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Real friends (Free! one shot from mrshrek ^_^)


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well well it was just a matter of time :lol:

for all of you guys who are also obssessed with the new anime free! GET HAPPY!!! :yes:

my dear friend mrshrek is also hooked with it so she wrote a cute one shot for us ;D

and now enjoy sweet care-taking!!! :heart:

When Haruka didn’t show up for class the next day, Makoto was a bit worried. Maybe he’s wandered off in the bathtub again, Mako thought to himself, but yesterday when he and Nagisa left, he looked a bit ill. Not to mention the runny nose and the sneezes, but he thought Haruka would be fine. Maybe he’ll try and call him during lunch break.


“He’s not answering…” Makoto murmured as he put down his cell phone.

“Mako-chan!” He heard an energetic voice calling from behind him. “What’s wrong? Is something on your mind? Your furrowed brows is telling me something’s up.”

“It’s Haru, he didn’t show up this morning and he’s not answering his cell phone.”

“Eh, maybe he’s swimming in the bathtub.”

“But he’s ill, he shouldn’t be doing that.”

“Don’t worry Mako-chan! We’ll pay him a visit after school, I’m sure he’s fine.” Nagisa gave a big heart-warming smile and patted Makoto’s back.

“Yeah.” Makoto smiled back, at the same time his cell phone rang. He answered within seconds. “Haru? Where are you?”

“At hombe…in bed.” Haruka’s voice sounded weaker than usual.

“I thought so. Not feeling well?”

“I’mb fine, I’mb dot weak—kssh!”

“That didn’t sound very reassuring.” Makoto chuckled, Nagisa moved his body closer to the phone and shouted, “Haru-chan! Don’t worry, Mako-chan and I will come to your rescue after school! Before that you stay in bed and rest okay?”

Makoto smiled, “Did you hear that Haru?”

There was silence. “ Shut up.”

“So, see you after school. Do you need anything?”

“Doe. And don’t come.” Then he hung up the phone.

“Haru-chan didn’t sound okay. “

“He didn’t, but he’s tough, he’ll be alright. “


“Mako-chan, are you sure Haru needs all that stuff?” Nagisa swinged the bag of supplies that Makoto has brought along.

“I’m not sure, but better safe than sorry, right?”

“You’re such a mother hen, Mako-chan.”

“I-I’m not!” Makoto could feel his face colored with embarrassment.

After the boys arrived at the Nanase house, they ringed the door bell. No one answered, just as expected, so they went around and entered form the back door.

“Haru-chan?” Put the bag down, Nagisa called for his friend.

There were rustling sounds coming from upstairs. It was moments later they heard heavy footsteps coming from the stairs, and Haruka appeared before them. He looked worse than yesterday, his usual sharp blue eyes now have pink color around them, showed he has been rubbing them throughout the day, his nose is now dark-pink as it was tortured by the illness.

“Haru-chan…” Nagisa sighed, almost inaudible, “you definitely don’t look okay.” He gently took his friend’s hand and guided him to the table and sat him down.

“I thought I told you guys dnot to come. Snf.” Haruka sniffled, his arms wrapped around his body. “Ah… k’esshh!” He blinked his teary eyes, looking more tired than just a few moments before.

“Bless you Haru. Did you eat anything today?” Makoto handed his friend a box of tissue, and the ill boy opened the box eagerly and grabbed some to clean his runny nose. As Haruka was busy cleaning his nose, Makoto could tell from the clean sink that his friend didn’t.

“Didn’t want to get up, too tired.” Haruka rubbed his pink nose, sniffled again as if to prove his point.

“If Nagisa and I didn’t come, you might just not eat anything until you want to get up…” Makoto took out a heat-preservative bottle, “I brought some soup, Nagisa could you get some bowls from the kitchen?”

“I’m on it~”

Haruka looked through the bag Makoto brought, in it was some packets of cold medicine, fever-reducer, aspirin, another box of tissue. “You didn’t have to get all this.” He said, looking at Makoto, a hint of guilty in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, I got most of these form my house, Nagisa helped too.”

Nagisa returned with three bowls and spoons, and Makoto began to pour soup into the bowls.

“Did you make this?”

“No, my mom did. She was quite concerned when she heard you’re sick, so she went ahead and made the soup.” Makoto gave him a reassuring smile.

After the three boys finish the soup, Nagisa and Makoto were cleaning up in the kitchen.



