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Aw, hell... (Wolverine, Main Marvel Comicverse)


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Okay, I'm sure I'm not the only person around here who's read the last issue of Wolverine where he loses his healing powers. They basically established that he's got allergies. (His comment to that: "Oh. Oh, you're kiddin' me. I got allergies now?" XD) Unfortunately I couldn't find that page anywhere on the internet or I would have shown it to you. :)

For those who aren't familiar, or aren't up to date with the comics, I got a short summary of the most important things. Just to start off:

- Wolverine is the headmaster of a school now, the "Jean Grey School for Higher Learning". He had it built on the grounds of Xavier's old school, after disagreeing with Cyclops about his methods. Mostly with the goal to keep the children out of fighting. Understandably, He doesn't really know what the hell he's doing XD.

- His healing factor was taken by an intelligent virus from another dimension. He can still use his remaining powers though, including the claws.

- Wolverine and Storm are a couple. Honestly, I still haven't decided if I like that fact or not, but for the sake of sticking with the cannon, I'm just going along with it.

I know I'm notorious for not finishing any of the stories I start writing, but this is just too inviting. I really hope I'll manage to finish this one. ^^;



This was hell. On earth.

Why now? Why the hell now? Now of all times, when he had everything to loose?

Why not in one of the many times of his life, when he would have actually welcomed it?

Why did this have to happen to him now?

Those were the thoughts that crept into Logan's mind as he woke up groaning and was hit by the harsh reality of what had happened only a few months back. In form of an almighty headache. Same damn thing every morning. Debilitating headache, groggyness, upset stomach, a burning pain periodically surging through his whole body, as his heart continued to pump poison through his system. He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the blanket over his head. All he wanted to do was to stay in bed and continue sleeping. He wanted the world to damn well leave him alone and let him be done with it, let him crawl under the sheets and never come out. The fact that he couldn't afford to hide any longer didn't help much. He knew he had to finally show his face, sooner rather than later.

Suddenly, he felt the gentle touch of a hand on his shoulder, shaking him softly. And a voice, almost whispering, said to him: "Logan… Logan, it is time to wake up." When he didn't respond, the hand shook him a little more fiercly, the voice becoming distinctly harsher. "Logan, I know you're awake. You cannot avoid your duties forever. Get up."

Logan, who was not in the mood to face any sort of duties, important or not, didn't move an inch and growled. He heard a sigh from above him. "You are the head master of a school, if you haven't forgotten. And you have a responsibility towards your students, as well your staff. I might add that I have been pushing two jobs for far too long, since you seem to be so reluctant to return, and I am tired of it. You will show your face in that school today, or god help me, I will drag you down there single-handedly!"

"Allright, allright… Beat it already, I'm gettin' up…", he mumbled into his pillow and finally emerged from under the sheets, turning to see Storm towering over him in her morning gown. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she looked, for want of a better word, pretty pissed off. Logan scowled back at her with bloodshot eyes.

Storm narrowed her eyes. "Do not give me that look. Yesterday evening you were adamant to return to the school–"

"Yeah, was I drunk?"

"–and you will do exactly that. I invited you into my home to adjust to your new situation and to get better. Do not think for one moment that I cannot send you away again." Evidently feeling like driving a lightning bolt through Logan's head then and there, she turned around and left the room. However, just outside the door, she stopped and turned around.

"We leave in half an hour. And you had better be talking to me in a more civil manner by then." And with that, she left him and went down the corridor.

Logan sighed and forced himself to sit up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Arguing with Storm when she was in a mood like this would only cause more problems than solve them. And he didn't blame her. Logan wasn't exactly the easiest guy to put up with, especially when he felt like he did now. It was moments like these that he took his mood out on others around him, and he felt terribly guilty for it. It was true, Ororo had been kind enough to invite him to stay with her, in her appartment. She'd given him a temporary home when he couldn't stand staying at the school. He admired her for her endless patience with him. If it hadn't been for that, this relationship would have ended two weeks in. He really didn't know what he would have done without her help, and her love.

And how did he thank her? By snarling at her. So Storm had every right to kick him out. Logan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. He had to face the fact that he had to come out of his hideaway and show himself to the world again.

