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A gig, a cold and and an S Club


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Alright I have been on an old TV show marathon and I was watching S Club7 and I realized how cute Paul was. I know none of you probably watch this, but its basically a show about a band in LA. I dident really edit or go over this much, cause its just something light I came up with in my boardom . This first part is more of a preview, so I just added a sneeze for fun. This is kind of M/M, but a friendship one. I wanted to put Jon and Paul together in this but It was to unrealistic cause Paul was always a lady's man. So, this is just a light little story so enjoy! :)

Heres a link to the members if it dosent work, the URL should.

Paul - http://vivasclub.com/media/pictures/magazines-newspapers/paul-in-star-magazine-00







" How do I look guys?"

Jon skipped down the stairs in delight in a light blue button down shirt and cakys.

"Dressy but not to dressy since its the first date?"

"Its perfect, Jon." Rachel smiled at her friend.

"But loose the collar." Jo chimed.

"Good luck then!" Hannah hugged him.

"Whew!" A lot of clone then?"

Just then Paul came through the door looking rather pale and tired.

"Hi Paul!" the band said in unison.


"Wheres Brad and Tina?"

"Still at the cafe. I'm just so tired I thought I'd turn in early."

"Have fun Jon." he patted his friend on the back. causing the clone fumes to travel to his already irritated nose and tickle his insides, he could feel his eyes watering, and with almost no warning....

"HA....... HURCHSHOO!"

His powerful sneeze bent him forward with his hands cupped over his mouth.

"Bless you mate!" Jon exclaimed.

"Ya bless you! You better not be getting a cold we have a performance tomorrow night!" Jo yelled.

"Ya our first big one.... like on a stage! Not at a Birthday party or a prom. were going on stage!"

"Don't look at me I'm not getting ill. (sniff) Jon's wearing to much clone!" Paul said in a slightly horse voice.

"Your not allergic to clone!"

"Well..... I am to this one!" Paul said slightly agitated.


"Well then.... see ya Jon have fun!"

"Don't be out to late."

"I wont. I'm just rather worried about Paul though. He seemed a bit lethargic"

"Oh you know Paul. I think hes okay." Jo reassured him.

Jon starred longingly at the stairs Paul walked up on, hoping his best friend feel better......

Chapter two coming weather you like it or not :) this was just a preview.

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This was nice :) Yah Paul is pretty cute i've never seen S Club7 but I like where this is going. Continue!

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