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Thor Fic


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Hey everyone! So I love the movie Thor, especially Loki so here's a fic, I probably will continue although I don't have very much idea for a plot so it probably won't be too long. This is based purely on the movies Thor and The Avengers for characterization so if I got anything wrong i'm sorry I haven't read the comics! Hope you like it! smile.png

“Hih’itschhh! Ugh.” Loki groaned softly as he smothered another two sneezes into his pillow. He simply had to fall ill now, only weeks before his brother’s coronation. Sniffling into his arm he considered how he felt. Achy muscles, headache, stuffy sinuses and a raw throat but nothing that would prevent him from accomplishing anything he must do and as a result of Thor’s upcoming big day he would most likely be able to spend much of the day on his own regardless. He grabbed his book from the side of his bed and pulled the blankets around himself, settling down in bed and yawning.

“Brother, are you ready to come and train with us?”

“Huh’mptsch! Itshoo!” He sniffed, trying to somewhat clear his sinuses before replying. “Must I?” Scowling as he heard the edge of congestion in his voice he quickly began flicking his fingers, applying charms to hide the redness of his nose and the congestion in his sinuses and to prevent the need to sniff or sneeze when his older brother inevitably burst into his room uninvited.

“Loki, you have been locked in here the entire morning. We need another to make even numbers so come, you may return to your books later.” Loki rolled his eyes as Thor rattled the handle on his door and quickly waved his hand to change his clothing to something more adequate for training and rose from his bed just as his brother pushed open the door.

“Good, you are ready.” Thor’s cheerful smile couldn’t help but bring out a reluctant one from his younger sibling as he followed the soon-to-be-king through the corridors of the palace and out to the training area.

Two hours later Loki found himself staring up at Fandral from his position lying on his back with the warrior’s sword pointed at his throat and a shallow cut bleeding steadily from his arm. Although Fandral was an accomplished warrior, certainly superior to the Trickster with a sword, Loki’s magic usually gave him an advantage over any opponent with Thor being the only one to best him with any sort of regularity in battle. At Fandral’s triumphant yell (mixed equally with surprise at having grounded the sorcerer) Thor, Sif, Volstagg and Hogun all turned to look over at the scene, Thor’s expression amused, presumably at his brother’s fierce scowl, and Sif openly grinning with delight at seeing the prince on the ground. Loki accepted the hand offered and allowed the other warrior to pull him off the ground.

“What happened?” He glanced down at the still bleeding cut. They were generally careful to cause as few injuries as possible during training so it was not deep but Loki rarely sustained any injury at all and they all theorized that he in fact covered himself with protective charms that prevented any weapon coming into contact with his skin. Noticing his look, the sorcerer quickly waved a hand and the mark disappeared, leaving only a smear of blood that he quickly wiped away.

“You bested me fairly; I should think that you would know such a thing, having beaten so many before.” Fandral just shrugged, attributing Loki’s cool tone to the prince not liking to lose, and headed over to watch Sif knock Hogun to the ground.

“Ng’xtschh, ng’tschuu!” Loki cursed as the sneezes overcame his charms and he was forced to turn away from the others, pinching his nose to stifle the sound. This illness was draining his magic far more than was usual; on the occasion that he did become ill it was usually simple to hide it using magic until he was well again. Today however, only hours after applying the charms they were already beginning to wear thin and he could feel that his magic was weakening, the only reason that Fandral had been able to win. Instead of going over to join the others he headed over to the side of the arenas and took a seat where he could appear to still be observing the others training, not just their group but also other warriors and students. For some time it appeared that none of his friends would notice his absence and he was just beginning to allow the warm sun to lull him into a doze when a voice jolted him back to his surroundings.

“It is unlike you to retreat from training before even Volstagg.” He looked up to see Fandral standing over him, expression unreadable. Before he had a chance to answer he felt a hand across his forehead. “You are overheated. Are you ill?” Loki shook his head, unable to speak as another sneeze overcame him and he was forced to duck his head away to stifle it. After studying the prince for a moment longer, Fandral turned and called over to where his friends were still training. “Thor, come see to your brother.” Loki closed his eyes, silently cursing the warrior in every language he knew. Thor would no doubt have him in the healing rooms in mere minutes although they both knew that there was little the healers would do for illness. He quickly set basic charms to shield his appearance which he knew was not entirely healthy, the moment they were set he could feel that they would not hold for long but some time was better than none.

