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What Goes Around (m, Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) Updated 9/5~


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Lol... no pairings or OC's for once? What a surprise, considering we're dealing with me! XDD

Anyway this was inspired by a couple of my drabbles/ficlets/vignettes in my "Random Kuroshitsuji Drabbles" thread. Notably, the ones where William was sick and then Grell was annoying and Will got Grell sick. XD

... So I was thinking, if one person comes into an office (like the Grim Reaper Dispatch Management Assoication office) sick, soon they're going to give that cold to someone else, riiiiiight? So I decided to make Grell be the first person sick, and he spreads it to someone else, who spreads it to someone else, and so on.

... Because man candy. And if you don't know these guys, well, I'LL GIVE YOU PICTURES BECAUSE THEY ARE LOVELY~

This is Grell: http://images2.wikia...tcliff_Pose.png (Squeeeeee he's bootiful~~~ <33)

This is Ronnie: http://images4.wikia...nald_Knox_2.jpg (Hetalia fans.... DOES HE NOT LOOK LIKE ENGLAND AND AMERICA'S LOVE CHILD?!)

This is William: http://thesecretsofr.../2010/07/14.jpg

And this is Undertaker, who I may or may not include: http://c85c7a.medial...ertaker-jpg.jpg

And if anyone who knows the series, wants me to include a part about Eric and Alan? XD I was thinking of doing them but I'm not really sure yet.

Anyway, enjoy the first part about my little Grellybean, everyone!


Grell knows he should have stayed home today. He knows it, he really does. But he’s used up enough sick days in the last three months to prompt William into forbidding him from taking any more for the remainder of this month. He wants to stay home as much as everyone else probably wants him to. He woke up feeling terrible; his head was pounding, his throat felt like it was on fire, his nose was stuffy and runny, and he was so tired all he wanted to do was go back to bed.

He couldn’t though, so he just sucked it up, tried to fix his appearance with make-up, stashed some extra handkerchiefs in his pocket, and went off to work hoping he didn’t look or sound too bad.

He’s stuck playing secretary today, which involves answering the phones... which is a tad difficult to do when it hurts just to speak. He’s had to stop nearly every five minutes to blow his nose, as he keeps getting congested and can barely breathe. He’d ask William for something else to do besides straining his throat, but he knows his superior would just say no. (And probably say something about divine karma for calling in so many days when he wasn’t even sick. “Little boy who cried wolf,” indeed, that’s what he’d say.)

He groans and snorts into his newest handkerchief before slowly picking up the phone. “Koff koff... hello? Sniff! Grib Reaper Dispatch Badagebedt Associatiod. Judior Sedior Officer Grell Sutcliff speaki’g.” He listens for a few seconds, trying not to fall asleep right there. He’s so tired, and all he can think about is his nice, warm bed. It’s barely two hours into his shift, honestly he’s just looking forward to when he can finally go home. “Uhh? Yes... snf! Yes, I cad tradsfer your call to Williab Spears. Ode bobedt please.”

He holds the receiver away for a minute, quickly bringing his handkerchief up to his face with his free hand. His pink nose twitches a few times, and his eyes snap shut as his chest shudders with a couple of false starts. “Ahh... h-heh...! Oh d-dab it... heh’ETSHHhieww! Het’sshHIUU! Ihh’TSCchhyeew!” His breath hitches a bit more as his body tries to decide whether to sneeze again, but finally the fluttery tickle dissipates into just a dull tingle.

He coughs a few times and blows his nose as well as he can one-handed, a hard squeaky sound that indicates that it doesn’t help the congestion very much. After clearing his throat (which feels horrible), he takes the phone back to his ear. “Excuse me, I’m dreadfully sorry about that. Snff! Hmm? Thank you. Ugh, yes, I will put you through.” He rolls his eyes, briefly scrunching up his nose before reaching for the buttons with a finger. “Yes, ma’am, I will take care of myself. Let me transfer your call now.” Sigh. “Yes, ma’am, you have a nice day too.” He clicks a few buttons to dump this lady off on Will, then puts the receiver down and starts coughing some more.

There’s a whistle, and a hand knocks on Grell’s desk. “Mr. Sutcliff?”

Grell looks up through his red-rimmed eyes, holding his hanky over his nose and blowing again. “Good morning, Ronald. Sniff! How’s your day going so far?”

The younger Reaper laughs, leaning forward and tossing his two-toned hair back. “Oh, not too bad! That cute girl in Reception finally agreed to go out with me. Just coming from there, actually. I mean, she says if I can deliver some files to her, she’ll give me a chance.”

“Should’t you be deliveri’g those files, thed?” Grell winces, his voice sounds disgusting again. Bloody lot of good blowing my nose did me... “Idstead of stad’ig here talki’g to be?” He pulls his handkerchief away to fold it up and try blowing again.

“Whoa!” Ronald blinks a few times, then leans in even closer, wide-eyed. “Mate, have you taken a look in the mirror this mornin’?”

Grell sniffles, leaning his head on his hand. “Yeah, a few tibes. I dow I look awful... is it really thad bad though?”

