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Good Luck Charlie Fanfiction


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Finished my first fanfiction and now onto my 2nd! I really didn't think I would enjoy writing, but I do so I guess this will be good for me to polish up my writing skills before school and before I fill out college applications next month. I do not own good luck charlie, disney channel, or any good luck charlie characters. Also, tips, comments, and helpful criticisms are always welcome! No major illness symptoms in part 1.


Part 1

Teddy woke up twenty minutes late and groaned as she realized she had a killer headache. After deciding she was too busy to skip school, because of her AP Government presentation, AP Biology test, and AP Spanish test that she had today, she dragged herself out of bed and quickly got ready for school. She realized her face was paler than usual, yet feverishly flushed so she decided to put on some extra makeup to hide her pale face. Upon arriving upstairs she saw her household in the usual state of Monday morning chaos.

Even though she wasn't hungry she figured she should at least eat some toast so she would have some energy to face the day.

"Teddy.." her mom, Amy called, " I need you to be sure to pick up Gabe and Charlie from school and come home with them right when school ends so that you can babysit them and Toby."

"Why can't P.J. do it?"

"Because P.J. has the late shift at work tonight. Your father and I will be home late, after everyone's in bed, because I have to train the new residents and your father has a bug convention to go to. Oh and don't forget, Gabe has soccer practice at 4:30 and Charlie has ballet at 6:30 and you have to stay to watch them at both they don't like it when kids are just dropped off."

"Ok, I'll be sure to take care of them" Teddy replied as she rubbed her head discretely. After hearing all that her family had going on, Teddy decided that she wouldn't tell her family she felt bad because she didn't want to let them down, so she quickly ate and left for school, glad no one realized that she was wearing extra makeup and rubbing her head.


Part 2 coming soon and I promise it will be longer, but for now, tell me what you think! :)

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This is good! You captured the characters really well. I don't know what season you set this this in, but you should definitely include Spencer :)

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Part 2

Upon arriving at school she knew her illness was going to get worse before it got better as she felt her throat start to get sore and her stomach start to churn. Ivy came rushing up to Teddy and started chatting animatedly about boys and the latest gossip from around the school. They soon arrived in class and Ivy continued talking since there was about 15 more minutes until class started. Soon she noticed that Teddy had yet to say a word about anything Ivy had said. "What's wrong Teddy?"

"Just a little under the weather that's all."

Ivy felt her forehead and noticed it was warm. "T, why don't you go home and get some rest you feel warm like you have a fever."

*Teddy coughs hard a few times* I can't Ivy my parents are busy and so is P.J. so I have to take care of Gabe, Charlie, and Toby.

"Did you tell your parents you were sick?"

"No, I couldn't disappoint them like that"

Ivy sighs, and they both go grab a seat seeing as the bell is about to ring.

*Bell sounds*

Hschoo hschoo hschoo hschoo hschoo hschoo! Teddy sneezes fast and a lot and goes and gets some tissues.

Throughout class Ivy can see Teddy getting worse and she realizes Teddy is wearing a lot of extra makeup. The bell rings for the end of class and she doesn't have time to interrogate Teddy because they have separate classes for the rest of the day and Teddy has already rushed off to her next class.

*Teddy's POV*

I can feel my voice fading and getting more and more congested as I talk to my friends. I guess I should stop talking and save my voice for the last class of the day when I have to give my presentation. I can't believe it, it's day of my big presentation, the one worth 30% of my final grade, and that I've been working late every night for almost 3 months straight and I get sick the day I'm due to present.

*Nobody's POV*

Teddy finally finishes her day of school emotionally, physically, and mentally drained, thanks to her illness. She quickly rushes out and picks up Gabe and Charlie from school and Toby from home. Once she has them all picked up she takes Gabe to soccer practice and sits on the benches while holding Toby and watching Charlie.

Hschoo Hschoo Hschoo! Teddy sneezes.

"Bwess you" Charlie answers in her cute little 4 year old voice.

"Dank you Charlie" Teddy replies congestedly. She soon has a coughing fit and hopes Gabe's practice ends soon. Checking her phone for the umpteenth time to see how much longer Gabe's practice has, she notices she has a text from Spencer.

"Hey, Ivy told me your sick, is that true?" S

"Yeah, it's true :( " T

"How about I bring you some homeade chicken soup and your favorite move Grease?" S

"That sounds wonderful. Come over at 9 after I put the little ones to bed?" T

"See you then!" S

Teddy looks up from her phone to see practice ending. Thank god she thinks to herself. Noticing it's 6pm she takes the 3 kids, swings through and gets them McDonalds for dinner, and proceeds to take Charlie to ballet practice.