“Brother, was is wrong? Why are you not with our friends?”

“Your friends, Thor.”

“Our friends. Are you ill?” Thor pushed a large hand to his younger brother’s forehead, attempting to feel for fever.

“He is overheated, whether that is from training or fever I am not sure although I would be inclined to assume the latter.” The glare that Loki shot Fandral brought the Midgardian saying ‘if looks could kill’ to the front of the warriors mind.

“Is this true brother? Come.” Thor made to grab his brother’s hand, obviously intent on taking him to be seen by a healer.

“Thor, I do not need to go to the healers. It is merely a cold that shall pass in a day or two. Besides, you are well aware that thehhhih’ptshuu! They can do little more than calm the symptoms of illness. Allow me to return to my chambers and rest; it would do far more good.”

“Thor!” They heard Sif’s voice carry over the arena as she motioned to him to come join her, presumably to spar. Thor looked torn, his expression warring between wanting to go fight and wishing to care ensure his brother was well.

“Go.” Loki offered a small smile, gently pushing his brother towards the waiting warrior. “I am perfectly capable of caring for myself.”

“I will come to see how you fare later.”

“Thor. You will not tell mother or father.” Loki’s order pulled his brother up short as he turned to leave.

“Brother you know well that I cannot lie as you can.”

“You needn’t lie. Simply do not mention it and if asked say that I am in my chambers and do not wish to be disturbed.” At Thor’s reluctant nod, he turned, heading away from the training arenas, leaving Thor and Fandral to return to their training.


There you go smile.png Hope you liked it and any comments and/or feedback are always much appreciated!

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Ah, Loki. :wub: I've been missing the fics about him.

Hehe, I love how Loki convinces Thor not to tell their parents. "You're not lying, you're just telling them nothing what-so-ever." ;)

I love your writing, alyssa! Can't wait for the next update! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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Thanks for the comments! :) I love reading your feedback, makes me smile every time :D This part is kind of a filler so it's a bit shorter but hope you enjoy anyway!

“Brother. Brother you must wake.”

“What Thor?” Loki did not bother to open his eyes as he snapped at his older brother who was currently shaking him in a most irritating way. The constant movement was causing his stomach to roll around unpleasantly and making every single muscle in his body ache. “Will you stop that?”

“How are you faring? You have been shivering for an hour.” Loki sniffled, trying to stop his teeth clicking together.

“It is freezing.”

“It is not, you are fevered. Brother please allow me to fetch mother.” When he dragged open his eyes Loki could see concern etched in the Thunder God’s face.

“I ahh… A’ptschuu! Itschoo! Hat’schuu! I ab dot that ill.” At Thor’s disbelieving look he did have to admit that it was a weak argument. He could feel himself shaking like a leaf in the wind and the symptoms he had noted earlier had been amplified amazingly while he slept. It was many years since he had felt this terrible.

Silently Thor fetched another blanket from somewhere and gently wrapped it around his brother, taking the opportunity to touch a hand to his forehead as he did so. He could feel his face tightening with worry as he felt the heat radiating from his younger brother but could still see him shaking with cold. From his position standing over the bed he could see that Loki’s usually pale skin was flushed and that his nose had begun to turn red. “I shall return soon,” he whispered, brushing the Trickster’s hair away from his face so that his eyes were visible although they were once again closed.

“I did not know what to do, he did not wish me to take him to a healer but his condition has worsened greatly since this morning.”

“Do not worry Thor; you did the right thing to tell me.” Loki was pulled out of a light doze as he heard his mother and brother enter his room. “Loki, are you awake?” He felt gentle hands touch his face and draw the blankets away from his shoulders.

“Mbother,” he whined softly, trying to grab the blankets back as the cold air hit his skin.

“No, you are overheating yourself further by having these. Can you sit for a moment?” After a short pause in which he debated the benefits and the drawbacks of staying exactly where he was, he reluctantly pushed himself so he was sitting leaning against the headboard of his bed. Frigga frowned as she saw how ill her son looked. Reaching over, she touched his forehead, something he normally objected strongly to, and received not even a look in response as she brushed his hair back from his face and behind his shoulders. “For how long have you been ill?”

“It begad this bordi’g.” He gave a thick sniff, the action setting off a short fit of hacking coughs. She smiled slightly as Thor handed over a handkerchief although the expression dropped at the thick gurgling sound it made when her younger son blew his nose and coughed a few more times. “It is dot as bad as it sou’ds. Mmp’tsch! Kishh’uh!”

