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Felinity (SPN fic)


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I've got a couple unfinished things sitting around on my computer collecting (metaphorical) dust, but after the excitement at comic con last weekend I felt inspired to write something fresh and short. I haven't done Dean before, but after they revealed his (ACTUAL CANON) cat allergy, it was only a matter of time before I did something about it...


Dean wonders if he should have counted his blessings, because even in all his years of interviewing witnesses, he’s never had to step into the home of a Crazy Cat Lady.

Until now, at least, and he realizes he definitely should have considered himself lucky up until this point. The entire place is decorated with those weird fuzzy cat playgrounds, toy mice and jingly balls strewn across the carpet. There’s fur covering the furniture and even floating in the air, visible amongst the dust in beams of sunlight.

“Ugh God,” he mutters before he has even stepped through the door. “I think I’m allergic to this room.”

“You’ll be fine,” Sam assures, his voice calm and professional in preparation for the interview. “Just a couple questions and we’re out of here.” He wrinkles his own nose at all the dust, from either disgust or irritation, Dean can’t tell.

“Probably hasn’t cleaned the place in years,” Dean complains, running a finger over a grime-covered bookcase and grimacing. He glances around the cluttered living room. “Dude, is she even home?”

“Mrs. Quincy?” Sam calls pointlessly. There’s no response from the woman, which Dean thinks is surprising, considering she doesn’t seem the type to really get out much.

“Nope,” Dean concurs, rubbing the back of his palm underneath his nose. His throat’s already itching. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Not so fast,” Sam says. “No reason we can’t have a look around.”

HDGZSHH!” Except there totally is a reason. Dean sniffs hard, and gazes across the room at the offender – a bright orange cat rubbing its fur and dander along the edge of the couch.

“Gesundheit,” Sam voices, a smile in his tone as he goes through a box of the homeowner’s photographs.

“Don’t you start,” Dean warns with another loud sniff. “I’m gonna check the – huhDSJZHUH! – the kitched.”

It’s just the next room over, and Dean can see Sam smirking through the open, doorless entryway. Sam’s always gotten a kick out of Dean’s cat allergies, probably because the kid’s allergic to so many other things himself (which Dean can and does tease him mercilessly for, he’ll admit) and cats are one of the only things that don’t bother him so much. Dean, on the other hand…

Hp’KDJISSHOO! Huhr’ESCHHUH!” He sniffs once, twice, and a third time before his breath hitches again and his head bobs forward almost fast enough to give him whiplash. “UhtPTSHHCHuh!

There are two cats sitting at the table and another one on the counter. That can’t be sanitary, Dean muses grumpily while he rubs his eyes and goes to look for evidence on the pictures adorning Mrs. Quincy’s fridge.

He hears Sam close the box of photos and put it back on the shelf in the other room, and then the sounds of books being pulled off of a shelf and miscellaneous memorabilia being picked up, inspected, and then gently set back down. Apparently neither one of them is having much luck.

PTSCHH! HuhKNNXTCH!” He’s got the back of his wrist jammed up underneath his nose to at least try to hold them back a little. It’s an old habit, and probably not the healthiest but sneezing is fucking annoying especially when he’s trying to work a case, and at least he isn’t pinching his nose to silence them like Sam sometimes does.

Dean looks down when he feels something warm and firm pressed against him, and finds exactly what he had expected – a shaggy grey cat marking his legs with its body. “Damn it, no!” He growls, steps away to no avail because the creature only follows him.

“Aw, Dean, I think it likes you,” Sam says from the open doorway. He walks over to the table, bends down to scratch one of the animals under its chin. Sam had always been fond of animals. Better equipped to deal with them than Dean was, at least.

Dean ignores him in favor of his nose. “HpGDSHZH! Ugh. You doing okay with the dust?”

“Leave it to you to be worried about me while you’re having an allergy attack,” Sam replies while the cat leans its face into his hand. He coughs once, lightly. “I’m fine. You find anything?”

“Doe,” Dean answers. “I’b thigkig it’s addother dead edd. Cad we go dow? This is a waste of tibe.”

Sam chuckles. “Yeah alright.” He stands and brushes his hands together, makes sure they’re mostly free of cat hair. “You’re covered in fur, though. Might have to stop and buy a lint roller before we get back to the motel.”

He steps over to Dean and plucks a couple stray hairs off of his shoulder, guiltlessly drops them onto the floor. Dean inspects his own sleeve, coated in a layer of fur just from the air around him, and sneezes.

Hd’ESHHue! You doe what, Sab? Just burd it. The padts, too.”