“Well, it’s not that... it’s just...” He chuckles a bit, shaking his head. “Doesn’t that hurt? Your nose, I mean. It’s so red, it’s almost the same shade as your hair!”

“Yeah, probably because I’ve beed... rubbi’g at it a’d... ahhh... snf! Ugh. Blowi’g all bordi’g.” Before he can even stop himself, the tickle comes back full-force. His head rears back a little, and he doesn’t have time to react before he snaps forward and accidentally sneezes right in Ronald’s face. “Heh’ISHHheeww! Huh’ESHHiii!

“Ahh!” Ronald nearly stumbles back, trying to wipe his face off. “Bless you, mate... but say it, don’t spray it!”

“Ohh, hell, I’b sorry about thad, Rod.” Grell quickly presses his hanky against his face and blows, but the same hideous squeaking, whistling sound comes out. It actually hurts a bit, and it’s so hard of an effort that it makes his eyes water a bit. “I really ab. Koff koff koff! Ugh... I’ve got the worst cold of by life. I cad’t seeb to go two bloody bidutes without sdeezi’g. I did’t bead to get you there.”

“Oh, no worries, mate.” Ronald briefly takes off his glasses to wipe them, then adjusts them accordingly. “I don’t get sick easily. Why are you at work if you’re feeling so poorly? You should really be in bed if you’re that sick.”

Grell rubs a gloved finger under his apparently reddening nose, sniffling in a mostly vain attempt to keep it from running. “If I use adother sick day, Will’s goi’g to suspe’d be. Sniff! A’d probably give be those dab scissors to replace by chaidsaw agaid.” He coughs a few times into his arm, then finishes, “I’b just tryi’g to suffer through it.” He keeps his arm and face in their current positions, because he has to sneeze again. “O-Oh God... heh... hehhh...! Et’SHHHeee! Heh’NTSSHhhiiewww! SHHHIEWW! Hah’CHHHyieew!” After a couple of hitched breaths, he manages to stifle the last couple. “Heh’nxxt! Hnn’XGGt! Hn’gkkt! Nnn’GGshh! Hn’KK!

“Bless you!” Ronald offers cheerily, no change from his usual demeanor. “Boy, you sound awful. That’s too bad you’re not feelin’ well, Mr. Sutcliff. I hope you start to gettin’ a little better.”

Grell waves his hand. “The first day is always the worst for be. I’b sure I’ll feel a bit better by toborrow. Dod’t worry about be.” He blows his nose yet again, clearing up just enough of the congestion so that he can speak properly. “Anyway, I hope you don’t get sick because I sneezed on you. I really didn’t mean to.”

“Hey, like I said, I’ve got a great immune system! I don’t think I’ve been sick since I was like thirteen.” He laughs, reaching back to rub at his neck. “And besides, if I do get sick, it wouldn’t be your fault for just sneezin’. It’d be my fault for bein’ enough of a dumbass not to move!”

Grell smiles wearily. “Well, thanks for understanding. Sorry again about that... sniff! Shouldn’t you go bring those files to your little lady friend?”

Ronald blushes a bit. “Ah right! She, uh, she said you had them.”

“Oh...” The redhead’s eyes drift to the stack of papers and folders next to him, that had been on the desk when he sat down. “I suppose these are what you’re looking for?”

“Ah, right!” Ronald looks more than happy to gather up the files in his hands and make them all lovely for his... friend. “Thank you, mate! I’m sure Sara will be so impressed with me, she’ll let me take her out to that nice French place! I’ve heard she doesn’t kiss on the first date, ever, but I intend to change that!”

Grell smiles weakly, tossing his damp, overused handkerchief onto the desk beside him. “Well, good luck with that. I’m sure you’ll charm her simply to death.”

“Of course!” Ronald turns on his heel to leave, nearly dropping a couple of papers. “Thanks a lot! Hope you feel better soon!”

Grell nods, before letting his head fall down on the desk and coughing several times. Maybe in between answering the phone, he can at least get a little rest. He ducks down and presses his sore nose against his desk, wrinkling it and trying not to sneeze again. “Heh... hehh-eh...!” Ugh. Battle already lost. “Hiih’ITSHHheww! Heh’SHHHyeew! Hnn’g-TSHH! Uhh’SCHHIIEW!

Rrrrring! Rrrring! Rrrrr - SLAM.

Snff. Hello, you’ve reached the - sniff! - Grib Reaper Dispatch Badagement Associatiod. SNIFF! Ugh. Judior Sedior Officer Grell Sutcliff speaki’g. Cough cough! How bay I help you?”


Grell drags himself home as soon as the day is over, thoroughly exhausted and ready for this damn cold to just be over; and it’s only the first day of it. He really hates being sick, wishing he hadn’t used up all his designated sick days already just to play hooky.

Once he gets back to his small flat, he contemplates having dinner, but he’s not really hungry. He hasn’t been all day, and the thought of food just makes his stomach turn right now. So he just tosses his used handkerchiefs on the coffee table, grabs a fresh one from the drawer, and heads to his bedroom.