“Your skill in deceit appears to have deserted you my son,” she smiled fondly as he flushed with embarrassment at her calling his lie. He used to do the same when he was young, his face colouring the minute someone caught him out in a lie although she suspected he got away with it far more than either she or Odin knew. As he had grown older that tendency had faded and it had been many years since she had seen him do this. The memory of him as a young child sprung something else in her mind, another habit that she had assumed him to have outgrown with age. “Were you using your magic to hide your illness earlier?” She sighed as her younger son averted his eyes and began to toy with the edge of the blanket in his hands, confirming her suspicion without a word. “You know that your body uses your magic to fight the illness and using this to hide it increases both the severity and duration of your illness. The healers explained this to you the last time you were ill.”

“I ab sorry.” She could see his eyes clouding with tears as he began to shake once again. Before she could soothe her youngest, her elder son stepped forward, taking a seat next to his brother and pulling him into his arms.

“What is done is done, from now you need only concentrate on getting well.” Loki relaxed at the contact, leaning into his brother’s embrace although whether it was for comfort or simply for warmth neither Thor nor Frigga were entirely sure. They stayed like that for several minutes, Frigga considering what could be done to help her son and Thor holding his brother as Loki slipped closer and closer to sleep, until without warning he suddenly pulled away, muffling two wet sneezes into the handkerchief that was still crumpled in his hand.

“You should rest Loki.” Frigga watched as he nodded groggily and lay down, curling against his brother so that his face was buried against Thor’s side. She pushed his hands away as he reached for his confiscated blankets. “Not all of them, we need to keep you from pushing your fever up further.” At his soft whine she smiled and pulled the thicker one back up over his shoulders as she had done when he was a child, pushing the other one down to the foot of the bed, out of his reach. “Sleep well my son.”


There you go :) Hope everyone enjoyed it, if anyone has any requests for stuff to happen then just comment and let me know so maybe I can include it! As always please review, I always love to hear what people think!

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“How are you faring? You have been shivering for an hour.”

Hehe. Shivery!Loki and worried!Thor. :wub:

Um, I'll just be over here melting into a puddle of fangirl goop until the next update. :heart:



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“How are you faring? You have been shivering for an hour.”

Hehe. Shivery!Loki and worried!Thor. wub.png

Um, I'll just be over here melting into a puddle of fangirl goop until the next update. heart.gif



Hey VividBubbles, I like your signature & profile picture. that lilo&stitch<3:3

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Hey VividBubbles, I like your signature & profile picture. that lilo&stitch<3:3

Thanks, DNO! (I hope it's okay if I call you DNO. :)) I love Disney and Pixar movies and my profile pic and signature usually feature characters from my favorite one or two at the time. As you can tell, right now my favorite is Lilo and Stitch.

Anyway, thanks again! :)

BYE! :bleh:

PS. Sorry for the topic hijack, guys!

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Hey VividBubbles, I like your signature & profile picture. that lilo&stitch<3:3

Thanks, DNO! (I hope it's okay if I call you DNO. :)) I love Disney and Pixar movies and my profile pic and signature usually feature characters from my favorite one or two at the time. As you can tell, right now my favorite is Lilo and Stitch.

Anyway, thanks again! :)

BYE! :bleh:

PS. Sorry for the topic hijack, guys!

. Of course it's okay you call me that , DNO ( in my head I read it Dino lol) anyhow ah that's interesting. I get nicknames all the time so it's fine. Yeh I like Disney movies too. No problems (:
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Hi :) Thanks for the wonderful feedback, as always I love to hear what you thought! Don't worry about the hijack, Lilo and Stitch is awesome :D although I am also a big fan of your signature DeathNoteOwner, Phil and Dan are amazing :)

This section doesn't have as much sneezing as it's kind of a carry through to the next part/s so sorry but I promise there will be more in later parts! Hope you still like it although this is slightly different from the last ones.

“Focus Thor!” The prince looked up sharply as Sif’s voice cut through his thoughts and her throwing knife flew past his arm. Coming to fetch the weapon, she stopped at his side and looked up at her friend. “What is occupying so much of your mind today?”

“I am concerned for my brother. This is the third day of his illness and I have not seen him since the first.”

“You fool, if you are so worried then go to see him.”

“Father will not permit it. He has ordered that I am to limit the time I spend with my brother until he is well again.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “And when have you followed anyone else’s instructions regarding your brother where they conflicted with your wishes?” Thor considered Sif’s words carefully and broke into a wide grin.

