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If They'd Have Let Me Write The Pestilence Episode... (SPN)


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You can really tell who all the amazing fanfiction (as well as original) writers are through how well they know their characters. And you, my dear, know Sam and Dean Winchester.

It's amazing how you can put the essence of them into every sentence you write. The way you dive so deep into the way they feel and understand them so completely is just awesome and I applaud you for it. :clapping:

I can't wait to read more! :)

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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  • SexualOddity


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  • VividBubbles!


Loving this as always! Feverish Dean is a wonderful thing. And the way that the illnesses just keep piling up... mm. I love the way they're managing to take care of each other in spite of it all.

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THIS. IS. AMAZING. I'm gonna make a numbered list:

  1. The premise is so clever. I like it a lot. I think it actually makes more sense than the canon Pestilence drama. (Or is that just wishful thinking from the fetish-y part of my brain...?)
  2. So. Many. Sneezes. From both of them. *melts*
  3. Your spellings are amazing and I just want to cuddle with them forever.
  4. I love how they already had this super-sneezy cold, which invites me to imagine the first time around (yum) and also makes them know what to expect.
  5. The supply run thing and trying to one-up each other is so in character.
  6. The whole scene in the car where they talk about Sam being photic and DEAN IS JEALOUS OF SAM BEING PHOTIC and GAAAAHHH
  7. They're both allergic to the aromatherapy! Yaaaaaaayyyy!
  8. This is rapidly turning into whump!fic, which is one of my favorite things.
  9. Shivery feverish Dean :heart:
  10. Guilty!Sam is adorable and makes me go aaaawwww
  11. Sam now has two colds at once! Yaaaaaaayyyy!
  12. The whole fic just feels like it should be an episode. It's that spot-on and in character. You are seriously talented.

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Oh my goodness guys, your feedback is so amazing. I'm SO glad it gels with the characters, and thank you SO much for picking out bits you liked, and sharing what you thought and (oh gosh, my favourite thing) numbered listing! Any feedback is awesome, but I'm so flattered with the time you took over those comments. You're the best! :D


Time is looking like being an issue, so Dean’s pleased that by the time he gets off the phone with Bobby, Sam is packed up and ready to go. For the most part…

“So what, that’s just your seat now, is it?” he grumbles as he eases into the passenger side.

“It’s tembporary,” Sam grins, “I pudt a blandket ind the back,” he sniffs ineffectually, “thoughdbt mbaybe you could gedt sombe sleebp.”

Dean mutters agreement and tries not to sound too enthused. He’s not too sure how he feels about being dosed up and tucked in in the middle of a hunt, but the fact is, he’s sore, and his head is spinning. Being up, being ‘on it’, just physically walking and talking and moving around is making him feel like a bag of bricks. It wouldn’t be so bad to switch it all off for a couple of hours. He bends his neck and presses at an itch in his nostril between the pads of his fingers.

“So whadt’s the word fromb Bobby?” Sam asks, with a cough.

“You recognise this?” Dean hands him a piece of folded paper from his pocket. He’s scribbled down the name of a demon.

“Gamb…igind?” Sam attempts.

“So-uhh… sombething like… HuhASHH’SHUH! Ugh. Something like that.”

“Ndo, I dond’t kndow idt.”

“Well, he is a horse demon apparently. Go figure… And the owner of that neat little symbol we found. Typically associated with storms at sea and rivers bursting their banks.” Dean shivers. “Both of which can be found within the last week, within fifty miles of Serenity Valley convelescent home, along with a two hundred percent increase in the recent death rate. It’s about a six hour drive.”

Dean thinks he can see Sam stiffen at the thought. He’s been forcing a smile, but Dean knows he’s started to feel it since the second bug came over him. Plus, neither of them are too sure what’s gonna hit them next. Six hours is a big ask right now.

“Well, it could be worse.”

Dean pats his brother on the shoulder and rolls his neck uncomfortably. “It could. Just give me a couple of hours of shuteye and I’ll tag in, okay? Then you can rest up.”

“Okay,” Sam agrees. “Settle downd thend, ‘cause we dneed to gedt mbovindg. Wandda take sombe mbore mbeds before you sleebp?”

“Tylenol?” Dean suggests, crawling into the back.

“Ndot yet. Somebthindg hhhhu-herbal? HuhTiSHHH! TSSHyhew! TCHhhew! HAHTSHHShhhew!”

“I’ll pass. Hey Sam?”


“You gonna run us off the road?”

“…I’ll stobp if I have to sndeeze, I prombise.”

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Yayayayay, an update! *hugs self in joy*

Aww, boys, trying to hunt when you're this sick...it's part admirable, part stupid and part adorable.

Oh, and SexualOddity, I'll make you a deal: you keep writing supermegaawesomehot SPN fic, and I'll provide all the numbered lists you could possibly want. (So, basically, I'll take advantage of your mad skillz and make you feel good about it.) Sound good?

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Seeing updates from you is always like a big big holiday. God, I love them taking care of each other, and I love the sneezes-interrupting-speech (it's so hot and it's always going to be so hot) and maaaaann I seriously am always in awe of how well you're able to make a plot unfold! You're incredible and I'm going to read this probably five more times tonight (minimum).

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Yay! so good.

and wow, sleeping in a car sucks when you are not sick...and when you are sick it's a special kind of torture. poor boys!

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  • 3 months later...

So, I just sort of came onto this....and I just wanted to say WOW!! This is amazing, I adore it! As everyone has been saying, you write these boys very, very spot on. I love bromance stuff and this is the perfect amount of guy-to-guy, brother-to-brother interaction without being too much, you know?

And your idea for the pestilence episode is so clever and interesting.

And the fetishy stuff, well, yeah, that is great too!

I hope it's okay that I've just responded now, and hopefully you're not finished yet!!

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FIRST OFF...I missed the last, like, four updates to this story to boo on me. Here's MY numbered list so far...

1) The constant wave after wave of crap hitting them. It's like a favorite song that never ends.

2) I know you're a Sam girl...but Dean's whole thing with the shivering, and the aching, and then sweating, and then the tired-ing was just...yummy. I can see him doing it, I can hear his raspy voice, and ... just....yum.

3) Sam apologizing makes me feel better considering Season 9. Just sayin'.

4) Sam apologizing and trying to make up for it when he himself feels all crappy makes me melty.

5) The plot is so involved and interesting. Much better than watching them cough their way across an office floor like in canon.

6) Keeping track of what's herbal and what isn't because overdosing will be a problem - never thought of that! Super clever and it just gives more instances for symptom review, which me likes.

I know you're into Typhoid Becky right now (I die whenever those updates crop up), but I hope you'll finish this one someday!

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