After blowing his nose a few times, probably turning it even redder, he doesn’t really feel like bothering with his clothes. He rips off his tie, kicks his boots off without unlacing them, tosses his coat on the floor, and yanks his glasses off to clatter on the bedside table. When that’s done he flops back on his bed, a small coughing fit rattling his slender, delicate frame. He quickly brings up his handkerchief and buries his face in it, trying and mostly failing to muffle his sneezes even though he doesn’t have to. “Mmmff’CHHH! Hih... hiih’SHHheww! Eh’TSCHhooo!

Each one rocks him forward, every muscle in his body tensing as he nearly curls up from the force. They hurt a bit, stinging at the bridge of his nose, but he’s truly got no other way to actually deal with them other than to let them out. “Het’SHHhyieew! Huh’TSCHhiii!” He sniffles miserably, though it doesn’t help stave off the next flurry of sneezes that wrack his body. “Heh’ISHHhoo! Ihhh’SHHuuu! ShhhIEEWWW! Sniff... oh by God... I caahhn’t... s-stop... ih... ihh-!

In the few moments of wavering indecision on the part of his sensitive little nose, he reaches to pull the thick blanket over himself. He’s already shivering, and he really hopes he can get to sleep tonight. Maybe a good night’s rest will make him feel a little better by tomorrow. But for tonight, he’s going to have to suffer, it looks like. “Heh’ISHHhyew! Het’CHHhieww!

He blows his nose several times, though it’s quiet and rather ineffective. Not even caring that his hair’s loose and will probably get tangled, he tries to settle in for some sleep. He wipes his nose and closes his tired eyes, coughing and still clutching the handkerchief in one hand. “I really... snf... hope I did’t get adyode else sick...”


... He knows. Heeeeee knows. I think.

Lol poor Ronald! XD Well, he's up next. After that I'm not sure... anyone want me to do a chapter on Eric and Alan? If not, it'll probably be Will. biggrin.png


Edited by Starry_Screamer
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That is AMAZING fic !! Like continue , & yes the contagion to Ron. YES CONTAGION<3 okay I like contagion too much. Anyways yes getting Eric & Alan sick seems great, the more contagion the better C: . Point is continue

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A’d probably give be those dab scissors to replace by chaidsaw agaid.

This. yay.gif

Can't wait for the contagion! I'm sure it'll be MUCH more interesting with Ronnie insisting that he never ever gets sick... (hint denial xD)

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DeathNoteOwner: Daww thanks so much~ I'm glad you like it! ^^ And yes, MUCH CONTAGION TO RONNIE~ <3 XD Ahaha you don't like it too much, you like it just enough! biggrin.png And of course I shall continue~! ^^

Akahana: Lol, Kuroshit indeed~ XDDD *because yes* You don't have to wait any longer, m'dear, FOR NOW I HAZ SICK RONNIE FOR YOU~~ 8)

Howl: heh.gif Ahaha I'm glad you liked that part, I love it when people point out their favorite parts~! ^^ Heehee, fear no longer, ze contagion is here! I hope you find Ronnie and his denial interesting~ biggrin.png

Enjoy, everyone~!


It’s Ronald’s turn to go in and teach some of the new Reaper recruits, a job which he usually enjoys. He loves working with younger people and passing on what he’s learned, so that they can learn as well. It’s like passing down his legacy, which is kind of cool.

Unfortunately, he’s not feeling as well as he would like to for this task. In the back of his mind there’s a nagging suspicion that Grell got him sick, but it’s really more likely that it’s just his allergies acting up. Still, he feels downright shitty. He’s got a massive headache, complete with sinus pressure, and he’s been coughing and sneezing all morning. In fact, he’s been coughing so much that now his chest aches along with his scratchy throat. Combining that with the fact that he just can’t seem to stop sneezing - not to mention he’s congested all to hell and his nose keeps running - makes for a very tired Ronald who wishes he could do the class on a day when he feels better.

But things are already set up, and William probably won’t want to hear any excuses. So he grabs his things, adjusts his glasses, and heads into the classroom. He ducks his head down into his books to cough a few times as he walks up the aisle, then puts them down on the desk. “Good bordi’g, everyode,” he greets the students, trying to retain his sunny disposition even though he’s currently talking like he’s got his nose pinched shut. “Ugh... by dame is Rodald Kdox, a’d I’ll be your teacher for today.”

“Good morning, sir,” the class chimes in perfect unison.

When he turns around from writing his name on the chalkboard, he sees that a student has her hand raised. “Yes, you’g lady?” he calls, pointing at her.

She puts her hand down. “Do we have to call you Mr. Knox? Can I call you Ronald? Or Ronnie?”

“Ubb... snif!” He reaches into his pocket to search for his handkerchief. His nose has started running again, which is a real pain when he’s supposed to be speaking. “I dod’t see ady probleb with that, do.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?” the girl continues. “Would you like to go out with me sometime?”

“Ugh, Biss...” Finally he manages to fish his hanky out and blow his nose a few times, though it’s a thick, rather gurgly sound. It does help a bit though. He sniffs as he leans over the desk to have a glance at the seating chart. “Miss Smith. First of all, that is my personal business, although the answer is a no. Second of all, I’m your teacher. My datin’ a student would be very inappropriate, and also I could get into trouble over it. So no, I would not like to go out with you sometime. Sorry.”

