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Teen Wolf Sick Fic :)


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Hey guys! So this is my first fanfic! I have been a huge fan of teen wolf since the first episode premired on MTV and I thought it would be a great story to write a fic for! So anyways here's the first part! And there will be more to come if you guys like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the story. Don't sue me:p

Scott opened his locker and grabbed the books he would need for his first two periods. He was busy thinking about what happened the previous night in the motel, where they all had almost died. He yawned and rubbed the back of his neck trying to ignore the headache pounding in his head, with the new pack of alphas he had been running off many sleepless nights.

"Hey Scott," a voice chimed in, interjecting his thoughts. It was Allison. He glanced up at her and smiled. Did she ever not look gorgeous?

"Hey" he said roughly, then cleared his throat.

"So crazy couple of days, huh?" She said.

"Ye-" Scott stopped and glanced up at the ceiling. A tickle forming in his nose. "Huh-huh-huh huchtooo"

"Bless you!" Alison exclaimed.

Scott just shook his head, sneezing twice more into the crook of his arm.

" Bless you again!" Alison said with a questioning look forming in her eyes.

"Thangs" Scott said congestedly. Following it up with a sniffle.

"Scott, are you alright?" Alison asked. She had always been extremely observant and today was no exception. She couldn't help but note Scott's slightly pink nose, the roughness of his voice along with the slightly congested sound in his voice, too. Not to mention he looked paler than normal.

"I'b fide" Scott replied quickly. "Why?"

"You seem a little off, plus you haven't been getting much sleep lately, for obvious reasons. And there's that cold going around..."

"I'm not sick, if that's what you're implying" Scott stated stubbornly. "Besides, I doubt I can even get sick anymore." Just then Stiles walked up "Hey Alison. Hey Man-oh you look awful."

"Thanks, man." Scott answered sarcastically.

"Told you." Alison reaffirmed.

"I'm not sick, there's been a lot going on, oka- hutchoo! Humpchoo! Ah ah choo! Scott sneezed wetly. Barely having time to cover his mouth with his cupped hands. "Like I was saying, I'b fide. I have to get to class." Scott stated angerly, slamming his locker shut and storming off. Stiles and Alison both noticed this and realized how strange it was. He was hardly ever that gruff, especially with the two of them.

"What's up with him? Stiles asked. "And since when does Scott want to get to class on time?"

Alison giggled then said in a more serious tone " I think he's catching that cold that's going around."

So I know there's not much sneezing or sickness in this part, but I have plans to continue! Lots of caretaking and maybe even some contagion!? Anyways I know it's short but I'll continue if you guys want! Plus if you have any requests feel free to ask and I'll try to work them in! Or if you have any suggestions on how I can improve my writing/storytelling don't be shy! Hope you guys like it!!

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Um, can I just say that I LOVE Teen Wolf! Like seriously, it's like one of my favorite shows. With that said, I am obviously loving this story too! It's really good, especially for you're first time. I wrote a Teen Wolf story a while ago ( Here it is if you wanna check it out http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=43005&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 ). It's not that great because it's kinda old, like when the first season came out so idk. But anyway, I see really good potential with this. Oh and definitaly add some caretaking! :)

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Amazing amazing amazing yes of voids continue :D loving it already

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@ThatSneezyGirl thanks!!! It's my favorite show, too! I was really hoping by season 3 someone would catch a cold! But oh well! Anyways I will deff add some caretaking! And I read your fic! It's super good!:) I love it!

@DeathNoteOwner thank you:) Ill update soon!

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@ThatSneezyGirl thanks!!! It's my favorite show, too! I was really hoping by season 3 someone would catch a cold! But oh well! Anyways I will deff add some caretaking! And I read your fic! It's super good!:)

Aw thanks! I don't think mine's all the great, but whatever. I'm so looking forward to your next update. I can't wait! Oh and if I could put my two sense in, I think you should either get Stiles or Derek sick... just saying! ;)

Edited by ThatSneezyGirl
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I'm definetly planning on that! I love Stiles so it may be him! But Derek is so hot! Maybe both!;) anyways I will update soon! Probably tonight! But do you know how to edit a post? And how to change the title? I'm new... Thank you :)

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I'm definetly planning on that! I love Stiles so it may be him! But Derek is so hot! Maybe both!;) anyways I will update soon! Probably tonight! But do you know how to edit a post? And how to change the title? I'm new... Thank you :)