While sitting at Charlie's ballet practicing her stomach starts doing flip flops. She quickly hands Toby off to Gabe saying she needs to use the restroom and walks to the end of the hall and starts running to the bathroom once turning the corning. She barely reaches the toilet when she starts throwing up everything in her stomach. Ugh gross Teddy thinks. Once she is finished she stands up, wipes her face, and goes back out to watch Charlie.

Charlies practice finally ends at 7:30pm. Teddy takes everyone home, then she gets them all ready for bed and sleeping soundly. Surprisingly without much fussing from Gabe, but she figures that's due to him running around a lot at soccer practice. Glancing at her phone she notices it's 8:40pm, so she quickly gets her shower and changes into yoga pants and a comfy sweatshirt before Spencer gets there.

The doorbell finally rings and Spencer gasps when he sees her.

"Oh Teddy, Ivy told me you were sick I didn't think it was that bad! I thought it was just a little cold!"

Teddy confused at first, then slowly realizing all her makeup came off in the shower, says, "I'b fide really Spence." she barely croaks out.

Spencer coaxes Teddy onto the couch and wraps her up in a blanket. He goes and finds the thermometer and sticks it in Teddy's mouth.

"103.9! How on Earth did you manage to stay in school all day and take care of 3 kids! I want to know what all your symptoms are right now please so I can take care of you babe."

"Fide, obviously a feber, coughing, sneezing, runny dose, everything hurts, chills, throwing up, nausea..."

"That everything?"

"Yeah" Teddy sniffles a few times then HSCHOO HSCHOO HSCOO!

"Bless you"


"Sounds like the flu" He frowns for a moment then he goes and starts the movie. He then proceeds to make Teddy eat the whole bowl of soup and drink a whole cup of tea. After she's done eating he grabs the dishes and takes them to the kitchen then he grabs a cool wet cloth and places it on Teddy's forehead. He debates going and getting Teddy some nyquil, but thinks he should talk to her parents first. Halfway through Grease, he realizes she fell asleep so he picks her up and carries her to her bed where he proceeds to tuck her in and place a new cool, wet cloth on her forehead.


Here's part 2! Thanks ThatSneezyGirl for the encouragement!! Part 3 will be up very shortly! And it's the final chapter so it'll probably be shorter than this part.

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Part 3

Spencer goes back upstairs to clean up and wait for Teddy's parents. Amy and Bob finally show up at 10:30pm and are shocked to see Teddy's boyfriend sitting on the couch alone, watching the end of Grease.

Amy finally breaks the silence and says, " Uh, Spencer, what on Earth are you doing here? And where is Teddy? Why is she not with you? Isn't it a little late for you to be out?"

"Whoa, slow down Mrs. Duncan, Teddy along with everyone else is in their rooms sound asleep. I put Teddy to bed when she fell asleep during the movie. I stayed because I needed to tell you guys something important."

"Well then spit it out, I'm getting tired." Bob said.

Spencer takes a deep breathe and says, " Teddy's really sick. Ivy texted me after school asking me to check on Teddy because she was running a fever and wearing a lot of extra makeup during school. I brought her some homeade chicken noodle soup and I made her some tea with honey after I got her about 9pm. I checked her temperature and wrote it down in this notebook I found along with a list of her symptoms. I think it's the flu, but I'm not a doctor. I didn't give her any medicine, because I thought you guys might want to check on her first, but I did place cool cloths on her head. I have to go so good-night Mr. and Mrs. Duncan.

Spencer leaves after Amy and Bob thank him. Amy goes and picks up the notebook. Exclaiming when she reads the temperature, "103.9! That's almost high enough for the ER!"

Bob rips the notebook out of Amy's hand and starts reading all the symptoms. "I think we better go check on her. I'll grab the nyquill and cold cloths, you go check her out since your the doctor.

As Bob goes to get the medicine and cold cloths, Amy goes to Teddy's room and gently shakes her awake. "Honey wake up for a few minutes please."

Teddy groans and sits up, "Yeah mom?" she whispers.

"Oh honey why didn't you tell me you felt so bad?" Amy says while feeling her forehead.

"I didn't want you guys to cancel your plans because of me" she says while still whispering.

"Here stick this under your tounge" Amy says as she places the thermometer under Teddy's tounge and starts feeling her glands only to find them swollen. "Honey, I wouldn't have cared about canceling plans if I knew you needed help."

The thermometer beeps and Amy reads,"103.7, it only went down .2 of a degree, maybe after some medicine and a long night of sleep you'll feel better, sweetie."

Just then Bob comes thundering down the steps with the nyquill and cold cloths. Teddy reluctantly takes the dosage of medicine and shivers when her dad puts the cold clothes on her and bathes her face with it. Amy and Bob both tell her good night and to feel better.

Teddy goes to sleep, realizing next time she should tell someone when she feels sick.


The end!

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