Another student raises his hand. “Mr. Knox, sir? Are you feeling okay?”

Ronald groans, having known that question was probably coming. “Yes, I’m fine. My allergies are just bohhh.. sniff! Ugh. Botherin’ me today, that’s all...” He wiggles his nose, trying to stop the oncoming fit, but it’s really no use. He brings his handkerchief back up again, bending forward toward the desk. “E-Eh...! Eh’TSCHHH! Ehh’ITCHHhoo! Heh’TCchhhhiii!” He presses his hanky against his nose, trying to stifle the rest of the fit. “Hnn’KKTchhh! Heh’NXXT! Hn’xggt! Nxxgkt! Ahh... a-ahh! Ahh’NXXschh!

“Bless you!” the students call together, none of them daring to say anything else about it.

“Ugh...” He shakes his head, rubbing at his nose. It’s starting to feel sore and is probably rather pink by now, but there’s nothing else he can do except rub at it. “Thagk you.”

He blows his nose gently a couple of times, then tosses his handkerchief down onto the files and books he put on the desk. “Alright, now... cough cough! Ugh, excuse me. Today we’re gonna discuss... uhm...” He sneaks another peek at the open planner on the desk. “Ah! Proper Death Scythe maintenance and usage.”

He stops to write this on the board, then quickly brings his arm up and stifles a couple of near-silent sneezes into the crook of his elbow. “Okay... so, the first thing you need to know that you should probably know already is... ehh...” He scrubs a knuckle furiously against his nose for a few seconds, and he’s avoided sneezing again for now. Though another fit is inevitable, if the nagging tickle in the back of his sinuses is any indication. “Sniff! Your Death Scythe is a very powerful weapon, not to be trifled with or misused. Also, I don’t know how mature you lot are, but just to be clear, usin’ your Scythes to deface things in the human world is childish and will result in swift punishment. So be adults, and no carvin’... ‘swords’... into the sides of buildings with your Scythes. You’ll get cleanin’ duty for a month - I speak from personal experience, by the way.”

The class giggles, and there are a few mutters of “Man, I’m so gonna try that! I won’t get caught!” from some of the boys. (Which, admittedly, brings back some nostalgia from when he was in their seats.) Before Ronald can mention anything else, that annoying tickle comes back, and he has to actually sit down for a moment. He snatches his hanky again, burying his face in it and having to inhale several times before any actual fit comes. “H-Heh... eh... i-iih! Eh’TSCHHhooo! Heh’SCHhh! Heh’MMffchh! Ihh’NTSHH! Ah’KTT! Ktt-CHHH!

The door opens while he’s in the middle of blowing his nose again, and when he looks up he sees that it’s one of his friends, Alan Humphries. The shorter, slimmer man walks up to the desk, clearly not caring that all the students’ eyes have now turned to him. “Sorry about the intrusion...” the dark-haired Reaper starts, before seeing the sorry state Ronald is in. “... Um, Ronald?”

“S-Sorry... He’XCHHH! Ugh, good God.” Ronald quickly blows his nose again, then sniffles as he glances up. “Hi, Alad...”

“Are you alright?” Alan asks, tilting his head to one side. He’s obviously quite concerned about his friend, though one would tell it from his voice. He almost always sounds calm and collected, no matter what the situation is. “No offense, but you look like...”

“Death warbed over?” Ronald shakes his head, putting his hanky back down. “Yeah, I kdow. Snf! By allergies are buggid’ the hell outta be...”

“Are you sure? Mr. Sutcliff is sick, and since you were with him for a while yesterday, maybe he could have gotten you sick...”

Ronald snorts, rubbing his finger against his nose. “Do way. I dever get sick. Besides, if I ab, whad the hell are you doid’ staddid’ so close to be thed?”

“Oh, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” Alan takes a step closer. “Do pardon the intrusion, but Mr. Spears asked me to come check in on you.”

“... Oh? He does’t thidk I cad do this properly?”

“Ahh no, it’s... not that.” Alan blushes and offers a small smile. “He... said that he can hear you sneezing from his office down the hall. I told him it was probably just your allergies since the flowers are in bloom, but now that I see you for myself I think you probably have a cold...”

“Ugh. Trust be, Alad, I dod’t have a cold. It is by allergies, okay? Ugh, I’d really hate to thidk of havid’ a cold od top of these stupid allergies.” Ronald swipes his wrist under his nose, coughing several times. “All I wadt to do is go to bed. I’b wiped out a’d the day’s barely eved started.”

“Well, I’m not doing anything right now, after all. I’m sure that’s why Mr. Spears sent me down here.” Alan leans down and puts a hand on his friend’s shoulder. (At which point pretty much every girl in the class squeals, “Awww!”) “Why don’t I take over for you from here?”

“I cad’t let you do that, Alad. I’b dot sick...” With that, Ronald bends forward over the desk again, trying his best to cover his face. “Ehh’KTSCHHH! Heh’TCHHhhuu! Eh’TShhooo! KCHHuuooo!” Once he’s done, he presses his fist against his mouth and launches into a coughing fit.