“Not once.”

“Hi’ptschh.” Loki sniffled, grabbed one of the handkerchiefs that had been left by his bed while he slept, and blew his nose thickly. He groaned and glanced at the book lying closed next to him. The previous day his father had instructed that Thor to limit his contact with him while he was ill to try to prevent Thor catching it before his coronation and, while probably logical, this meant that Loki was incredibly bored. He had finished his book that morning and had no more that he had not already read and, with few visitors, had no way to get anything else to do. So far the only people to provide any form of entertainment since the previous morning had been his mother and the healer that she had sent to see to him and who had informed him that there was little that she could do but nevertheless he would be expected to drink some form of thoroughly revolting medicine three times each day for the remainder of his illness. Considering it, it was most likely nearing time for the next dose.

Knock knock.


“Go away.”

“Brother, is that any way to speak to your future king?” Loki rolled his eyes and sat up, draping the blanket around his shoulders like his cloak as his older brother’s grinning face peered around his door.

“You are dot yet ki’g so it is a perfectly adequate way to speak.”

“I am offended; this is how you treat me after I went so far as to find entertainment for you?” Thor gestured towards the several books that he held in his arms, happy to see a smile break out on his younger sibling’s pale face. He spread the books next to his brother on the bed and watched as Loki looked over the covers, smile broadening as he recognised them as being ones that he had planned to borrow from the palace’s library.

“Tha’k you Thor.”

“I also brought games.” Thor grabbed the cards that he had dropped next to the books and held them out to his brother. “You used to enjoy Midgardian card games.”

“Hi’itshh! Ngishoo! You ‘dow be well.” He scrubbed at his nose, turning it an angry shade of red against his colourless face. “But I also ‘dow you. What is it you wish be to do?” Thor grinned sheepishly and held out the dose of medicine and watched as his brother made a face. “Bust I?”

“It will help you to become well again.”

“It has dode little so far.”

“It will with time, now behave and take your medicine.”

With an exaggerated sigh, Loki accepted the dose and swallowed it, screwing up his face as the foul concoction stung his raw throat and the taste refused to leave his mouth.

“For that, I get to choose the gabe.”

“Hih’ptschuu!” Thor sighed as he felt his brother tense in his arms. Somewhere around his fifth coughing fit the brothers had given up on playing cards and Loki had curled up in his older brother’s arms as he told the same stories that their mother had told many years ago before they went to sleep. “You should leave. I ab aware that father has idstructed you dot to be arou’d be lest you fall ill as well.”

“I shall not leave you while you wish to have company.”

“Are you dot codcer’d-”

“No, now rest brother. Sleep will aid you in becoming well.” Giving up, Loki allowed himself to relax against his older brother and close his eyes, Thor’s gentle voice lulling him to sleep.

Thor frowned as the younger prince began to snore softly in his arms. Careful to move him as little as possible Thor reached down and pulled the blanket that Loki had shoved off when he got too hot back up so that it was covering both of them. It had been many years since Thor had taken care of his brother this way, the last being when he had fallen ill and Loki had caught the same after entertaining his bored brother for nearly a week. Although the last time he had been ill Thor could remember Loki being miserable and bad tempered and for several days, he could not remember his fever rising so high or this quickly. Leaning back, he began to hum old songs that they had grown up listening to, gently stroking his brother’s hair back in a way that always seemed to calm him when he was upset.

“Thor, you must come or you shall be late for your meeting with your father.” Frigga smiled as she saw her sons curled up together.

“He just fell asleep mother.”

“And so he will not notice if you are gone. Come now, you know your father does not like to be kept waiting and after do not forget that you have to meet with the elders and-”

“Alright.” Thor couldn’t help but smile with excitement at the thought of the upcoming ceremony, even if it did mean sitting through countless tiresome meetings and explanations of what would be expected of him both during and after the day. He knew that his brother was also being forced into similar meetings although far fewer in number but Loki was far better at paying attention and sitting still for long periods of time, a skill that Thor had never mastered. He carefully eased himself out of his brother’s grasp, placing a pillow under the sleeping trickster’s head and pulling the blankets so that they were properly covering the younger prince as he slept.

“I shall find you if his condition worsens.”

“I am sorry to interrupt but I must speak to Thor for a moment.” The prince spun around, looking at his mother with panic as he heard her voice address the various organisers that he was currently meeting with.