Omg I can't even handle Derek and Stiles I my favorite on the show so either way it's a win! And usually if you just put up a story you can click on it and it will let you edit it. Try that, but otherwise I don't know how. But please update soon! :)

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@ThatSneezyGirl Thanks! I have to post 50+ times in order to edit, but I’m getting there! :)

Sorry the font was so small guys! I’m posting it again with a bigger font size so hopefully it will be easier to read! My bad! shy.gif

Part 2

Scott hurried down the hallway sniffling like crazy and rubbing his nose on his sleeve until he reached the males bathroom. Luckily, it was vacant. He went into one of the stalls and grabbed a bunch of toilet paper. He blew his nose about 10 times in an attempt to clear it. Which did nothing more than send him into a sneezing fit, making him even more congested than he was before.

“Huhtschoo! Huhtschoo! Huh huh hutschoo! Hatchoo!” He sneezed rather wetly into his cupped hands. Finally, with not much relief, he went to the sinks and washed his hands. He observed his reflection in the mirror. Shit, he thought. His face was pale and his nose was even redder from blowing it. As well, he couldn’t help but notice that giveaway watery look in his eyes that let everyone know you were sick.

“Ugh!” He groaned. He splashed some water on his face. He didn’t even think he could still catch colds since he was a werewolf. But, it was obvious this bug had penetrated even his werewolf strengths. He knew as soon as he woke up that morning. He awoke with a throbbing head and his throat was scratchy. By the time he came down stairs he could feel the congestion beginning to stuff up his nose.

“Morning, Scott!” His mother chirped brightly, finishing washing her dishes from breakfast. “I have a long day at the hospital, staying on for the night shift, too. Apparently a lot of people called in sick. There’s a really bad cold going around. So I won’t be home until tomorro-“

“Huhtshoo” Scott sneezed down toward the ground. Not even bothering to cover.

“Bless you.” Scott’s mom said, turning around. “Scott, do you feel alright, I hope you’re not catching this, too!”

“Do, do. I’b find mobm. “ He stated, his voice thick with congestion. “I’b just a little tired. I was up late working on a paper”

“Well, make sure you get some rest tonight, trust me, you don’t want to catch whatever this is.”

“Alright, I godda go. I’b late” Scott said, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and hurriedly rushing out of the house.

He came back to his sense. Ugh! I’ve never felt so sick and I don’t have time for this, he thought. I don’t have time for a cold with the alpha pack threatening to kill everyone I care about. We can barely hold our own against them with all of us in tip-top shape. We don’t stand a chance if I’m sneezing my head off during a fight.

Just then the bell rang which signaled the students to head to first period. He sniffled and hurried out of the bathroom hoping his first period wouldn’t be too painful.

His first class of the day was Economics which he shared with Stiles, his best friend. Considering he already snapped at Stiles this morning, he was sure he would receive a bunch of questions. He walked slowly to class and barely made it on time.

“Cutting it a little close there, aren’t we McCall?” His teacher Mr. Finstock chastised. He was also Scott’s lacrosse coach, and for lack of better words, had the typical coach asshole personality.

“Sorry, Coach.” Scott mumbled, taking his designated seat next to Stiles. Scott took out his book and a pencil trying to avoid Stiles questioning glances. In the middle of the lesson his nose began to tickle and he knew a sneeze was coming. He groaned inwardly.

“Hehnnxt, hehnnnxt, hummmpft” Scott stifled three sneezes into the back of his fist; each one getting harder to contain. Stifling only made it worse, and the constant sniffling wasn’t helping.

“Huhhhtschooo” He sneezed into his cupped hands “Huhhtschoo! Hahhhshoo!”

“Aww poor Scott, got the sniffles?” One of the Alpha twins scoffed at him. Scott gave him a warning growl in reply. This only irritated his throat and sent him into body wracking coughs.

“McCall!?” Coach exclaimed. “If you can’t control your, your bodily functions, then get out of my class. I can’t have you in here spreading your germs.”

“Sorry, Coach, it’ll stop” Scott said, trying to hide the deep blush rising into his cheeks. After another 30 agonizing minutes where Scott had to suppress the urge to cough or sneeze, the bell rang to signal the end of the class. Scott shot out of the classroom, hoping to avoid any confrontation with Stiles. He had no such luck. Stiles caught up with him in seconds.

“Dude, Scott, are you okay?” Stiles questioned.

“I’b find. I don’t kdow why eberybody keeps asking be dis.” Scott said obviously super congested.