Alan reaches over and pats his back. “Really, Ronald, would you listen to yourself? You sound like you’re trying to tear your lungs apart. And bless you, by the way. Come now, you’ve clearly got a terrible cold, and I’m perfectly capable of taking over the class. You should go to the break room and relax. Make yourself a cup of tea, lie down for a little while, try to feel better. Your health comes first, after all.”

“Ugh.” Ronald shakily gets up from his seat, continuing to cough. “I-I guess you’re right... I feel horrible, I could really use a nap. Even if it’s not a cold, some sleep might help...”

“Exactly, so go on.” Alan give him a light shove toward the door. “I’ll take care of the class, and you go get some rest.” He glanced up at the board. “Ahh, proper Death Scythe maintenance and usage? I scored very high marks on this exam.” He sits down and looks up at Ronald. “Go on, Ronald, I can handle it.”

“I really appreciate it, Alan... just let me get this out of your way.” Ronald sheepishly reaches over and grabs his handkerchief from on top of the books. “Sorry about that...”

“Oh, it’s alright. Try to feel better!” the dark-haired Reaper calls as the blonde heads out the door, still coughing. Alan then grabs the top book from the stack and opens it up. “Hmm....” As a bad habit when he’s thinking, he reaches up and presses his fingers against his lips. “Well, I suppose we should start with basics. Get out your notebooks, please, everyone...”


Heh’ISHHhuoo! Eh’KTCHH! Ih’TSCHhh!” Ronald shuffles into the break room sneezing, with his handkerchief over his face. “Ugh, snff! Dab it, I feel like shit!”

“Bless you! Rod? Sniff... is that you?”

When he looks up, he sees much to his surprise, Grell stretched out on the break room’s sofa, using his coat as a blanket. His face is buried in a cushion, and his glasses are off. “Ugh... B-Bister Sutcliff? What are you doid’ here?”

“Better questiod is, why are you talki’g like that?” Grell doesn’t make any moves to get up, but he shifts just a bit. “I got you sick, did’t I?”

Ronald sighs. “It’s probably just allergies... I haved’t beed sick id years! Believe be, I’ll be fide.”

“You’re sayi’g ‘fide’ like that a’d you expect be to believe you?”

“You’re sayid’ it the sabe way. Sniff! Fuckid’ hypocrite.”

Grell snorts, then waves his hand. “Well, I just cabe here for a few bidutes od a break. Still dot feeli’g great... I bade sobe tea. Help yourself to whatever’s left.”

“Ahh... that sou’ds great. Don’t bi’d if I do.” Once Ronald had gotten his cup of tea, all while fighting off another sneezing fit, he sat down on the edge of the couch and nudged Grell’s feet. “Oi. Bove it - whole sofa’s dot yours, y’kdow.”

The redhead whines in response. “I’b dot bovi’g! I was here first! You fi’d sobewhere else to sit!”

“Cobe oooood,” Ronald coughs, taking the first sip of his tea. “Snf! Come on, mate. Share the bloody sofa or I’ll sneeze on you. Right on your face!”

Cough cough cough! Ugh, dod’t you eved dare! You’re disgusti’g!”

“This comin’ from the one who sneezed in my face?”

“...” Clearly Grell can‘t come up with a suitable reply to that, because he scoots over and curls his legs up underneath him.

Ronald lies down as best he can on his half of the sofa, suddenly feeling rather cold. Ugh. He sips his tea, and shivers uncontrollably.

Snff! You got the chills too?” Grell mutters. “It’s the fever, taki’g all the heat away frob the rest of your body. I hate it.”

Fever? Ronald sighs, putting his tea down and hugging himself as another wave of chills washes over him. Okay... so if I have a fever, maybe I am sick. He’s forgotten what being sick is like, and now that he’s been reminded... yep, it still sucks. “Ahh... TSCHHhiuu! Huh’UTCHhuooo!

Grell sniffs. “Bless you, Rod.” He then quickly buries his face in the pillow and his whole body tenses up. “Het’SSHIEW!

“Bless you, yourself, bate,” Ronald coughs, trying to settle in and find a comfortable spot so he can get some sleep.



They sneeze at the same time, then sniffle almost in sync. “Bless you,” they mutter to each other, then, “Thagks” before simultaneously blowing their noses as well.

Ronald shifts position and yawns, rubbing at his nose with his hanky. “Ugh... I’b godda take a dap.”

“I thidk I will too,” Grell agrees, and there’s a bit of movement from the other side of the sofa. “I hope you feel better.”

Sniff! You too.” Ronald folds up his glasses and sets them down on the table, closing his eyes. Some rest sounds perfect, and within a few minutes he’s drifting off. I hope Alan can handle himself. Tch, what am I saying? Of course he can handle himself. I just hope he doesn’t catch this too.


I'm going to squish Alan and Eric into one chapter, since they're partners and they're all close and everything. I've already got an idea and have begun to write it~!

