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Baby Daddy fic for Ruskie


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Ok, so this is my very first so please be patient, and tips/ helpful criticisms are very welcome.

Oh by the way, I do not own Baby Daddy, any of the Baby Daddy characters, or ABC Family.


Part 1

The smell of bacon, eggs, and toast wafted through the boys apartment as Riley cooked breakfast.

"Guys breakfast!" Riley hollered. Soon Emma, carried by Ben, and Tucker came stampeding into the room, hungry as always. They fix their plates and give Emma some toast and start to eat when Ben and Danny's mother, Bonnie comes barges in.

"OOO Breakfast! I'm just in time!" Bonnie goes and helps herself to all the food and realizes theres a lot left still so she asks, " Where's Danny"

"I don't know he must've had a late night" Ben replies absentmindedly.

"No, he was back before I was and I was home by 10" says Tucker.

"I better go check on him" Bonnie gets up and leaves to go check on Danny.

Bonnie peers into Danny's room and sees him sound asleep under a mountain of blankets, so she goes and sits on the edge of his bed. SHe shakes him and gently says, "Danny it's time to get up, you've got a game today." He just groans and rolls back over. Getting irritated she says "Fine, I guess ya wanna do this the hard way then. She rips off his blankets and yells, "WAKE UP!". Danny groans and sits up, putting his head in his hands. "Come on Dan, you have to get ready for your game".

Hschoo! Hschoo! Hschoo! Danny sneezes three times really fast.

Her express of annoyance quickly turns to one of concern for her eldest baby boy. "Honey you okay?"

"I'b fide, I gotta gameb to get ready for" he croaks out.

"You sure your ok? I think you should stay home and rest you don't look so well." She places the back of her hand gently on his forehead, for hardly a second before exclaiming, "Oh honey your burning up!" She hollers, " BEN BRING ME THE FIRST AID KIT!"

Danny groans at the noise so Bonnie appologizes. Ben brings it to her and asks what's wrong. "Nothings wrong Danny's just sick."

"Oh well I've gotta go I've got plans and uh I don't want Emma getting sick!" He quickly runs out of the room as he's never been good at dealing with sick people. Once telling Tucker and Riley that Danny's sick, Tucker leaves too with Emma and Ben, not wanting to get sick before his date.

Riley rolls her eyes "Boys" she mutters and goes into Danny's room to help his mom take care of Danny.

"102.3, oh honey I'm sorry I guess you'll have to miss your big game tonight" Bonnie says as Riley walks into the room. Bonnie pours Danny a dose of nyquil and ruffles his hair while he grimaces and drinks it. Looking at her watch she realizes it's 9:45 and she has a spa day appointment at 10:30. "Oh no, I've gotta go, Riley do you mind watching Danny for today?"

"No problem, I'll take care of him" Riley responds.

"Great!" Bonnie runs out of the apartment leaving Danny and Riley alone. "Want me to make you some soup?" Riley finally asks to break the akward silence

"Yes please, and could..." Danny starts coughing wetly and Riley rubs his back to comfort him. "could you bring me some crackers too?" Danny finally manages to croak out.

"Sure thing! And I'll bring you some tea with honey to help your throat." As RIley leaves to prepare the food she hears him go into a sneezing fit and debates going back to comfot him, but decides against it and starts making the food.


I'll type more later! Gotta help my mom with something. Tips, suggestions, comments, criticisms are very much welcome!

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Thanks Sneezelove for the encouragement!!! Here comes Part 2 and most likely the finally the final part.