With one last growl at the universe in general, he got to his feet and made his way to the bathroom groggily. The light blinded him as he flicked on the switch and he closed his eyes momentarily as his headache spiked with it. Same thing every damn morning. Squinting, he went over to the mirror, opened the cabinet behind it and took out a little flask of yellow pills. He glared at it like he would at an old enemy. Though it wasn't the pills he was pissed off with, it was the very thing that made him reliant on them. Adamantium. It was poisoning him from within, but up until now, the healing factor had always taken care of it. Now that he had lost this ability to heal, these little round tablets were the only thing keeping him alive. Henry's little miracle medication. He'd whipped that one up in under 48 hours. Simply said, the man was a genious.

Even though Logan knew that he would feel a whole lot better after taking one of these, he still hesitated. Admittedly, he was slowly getting used to swallowing pills in the three months since his healing ability had been taken. But it still felt… wrong. He'd never had to rely on drugs in his entire life. Well, most of his life anyway. And a part of him was still rebelling against the idea that he did now. It made him feel weak. He didn't like being dependent on things, especially medication.

He finally swallowed one of the pills before putting the flask back into the cabinet. After closing it, he finally glanced at himself in the mirror. To put it mildly… he looked like crap. Bloodshot eyes were staring back at him, his skin was pale and he had dark rims under his eyes from insomnia. And he was certain that he still wasn't entirely over the bout of flu that had hit him not too long ago and had confined him to his bed for almost three and a half weeks.

He would probably look little better after a shower and a shave, he was sure, but even then: What remained of him now was a shadow of the man he used to be.

The Wolverine… he hardly deserved that name any longer.

As he continued to stare at his reflection, Logan got the nagging feeling that he was forgetting something.

He was reminded of it when he felt a sudden itch in the back of his nose. He hardly managed to clamp a tissue over his nose and mouth before his breath started hitching. "Heh… heh-'tchoo!"

Oh yeah… Allergies. And just in time for his first day back at the school. He sniffed and scowled at his reflection darkly.


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lol comic book plots are nuts. It's like a soap opera.

"We leave in half an hour. And you had better be talking to me in a more civil manner by then." And with that, she left him and went down the corridor.

If she wants civil, she shouldn't be dating Logan. laughing.gif

Does he feel like shit every morning because he drinks profusely the night before? Welcome to the world of hangovers, Logan.

Oh shit nevermind (this is why I should finish reading the story before I start commenting) - I didn't realize the adamantium was poisoning him. Poor guy. :C

That sneeze was perfect. Looking forward to more!

ETA: I believe the page you're referring to was posted here.

Edited by AnonyMouse
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That's a good comparison. Soap opera with superheroes.

Oh, she knows what she's getting into, they've been friends long enough. And she knows exactly how to play him. Also, he needs someone to tell him off every now and then. XD

Yeah, it's like he got the whole package when he lost his powers!

Though he probably does drink profusely.

Thanks a lot! There will be more soon ^^ I'm working on it right now.

Yeah, exactly! That was the page I was looking for!

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Awesome :D Bringing down the Wolverine with some allergies :P poor boy.

Continue !

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Thanks a lot for the kind words, guys! ^^ I'm happy you like it so far!

Sorry that the second chapter's so short, but it felt right to end it right there. :)


Logan adjusted his tie with a sinking feeling as he entered the living room where Storm was waiting for him. He didn't expect her to be particularily fond of him right now. And it probably didn't help that he was late aswell.

But when he walked through the door, he was pleasantly surprised. Storm was waiting for him by the open kitchen combination, sporting two cups of coffee. She smiled at him calmly. Logan went over to her, still fiddling with his tie. As far as he was concerned, these things should have been outlawed long ago. They were the most pointless pieces of clothing he'd ever come across. But heaven forbid if he, as the headmaster, didn't wear one… Another thing he hated about the world.

"I thought you were mad at me", he commented as Storm put down the mugs and started helping him with the tie.

Storm smiled. "Annoyed, yes. But not angry. I only gave you the right motivation. And it worked, as I see." She brushed some dust off his shoulders and then leaned in to give him a short kiss. Logan smiled when she pulled away. The old trick with the guilt trip. Yep, that woman knew exactly how to play him. She picked up the cups again and gave one to him. "It isn't like I didn't know what I was getting myself into, Logan. Mildly said, you are not the easiest person to live with. And I am aware of that."

Logan sighed. "Yeah, I know… Sorry, darlin'."

"Take up your position as headmaster again and we're even."

"Right." He took a sip of his coffee.

Storm sat next to him on the counter and did the same. After a while, she spoke up again. "Hank wants to see you for a check-up today."