“Mother? What has happened?” His immediate thoughts were for his brother. The previous night he had been sleeping fitfully, skin hot with fever although Frigga had reassured her older son that he was surely at the worst point of his illness and must improve quickly.

“Your brother is asking for you.”

“Then I shall go to him.”

“Thor, you must listen to me first. Loki is very ill; the healers fear that if his body may not have the strength to continue to fight this illness should his fever continue to rise.”


There you go :) Slightly different but I hope it wasn't a bad change! The next updates might be a little slower 'cause school starts again tomorrow but I will try to keep it going fairly consistently. As always I love getting feedback so please let me know what you thought! :)

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Thanks for liking my singnature Alyssa (: your story is amazing c: it's so cute.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm so sorry it's been sooo long since I updated! I've been really busy and kind of out of ideas! If anyone has any suggestions for how this might continue then I would love to hear them 'cause i'm a bit stuck.

Part 4

Thor looked at his mother blankly, unwilling to understand what her words meant.

“It is a cold; he shall be well again soon.”

“No my son, this is worse than a cold. Will you see him? You must take a potion to protect yourself but he has been asking for you constantly since he woke up, and,” she added with the barest hint of a smile, “the healer may just throttle him unless you can convince your brother to co-operate.”

“My brother.” Thor murmured, remembering the very reason that every healer in Asgard dreaded the day either of the princes fell ill. Neither of them were what could be called ‘easy patients’ and Loki with a high fever was worse than even their usual. “I shall take the potion if I must, if my company is what he wishes.” Taking the small bottle that his mother handed over, he swallowed the contents in a single mouthful and strode towards his brother’s bedroom without a further thought for his meeting.

The minute he pushed open the door Thor was greeted by his sobbing little brother flinging himself into his arms. “Loki, what is wrong? Why are you out of bed?”

“H-he is tryi’g to p- hi’ptsch! Eschh! Kishh’uh! Tryi’g to p-posiod be.” With a patient sigh Thor wrapped his arms around his trembling brother in a gentle hug and began to stroke his hair in an attempt to calm him down. He mouthed an apology over his brother’s head at the healer, wearing his most sincere ‘please don’t kill my brother’ expression.

“I am quite sure he is not. What makes you believe this?”

“The potiod he c-claibs to be bedicide.”

“Then that is all it must be.” If Thor had hoped his words would calm Loki then he was sadly disappointed as his brother tore himself away from the crown prince’s arms. As he glared mistrustfully at his older brother, Thor had the chance to properly examine him. His face was red, flushed no doubt from the fever that he had been able to feel radiating from his skin, and he looked thinner, Thor guessed he had eaten little since falling ill. Though he had always been slim, the Thunder God could now see his bones quite clearly and his clothes appeared to hang from his body in a way that showed clearly that he had lost weight. “What is the matter?”

“What have you dode with by brother?”

“What do you mean? I am right here.”

“By brother would dot disbiss such codcerds so quickly or without thought.” Thor watched as his brother sniffed before snapping forward with two harsh sneezes, swaying unsteadily on his feet afterwards but still directing a fearsome, if exhausted, glare at his brother. “Which realb are you frob?”

Wordlessly Thor stepped forward and steadied the Trickster before he could fall, leaving an arm around his waist to be ready if he collapsed as was usual when he was so tired. “What can I do to reassure you brother?” Frowning as his little brother merely shrugged in response, shrinking away slightly from the contact, Thor considered his options. By this point it would be easy to simply force him back into bed but that would most likely end with Loki even more panicked and upset than before. Before he had the opportunity to consider other options, Thor felt his brother start to fall as his knees gave way beneath him, the only thing stopping him from crashing to the ground was Thor’s arm around his waist holding him up. Gently propelling his little brother towards his bed, Thor sat him down firmly, giving no room for protests. “Listen well brother. No one here will try to harm you. Your fears are brought on by illness rather than sense and you must rest in order to calm them.”

Loki looked up uncertainly at the older prince. “I will dot take the potiod.”

Frowning, Thor motioned for the healer to hand him the medicine. Raising the cup to his own mouth he took a small sip, making a face at the foul taste. “See, there is no harm in it, if it was poisoned then I would not drink it. Please brother, this is the last I shall ask of you before you rest.” Loki yawned and cast one more pleading look at his brother before taking the cup and swallowing the contents. “Thank you.”

