I'm trying to get everything written because I'm going to be very very very very VERY busy.

Naru settled into his office chair, feeling tired and cranky. It was 4:30 in the morning, early even for his standards, and he had a lot of paperwork to catch up on. Flipping on his computer, he logged in to check email.

"Bill, Bill, Bill, Mai, Bill, Bill, Chris, Mai, Mai, Mai, Mai..." He said, naming who they were from. "Nothing worth note...note...noteWASHOOO! Atch! Atch! WASTCHOO!"

He leaned to the side, sneezing powerfully and wetly into his cupped hands. Raising his head, he gave a harsh wet sniffle and then another, before standing up to go wash his hands. Returning, he shut off the computer and pulled out a sheaf of papers.

"Really? Adother *snrk* report?" He coughed, and rubbed his sore throat and pounding head. Naru continued working, and didn't notice when Mai came in.

The chubby tab woman walked in, about to greet Naru, her boss, when she stopped short. He looked AWFUL. His eyes were bleary, and had dark circles and bags under them, while his face was pale. His nose was red and chapped, and was continually twitching. As Mai watched, he turned away from her and launched into a seemingly endless sneezing fit.

"HASHOO! HASTCHOO! HAHCHOO! AASHOOOOOO! WASHOOOASHOOOATCH! HASHOOO! HASHOOOO! HASHOOO! AAASSHOOOO! Hah...eh....hah...heh..." As Mai watched, Naru titled his head directly towards the light, trying to get out the stuck sneeze.

His eyes were half shut, trapped in that desperate, all consuming tickle. As his breath hitched, his head tilted back, and then, snapped forward. "HHRRRASSSHHHHOOOOOO! *snigf sdugg*

Mai stepped forward, and touched his head anxiously. "Bless you. That's a nasty cold you got there!" Naru's head whipped around, causing him to wince.

"Id was jusd a...jusd a hitchump...jusd a sdeeze, bai. Dot a cold." Mai smirked.

"And I suppose the congestion and coughing is unrelated?"

"You subbosed ridght!" Naru snapped, scrubbing at his nose furiously. It made a squelching sound. Mai sighed.

"Mr. Idiot, you're just going to get sicker if you let the cold fester. Look, you don't have any calls today. Why don't you go home, get some rest, and come back tomorrow, minus the germs." Naru shook his head, prompting another wince.

"Do. I'b dot sicg." Mai sighed, and sat down at her desk.

"Yeah yeah. Let me take this call." Naru turned his attention back to his work, and Mai took the call about the next hunt they were needed at. He launched into a sneezing fit while she was on the phone. They sounded tickly, desperate, and messy, and were interspersed with coughing.

"Hey, Naru, there's an urgent call. C'mon, let's go." Groaning, Naru stood up and followed Mai to the vehicle. Instead of taking him to the "call", Mai took Naru back to her house. It worked out perfectly. She could tell her boss was getting sicker by the minute. Halfway to her house, Naru erupted into a nonstop sneezing fit.

"Eshoo! Eshoo! ATCHOO! Eshesh! ESHUH! ASHOO!" Mai stopped blessing him, and instead handed him a box of tissues she always took with her to house calls. She had terrible allergies to dander.

"Blow, jerk boy! You might be able to stop!" She was worried about him. He snatched three, and buried his nose into the soft folds. He couldn't stop sneezing long enough to blow, and could barely breathe. Mai pulled over, and rubbed his back. Finally, he stopped, gasping for air.

In truth, Naru felt miserable. The sneezing had stuffed him up beyond belief, and had brought no relief to his tickling nose. Another fit was lurking, ready to scrape his throat raw and send him into a coughing fit like the one he had just stopped.

"Okay, we're here. Oh, for Pete's sake!" He had started sneezing again. Taking his hand, she led him inside and set him on the couch. At last, he managed to stop.

"I'll get you tea, jerk boy. Idiot's need sleep, and you'll kip on the couch. No germs in the bedroom!"

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Oh. My goodness.

You have my undying gratitude for this :o And for someone who's never read or seen any of this series, this was brilliant! Thank you so, so much :D

.... Fantastic. *distant squeeing can be heard*

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Wow! I thought I was the only one who loved Ghost Hunt! I'm so happy to be wrong. Naruuuuuu~ *swoons* This was really nice.

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