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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bulma sneezes while hiding (for ThePokeFan599)


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The day after Goku and Gohan had finished training in the hyperbolic time chamber, Dr. Briefs was instructing his daughter Bulma on his latest invention, “I call it: Cellase!”

“What does it do, daddy?” Bulma asked.

“I have filled this capsule with enough of a new enzyme I created to completely stop Cell from being able to regenerate.” Said Dr. Briefs.

“I don't like the sound of this...” Said Bulma.

“I'm sure it will be fine! Cell should be waiting in his arena for the next few days; just walk up to him and make him absorb it through his tail. It will trigger automatically inside him” Said Dr. Briefs, “I'd do it myself but I've got the animals to look after”. Bulma agreed to her mission, knowing that her actions could save the world. She packed her bags and left for the Cell Games arena.

Turtle, Chi Chi and Maron were watching her from afar in one of Dr. Briefs' flying machines. They watched as Bulma crawled across the wasteland towards Cell. The plan was for her to sneak up behind him and place the capsule on his tail, but this meant crawling several miles on open dusty ground without being heard, in the middle of the night. She was only 100m or so away; Turtle and Chi Chi watching silently in anticipation, when Maron blurted out “Wow! This old lady sure is slow. Turtle, I bet you could do it faster than her.” Bulma immediately felt her nose starting to tickle.

“Quiet down!” Snapped Chi Chi, “If she moved any faster, she'd be dead! The mission would be a failure, Cell would kill Goku and there would be no hope left for the universe!” Bulma paused where she was, and started breathing heavily. The tickle in her nose had gotten worse. She laid on her side, sealed her mouth with her hand and sneezed a suppressed “Hheennggxgt-choo” as she tried desperately not to alert Cell. The sneeze bent her over slightly; she straightened out again and looked towards Cell, and luckily he was still standing in the same position facing away from her as he had been since the mission started. Bulma rubbed her nose and thought to herself that it must be the dust from the ground that made her sneeze, and her laying on the ground didn't help. She started crawling again, even slower this time since she was so close to Cell.

Chi Chi and Turtle gasped when they saw her sneeze, fearing that Cell would notice, and felt relieved when he didn't. “The old woman is taking too long, I'm leaving!” Announced Maron. To Bulma's despair, the tickle in her nose suddenly returned. She stopped and covered her nose with her finger to prevent it building up. “You can't leave! We're flying high in the air!” Chi Chi exclaimed. “Ladies, please calm down,” Turtle said quietly, “Bulma's trying her hardest to help the Z fighters stop Cell. It won't take much longer now.” Suddenly, the sneezing feeling returned to Bulma, she sneezed another suppressed “Hheennggxgt-choo” into her elbow. She looked up again and saw that she was at the edge of the arena, and Cell still hadn't noticed her. She continued crawling across the arena floor, when Turtle said “Come on Bulma!” enthusiastically. The tickle came to her again, but this time with no warning or buildup, Bulma sneezed a pronounced “HAAACHOO!”. She immediately covered her mouth and looked up at Cell. Cell took a deep breath and, without turning to face her, shouted “Who dares think they have the right to sneak up on me!? Show yourself!” Bulma's heart sank, but she'd dealt with powerful villains before and knew how to handle herself. She ran in front of Cell and handed him the capsule with a smile. “What is this?” he asked her.

“It's a potion that will make you as strong as Goku! He didn't want the fight to be too easy for him.”

“HA!” Said Cell, “Even if this capsule makes me weaker, I don't see how I could lose. I will eat this capsule and kill all of Earth's warriors anyway. Thank you woman”. Cell took the capsule and swallowed it. “That's funny,” he said, “it doesn't seem to have any effect.”

Oh no...” thought Bulma “he was supposed to swallow it through his tail...” She smiled and left, realizing the huge mistake she had made...

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Job well done Launch. I liked the added desperation that Bulma had to not allow herself to sneeze. It looks like you're considering continuing this story. I would be in full support of that if you were.

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I may continue it one day, but not for at least 2 weeks since I have more important things to write and I'll be busy for a week when I won't be able to write anything.

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