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Warmth (Warm Bodies)


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This has been eating away at me since I saw Warm Bodies and I’ve been far too nervous to write it. But it won’t leave me alone and so here is Part 1 This is set about two or three months after the wall went down, lets say about 6 or 7 months after the movie ended? Please don’t hate… I’m not very good at this…


The sun streamed through the curtains of R’s room, little flecks of dust and other particles slowly dancing in the air. The beams of morning light landed across the four post bed and on his still sleeping figure. R shifted in his sleep, rolling into the light and flinched. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the lingering sleep, and groaned. He threw his arm over his eyes and sighed.

Ugh. I’d never thought I would see a day that I’d hate seeing the sun. He moved his arm over barely an inch and turned to look at the clock. 9:52 AM. Come to think of it, I don’t remember a day where I wasn’t already up.

R pulled his arm completely away from his face and threw back his blanket. He sat up and knew right away something wasn’t right. I don’t remember feeling this… odd. He then chuckled at his last thought. Odd was more of a relative term considering he was a man who became a zombie who then became a man once again. However that was besides the point. This was different.

R rubbed his hands over his face and stretched. His back cracked down his spin and he groaned. Then he frowned.

You’re not dead anymore. Stop groaning. He stretched again and ran a hand threw his messy hair. He cleared his throat only to wince at how raw it felt. He tried again with the same results.

At this point, he was wide awake and every muscle, every bone and every nerve seemed to protest at the same exact time. His throat was not only raw but on fire as well. There was a throbbing pain directly behind his eyes that stretched to his temple. He rubbed at his eyes with the heel of his hand to little effect. And though sleeping without a shirt on was second nature to him, he couldn’t help but notice that today he felt just a bit colder.

R shook his head and stood. He didn’t have time to worry about what was going on with his body. There is far too much to do today an he’d already slept in more then he needed to. Julie is on her way home tomorrow with the Colonel and he needed to make sure everything went smoothly at their dinner. He would then ask the Colonel if they could move into their own place together.

Julie had asked if he could stay in one of the many rooms when he was still healing from his bullet wound. The Colonel, aka her very protective father, had outright said no. To which Julie replied “Dad, if you don’t let him stay here, I’m leaving with him to live in the spare housing with all the other reforming zombies.” Which changed his mind almost as fast as the refusal had come out of his mouth.

R chuckled. He took a step towards his bathroom and swayed. He grabbed one of the posts and stayed still for a moment, allowing the dizziness to pass. For a few moments he, just breathed. He let go of the post, making sure that he could stand without it, and then began heading to the dresser for his clothes.

R pulled open the drawer, he noted the thin layer of dust on the top that he definitely needed to wipe off. R rummaged through his disorganized clothes for something not as wrinkled as the next. Pulling out a gray t-shirt (having barely noticeable creases) and a pair of faded blue jeans (twice as messy but who really cares about the wrinkles in jean?) he sorted through his list of things to do for the day.

Ok, so I need to head down to head down to the clinic right away and meet up with Nora. She said she would give me pointers on dinner and things I shouldn’t talk about at dinner. Then I need to head over to meet up with Marcus and talk to him about the living arrangements. But before that I need to…

R sniffed, feeling a prickle behind his nose. Like a slow irritating touch, very light but there. He sniffed again, which seemed to only make it worse.

“Heh…” R rubbed at the bridge of his nose, slowly pushing back the tickle. He shook his head and gathering his clothes into a bundle in his left hand he slammed his drawers shut, causing some of the dust to flutter up around his face. The tickle which had nearly all but disappeared was back and this time took over his entire nose.

“Huh.. Ehh….hihh-” He quickly pinched at base of his nose and willed the sensation to disappear. Which did not work. He slowly let go of his nose feeling his nostrils flare against his fingers and his breathing quickened once more.

“Ehh…huhh!” It seemed to stop for only a moment and then he once again pinched his nose shut, with two stifled sneezes. “Hiext! HIST!”

R let go of his nose when he was sure nothing else would follow. The tickle was less of a bother now but still there. He sniffed feeling his nose begin to drip and cringed. Yea, that’s attractive, he though bitterly. The hell was that?

R shifted his clothes, sniffing once more and entered the bathroom. He placed his clothes on the side of the sink and looked up at his reflection. Nothing too bad. He did seem a bit more pale then usual and his eyes had heavy bags under them, very lightly touched with pink around the edges. He swallowed, then regretted it for the pain and tried to think of a time he felt this bad. ( His zombie life not truly counting in that.)

While he didn’t have many of his own memories, did still have some of Perry’s. A moment from when Perry was young…

He was laying in bed and his father sat next to him, running his fingers through his little boys hair. Perry held onto a baseball mitt two sizes too big for his little hands and stared up at his father in hope. As Perry coughed and shivered under his sports covered quilt, a beep sounded and his father took a thermometer from under his arm. He looked down at it and sighed.

“Sorry buddy. No ballgame today. You’re sick.” Perry looked up pleadingly at his father and he chuckled.

“Don’t worry Perry. There’ll be other games. We can still watch it on TV here.” As Perry began to argue with his father about feeling just fine to go to the game, R came back into reality and started at himself in disbelief.

I’m sick… Great.

So there's part one. Not alot of sneezing but the next one will have more and be a little longer. I'll try and do more later this week. If you think I got something wrong or anything please tell me. It'll help me in the future. Thank you smile.png

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Mmmmm, so far this fic is freaking amazing. Ahh, I love Warm Bodies and R so much and I, well, I can't really eloquently express how much I love you for writing this. :wub:

Please update soon! :)

bye. :heart:

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