"And he asked me to tell you that he would very much like it if you stopped missing your appointments. He seems to think you do that on purpose."


"I'm inclined to agree with him."


Storm watched him silently as they both drank their coffee. His gaze was far off somewhere, like he was staring at something behind the wall, his expression unreadable. She gently touched his arm and felt him flinch ever so slightly. He turned his gaze to her.

"What are you thinking about?", she asked him quietly.

"Nuthin' much." He sniffed and put down the empty mug. Storm knew she wasn't going to get any more out of him. If Logan didn't want to talk, he wasn't going to talk.

Instead, he pushed himself away from the counter and put his cup in the sink. He turned around and nodded towards hers. "You finished?" She nodded and handed it to him. He sniffed again. "Right. Let's get outta here before I change my m… heh… k'shoo!… mind…" Logan took out a handkerchief from his pocket and scrubbed at his nose, with an annoyed look on his face. "Great…"

"Bless you", Storm said politely. Then she took his arm to leave.

"Jus' a sec…", he answered, voice muffled through the hanky still clamped to his face. He turned his head away and sneezed again. "h'kchoo!… heh… h'–tchoo…" Blowing his nose, he turned around again and scowled. "This is startin' to annoy me."

Storm sighed. "This wouldn't be half as bad if you took the allergy medication, you know that, don't you?"

Logan stuffed his hands in his pockets and sniffed defiantly. "I ain't swallowin' one more damn pill if I can help it."

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Ahahaaha. Oh he dosn't wanna take pills pfft.

Sweet adorable Story :D amazing

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I know, right? XD His ego's too big. He doesn't want to admit he needs meds because to him, that's like admitting that he's weak.

Thanks a lot! :) Glad you like it.

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Again, thanks for all your kind words, guys! You're awesome! :D

Got some notes for this chapter:

For one, I forgot to say that Storm was headmistress of the Jean Grey School, after Kitty asked her to take over. Also, I'm under the impression from the comic that Storm didn't live at the school like many of the other staff members do, so I just went with it. I'm not sure if that is the case though and I'm really sorry if I'm wrong ^^; I try to do this as close to canon as I can, but there's just some stuff I don't know. Like if Storm really doesn't have a car... I'm only a casual reader, so there are probably a lot of mistakes in this. Just bear with me.

So, let me know if you like it so far and I hope you enjoy the next chapter! ^^


Fifteen minutes later, Logan already regretted the statement from earlier, as the two headmasters were walking towards their school. Storm's appartment was only a twenty minute walk away from the Jean Grey School. She'd decided to move here after having been offered a job by Kitty Pryde, but was adamant to live in her own appartement, and not at the school. She didn't own a car, so the best option was to walk the short way to Xavier's former institute. Any other day, Logan would have taken his motorbike, but that was still in the garage at the school. And anyway, as soon as they had set foot outside the appartment block, he had started sneezing his head off. The unbearable itch in his eyes had shortly followed. He wouldn't have wanted to sit on a motorbike when that happened. 'Damn me and my damn stupid, stubborn sense of pride…', he thought.

"Heh… h'–tchoo!"

Storm sighed and added an innocent "Bless you."

"Yeah, y'ndow what? Ya cad stop it dow… ah–'kssshoo! … I get it."

"Do you?"

"Yeah!" He sniffed wetly and then blew his nose for the umpteenth time already. At least he'd had the presence of mind to take more than one handkerchief him. He stuffed it into his pocket and rubbed one eye with the back of his thumb. "You were right, I shoulda taken the meds. Happy now?… h'kshoo!… ugh… This is ridiculous…", he sniffed again and sighed.

"Well, at least it teaches you one thing…" she linked arms with him as Logan gave her a questioning glance. "… Next time, listen to me and not to your pride."

He just responded with a shrug. He knew she was right. Hell, she was always right. But he wasn't about to admit that. Also, he was sure that if he opened his mouth to say something, he'd only start sneezing again. Right now, he was concentrating on breathing through his mouth, hoping that he could get to his office without yet another fit.

No such luck, as he soon found out. Just when they saw the floating towers of the school appear behind the trees, the tickling in his nose became unbearable. He pulled away from Storm and turned his head off to the side. "Aw h-hell… heh… here we go againd…" He managed to yank another hanky out of his pocket, before it hit him. "H'kshhhooo! … heh-'tchoo!… ah… h'heh… h'kshoo! H'nnkhshh!" As if it wasn't bad enough already, the failed stifle somehow choked him and he started coughing aswell. He was now doubled over, one hand on his thigh to stabilize him and the other in a fist, in front of his mouth.

