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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Toronto Flood (Hetalia Fic)

Kushami Suki Da!

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Well, I live in Canada, near Toronto, and about a week ago there was a huge storm and Toronto was really flooded. You should google it, there are a ton of pics and news arrivals. Anyway, I figured this weather would effect Matthew's health. Since i ship America x Canada, I wrote this.

Chapter 1

"niig'gtshuu! g'shu sheww! uugh" Matthew grouned as he tried to get nose to stop running by sniffling, but to no avail. His nose was to stuffed up. so he grabbed a tissue and wiped the mucus off from under his nose. He was truley misrable. He hadn't quite gotten over his last cold from a flood in Alberta, and now Toronto was flooded too. He decided that if he was going to be sick, he would at least entertain himself on the computer. he logged on to facebook and saw all the posts about the flood. he saw how bad it was and just felt worse bacause he could tell that this was just the begining of his illness. The poor little Canadian wished that he had someone to lok after him, but being invisible and all, no one really cared. He sighed and then had a small coughing fit. he decided it might be a good to take more medicine. He took the largest recomended dose and layed down on the couch to watch tv. The medecine must have made him drowsey and he fell asleep on the couch.

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Okay... So I started writing this as an innocent fic. But I got carried away and wrote in a fetishist!America. I felt like I had to. Though don't worry, this one will not be a lemon or have any descriptive content. (Though if you like I might be able to think up one if those...?) anyway, ici (French for 'here', I thought it fit since Mattie speaks French).

He woke up with a forseful sneeze "Hiiraxshew! huh... huu - raksshu!" This took Matthew completely by surprise and found himself gasping for air afterwords. Just as he started standing up, his door bell rang. He opened his front door slowly, "oh, hello Alfred." Matthew croaked, "What brings you all the way up here? I normally visit you." He added, sounding a bit happier but still hard to understand with his voice going in and out. "Oh my gosh, Mattie! You are worse than I thought! Are you alright? Is there anything I can do for you?" America yelled with a worried expression. Canada looked into America's eyes with a look of shock. "How did you know?" Matthew asked. "I'll tell you later, but right now we should go inside, it looks like rain and that won't make you any better." Alfred instructed, genuinely concerned. Matthew walked inside and sat down on the couch. He patted the spot next to him telling Alfred where to sit. Alfred sat on the couch and turned slightly to face his brother. "Are you really okay?" Matthew was surprised at his brothers compassion. This was a side of Alfred Canada had never seen before. "I'm okay, sorta. I can tell that this is only theh, th th theh, heh he heii-kxuew kxew kshuu heeh, he..." His sneeze was stuck so he tried to continue talking. "This is haaahh... only the st staah start of the cold I seem to haaaaave caught..." He fianally finished. Alfred kept staring at Mathew's pre-sneeze face and couldn't help but think sexy it made him look. Alfred looked around for a Kleenex box. When he found it, he took one and held it up to his twin's nose and told him to blow. Matthew only got a chance blow his left nostril before the sneeze escaped into the tissue. He then continued to blow at full force and when he was done, he was still very congested. Alfred was fighting off a boner as he felt tissue almost fall apart in this hand from how it was soaked through. "You never did tell me how you heard about me." Matthew reminded his identical brother. "Oh, right!" Alfred started, "I heard on the radio. I was visiting Niagara falls in New York, and I can get Canadian stations so close to the border." Matthew was happy to know that someone cared enough about him to check on him. "Oh ya," America continued, "i'm going to stay here with you till im convinced your better!" "But why?" "Because a hero always helps those in need!" Mather sighed with a small cough, "Alright." Matthew said contently, then relaxed and layed his head on Alfred's chest.

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That was so sexy ;3. A fetishy Alfred mhm that's of my liking. Mattie was cute c:

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Thank you so much! All the fics I write I always end up writing a fetishist. I think I might have a person having a fetish fetish... I might be able to continue this... Should I? I don't have a lot if ppl replying to this...