With a sleepy nod, Loki lay down and closed his eyes, allowing Thor to pull the covers over him. Taking the cup back from the older prince the healer left the room, promising to return later with the next dose. “Mptch! Huh’mptschh!”

“Why must you let yourself get into such a state?” Thor asked softly, handing over a handkerchief to his brother. Predictably he received no reply as Loki shifted around in bed, trying to get comfortable. After a moment’s thought Thor left quickly, returning a few minutes later with a damp washcloth to a pair of reproachful green eyes staring at him. “It will feel pleasant,” he explained softly, draping the cloth over his brother’s forehead as he remembered their mother doing when they were younger. As he moved to lift his hands away, a surprisingly strong hand shot up, gripping his own tightly and tugging him to sit on the side of the bed.

“Dod’t leave.” The look that Loki gave him was enough to make Thor climb into bed next to his brother, allowing the younger prince to curl up next to him still holding tight to his arm.

“Sleep well brother.”


Sorry it's kinda lame but thats the best I could do at the moment, as I said before, if anyone has any suggestions then I would love to hear them! As always please comment and let me know what you thought :)

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GAH LOKI!!! :wub:

So many feels. :heart:

Can't wait for the next update! It's nice to read your fics again, alyssa. :)

BYE! :bleh:

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The feels have attacked. You're writing this so well! I love the relationship between the brothers, and Frigga is just as awesome as always. Can't wait for the next part.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey :) Sorry about the age between updates! I've been so busy with school and exams and life that it's been really slow writing this part. Good news is I've nearly finished the next part too so that should be up soon as well :) As always please let me know what you thought of it!

Part 5

Several hours later Thor blinked his eyes open only to find his arms empty and his brother curled away from him.

“Loki?” He whispered, trying to determine whether the younger prince was awake or not. Glancing around the room at the dull light coming in around the curtains it had been some time since he had fallen asleep in his brother’s bed and he could only hope that Loki had also slept through the afternoon. The only reply he received was a faint whimper from the other side of the bed. Immediately Thor was up and kneeling on the ground by his brother so that he was at eye level with his focus. He could immediately see tears sliding down his sick sibling’s face and a wet patch on the pillow he was hugging suggested that he had been this way for some time. The shallow, hitching breaths that he could hear told him that his brother was awake although based on his earlier display possibly not very aware of what was happening. “Brother, what has upset you?”

“I-it hurts Th-thor,” the prince managed to stammer out, beginning to cry harder, obviously no longer worried about keeping quiet. The reason concerned Thor even more than the fact that his brother was crying itself. Loki did not cry over physical pain. He had had his share of wounds that many others would have been incapacitated by, yet had not shed tears over such things since he was very young and so for pain to have reduced him to this state was extremely worrying.

“What can I do?”

“I-it hurts,” Loki whimpered again, tightening his arms around the pillow and squeezing his eyes more tightly shut. Over the next few minutes Thor could get no other response from his brother although his tears did slow as Thor resumed stroking his brother’s hair. Alarmed as he was at the heat rolling off his younger sibling, Thor was disinclined to leave him to find a healer, preferring to attempt to provide comfort and hope that the pain receded enough to get more than a nonsense answer from the younger prince. Over the next thirty minutes or so that seemed to be the case. Gradually the tears slowed and Loki began to relax a little under his brother’s touch.

“What pains you Brother?” Thor asked gently.

“I believe a mbore accurate questiond would be ‘what does’t’?” The weak sentence sent Loki into a fit of hacking coughs until Thor pulled him into a sitting position and clumsily patted his back. “This illdess is truly vile.”

“I shall get a healer, stay in bed.” Loki shot his brother a look that clearly asked what else he might do and bent forward to muffle a sneeze into his arm but other than that expressed no objection to the plan and allowed the crown prince to leave without comment.

An hour and a half later found Loki alone with his books although struggling to concentrate on them through the general fogginess that the new medicine that the healers had given him seemed to cause. The side effects seemed to be fairly mild though, and were certainly preferable to the crippling pain that he had woken up to earlier in the afternoon. After the healer had been, Thor had been summoned to see their father, presumably to be scolded for spending time with his brother when he should have been preparing for his coronation. Loki accepted that it was reasonable that his father should want Thor to focus on the upcoming celebration but he couldn’t help but feel a little slighted that neither of his parents had seen him since he had first become ill. The last time his brother had been unwell their mother had checked on Thor daily and even their father had seen that his eldest son would recover quickly, but all he had received in the last few days were various foul concoctions that the healers insisted should lessen the power of the illness and orders to stay in bed, and of course the company of his brother while he was not otherwise occupied.

