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*IGGschiew! HATchiew! RASHooOOO! IGGschiew!" Justin woke up feeling horrible and sneezy. Rolling over, he grabbed his pillow and muffled sneeze after tickly, miserable sneeze until the fit passed. At least today was his day off! When at last the fit was over, Justin pulled his face out of his pillow, and looked up to see his girlfriend standing beside him.

"Awww, my poor wittle baby. Are you sick?"

Jessica cooed. Justin nodded pathetically, groaning. Jessica made a sympathetic face. "Okay, you wait here. I'll go get some stuff for you." Her boyfriend groaned again, and sniffed miserably.

"Waid. Jessie, by dose tiggles so buch!" He winced at how stuffy he sounded, and then launched into another fit. "Ah, AISHOO! TISHOO! IGGSCHIEW IGGSCHIEW IGGSCHUEW! HUH-RASHOO!" Jessie had handed her boyfriend the tissues not a second too soon, and he sneezed miserably into one over and over. Jessica watched with concern as her boyfriend couldn't stop! Finally, he surfaced. She thought he looked adorable with his already pink nose, bleary eyes, and pale face.

"I'll be right back, sweetie!" She promised, and left the room. Justin sighed, and blew his nose. That set off another round of sneezes, which he attempted to stifle.

"Nxgh! Nxgh! Nxghnxchnxchnxgh!" It only made him sneeze more, sending him into an impressive, tickly fit. When that one was over, he settled back against the pillows. Then, Jessie reappeared, carrying all the supplies they would need.

"Here, baby. Sit up!" She ordered. Quickly, she stuffed pillows all around him and tucked a fleecy shawl around his shoulders. Then, she pulled the blankets up and around his waist, and then handed him a tray of goodies for breakfast in bed. On his nightstand, she placed several boxes of tissues, a nasal spray, some mucinex, Tylenol, and a thermometer. On the nightstand beside her, she put a cooler with several bottles of Gatorade, water, and some movies. Grabbing the thermometer, Jessie told her boyfriend to open up.

"Aw, baby! No wonder you don't feel good! You've got a temp." Justin sniffed, and gave a chest rattling cough.

"How high is id?" She made a face.

"Not too high. Only 100.3. Bad enough though. Here, take some of this"-she pointed to the mucinex and the Tylenol-"and then eat. We can still have a good day!" So Justin took the meds, and started on his breakfast. Jessica had made her boyfriend tea, toast with butter and cinnamon, and a fresh bowl of oatmeal and fruit.

While Justin ate, his nose began to tickle furiously. He scrubbed at it, hoping to alleviate the tickle. When that didn't work, he called for Jessie.

"Jessie! Ib godda sdeeze!" She rushed over and lifted the tray off, and he buried his face in a tissue. "IXCHIEw! IXCHIEW! IXCHIEW! EDGIEW! HUH-HASHOO! Jessie-RASHIOOO!-cad't stop-ATCHIEW! HRASHOO! ESHOO! ESHOOO! ESHOO! nxghnxghnxghnxghHASHOOOHASHOOO!" This went on for another three minutes, each sneeze stuffier, ticklier, more powerful, and more desperate than the last. Throughout the fit, Jessie sat and rubbed her boyfriends back. When it subsided, she handed him another tissue and rubbed his back while he alternated between blowing his nose and gasping for breath.

"BLESS you babe!" She cooed worriedly. "Can you eat?" Justin nodded, and Jessie handed him his food. When he finished, she left the room to put the dishes away, then rushed back. Justin's nose tickled like crazy, and he gasped out his girlfriends name.

"Heh...Je-HEH!...Jess?" Jessie ran over, and slid a finger under her boyfriends nostrils. They were bright red, and lined with thin, watery liquid. His eyes had teared up, and were now half closed, his mouth gaping as he desperately tried not to sneeze! Gently, Jessie rubbed her finger back and forth, feeling his nostrils flare and his nose twitch with the intense tickle. She knew he didn't want another fit.

"Is this helping?" She asked. Her boyfriend shook his head, his eyes sliding shut. She rubbed harder, and then got her other hand involved. Carefully, she massaged his nostrils and his nose, scrubbing it gently while still sliding her fingers back and forth. It didn't work. Justin's breath continued to hitch.

"Jehah! Jess...hhhhie, keeehuhp rubbCHOO!" Justin's head jerked forward, his nose squishing and squelching against Jessie's finger. She grabbed a tissue and held it to his nose as she tried to help him at least control the desperate itch. However, it seemed it was too strong. Just as Jessie's fingers closed Justin's nostrils, he sneezed again. "NXTGH!" The itch instantly spread through his nose, and intensified dramatically. His eyes snapped open in panic, then closed as the fit overtook him. Jessie continued to rub his nose for him, but it did little but press his wet nostrils to her hand. By the time it was over, Justin was left gasping, and Jessie's hand was dripping. The tissue was shredded. Jessie kept massaging his nose for him.

"Thadks." He said, and pressed his nose into her hand and twisted, trying to make the itch stop! Jessie washed her hands, and popped in a movie. Halfway through, Justin fell asleep. Smiling to herself, Jessie closed the drapes, and layed down next to her sweetheart. She couldn't wait till he was better!

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Continue please! Thank you for writing this for me.

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