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Time Will Tell (Justin Bieber story)


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Hey everyone!! This is a new story, I know, I know, already. I love writing and it keeps me busy. I hope you like it!!! <333

Part 1

Another busy day awaited Justin, being famous isn’t easy for everyone. Constantly having to move from one place to another, interviews, concerts, signings, and photo shoots etc. Rest was really never an option, there is absolutely no time for it.

Justin was at an arena for a concert and it was now time for a sound check. He was going to do it with his opening act, Carly Rae Jepsen (She isn’t it anymore). Justin had been feeling a little worn out, but he thought it was associated with all the tiring concerts. He loved performing for his beliebers but your body eventually gets tired and that’s what happens.

Justin and Carly went out on stage and the girls started screaming loudly. Justin loves hearing his beliebers scream for him, it’s their way of telling him that they love him. But he couldn’t really tolerate it right now, his head aches with a throbbing headache for some unknown reason.

“Hey ladies,” Justin said while executing his famous wink. He slightly chuckled at all of the girls swooning over him.

“Great to see all of you.” Carly said and Justin nodded in agreement.

“So who has questions for us?” Justin asked and a majority of the girls raised their hands.

“Wow, a lot of you,” Justin remarked, surprised.

“Ok, the girl in the striped purple tank top.” Carly said while pointing to a younger looking girl.

“My question is for Justin, how do you feel about all the rumors lately?” she asked

“I feel as if they are not important, at the end of the day it’s all about the music.” Justin replied with confidence.

“Next question, the young girl in the black sleeveless shirt.”

“Carly, would you say Justin is the reason for your success?” the girl asked shyly. Justin soon started to feel a tickle form in the back of his sinuses. His breath started to hitch softly; he desperately tried to hold back the sneeze.

“I would say that he is responsible for most of it, he found me and showed me this big world of fame.” Carly responded. Justin couldn’t hold it back any longer; he turned his back to the crowd. His breath hitching sharply, his jaw slack and eyelashes fluttering.

“PPSHH!!” “PPSHHH!!” Justin sneezed wetly into his elbow, not trying to be gross.

“Excuse me, I’m so sorry.” Justin apologized

“Bless you,” Carly said and some of the girls did too.

“Thank you,” Justin replied. Throughout the rest of the sound check a congested feeling started to seep into his sinuses.

To Be Continued?? Sorry for the lack of sneezes, this chapter was kind of just the plot.

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YES CONTINUE ! I WAS DEPRIVED OF YOUR WRITING C:. !!! Sorry for caps im excited.

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Hey everyone!! I’m so sorry for the wait, I kind of got distracted :( but I’m back now. Here’s the next part, I hope you like it.

Part 2

Later that night Justin layed in bed, his head still throbbing with a terrible headache. The congested feeling in his sinuses had gotten worse over the course of the day Justin didn’t want to say anything because he knew his manager would overreact and blow the whole situation out of proportion (My parents). He also thought it would just be one day stuffiness (If that makes any sense), then it would be over.

“I really hope I’m not getting sick and that this is nothing.” Justin murmured to himself then went into a light restless sleep.

Justin woke up and noticed that his headache didn’t go away one bit. Congestion still took over his sinuses and he sighed at the thought of what could happen. He knew that he had to try his best to hide how he was feeling. Justin went up to the front of the bus and he saw Allison on her laptop. He got a cold water bottle from the fridge and sat down at the table; drinking the refreshing water.

“Good morning,” Allison said, looking up from the laptop screen.

“Good morning,” Justin mumbled back, he thought that if he spoke quietly then they wouldn’t hear the congestion.

“Huh’PSHH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” Justin sneezed twice into cupped hands.

“Why now?” Justin thought to himself.

“Bless you,” Allison said

“Thanks,” Justin replied and sniffled, congested sniffles.

“Are you feeling alright?” Allison asked, concern in her voice.

“Yeah,” Justin replied

“You don’t sound it,” she stated having heard the congestion in his voice.

“I’m fine,” he snapped, getting aggravated.

“Ok, whatever you say.” Allison mumbled and shook her head in disbelief.

“He’s so stubborn,” she thought to herself.

To Be Continued?? Sorry that it’s so shitty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so, so, so, so sorry about all the waiting, I've been really busy with different things. I might post in a day or two, I just wanted to tell you so you didn't think that I forgot you.

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I am going to my grandparents house ( I'm forced to) so I can't update to until Sunday. I'm sorry that I'm so slow with this story, I have some great ideas for where it will go but I have writers block on how I'll word it.

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I am going to my grandparents house ( I'm forced to) so I can't update to until Sunday. I'm sorry that I'm so slow with this story, I have some great ideas for where it will go but I have writers block on how I'll word it.

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