Bad temperedly slamming his book down on the pillow next to him Loki waved his hand, attempting to morph one of the silly decorations that had been in his room for years into a cloud of smoke. It remained stubbornly as it was. Scowling he tried again, with similar results.

“Of course.” He growled, deciding to try something simpler to see how weak his magic had grown. “H’ngxt! Ih’eshoo!” Sniffling to control his streaming nose he reached over and tried to summon a clean handkerchief and was decidedly unimpressed when it barely twitched and he was forced to reach over and grab it himself.

After several more failed attempts at magic, a rather irritating sneezing fit, and a brief temper tantrum that resulted in a broken glass, Loki determined that the vast majority of his power was going into fighting the illness and as a result what he was able to access was weak and required a lot of his limited energy. He carefully wiped away the line of blood that was forming on his palm where the broken glass had cut it and grabbed his book again.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys! I'm really sorry I didn't put this up earlier, I've actually had it done and just needing editing for a while, just forgot to put it up! It's kinda short but this is the last part so it's all done now and it's just kind of a wrapup type thing :) Please let me know what you think! I love getting feedback and comments :D

Part 6

It was another three days of foul medicines, excessive sleeping, and an overly protective brother before Loki began to feel some improvement in his condition. The body aches largely disappeared and the healers informed him that his fever had fallen to only slightly above normal although the cough, sneezing and general tiredness remained much to his dismay. It was another day after that before Loki was permitted to leave his room.

“He lives.” Fandral called over as the he and Sif noticed the younger prince approaching the training area.

“Where is Thor? We assumed that he was with you.”

“Mbeeti’gs. His corodationd is ondly two weeks awahh… away. Ih’ishoo!”

“Are you sure you should be out? You still sound far from well.”

“I amb well endough. The healers are sure that I amb ndoh longer condtagious and the fresh air will do ndoh harmb.” Sif frowned slightly at him but gave no further comment and quickly left the two men.

“Are you going to train with us?”

“I will ndot. The healers will ndot permbit it quite yet but you should go. I cand keep mbyself occupied.” Fandral nodded and bid the prince goodbye, heading back over to join Sif and a few other warriors who were also at the grounds.

Loki wandered around the training center for a time, observing the groups at their various activities before finding a spot some distance away and making one of his books materialize in his hands, thanking the return of his magic although it was still frustratingly limited.

“Brother! It is good to see you outside. How are you faring?” Thor grinned at the sight of his brother sitting on the grass reading. Generally he would hole up in the library or his room with his books and had to be convinced to go outside for most things.

“I amb much better Th-thor - hehtchu! How were your mbeeti’gs?” He wrinkled his nose and sniffed, making a face as he pulled out a handkerchief and blew it gently.

“Lengthy, as usual.” Thor laughed, for what seemed like the first time in many days and took a seat on the grass next to his brother. “You and your books, one would think that you might like to do something other than read after being cooped up inside for so long.”

“I doubt that I shall ever tire of reading, it is really fascindating the things that you can learnd.” He smiled, Thor’s high spirits were contagious.

“Do you not wish for other pursuits as well though?”

“Do you tire of training and fighting?” The older prince took the point and dropped the subject, the two sitting in amiable silence for some time, interrupted occasionally by Loki’s sneezes. At some point the sorcerer absentmindedly began to play with the flowers, making them grow and shrink with a wave of his hand before sending some of them up in smoke. After a moment’s thought and to his brother’s amusement he glared at one of the flowers and the leaves began to shrink while the petals grew alarmingly until the entire flower was completely out of proportion. Several of the children who were nearby laughed with delight at the picture, Thor joining in and even managing to elicit a smile from his brother.

“Loki, you must come. The elders wish to speak with you now that you have mostly recovered.” With a tired sigh he abandoned the impromptu magic show and scrambled to his feet. Although brief the magic had tired him out and he was not looking forward to a lengthy meeting. Nevertheless he waved goodbye to his brother and their eager onlookers and followed his mother back to the palace. Back to business as usual.


There you go :) Hope you liked it!

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  • 5 months later...

LOOOKIIIIII rgeluiagheghwgh. YES! OKAY? YES! =D Just beautiful. Loki all sneezy and sick and yucky feeling but feeling and just UGH. The feels. So wonderful!

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