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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I'b dot sick *cough* (LoZ Link for Not_Telling)


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Okay, I'm going to do my best but...it might not be as good as you want. Trying really hard, though!

"IpSHOO!" *zing* Zelda ducked as an arrow whizzed over her head. As soon as it was past, she stood up and stomped her foot.

"Zeesh, Link! That's the second time!" Link grinned sheepishly, wiping his slightly pink nose on his wrist.

*snf* "yeah, I do." *snf* "know." He hastily corrected himself, cursing his inability to control the congestion. That sneeze had just snuck up on him, he hasn't had time to stifle it or excuse himself like he had for the others. That stupid tickle just wouldn't leave. He sniffed again, sighed, and walked over to where Zelda was drawing her arrow. "No, no, no. You do id like *nxgh sdf* this." Link completely stifled a sneeze, trying to sniff as discreetly as possible. Zelda groaned.

"For the love of PETE, Link, I know how to shoot an arrow." Arching a thin gold brown eyebrow, Link scoffed, which quickly turned into a ragged, desperate bout of coughs that left him flushed and breathless. Straightening up, he cleared his throat.

*exHMhmmHMMsc* "Sorry, spit went down the wr...wr...wro-wro-WROSHOO-wrod pibe. You seeb *snrk* to be habid *srk CUH-CHH! Hxgst! Sduff* sub trouble." He hastily moved back to his own target, stifling sneeze after tickly sneeze. Zelda watched the handsome man closely. His face was a bit paler than normal, with his nose looking pink, his cheeks with little spots of color, and his eyes looking kind of watery. She knew something was wrong, but how to get him to admit it? She watched as he drew his arrow, his tongue pressed into his cheek, aimed, and hit a perfect bullseye.

Today, she thought Link looked even more handsome than usual. He was dressed in a green tunic, long brown leggings, black combat boots, and a black beanie. His shaggy brown and gold hair hung down, shielding his eyes from view. She thought he was wonderful. Sighing, she returned to her shooting.

Zelda herself looked lovely in the crisp fall air. Her naturally pale cheeks had turned a lovely, ruddy shade of pink, drawing attention to her sparkling eyes, enhanced by a light coat of eyeliner and mascara. Her lips were touched by a sheer gloss, and diamond studs glittered in her ears. A tiny, tiny gold stud adorned her cartilage on her left ear. Link thought the even smaller diamond glittering on her nostril gave her an edgy, fierce, tiger like look, clashing with the otherwise gentle and innocent look of her face. His thoughts were interrupted as the tickle intensified.

"Oh bleep-hxght hxght hxght-HAH-hnghnghnghngnxtnxtnxt-ESHOO!" A coughing fit, interspersed with more sneezes, soon followed. Link cursed his bad luck. All the stifling, plus this incoming cold, was giving him a headache. Pulling out a Kleenex, he blew his nose fiercely. *shhhrk-shhhhhhhrkNXGHTshhhhrl!* carefully, he returned the tissue to his pocket, and resumed watching Zelda shoot as he caught his breath.

Zelda was dressed in a simple brown dress that had thin straps on the shoulder, and then long sleeves with cutouts. It wad actually Link's favorite to see her in. It fitted nicely on her torso, and then flowed loosely down to the ground, leaving plenty of material to billow in the wind. She wore a pink cloak over that, and brown hiking boots. As he watched, she notched an arrow, and narrowed her eyes in a look of intense focus. She hit the target with ease. Unfortunately, he was struggling with his cold. His head was pounding, his nose tickled ferociously, his throat hurt, and he was congested as all-get out.

He turned to the side so Zelda couldn't see his face, and stifled sneeze after sneeze after sneeze, filling his head with intense congestion.

"Ngxt. Nxgt. Nght. Nght. shoo! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ishishishishishishishishishishishishishish! HuuuuUUUHHH! NxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtnxtIshishishishishish! IPmght! Atnxt! Nxtnxt-NXT! ISHISHISHISHISHISHISH!" At last, the fit passed. Link sank to the ground, breathless and exhausted, and proceeded to blow his nose, coughing all the while. Zelda watched while he rubbed his nose furiously with the tissue, then stood up and kept shooting. Tossing her hip length straw blonde hair over her shoulder, she marched over to Link.

"What is wrong with you today?" She asked, taking him by surprise. He glared at her, then turned his attention back to the target. Zelda then stood up on her tiptoes, and touched his nose lightly with the feather on the end of the arrow. The reaction was immediate. Link sneezed an ENORMOUS, uncovered, unstifled, ticklish sneeze.

"YYYYAAAAAASSSHHHOOOOOOOOOOO! HRRRRASSSSHOOO! IPSHOOOOOO! ETCH ETCH ASHOO!" He sniffed heavily, and turned to glare at Zelda through watery eyes. The tiny warrior stood with her arms crossed and a satisfied smirk on her face. Link sniffed again, and finally gave into a long, burbling blow. The arrow had shot off far to his right, almost hitting Zelda's target.

"Nice one, hotshot." She said. "Now, are you going to tell me the truth, which is that you are sick and miserable?" Link glared even more furiously at her.

"Do. I bead, I'b dot sick. *cough cough* I just god sub grass id by *ngxf* dose. *snrj sdff* Zelda tossed her head, and without missing a beat, came up with a snappy retort.

"Yes, and apparently, you need to learn to swallow, too, because all theses massive coughing fits have been caused by spit down the wrong pipe. Admit Link. You're sick." Link flushed, contrasting against his steadily paling skin. Zelda could see that he knew that she knew that he knew the jig was up, but he didn't want to admit it. All probably wouldn't have been lost, if the wind hasn't started to blow. Link launched into a sneezing fit that triggered a coughing fit that left him dizzy, gasping for air, and forcing Zelda to steady the much talker man as he dealt with this. It also made him shiver. Zelda sighed, and supported him as he blew his nose and coughed and blew his nose and gasped.

"Look, just admit it! I know you're sick, Mr. Macho. Let's go home, and get you into bed." Link reluctantly admitted he was sick. Zelda gave him her cloak, and they went to her house, since it was close by and Link was in no shape to walk.

Zelda's house was small, with a fenced in yard, a garden, and small porch. It had four rooms: a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a family room. She led Link into the bedroom, glad that she was such a neat freak. The whole place positively reeked of girliness: pink everywhere! Zelda tried to get him to climb into her bed, but he adamantly refused.

"Come on, Link!"


She finally managed to get him in, and set about the process of taking care of him. At this point, Link was too tired really to care what Zelda did. Well, he cared, but didn't have the strength to protest. Same thing, in Zelda's book. He was still having sneezing fits every so often. His caretaker made him tea and soup, drew him a bath(okay, hexes upon her for doing this-he was FURIOUS and mortified!), and even got him comfortable enough to sleep. She knocked him out with a bunch if cold medicine.

That night, Zelda changed into her nightgown and went into the family room, where she climbed onto the couch and slept under a throw blanket. She slept easily, for she was starting to feel a little ill too, come to think of it...

I hope you liked it! Sorry if you didn't, any tips would be appreciated! I hope you didn't mind the care taking aspect of it...

Link to comment

I liked it anyhow :D nice detail & plotting .. I like the description of charecters too :D well done. continue maybe?

Link to comment
  • 2 weeks later...

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