Part 2

Riley returns with the tray of food and tea not even 20 minutes later to find the room empty. "Danny!" She hollers a few times in order to find him. Not hearing a response she sets the tray down on his bedside table and walks out of Danny's room only to hear retching sounds coming from the apartment's bathroom. "Danny?" she wonders aloud. She walks to the bathroom door and knocks. Upon hearing a muffled "come in" she opens the door heartbroken at what she sees. Danny is slouched over the toilet with his head resting on the cool porcelin of the toilet. Quickly she goes into the bathroom cabinet and pulls out a washcloth. She wets it with cool water and rings it out. Seeing that he's done throwing up she flushes the commode for him and washes his face off with a cool wet washcloth. "Come on let's get you back to bed Danny" She grabs an old bucket in case he has to be sick again and gets him settled in bed.

Riley sets the tray on his lap and the bucket on the floor, and proceeds to feed him his soup knowing that he probably doesn't feel up to eating it himself.

About halfway through the bowl of soup he says he's full and so Riley sets the tray back on the table . She feels his forehead and frowns.

"Danny I'm going to check your temperature again, okay?"

"Ok" he croaks weakly.

Placing the thermometer gently under his tounge she ruffles his hair and waits for the beep. Taking the thermometer out she reads, "103.4, it's gone up!" She goes and gets a cool washcloth and puts it on his head since it isn't time for him to take more medicine. "Why don't you get some sleep? Just holler if you need anything at all, okay?"

"Okay" he croaks sleepily.

She takes the dishes out and washes them and places a tall cold glass of water by the bed in case he needs it.

3 hours lates she is totally absorbed in her book when she hears more retching sounds coming from Danny's bedroom. "Danny? Are you ok?" she calls out knowing full well he isn't ok. She runs into Danny's room to find him hunched over the bucket vomiting the little substance he has left in his stomach. She goes over and sits beside him and rubs his back until he stops throwing up. She washes his face and gives him a mint to suck on while she goes to get the nyquil. She administers the nyquil to him and he is soon sound asleep, so he takes the bucket and washes it out.

About 5-o-clock at night she goes to check on him to find him still asleep. "He looks so cute when he's asleep" she thinks. Soon his eyelids start to flutter as he finally wakes up. Hschoo! Hschoo! He sneezes quickly then goes into a mild coughing fit. She rubs his back, "Guess you aren't feeling much better?" she asks.

"Actually I'm feeling a lot better, at least, I don't feel like I'm going to be sick anymore."

"Well that's great news! Would you like something to eat?"

"Tomato soup with goldfish?"

"Coming right up!"

She quickly leaves the room to prepare his dinner.

*Danny's POV*

Gosh, Riley is so pretty and smart, and I've had a huge crush on her forever. I just wish I could be brave enough to tell her, but I know she likes Ben, and I think Ben might like her too...

*Riley's POV*

Poor Danny, he's so sick and his brother, Tucker , and even his mom were too busy to take care of him! I hope he feels better soon I feel bad watching him suffer like this. I feel like there might be some chemistry between me and Danny. I always thought I liked Ben but after spending time alone taking care of Danny I feel like maybe I liked the wrong Wheeler brother, maybe I really did like Danny deep inside. I think I'll tell him once his fever goes down enough that he can remember our conversations.

*Nobody's POV*

Riley brings the soup to Danny, but doesn't let him eat it. "Hold on I wanna take your temperature again." She pulls out the thermometer and quickly checks it, "100.6, it's gone down a lot, those naps must've helped!"

"Yeah, I guess they did"

Riley feeds Danny his soup and goes to do this dishes. Upon returning to Danny's room she finds that he's still awake. "Oh, hey I didn't expect you to be awake."

"I'b bot really tired I'bve been sleeping all day" he replies quietly, then decides to ask his question, "Riley, could you maybe please rub dis on bme". *holds up a thing of vicks vapo rub*

Riley smiles and replies, "Sure". She unbuttons his shirt to reveal his hockey player abs and takes some vapo rub and rubs it on his chest. "Better?"

"Better, I can breathe again" he replies.

"Danny, can I, uh, talk to you for a minute?"

"Um, sure you can talk to me about anything. I'm your friend".

"Well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. I, um, really like you Danny. Like not like you, but like you, like you. Would you maybe go on a date with me once your better?" She blushes profusely.