Hope you all enjoyed! Next part coming soon~! biggrin.png

Edited by Starry_Screamer
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<3 <3 <3 I love you so much Star you don't even know. :3 Can't wait foe Alan <3 <3 <3

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I loved it ! :D keep up that contagion :P contagion is simply lovely <3<3 it's awesome!:3 this is so well written & adorable thank you for writing this :) I love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm soooo happy about this!!!! It is almost IMPOSSIBLE to find a sneezy, desperate Rnald Knox!!!! And I love the relationship between the characters! Also, the fact that you are adding Eric and Alen! Most ppl don't know about them!!! Thank you and I'm excited for the next part!

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Akahana: XD <3 I love you too, Aka-chan! biggrin.png I'm glad you liked! ^^ And I had so much fun writing Alan~

Howl: blush.png Dawwww~ That made my day when I read that you think it's one of the best. Thanks so much!! hug.gif

DeathNoteOwner: Ahh I'm glad you loved it! ^^ And yes, I will definitely keep the contagion going~ This is like... probably my first story involving contagion like this so... XD It's good to hear from someone who likes it that I'm doing well! Thanks for all the compliments, love~! hug.gif

InuCiel: Aww thanks, I'm glad it makes you happy! ^^ Ohmygosh, I knoooow~ I keep waiting for someone to write some Ronnie... I love writing him as well! I'm really really glad to hear I'm getting the relationships between them right! And I can't believe most people don't know about Eric and Alan~ They're insanely hot and amazing~ <33 Thanks! biggrin.png

Soooooo... XD

I decided to do Alan and Eric in separate chapters, because... hell, it wasn't working while I was writing this part. XD There was no way I was going to squish their parts together, it just wasn't happening. |D Sad face.

Buuuut, happy face also because it turns out this is going to be longer~! biggrin.png

So without further ado, enjoy your sick Alan! <3


Alan enjoys his job, but he’s the type of person who would rather take care of his health than his paperwork. He rarely goes into work if he’s not feeling well, much rather preferring to spend the day (or days, depending on how long he’s sick) at home, letting his body heal itself. Not only is he more comfortable at his house than at his desk, he also doesn’t want to take the chance of getting any of his friends and coworkers sick. They’re understaffed as it is, and nobody else needs to get sick because of him if he can avoid it.

He can’t imagine how he got sick, exactly, though he gets the sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Ronald. His poor friend had been coughing and sneezing all day, from what he heard when he spoke to people who’d gone into the break room. (And apparently Grell had been there as well.) But as it stands, Alan is clearly ill. He’s got a sore throat which is so bad it’s almost unbearable to speak, a low fever that’s making him alternate between sweating and shivering, a persistent but disappointingly dry and chesty cough, and aches all over his body. To top it all off, he has to blow his nose almost constantly, and even that doesn’t help him stop sneezing or dripping all over.

He didn’t get a lot of sleep that night, thanks to a spectacularly miserable sneezing fit that woke him up around 3 in the morning. So far he’s stayed in his pajamas, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling, but he really should get up and call the department to let William know he won’t be in today. After a few seconds of trying to get up the strength in his thoroughly exhausted body, he finally sits up and gets out of bed, shuffling slowly down the stairs to the phone in the sitting room.

Once he gets there, he grabs the edge of the counter, suddenly feeling quite dizzy. He sways there for a few seconds (or is it a few moments...?) before he manages to grab the phone and dial the number. He sniffles thickly, holding the receiver up to his ear, and waits for a response.

“Hello, you’ve reached the Grim Reaper Dispatch Management Association. Director William T. Spears speaking. What is the nature of your call?”

Alan coughs, bringing his handkerchief up to his nose and mouth. “Ughh... M-Mr. Spears?”

“Mr. Humphries? You are nearly twenty minutes late. Do you care to explain yourself?”

“Uhh... I-I won’t be in today, sir.” He ducks down and buries his face into his hanky. “Ih-Ih’tsshhh! Hih’ssshh! Heh’nggxt! Nn’ktsh!” When he’s done he rubs at his nose, wincing as it’s already starting to get sore. “S-Sorry, excuse be. Please forgive be, but I’b really dot feeling by best, sir. I dod’t wadt to pass this od to adyode else... a’d I don’t believe I’d be able to - snf! - focus od by work. I kdow we’re udderstaffed, a’d I’b sorry to have to do this...”

“Bless you. Don’t concern yourself with work, Mr. Humphries. Please, take care of yourself. I hope to see you back in the office soon.”

Sniff... th-thagk you, sir. Odce agaid, I’m s...” His head swims, and he has to stammer for a moment as he regains his balance. “Sorry... to... call id sick. But I-I’b afraid I’d do you bore harb thad good right dow.”

“I understand. You sound terrible, so please do look after yourself.”

“Thagk you... cough cough cough! Ugh.. g-good-bye, sir.” He’s not sure whether William responds, because he just lets the receiver fall back into its proper place. He’s glad to be off the phone, it made his throat hurt worse than it already did before. After a moment of coughing, he glances around his small flat and decides that it would be too much of an effort to go back upstairs. He’ll just stay down here and sleep on the sofa for today. But first... some tea might help his throat.

