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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Happy Birthday, Alexandra Marie!

Merino Sheep

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This is a birthday present for Alexandra Marie, on the forum. She requested a fanfic of, "The Lost Boys". It's been a while since I've written something, and this is rather rough, but I hope you enjoy! Sorry the sneezes aren't spelled out. I just couldn't figure out how to spell his sneezes.

David returned to the lair after a night spent terrorizing the town solo. A bit unusual for him, but not by much. He'd made a point of avoiding a meet-up with Max. Pissing off his “old-man” wasn't the best of ideas, however, he had to admit it was fun. For the moment. Thinking about it made him smirk as he sat down and reached for a nearby bottle. Tossing the bottle into the air, watching it topple over itself twice and then when it had almost touched the ground he caught it. Twisting the cork off he savoured a couple drinks. He closed his eyes, it would be time for sleep soon; he assumed the others had make it back already. It would be dawn soon enough, the sky was becoming brighter. David almost fell asleep right were he sat. Almost. A tickle began to form in his nose. Eyes still closed he pawed his hand at the annoying appendage. The tickle didn't fade though and instead increased in intensity.

Managing to stifle the first sneeze, he wasn't so lucky when it came to the next three. They were large, explosive sneezes that ripped out of him. His head jerked forward meeting up with his chest. Lifting his head up he snorted and wiped his nose using the back of his hand. He blinked a couple times, a confused expression on his face. David couldn't remember the last time he sneezed. Didn't know that vampires could sneeze. What else had Max neglected to tell him. His mouth down turned at the corners in a frown. Taken by surprise his head snapped forward by the strength of the next sneeze to rocket it out. It was wetter than the first couple, and followed by two more friends.

“Damn,” he said, feeling the congestion settle into his nose. He snorted thickly trying to clear some of the blockage, but there was no relief.

Irritated he got to his feet and headed over to Star's bed. He pulled the drapes back and gazed at her sleeping form. He was startled to see that Star wasn't alone. Running his hand through his already messed up hair, he stared at the intruder. Glowing eyes stared back at him, just as intense as his own.

“Well this would explain some things,” David mused, aloud. If he was still human it would have explained everything.

When he reached forward towards the abomination, he was rewarded by throaty growl warning him to stay back. It worked. He jerked his hand back as if he'd been burned. Out of habit more than anything else. He was not afraid of the cat, however, just a knee jerk reaction. In quick succession two sneezes barrelled out of him. His eyes were starting to water, and he could feel his nose running.

Star rolled over onto her back and looked up with sleepy eyes to face David. “You look like hell,” she muttered, voice fogged over with sleep. It took her a minute to realise what she had said. A panicked look came across her face as she has hastily apologised.

David was too preoccupied to pay her much attention. His nose was after him again. Star watched as the sneezes over took his body, with their jerking motion. His body bent nearly in half by their force. It was nice to see him not in control for once, Star thought.

“Where did that thing come from,” David growled, hand still up around his face to hide the mess. Ashamed by his sudden display of weakness.

“Thing?” Star repeated.

“That,” he gestured towards the scrappy looking tom cat. His right ear was all managed and his left had fresh blood on it. He didn't look scrawny, if anything he looked well feed.

“Oh, you mean Smoky,” she smiled, reaching to place a hand on the cat. Her fingers ran through the tangled knots of orange fur. Bits of fur came drifting off his coat.

“Smoky?” he questioned, stifling a sneeze behind his hand.

“Yeah, because his eyes are like smoke,” she explained. “They're grey, but not really more swirls than anything else.” She watched him remove his hand from his face and give it a disgusted look.

“Oh, here,” Star said. She grabbed a handkerchief that she kept sitting on her beside shelf. Passing it over to David she told him, “Take this. I didn't know vampires could sneeze. Are you sick or something?”

“I am not sick,” he frowned. He gave a gurgling blow into the cloth. Finally he could breathe through his nose. His relief didn't last long though before the congestion settled back in. “I'm allergic to cats. Or at least I was before I was turned.”

Star looked back and forth a couple times between David and Smoky. He brought the hankie back to his face and gave another blow, hoping for some more relief. “That cat has to go,” he said, darkly.

Looking like she would rather say something else Star opened her mouth and then closed it again, before saying, “I'll get him out of here as soon as it gets dark, okay?”

“I'm going to go sleep,” he growled before sneezing twice into the cloth. “When I wake up that fur-ball better be gone.”

As David walked away he watched the tom cat reposition itself up against Star's chest, and starting to purr loudly. He turned away glaring and sneezed a triple again. He really did hate cats.

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