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***Danny Phantom request for Seniorstatus14**


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Oh look at that I'm finally getting to the requests. Anyhoo please bear with me, havnt watched this show in years so don't remember it much >-< enjoy. ------------------------------------------------------- Danny awoke from his dreamless sleep & rubbed his eyes & sniffled. Danny thought for a second.. Wait half-ghosts don't sniffle or get sick? He then got dressed for school but before heading downstairs he sneezed three times un-covered as he wasn't use to sneezing.. Since half-ghost weren't supoose too. Danny thought he had a caught a cold, the un-thinkible. But then he remembered a ghost he had faught(fight) had sneezed on him, during a battle the other powerful ghost had lost, Danny had won the battle against evil but had caught a ghost cold in consequence... ---------------------------------------------------- Note: I was just going with my ideas >-< hope you liked. This could be a one-shot or TBC? If you really like it I could continue because I had a caretaking plot involving Sam .:3 sorry it's so short. Enjoy (:

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I love it!!!!!

Thank you :D would u like me to continue?

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I'll continue Tommorow (: thanks both of u. Glad someone enjoys

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Thank you seniorstatus14... I will just add a small part here as I have to go to work soon so.. here we go.

Danny Phantom fic part deux ~~~


Danny still went to school because he had asked his parents if his cold was contagious to mortals, they said no.

He went to school sniffling & always feeling an annoying tickle in his nose.

He arrived in class & sat in his usual seat in between Tucker& Sam.

Class went well all but some sneezes tht he couldn't stave off, that he had aimed at the floor.

he got stares when he sneezes, some blesssings.

A worried look from Sam, since Sam really liked Danny.

At lunch time Danny was worsening, feeling like he had been hit by a bus.

He barely ate anything but a few crackers.

Danny had almost sneezed towards Tucker.. as Tucker wasn't so found of germs he said "Cover Danny, i don't want to get sick".

Danny only nodded & sniffled


To be continued... enjoy for nao..

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I am only a fan of female sneezing but i got to give credit as i love danny phantom that whole series was amazing good job!

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I am only a fan of female sneezing but i got to give credit as i love danny phantom that whole series was amazing good job!

. Thank you, would you like me to add more parts?.
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Danny Phantom fic part 3

The school bell finally rung after classes ended so Danny walked home.

He went straight to his bed & toook a nap only too be waken up by his parents for supper.

Dinner went well, though the half-ghost boy barely touched his salad.

Dinner was almost done until Danny's nose inturrupted him..He tryed to make the tickle go away.

He sniffled & rubbed his nose constantly but it wouldn't go away.

So he had to burry his face in the crook of his arm. As he sneezed his blue eyes closed.

He sneezed " Hitchiewww"..

His sister said "Bless you kitten" & snickered at her brother's child-like sneeze.

Danny said "Thank you" & excused himself from the table.

Danny was back in his room again & he fell asleep in his bed soon after. The next morning Danny opened his blue eyes slowly but the sun from his window hit his face, dust particles & sunlight slowly cascading to his face. His nostrils flared as the dust particles danced in his nose, he blinked at the sunny rays trying to coax the sneeze out . He sneezed openly , spray landing on the floor "Hetchoo H-heh-Hetchoo". He plucked a tissue from the box on his bedside table & blew his nose cringing at the wetness of the snot in the tissue, he then threw it in the rubbish & layed back down.

His parents called him to come downstairs, but he dare not move.

Finally, his mother came upstairs & came too see him. Snot dripped down his nose as he sniffled miserebly. His mother bent down & touched his forehead with her hand. She then said "Oh sweetie, you're quite warm stay home". Danny just nodded & fell back asleep napping.


Notes: I have plans for part 4 c:.. So I will post another part. :D

Hope you guys enjoy.

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Danny Phantom part 4.

Danny was fighting with a ghost then fell into a black hole.

He then died.

Danny screamed for a while until his mother came back into his room & asked what's wrong.

Danny said he had an extreamly bad dream ;3.

He then went downstairs. He sat on the couch watching movies all day & eating m&m's &soup<3


note: Heh .. hope I didn't scare anyone. Anyways comment ideas of what you guys want for part 5.

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I love it! Thank you DeathNoteOwner!

No problemo c: :D glad u enjoy

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