He puts the kettle on and almost immediately has to lean against the counter. He’s starting to get a horrible headache, along with all the other aches in his body. The heat coming from the stove clearly upsets his fever; for the few minutes it’s on, his face is burning and sweating like hell while the rest of him is shivering and shaking madly. The steam seems to help his stuffy nose though, as he has to bring his handkerchief up multiple times to wipe and blow. Although this is a relief, he feels the congestion gathering up shortly after, which is less a relief.

Just as the kettle starts to whistle, he has to spin halfway to the side and clap his handkerchief over his face again. “Ahh’CHHshh! Heh’shhhuu! Ehh’SHHhii! Hih’nggt!” Frustrated, he rubs the cloth vigorously against his nose, though it doesn’t help much. This damn tickle is going to get its way whether Alan likes it or not. This time he tries not to stifle, as it’s starting to grate against his throat. “Ih’ssshhiiu! Uhh’TSSHhhhiee! Shhhuu! Ehh’SHhh! H-Heh’sshhhh! SHHH!

He blows as hard as he can, which unfortunately makes his eyes water. After he’s wiped the tears away, he manages to fix his tea without incident, save for his nose running a bit once more. Grabbing the cup, he stumbles into the sitting room and practically collapses in a sniffly heap on the sofa. He has to blow his nose again before he starts drinking his tea, and nearly burns his tongue with the first sip. As he continues to swallow it, he knows it’s good for him, and it tastes good... but at the moment, all he honestly wants to do is curl up and cry. He feels so sick, he’s all alone, and while he was trying to take care of himself he did the opposite for his poor mouth. Can’t I do even the simplest things right...?

What pushes him over the edge is the horrible, dull throbbing of a mild attack. He can feel the Thorns of Death wrapping around his wrists, curling up his forearms and digging into his skin. It’s so sudden that it makes him drop the teacup, which thankfully is now empty. Bringing his handkerchief up to cover his mouth, he lets out a muffled, frustrated cry. It hurts. One would think something that doesn’t make him bleed wouldn’t hurt so badly. But it does.

A few tears trickle out of the corners of his eyes, and he starts to cough. After a moment, he calms down a little, causing the attack to taper off. Once it’s over he tucks his legs under himself, hastily wiping the tears away from his eyes. He moans, grabbing an old blanket from the back of the couch and covering himself with it. He just wants to be held right now, but that’s not possible because there’s nobody around to hold him. If he hadn’t even had that attack, he would have been fine. The urge to cry would have passed harmlessly instead of manifesting itself.

Oh well, he muses, lying down and sniffling before taking his glasses off. The attack is over, and now that it is, he feels better. Well, better in terms of the Thorns anyway. But still, his headache’s almost gone, though he thinks that coughing fit has made him go hoarse now. He’s finished all his tea though, which should start kicking in soon. And maybe some sleep will help his recovery. So he lies down, pulls the blanket over himself, and closes his eyes.

He’s not sure what time it is when he wakes up again, but someone’s shaking him very gently. He looks up blurrily, and almost immediately his glasses are placed onto his nose and pushed up for him; thanks to that, he can see that the person shaking him is Eric. “Unh...” He wiggles his nose and tries to sit up, also attempting not to have another sneezing fit. “Eric...?” he mumbled, reaching up to rub at his nose yet again. “What are you doing here...? You should be a-at... ahhh... hh! Sniff... at work.”

The blonde chuckles, sitting down and moving the brunette’s tangled legs into his lap. “I was at work, Alan. Mr. Spears tol’ me you were sick, so I came over on m’ lunch break t’ see how you were doin’.”

“Oh... th-thank you...” He shudders violently, sniffling. “S-Sorry... I have a fever...”

“No kiddin’.” He feels Eric’s arms around him, holding for just a minute to try and get him warmer before pulling away. “How high ‘s it?”

“Ugh... I checked before I got out of bed... snf... I-I think it was almost 38 or something.” He can’t remember. He remembers taking his own temperature, but he just can’t recall what the number was exactly.

“Righ'. Well, lemme see.” Eric pulls one glove off and reaches over to feel Alan’s forehead. “Mmm... you don’t feel too warm righ’ now. Tha’s good.”

“Yeah... I guess sleeping helped. I feel a l-little better... I’m just so cold, and I... I... ah...!” His eyes snap shut and he panics over where his handkerchief has gone. His mind is so clouded and foggy from the fever and this whole situation of being sick, he doesn’t even realize that he fell asleep with it right in his lap. “E-Eric! I nehheed t-to... n-need my... i-ihhh!

“Whoop!” Without even being asked, almost as a reflex, the blonde quickly reaches over and claps his bare hand over the other Reaper’s mouth and nose. “There you go!”

Alan brings both of his hands up too, pressing them against Eric’s and nearly rocks forward with every sneeze. “Ih-Ihh’SSShhh! Hih’ISHhu! Heh’ssshhee!” He can feel his eyes tearing up thanks to the force, even though they seem soft. He tries to open his eyes and look at his friend, but his eyelashes flutter his breath starts hitching again, his nose wavering on the deciding cusp of whether or not to sneeze again.