“I’ve known you since you we were little kids, Scott. I’ve seen you sick plenty of times, especially with your asthma. I know you’re sick and you don’t want anyone to know because of all the shit that’s going on. But denial isn’t going to solve anyth-” Stiles stopped talking noticing that Scotts expression was glazed over and he seemed to be somewhere else.

“Huhhtschooo, huh-huh Hetchooo, huh-itshew!” Scott sneezed, covering his face with his hands, but not very well. Stiles felt some of the spray land on his face.

“Aww man, Scott. After enduring many of your colds I also know you’re not the best at covering either.” Stiles stated sarcastically with a half laugh.

“Sorry ban.” Scott groaned sniffling. “Okay, baybe I’b a bit sick.”

“Wow, really?! I had no idea.” Stiles said, the sarcasm in his voice as thick as the congestion in Scott’s nose. Come on, I’m sure Allison would drive you home, because you’re definitely in no condition to drive. Besides, then I can call Derek and see if he knows what to do with you.”

Scott was so tired and felt so awful he didn’t even argue. Besides, Allison did tell him she wanted to talk. Maybe she even wanted to get back together. No way, Scott thought, this is just the fever talking. I must be sicker than I thought.

End of part two! Hope you guys are liking it! I know it’s dragging a bit, but the caretaking is coming in the next part! And then some contagion! And maybe a few surprises! But anyways, like I said before, if you have any suggestions or requests feel free to tell me! Plus if you want to hear a certain kind of sneeze I’m open to suggestions on that, too! I know I’m horrible at spelling them out. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed!

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It so good :D love it<3 please continue I beg of u:D

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I think it's stupid that you have to have 50+ posts to edit, but whatever. Anyway, still LOVING this! A sick, sniffly Scott? Hell yes! :)

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Thanks for the nice comments! :) I'm glad you guys are liking it! I've been super busy lately but I should be updating in the next day or so!:)

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Part 3!!

Scott McCall sat in the passenger seat of Alison's car. He had his head resting against the cool window. His head was throbbing, his body ached, and his head was so congested he felt like someone had filled it with cement. Then the tickle in his nose started up again. "Huhhmptttt" he stifled pinching his nose between his thumb and forefinger. This only irritated the tickle, sending him into a fit. "Hummppt, hexxxnnt, hexxxnnt, huh huh hexxxnnt." He groaned, massaging his temples. Stifling only made his head throb more, but he didn't want to let out the messy sneezes when Alison was around. He had already lost her as his girlfriend, he couldn't completely disgust her, too.

Alison glanced over at Scott her brow furrowing and her eyes filing with worry. She had never seen him so sick and miserable. She had seen him endure fights with werewolves and escaped with horrible injuries and he played it off as nothing, healing within an hour or two. This must be bad, she thought to herself. Scott drifted off for the rest of the ride home.

"Scott, Scott..." Alison's voice was still music to his ears even with his pounding headache. "Scott, you're home, I'm sorry but I can't carry you. Can you make it to the house with my help?"

"Yea," Scott began, clearing his voice, wincing at how hoarse it already sounded, "I'b fide" he said with a big sniffle " I cad bake it by byself." He stumbled out of the car and realized just how much of his strength was gone. He could barely stand up. Alison pulled one of his arms over her shoulder. And let him lean on her while they walked into his house. Suddenly he stopped. "Hetchoo! Huh huh huhshooo! Huh huh huh itsheww! Shit" he mumbled after he finished sneezing openly to the side. He didn’t have enough energy to stifle them anymore.

"Bless you, Scott." Alison said.

Slowly but surely they finally made it up stairs. Scott had to stop halfway through to allow a cough to wrack his body. Finally, Alison got him in bed. “Don’t move,” she demanded. He chuckled.

“Wasn’t planning on it,” he shot her a crooked smile and noticed the bush rise into her cheeks. Then she began to move to the door. “Alison, wait, don’t leave be…” he begged.

“Awwhh, there’s no way I’m leaving you. I’m just getting you some stuff.” She went over to his bed and squeezed his hand before she left the room. I’ve almost lost him three times since the alpha pack came to town, Alison thought, remembering the most horrifying moment when he had stopped breathing in the rest stop bathroom on the way to his cross country meet. Since then, she had made a vow that she wouldn’t let anything happen to him. Even though he wasn’t her boyfriend anymore she cared about him more than words could explain. She went into Scott’s bathroom, grabbing tissues a thermometer and a glass of water before she hurried back to him. When she walked in Scott’s breath was hitching.

