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Teen Wolf Sick Fic :)


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homg. This is mind-meltingly hot. I especially loved this bit.

“HUHCHOO! HUHSHOOO!!HAHSHOO! HETCHOO!” he caught the sneezes in his Tshirt. I can’t be sick, I’m not sick, he repeated over and over.

By midnight, he proved himself wrong. He was lying in bed shaking with cold, his throat was raw, and he couldn’t stop sneezing. By now, his Tshirt was soaked. I need to stop sneezing or I’ll give this to Issac, too.

I am normally an allergy kinda gal as a preference but Derek sneezing into his t-shirt and trying not to so he doesn't give it to Isaac. It pushed all my buttons, some I didn't know I had. I may have to write a little Derek sick-fic of my own inspired by that because yum. Looking forward to more of this awesomeness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@ TicklingAllergen Thank youJ

@ DeathNoteOwnerGlad you liked sick Derek!! I love contagion so I was glad I got to work it in!

@ThatSneezyGirl Glad you’re enjoying it!

@Alexys52 hahah Thank you so much!!!:) I’m glad you like it!!!

@hay Thank you so much! I plan to continue soon!

@Introvertedme Thank youJ

@ Wow! I’m so glad you liked it that much! Thank you!:) And it would be really cool if you started your own fic! I love writing, but it’s not the same as reading someone else’s story!

Hey guys!!! So I’m really sorry for going completely MIA lately, but I have been extremely busy. School just started and with sports ontop of that it’s hard to keep up! I will update soon!! Thanks again for reading and all of your nice commentsJ

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@ TicklingAllergen Thank youJ

@ DeathNoteOwnerGlad you liked sick Derek!! I love contagion so I was glad I got to work it in!

@ThatSneezyGirl Glad you’re enjoying it!

@Alexys52 hahah Thank you so much!!!smile.png I’m glad you like it!!!

@hay Thank you so much! I plan to continue soon!

@Introvertedme Thank youJ

@ Wow! I’m so glad you liked it that much! Thank you!smile.png And it would be really cool if you started your own fic! I love writing, but it’s not the same as reading someone else’s story!

Hey guys!!! So I’m really sorry for going completely MIA lately, but I have been extremely busy. School just started and with sports ontop of that it’s hard to keep up! I will update soon!! Thanks again for reading and all of your nice commentsJ

Awesome cant wait too see c:

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“HUHCHOO! HUHSHOOO!!HAHSHOO! HETCHOO!” he caught the sneezes in his Tshirt. I can’t be sick, I’m not sick, he repeated over and over.

By midnight, he proved himself wrong. He was lying in bed shaking with cold, his throat was raw, and he couldn’t stop sneezing. By now, his Tshirt was soaked. I need to stop sneezing or I’ll give this to Issac, too.

*fans* Oh my goodness. Favorite part. The mental image of Derek lying on the bed sneezing into a t-shirt is more than perfect.

Loving all the contagion. Derek especially was a treat, definitely loving this part. I wouldn't be opposed to a little sick Isaac, either....though you've definitely given us a lovely amount of sick already. Thank you! Waiting eagerly for the next part.

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  • 5 months later...

I had kinda lost inspiration and got really busy but I would love to continue this fic! Since you want more I'll try to update sometime this weekend!:) glad you enjoyed it!

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  • 1 year later...

Please continue this fic... PLEASE!!!! I want more Scott and Stiles sneezes. Also it would be great if Allison and Scott's Mom helped to take care of them.

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please continue! maybe Derek, or whoever, could give the cold to Ethan and Aiden? as payback? PLEASE CONTINUE!

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  • 9 months later...

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