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It Takes Two (Klaine + Graham)


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This story features Kurt and Blaine five years into marriage, with their four year old son Graham. Blaine's an elementary teacher and Kurt's on Broadway as Fiyero in Wicked. Enjoy!

The snow was falling, making New York City look picturesque. Blaine Hummel-Anderson had just gotten his and Kurt's son Graham from preschool, the boy babbling about the snowmen they made from marshmallows in arts and crafts today. Blaine was listening, but his mind started to wander, his nose feeling runny and tickly.

"...and then we gots'to uhm....we gots'to glue them togefther wifth frosting!" The young boy squealed, jumping up and down, letting the snow hit him in the face.

Blaine nodded and let the backside of his fingers rub up against his sensitive nostrils, sniffling quietly.

"Hehh'NGXXT! huh'TCHHH'uhh! He'ITSHHH....*snnnnfl*"

"Bless you Papa," Graham said, clutching onto Blaine's free hand.

"Thangks..." Blaine sniffled more.

"Thanks Graham Graham," Blaine murmured, kissing the boys forehead. He coughed into his arm, groaning internally.

It was winter break in three days and he'd been feeling run down all morning. Blaine knew he needed to make it the last few days, not wanting to miss his second graders talk about what they wanted Santa to bring them.

Ignoring the slight twinge in his throat, Blaine got them back to the apartment quickly, Graham going to change into something warmer. Blaine locked the door behind them and started some hot chocolate, coughing once again into the hem of his sleeve.

A few minutes later and Graham was back out in some red and grey pajamas, holding a stuffed elephant his Daddy had given him that had belonged to his Papa a long time ago.

"What are you making Papa?" Graham asked, smiling, hoping it was his favorite.

"Some hot chocolate with extra whipped cream," Blaine laughed, kissing the boys head. "Go sit on the couch and pick a movie. Daddy will be home soon with dinner."

As Blaine poured the warm steamy liquid into three cups, his nose itched and he tried desperately to starve the tickle off, scrunching up his nose, snot trailing down, Blaine's breath hitching over and over. Setting the cups down as quickly as he could without spilling, Blaine grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket, pressing the soft material up to his glistening nostrils.

"Huh'GNNXXT! Huh.....ehh....heh...h'ISHHHHH! hishh! *snnnfl!* i'TCHHH!"

"Bless you Papa!" Blaine heard from the other room.

"Tha-thhhhahhh-i'HTTTCH'uhhhh! Thangks Grahmb," Blaine mumbled, blowing his still itchy nose, trying to desperately quell the ravenous feeling, scratching with his fingernail at his still wet-slicked nostrils. When it seemed the tickle had died down, Blaine walked into the living room, handing Graham his cup of hot cocoa, the boy happily drinking it.

"What movie are we watching Bubba?" Blaine asked, yawning. He suddenly felt like he had been hit by a ton of bricks. Sitting down, he let his eyes droop, trying to pay attention to his son.

"Tangled!" Graham grinned, holding the box. Blaine wasn't surprised. Graham had been going through monthly disney phases. Every month he would be obsessed with a movie.

"Perfect. I know Daddy will love it," Blaine assured, earning a grin from the youngest Hummel-Anderson. Noticing his nose was running again, Blaine wiped at it through his handkerchief, snuffling and pinching at his pink nostrils.

Hearing the door open, Graham rocketed out of the couch seat and ran to hug Kurt, the older man picking their son up and kissing him. Blaine groaned and got up too, rubbing his nose one last time.

"How was work?" Blaine asked, kissing Kurt's cheek.

"Amazing! How are you? How were the kiddo's today? I know you said a lot of them have been absent...."

Blaine shrugged. "We had five out today. The other eight were good. Jessica says she told her dad that she wanted Santa to bring her Mr.Blaine for Christmas," he chuckled, eyes fluttering shut when his nose began to tickle.

Kurt instantly knew the look on Blaine's face and grabbed a tissue, handing it to him.

"Heh'ISSHHH! huh'GNXXT! huht'TCH'uhhh ....*snnnfl*" Blaine rubbed at his nose and sniffled again.

"Excuse me," Blaine mumbled sheepishly. He knew it was going to be hard to hide this cold from Kurt, at least until the end of the week.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe. This is adorable please write more <3 I love klaine

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That was adorable!! I would love it if you wrote more! Ahhhh! So cute!!!!

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You are seriously the best at writing adorable Klaine fics here. I love all of them so much especially this one since I'm not into colds but I loved it. This was a perfect Glee and Klaine fix that I needed. Good job!

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Oh gosh, that was SO CUTE!! I never know how to feel about Glee fics set in the future but this is adorable! Please continue :).

Edited by g123
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I know it's been a while since the last post, but...do you think you could continue the story? It's just so good... :}


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