Storm rubbed gentle circles on his back. "Shhhhh, try to take slow and deep breaths. It'll soon pass.", she said quietly, trying to soothe him.

Even though that was easier said than done, Logan did his best to follow her advice. He managed to get a steady breath between the coughs, making them less harsh every time. Soon, he was breathing normally again. She gently squeezed his shoulder. "Better?"

He nodded and straightened himself up, clearing his throat. "Yeah…" Then he turned a tired glance on her. "Jus' rebind be to… heh'kshoo!… to get a car. This walk's killid' be…" He frowned at the sound of his own voice.

Storm laughed gently and they linked arms again. "I shall remember that."

It didn't take them long to arrive at the school though, and Logan already felt like sneezing again. Whatever it was that floated around in the air this morning, it was really, really bothering him.

Seeing nobody outside the mansion, he hoped he could make his way to the office without meeting anyone. He really didn't feel like being bombarded with questions right now. He and Storm entered the school through the big double doors at the front and, much to Logan's dismay, were immediately met by former headmistress Kitty Pride. She was dragging around a whole stack of books.

"Logan!" When she spotted him, she tripped and nearly let them fall down. Fortunately for her, she caught herself quickly enough and managed to slam them down on a table before she leapt for Logan and pulled him into a tight embrace. "Oh my god, it's good to see you! We were all so worried about you!"

"Uh… Yeah, nice to see ya too…" Logan frowned and tried to wiggle himself out of her embrace.

"I mean, Storm always told us everything that was going on, so it wasn't like we didn't know, but still… it's just nice to actually see you around here again!" She let him go, stepped back and smiled at him brightly.

To be honest, Logan hadn't expected hugs for coming back to the school. He'd anticipated to be yelled at for not showing up this long, when clearly, he could have. While it puzzled him, he also felt very relieved to find out that people had been worried. He was almost… touched. He opened his mouth to say something, but whatever it had been, he couldn't get it out before the incessant tickling in his nose took over again. He turned away and pressed the back of his hand under his nose, not having enough time to pull his handkerchief out again. "Hah–'kshoo!… heh… h'kchoo!"

"Oh… Gesundheit. That didn't sound good. You're not still sick, are you?", Kitty said worriedly and put a hand on his back.

Logan straightened up immediately and turned around, trying to retain some sense of dignity. "I'b fide…" He rolled his eyes at the sound of his own voice and tried not to show how embarrassed he was. This was exactly the sort of conversation he'd tried to avoid. He sighed irritably and shrugged. "Just… uh, allergies."

"Oh… oh, right." Kitty couldn't hide her surprise. Wolverine and allergies? That was almost too absurd to be true. "I… err… can I get you anything? To help?"

Oh, great. Now it was getting awkward. Logan sniffed again, frowning. "No. As I said, I'm fine. Jus' need ta get somewhere with closed windows… " With that, he started hurrying down the corridor towards the blissful solace of his office. He was never one for social interaction, but right now he just couldn't stomach it.

"Allright, just tell me if you need something, okay? Oh, and we've got a staff meeting at seven-thirty!", he heard her yell after him as he quickened his step. He waved a hand in the air to make her know that he'd heard her.

As Logan turned a corner, he nearly bumped into Bobby Drake, who had been going the other way, towards the entrance. The young man started grinning as he noticed exactly who he'd almost collided with. "Oh hey, Logan! How–"

"Don't talk to me", Logan interrupted with a growl and pushed past Bobby.

"Oooooo-kay…?" Bobby watched how Logan disappeared around the next corner. Then he walked toward the two women at the other end of the corridor, still casting back curious glances. He then looked at Storm and pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Have I done something wrong?"

Storm sighed. "No, Bobby, it seems that he's just in one of his moods. And for once, I understand him."

"Business as usual, then?"

"You could put it that way."

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love this! Your Wolverine voice is perfect, and I completely love the vulnerable moment he had in the last chapter. And can I just say, I've never really contemplated him and Storm together, but I do like how you write them together. She's endlessly patient and very understanding of his struggles in a newly healing-powers-less situation. I love how you're writing this, and your sneezes are perfect. Hope there's a next chapter? thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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I love the way it's written & stuff. Perfect decribed sneezes too. Just amazing c: do continue .

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