“Bless y-” Eric starts, only to be cut off by the continuation of Alan’s fit.

T’ssshuoo! ISHH!” Alan feels his cheeks burning as he has to keep doubling over, holding Eric’s hand over his face - whether the heat is from the fever or from embarrassment, he’s not sure. “Heh’ESHHuu! Ehh’SCHHHii! Usshhh! Uh’sSHHH!” He manages to stifle the last few, almost immediately prying Eric’s admittedly strong fingers off and flopping back onto the sofa. “C-Cad I have by hadky dow...?”

Eric chuckles, picking up the cloth and handing it to him. “Bless you, Alan. Lord, I ain’t never heard you sneeze s’ much,” he adds, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Alan blows his nose, a louder sound than one might have guessed, and sniffles into it as he defensively yanks his blanket back up over his chest. “I’b sick, snff! Whad do you wadt frob be?”

Snickering, Eric stands up and heads toward the kitchen. “Well, I’ll make you s’me soup b’fore I leave. Wha’ kind d’ you like?”

Sniff! Ugh... the hot ki’d.” Alan blows his nose again, quieter this time, then wraps his blanket around himself. “I’ll eat whatever’s id the cupboard... I’b so hu’gry...”

“Isn’t th’ expression ‘Feed a cold, starve a fever’...?” Eric looks over and shakes his head, still grinning at the dark-haired Reaper. “You’ve got both, s’ wha’ should I d’...?”

A sofa pillow comes flying at him, only missing and hitting the wall because he ducks. “You should get be by dab soup before the dext thi’g that cobes at your head - snf! - is by shoe.”


Once Eric goes back to work, Alan passes the time between trying to sleep, having sneezing fits, making more tea, eating leftover soup, and trying to avoid being miserable. Eric does leave him some paperwork, claiming that he knew Alan was going to be bored sick at home. He finishes it pretty fast though, and spends the rest of the day idly reviewing it, making insignificant changes.

He finally goes back upstairs to bed, as he does have a bit more energy - enough to climb the stairs, at least. He falls asleep around 11:00, thoroughly exhausted from this stupid cold. He hates it; every time he falls ill, it’s like his body doesn’t have any strength to do anything but try to fight it off. Still, he’s relieved that he got to sleep at all, with having to wipe his nose, which is now red and sore, every five seconds, being so congested he can only breathe through his mouth, and coughs rattling over his chest almost constantly.

He’s woken up in the middle of the night after a slightly fitful sleep, by the overwhelming need to sneeze yet again. It’s dark, and he can’t find his handkerchief, so he just bends forward and cups his hands over his face. “Hnn’TSHH! Heh’ISShhhii! Hih’SSHhuu! Ih’tssshh!

Still unable to find his handkerchief, he gives up on the whole idea. He grabs a corner of one of the blankets he’s not currently using, carefully wipes his hands on it, and blows his nose into it. After coughing some and cringing at how disgusting he feels right now, he glances up at the clock on the wall. Even without his glasses, by squinting he can just barely see the numbers... 4:50-something. Almost 5:00 in the morning.

Alan sniffles and wipes his nose, wincing at how raw the rims of his nostrils are. It hurts just to touch. He groans, falling back onto the bed. Turning over onto his stomach, he blows his nose in the blanket again. “Guess I’b calli’g id sick toborrow too,” he mutters, shifting to find a comfortable spot.

Hih’GGT!” He stifles into the blanket, pressing it against his nose which has started running again. He shivers a bit, noticing that now his body is starting to ache. “Hn’kkgtt! Hn’KKT! Nn’KK! Heh’GKT-shh!

He snuggles down into his pillow, wrinkling his nose. “Y-Yeah... I’b defiditely dot goi’g id to work...” Closing his eyes, he tries to find the best position to go back to sleep. “Oh well. Baybe Eric’ll cobe keep be co’pady agaid...”

... Whoops...

S-Sorry... I seem to have gotten a bit of Eric/Alan on the chapter here... after saying that I wasn't going to do pairings in this... XD

OH WELL. I don't think anyone's going to complain...? XD

Hope you enjoyed! Next up I'm torturi... I mean... writing Eric. *nice save, Starry*

Bye for now, y'all~! biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey guys, and especially for InuCiel who asked! I'm really sorry this has fallen behind; I have the next chapter in the works and hadn't been inspired on it for a while, unfortunately. Right now my computer's being fixed and I'm using my mother's for now and don't have the file, but as soon as I get mine back I'm going to try and work on it! I'm so sorry for this awfully long wait! heart.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you so much! It's great to hear from you! I'll be looking forward to the next update!

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  • 1 year later...

Ooooooohhh!! Finally I can comment in this precious history!!! I'm new in this forum and I'm from Perú :'D speak (or writing in this case) is a little hard for me and... I try to don't use the traductor for this comment ( unfortunately I use it to reading this history ) . Although I don't understand much this kind of text, I love it very much!!!!! ... I'm doing my best to write this comment because really I love it TwT follow please!

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