“Huh-huhh-huhh-Huchhhtooo! Heehhhhtchoo! Hurshoo! Ahhhh..huh ahhhhITSHEW! Ughhh…” The sneezes bent him over at the waist. His body obviously trying to rid itself of the germs causing this cold.

“Here,” she said handing him the box of tissues.

“Thang goodness, you’re judst in tibe.” He wiped his nose on a tissue and then gave a gurgling sniffle.

“It’s okay, Scott, you can blow around me, I don’t mind.” He contemplated this thought for a moment before grabbing a handful of tissues and expelling the congestion in his nose. Alison came and sat beside him on the bed. She felt his forehead, which was on fire. It was hotter than any fever she had ever felt. “Open,” she commanded and after he obliged she stuck the thermometer in his mouth. It beeped.

“113, Oh God Scott, is that supposed to happen?”

“I dod’t kdow I haven’t been sick since I changed.” She took it again only to come up with the same result. “Hopefully it’s just a werewolf thing, we’ll ask Derek later.”

“Huhchoo!” he sneezed suddenly into cupped hands. “Excudse be,” he said with a light cough. Alison pushed his hair back off of his forehead.

“Bless you, Scott.”

“I haaaaate being sick.” He groaned “I’b biserable.” He sniffled.

“I know, I’m sorry. I wish I could fix it. Can I get you anything?” Scott just shook his head. Something about this sniffling, sneezing, vulnerable Scott made her fall for him all over again. She couldn’t control herself. She slowly leaned down, approaching his lips. He looked at her questioning, unsure of her intentions. She moved in closer. Just when their lips were about to touch Scott ducked his head and sneezed suddenly. Simultaneously, Alison’s phone buzzed. They were both snapped out of the moment. Alison reached for her phone, flustered, and Scott lay back against the pillow trying to decipher what was just about to happen.

“Stiles and Derek are outside.” Alison announced, snapping Scott out of his thoughts.

“Shit, Scott! What did you do?” Derek said appalled. Scott only answered with a poorly stifled sneeze.

“Bless you,” Stiles and Alison said in unison. Derek only gave Scott a look mixed between sympathy and disgust.

“So what does this mean?” Alison inquired.

“Well, I’ve only seen it once. But there are certain diseases that have morphed enough to be able to pass our heightened immune systems. Because of our heightened immunity, you’ll get rid of it quickly. But while you have it all of your symptoms will be worsened. It’s our bodies’ way of getting rid of the cold quickly. Bad news, it’s highly contagious, well to everyone except Miss Werewolf hunter over there. Once the virus is inside of you it morphs even more in order to be able to affect you, the blood of a hunter, the blood she possess makes her immune.” He said giving Alison a glare. Their relationship hadn’t been mended since Alison’s mom committed suicide after Derek bit her and Alison had taken her revenge out on Derek’s pack.

“Well, it’s a good thing I have an immune system of a freight train then.” Stiles bragged.

“Is that why you were sniffling the whole ride here?” Derek scoffed. “You’ll be sick in a matter of hours.”

“No, I don’t get, huh hah haaascchoooo!” Stiles sneezed wetly.

“Mhm, well I need to leave before you two get me sick. If we all catch this there’s no way we can beat the alpha pack. “Feel better, Scott. You too, Stiles.” Derek tacked onto the end. He would never admit it, but he cared about Scott. A lot. Even Stiles. They had become almost like his sons. He had brought them into this mess and he felt it was his job to protect them. He left Scott’s house, his acute hearing picking up the sounds of Scott’s horribly congested sneezes even after he got in his car.

End of part 3! Hope you guys like it! It’s not my favorite part, but I’ll post more if you guys want!

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Aww poor Scott! So miserable.

It's absolutely delicious.

I just want to cuddle him.

P.S I would be eternally grateful if there was some Derek contagion happening.

Don't stop!!

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I wouldn't mind if Derek got sick too.:3 horray for contagion <3 but yay continue

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Yeah I'm feeling the whole Derek sick thing as well, or maybe Stiles... Either one :) But anyway, I am still LOVING this! Continue!

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*Emerges from Lurkville for the Teen Wolf hotness*

I'm seriously loving this, especially the last part!!!! Funnily enough, I was going to post a Teen Wolf cold thing but then I noticed yours on here! I can't wait for the next part! thumbup.gif

“Is that why you were sniffling the whole ride here?” Derek scoffed. “You’ll be sick in a matter of hours.”