“Do you think we should stay a bit longer? I think Haru-chan needs a bit more care.”

“I was thinking about it earlier.”

“Ah, but he’s already asleep.” Nagisa pointed to the table, which Haruka was already passed out on.

“Maybe…we’ll just stay a little longer.”




Both Makoto and Nagisa awoke to the splashing sound coming from the bathroom. The sky was already pitch black, they fell asleep without realizing, and when they glance around, Haruka was nowhere to be found.



Makoto and Nagisa ran to the bathroom, and as expected, Haruka was putting water into the bathtub.

“Haru! What do you think you’re doing? Didn’t we tell you no swimming in the tub until you’re better?” Makoto tried to take his friend out of the bathroom, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Makoto,” Haruka began to protest, “It’s—t’ssh! Hehkssh! Ha-t’sshew!” raised his arm in time to cover his sneezes, Haruka continued, “it’s warm water.”

Makoto and Nigasa froze for a moment, then both reached out a hand and touch the water in the tub.

“It’s warm…” Nagisa murmured.

“I’m sorry Haru, I thought…”

“My head is congested.” Haruka turned off the faucet, began to take off his clothes.

“Okay, we’ll let you be then.” Makoto and Nagisa turned around, ready to step outside the bathroom when they heard Haruka’s croaky voice,

“H-hey Makoto.”

“What is it?”

“Could you…” Haruka felt his cheeks burned as he asked, “massage my head? It’s hurting badly……”

“Um…I suppose, if you’re okay with that.”

“And me! I want to help!” Nagisa said eagerly. Both boys grabbed a short stool and sat by the tub. Makoto stretched out his long arms and gently placed his hands on Haruka’s temples, and started moving his fingers gently. Nagisa went ahead and grabbed Haruka’s left arm, and began massaging.

“It’s been a long time since we share a bath together, the last time we had it we were in grade school, right?” Nagisa sighed nostalgically.

“We’re not exactly sharing a bath right now…wait why are we talking about this?”

“There’s no need to be shy Mako-chan, we’ve been friends for this long. Right Haru-chan?”

The boy in the tub didn’t respond.

“Haru-chan?” Nagisa called out worriedly. The next moment they felt Haruka moved his body away from their grip, his breath hitched, “Hehkssh! Issh! Huhk’ssh-e’issh! Ugh.”

“Bless you Haru-chan!”

“Looks like the steam is getting to your nose, do you want to get up?”

“No. snf. Just a little longer.”

Ten minutes later Makoto and Nagisa had to drag Haruka out of the tub because the bath was making him woozy. As Makoto was helping him putting on the clothes, Haruka shoved him away suddenly.

“Haru?” Makoto looked confused.

“I—I’m gonna—Aissh! Aisshew! Heh-kssh! Ugh, sdeeze.”

“Bless you Haru-chan. Here.” Nagisa handed Haruka a wad of tissues, which he accepted gratefully.

“Now, I think you should go to bed.” After Haruka was done dressing up, Makoto suggested.


“No buts Haru-chan! If you don’t get some rest, how are you going to get better? Don’t you want to get better and go swimming again?” Nagisa knew Haruka would do anything when swimming is related. With that, Haruka went into his bedroom, and climbed into bed.

“I thought so.” Nagisa whispered to Makoto, with a victorious smile.

“Haru, we’ll be leaving then.” Makoto began to close the bedroom door when he heard a faint, “Wait.” From the bed.

“What is it Haru?”

“Thanks… you two.”

“Anytime, my friend.”


p.s: thank you so much for this mrshrek!!! i LOVE it!! :wub:

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Awwww! That's so cuuuuute. I'm waiting to watch the episode where he actually gets sick because I'm watching Free with someone else, and I don't want to watch it twice in one day, so this was a nice way to tide myself over. I love how concerned Makoto and Nagisa are, and how they just bulldoze over everything Haru says because they know he's being ridiculous. And Haru's attempts to make himself feel better were really cute. Nice fic, mrsshrek, and thanks for sharing it with us, Ciuty!

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AWWWWWW!!!! OH MY GOD THIS IS SO CUTE IT LOVE THESE BOYS SO MUCH!! <3 <3 <3 <3 You know I might actually do a drabble with these boys, except maybe Makoto instead. He's really growing on me~ :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

GAHHH! *is stricken*




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