"I've liked you since we were kids, Riles and I've been dreaming of you to say that, but I always thought you liked Ben."

"I have always liked Ben, but today I realize my feelings were for the wrong Wheeler and that I've really always liked you."

"Well, why does that date have to wait till I'm better, pick out a movie, put it in, and come climb up in bed with me so we can watch it!"

She picks out Ferris Bueller's Day Off, puts it in and climbs in bed next to him. Halfway through the movie they both drift off to sleep.

And that's how Bonnie, Ben, Tucker, and Emma find them when they get home.


The End! I hope you liked it!

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Thanks for the encouragement DeathNoteOwner!!!

. No problems. Woah that is such a good fic (: I wish there was more >-<.. Maybe Danny get sick again & Riley&Him are dating so contagion.. Because him&riley kissed so Riley gets sick..: just an idea.
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I just saw this, THANK YOU!! This is perfect :D

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Glad you like it Ruskie! I'll try to incorporate DeathNoteOwner's idea and put up a part 3 tomorrow most likely :)

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Glad you like it Ruskie! I'll try to incorporate DeathNoteOwner's idea and put up a part 3 tomorrow most likely :)

thank you I didn't think my idea was any good, but do put up a part 3 (:
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Bonus Part 3

The next morning Riley awoke noticing her throat was a little sore, but that didn't matter to her. What mattered is getting Danny 100% back to health so they can start acting like a real couple. She sat up and shook Danny awake. Once he was awake enough, she put the thermometer on the table in Danny's mouth. "99.9, Only one more day of lounging around and I think you'll be back to normal" she told him.

He smiled and gave her a quick kiss before he took the medicine Riley poured him. Hschoo Hschoo! Riley tried to stifle her two sneezes but it didn't work.

"You all right there babe?"

"Yeah I'b fide just allergies, leb be go get breakfast"

RIley quickly exits the room and heads into the kitchen to get Danny some scrambled eggs and dry toast with apple juice. She takes it in to Danny and then goes to grab her own breakfast and eat with everyone else.

"Well how's my Danny doing today?" Bonnie asked concerned after seeing him so sick yesterday.

"He's better, his temperature is only 99.9 so he should be back to normal in a day."

"Well good, glad it wasn't anything too serious"

Everyone nods that they are glad he's feeling better. Hschoo hschoo! Riley sneezes again.

"Riles you ok?" Bonnie asks. Even though Riley is just an old family friend and not her own child, she's still a mother and that makes her mother instincts radar go wild when someone is getting ill.

"Yeah, I'b fide just allergies"

"You sure you look a bit peaky?"

"I'b sure"

"Well would you look at the time I'm late for work!" Ben says as he grabs Emma and heads out the door.

"Uhhh, me too!" Calls Tucker as he runs out the door.

"Well, I better go check on Danny" Riley says as she puts up her dishes.

Riley makes it safely around the corner before she has a coughing fit. She picks up her head and jumps when Bonnie is standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Busted RIley!"

Riley sighs but follows Bonnie back to Danny's room where she climbs up in bed with Danny.

"Hey why are you in bed Riles?" He asks.

"Because she's sick as a dog!" Her mother responds angry that Riley would try to hide she's sick.

Bonnie places the thermometer under her tongue and when it beeps she reads," 102.1, yep it's definitely bed for both of y'all today!" She then proceeds to pour Riley a liberal amount of nyquil which she takes reluctantly with a grimace on her face. Hschoo hschoo hschoo! Riley sneezed.

"Well since you're both sick, I guess you can both stay in the same bed so that it'll be easier for me to check on y'all."

Bonnie left and they spent the time that she wasn't checking on them talking, kissing, and sleeping for the next 2 days until they were both 100% better.

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Oh cuuuuttte awesome fantastique. Romantique <3 cute+sniffly contagion, I like.

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