^^^ You're nailing Derek by the way; he's so powerful and sexy wubsmiley.gif.

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Thanks for all the nice comments! I’m glad you all are liking it! Sorry it took me so long to update, I had writers block. But anyways! Here’s part four! Enjoy sneezy, sick Derek w00t.gif

Part Four

Derek drove home from Scott’s house. He had a million and one thoughts surging through his head. Maybe that’s why my head is aching, Derek thought. He tried to clear his mind, knowing there wasn’t much he could do if Scott was sick besides keep the rest of the pack from catching it. Maybe we can just lay low and hide out from the alphas for a few days until Scott’s better, Derek decided. That was their only hope. Just then, he felt a tickle in his nose. He sniffled, but that only intensified it. He rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand. That didn’t help either and his breath began to hitch.

“Huhh huhh hetchoo!” He sneezed, barely having time to turn his head to the side and catch it in his shoulder. He sniffed and the tickle was gone. He chalked it up to nothing more than an irritant in the air.

When he arrived home Issac was slumped in one of his chair playing on his phone. Derek had insisted that Issac stay home when he heard Scott was sick. And well, there’s not really an option to disobey something Derek insists on. As soon as he saw Derek walk through the door he jumped up.

“How’s Sc-”

“Hnnxt.” Derek tried to stile a sneeze.

“What was that? Since when do you sneeze?” Issac asked bewildered.

“Since whenever I need to. Since when do you ask annoying questions.” Derek snarled. “Scott’s sick, he won’t be able to fight for a few days and you need to stay away from him or else you will catch it.”


“No buts, you do what I say!” Derek growled, his temper fuse extremely short today.

“How did he get sick? I didn’t even know that was possible” Derek explained to Issac about how even some viruses can get past their heightened immunity and then they morph. But suddenly he stopped midsentence. Issac looked at him concerned. “Derek?” he asked cautiously.

“HUH HETCHOO!” he sneezed loudly and wetly into his shoulder, sniffled, and then continued on with his sentence like nothing had happened.

“Derek are you okay? “ Issac questioned.

“I’b fide.” Derek snapped, annoyed. But he swore in his head when he heard the congestion in his voice.

“You don’t sound “fide”.” Issac stated. “You look a little pale, too.”

“You’re one to talk.” Derek snarled before storming upstairs to his room sniffling wetly, trying to keep his nose at bay. Once inside his room his nose began to run. “Shit” he mumbled. He had no tissues, what werewolf needs tissues? He grabbed and old shirt and blew his nose. This cannot be happening, he groaned inwardly. He went into the bathroom to look at his self. Issac hadn’t lied. He did look pale. His eyes were a tad red and his nose was beginning to turn a light pink. He felt his breath begin to hitch. He watched in the mirror as his abs contracted and released with his deep breaths. He brought his hands up to his mouth just in time.

“Huhh huhhhh huuuhh Hetchoo! Huh HASCHOO! HETCHOO! HEHH ITSHEW! The sneezes sprayed his hands. “Ughhhh” he groaned in disgust. Vaguely, he began to remember this feeling from when he was a human. The heaviness, the extreme tiredness, and the coldness that now swept over his body. He shivered and washed his hands before returning to his room. Flopping down on his bed, he grabbed the Tshirt he had used previously. He was sure he would need it again soon. And he was right.

“HUHCHOO! HUHSHOOO!!HAHSHOO! HETCHOO!” he caught the sneezes in his Tshirt. I can’t be sick, I’m not sick, he repeated over and over.

By midnight, he proved himself wrong. He was lying in bed shaking with cold, his throat was raw, and he couldn’t stop sneezing. By now, his Tshirt was soaked. I need to stop sneezing or I’ll give this to Issac, too. As Derek thought about the obvious contagion of this cold and how he could stop its spread so they could stand their ground against the alphas. And then he got an idea. If he couldn’t stop the contagion, then he could at least use it to his advantage…

Hope you guys enjoyed Derek getting sick! Don’t worry, his cold isn’t over, yet! More to come if you guys are liking it! smile.png

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All this contagion , you're spoiling me man. Definitely love all the contagion<3 do continue. Sick Derek was a treat for sure.

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OMG Sick Derek!!! OMG Sick Derek!!! OMG SICK DEREK!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much awesome you are!!!! I have been waiting sooo long!!!! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!!

*ahem* Pardon my outburst...I got a little excited there. You rock by the way.

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