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Thank you so much! All the fics I write I always end up writing a fetishist. I think I might have a person having a fetish fetish... I might be able to continue this... Should I? I don't have a lot if ppl replying to this...

. Maybe some people are reading in secret hum? You should continue (:
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No, please don't stop; I only found this today and I'm enjoying it :) ! I think it's very clever how you based it on a real-life event. Also Fetish America is really cute, and you never know, you could always include more characters. ;)

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Okay, this part was hard to write cause I was half distracted at a friends house all weekend. This is my cheesy way of making plot. Oh well, I guess it's too late to hate it now.

He ended up falling back asleep. Alfred just sat there running his fingers through Matthew's hair. He spent the hour Matthew was asleep thinking about his relationship with his neibour to the north. He also thought of how sick Matthew was. And Matthew insisted that this was only the beginning. He felt bad for his brother but in selfish part of his mind, he was thinking how sexy this illness was. Aruther was the only one who knew of Alfred's fetish, because when America was only a chibi, England noticed and asked him about it. Not knowing any better, he had told his 'big brother' everything. England was also the only one how knew how Alfred felt about Matthew. Now that America's romantic dream had pretty much come true, how could he tell Canada how he felt. At that moment, Canada stirred and put his finger under his nose trying to avoid the inevitable. His breath hitched and his nostrils flared all the way in preparation for a massive sneeze. Alfred reached over to the Kleenex box and held on up to Matthew's face. Matthew grabbed it and doubled over with the force of his sneezing fit. "Hii'nigshew! 'Kgchuu! Her'kxshh xxchoo! Huh huh..." He was left panting. America just smiled and put his arm comfortably around Canada's shoulder. He leaned his head up against Matthew's so their ears were touching. That's when America relized how warm Canada was. "Your burning up," Alfred said calmly, "do you have any medicine?" "Doh, add eved if I did, it dosd't work for be adyway. I tried earlier add all it did was make me drowsy." Matthew said. Alfred melted at how congested Canada sounded. "You sound so cute when you are congested." He said happily. "Whad do you bead *sniff*?" Canada replied. "Your sneezes and sniffling are so sexy." Alfred continued openly. Canada wanted to ask more questions, but was cut off when his breath hitched yet again. "Heeh, tch... Hiiigxtew!" Canada went to sneeze again but there was a pair of lips being pressed against his. He tried to hold back, but ended up sneezing on Alfred's face. It sprayed all over his upper lip and cheek. Alfred then stopped kissing for a moment just long enough for Matthew to snap forward and sneeze 7 times. "Harxtshu! Tchew! Crashew! Kertshew! Higtshewu! Kshew! kshew!" All the mucus from his nose was expelled onto Alfred's shoulder and neck. Alfred let out a small moan and shuddered with the pleasure the sneezes gave him. "I'b so sorry! This is disgusti'g. What cad I do to bake it up to you?" Matthew asked frantically. "You can do it again." Alfred suggested. Canada had a look of shock, confusion and embarrassment on his face. "What? Why?" Matthew asked truly confused. "Well, Mattie..." America started, "Ya see, there's a secret I think I should tell you... I, um well, I... First, can I trust you with something?" Canada nodded and said, "I'm practicly your family. You can always trust me. I'll never judge you." Alfred took that as an okay to continue. "I, um have this thing, this fetish... For umm, sneezing." When Alfred finally spit it out, Matthew gave him a loving look and a warm hug. "I'm glad you were honest with me. Since you told me a secret, I will too." Matthew said confidently, "I have always had a huge crush in you, since we were chibis. I think I love you, Alfred Jones." He said as he started crying. At first, America was dumbfounded and shocked. Then he hugged Canada and said in a reassuring voice, "I think I love you too, Matthew Williams."

(And thank you for all the people whe replyed! It's kinda helping my self esteem)

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Thank you to everyone that read my first posted fic (my other one was too short and doesn't count). Srry about how ooc it might have been.

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