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Hahaha! This is adorable. It's very Dean, being all stubborn and annoyed and stifling them (like in the episode! Mini squee!) And, oh my goodness, being worried about Sam when he's the one who's suffering (plus of course you mentioned Sam's allergies as well, which makes me love you forever) and... and... and... it took quite a while between Dean walking in and actually starting sneezing and not only is that realistic, it's also really, really sexy because of all the suspense.

So awesome to read another Senberet fic. You made my night :)

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Perfect<3 been waiting for a Dean fic for a while, thank you for fufilling my dreams<3:D Cute sniffly Dean is just perfect perfect. I don't know why it just is. Lovely writing:D tell me the episode he sneezed in please?

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Hahaha! This is adorable. It's very Dean, being all stubborn and annoyed and stifling them (like in the episode! Mini squee!) And, oh my goodness, being worried about Sam when he's the one who's suffering (plus of course you mentioned Sam's allergies as well, which makes me love you forever) and... and... and... it took quite a while between Dean walking in and actually starting sneezing and not only is that realistic, it's also really, really sexy because of all the suspense.

So awesome to read another Senberet fic. You made my night smile.png

Aw man! I was so excited to see that YOU had posted in here! You always have such awesome things to say!! Just WOW thank you so so much and of course I can't ever resist mentioning Sam's allergies... it's sort of an obsession, I think...

And I always try to stay really close to canon and work with what they give us so it actually means a LOT that you noticed that! Thank you! Seriously! You made MY night!

GAH love how he's worried about SAM while HE is sneezing lol this was fab!

Thank you!!! Hehe, I know, Dean is always looking out for his little brother!

Perfect<3 been waiting for a Dean fic for a while, thank you for fufilling my dreams<3:D Cute sniffly Dean is just perfect perfect. I don't know why it just is. Lovely writing:D tell me the episode he sneezed in please?

Oh no, oh my god, thank you for reading!! I love it too, don't worry! You aren't the only one!

And it's in season eight episode 15 titled "Man's Best Friend With Benefits". There's a link to the actual sneezing in this thread, and a discussion about it happening in the show and stuff too, if you're curious!!

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Ahhh, Sen Beret, it's so cute!!! Your characterization is just mindblowingly accurate. And your spellings are soooo fitting for Dean. He would TOTALLY be that way. And Sam would think it was funny. And then Dean would worry about him because it's dusty even though he's having a full-blown allergy attack and SO MANY CATS and he's just sneezing and also concerned for his baby brother and Sam's just like, "Typical you. I'm fine." AHHHHH, you kill me. And that last line is just so Dean. They'd totally do that in an episode. THEY MUST.

I've missed reading SPN fics. This was perfect. And now I'm inspired to actually work on that story from the meme I started forever ago. Because it's Dean, and this makes me reaaally wanna write it now. Because, just, mmm, mental images.

(Plus I totally agree with SexualOddity, talk of Sammy's allergies was just also just just sooooo yes. Obsession. For sure. <3.)

Edited by Zwee
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Giiiiiirl you are always SO NICE TO ME I can't even believe it! Thank you so so so much dude you leave the best comments always AND YES I DEFINITELY THINK YOU SHOULD WORK ON THAT STORY... there has been a drought lately and I am becoming very grabby.

By the way did you hear about how season nine is going to have an episode where Dean can talk to animals? So I'm hoping for some more... "action"... it's really the best because he totally doesn't even like animals and HE'S ALLERGIC and I'm getting way ahead of myself with excitement, oh my god.

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By the way did you hear about how season nine is going to have an episode where Dean can talk to animals?

Oh my God! *Has palpitations*


Seconded! AndanythingelseSammyyouwanttoaddbecauseIalsosharetheobsession Ahem. Sorry. Did someone say something?

Definitely missing the SPN fic of late. I have one for you guys too but it's coming together very veeeeeery slowly. But I wanted you to know I haven't forgotten you!

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"Not so fast," Sam says. "No reason we can't have a look around."

"HDGZSHH!" Except there totally is a reason.

I started grinning like an idiot at that. SO good. Thank you for always providing such great material. smile.png

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Aw, this was lovely! I haven't even seen this show in a long time but sneezy Dean is still one of my most favourite things. <333

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Thank you everyone! I've got something else coming up soon, too! It's longer, though, so it might take a little while.

and what excitement happened at comicon.

A lot of stuff! Mostly season nine spoilers and livestreams of the panels (and Jared sounded super super congested which was kind of a cherry on top of it all)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

AHHHHH *squeal* there was something totally perfect about this. <33333 reading this I was grinning like a complete idiot!!! XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

So... you wrote this two years ago but I just got into SPN so I'm finally reading this. :lol:

I loved it!! You captured Sam and Dean so well. I'm so happy that Dean has a canon cat allergy.

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