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Omg yaaay!!! Im back again for a fourth story hahaha XD

this is my first ever fan fiction everrrrrrrr omgomg im nervous again XD

This one is the first one ive uploaded that doesn’t have a name :o

will you guys help me out? I suck at names XD

I probably said this already, but my writing trademark is that one of the characters always says the title of the story, so if you guys have any good ideas for one liners I could incoporate let me know pleeeeeeease <3 thanks youuuuuus

And also when the time comes can you teach me how to change thread titles so I can change the name of the story hahaha XD

also, i listed as various causes cos i was thinking, since this is just some fluff that will continue for an indefinate amount of time ((honesty)) that i might throw in some possible inducing or allergies later if i remember cos sometimes i have good ideas and then i forget until after i written it D: but i'll try, i think allergic link might be good XD

or maybe i should write that as a seperate fic.....

let me know what you guys would prefer <3

and anyway, since my waffle is neverending, lets just get on with the story XD


Zelda and Link had been making their way through Faron woods to the sacred grounds to meet Impa when a freak snowstorm had hit. Within minutes the ground was covered in a layer of thick white snow, the surrounding area became unrecognisable.

“Grr, this must be Giriham’s work, this weather is unnatural for the time of year!” Zelda did a quick scan of the area before sighing and shaking her head, “we’re hopelessly lost. What should we do now Link?” She turned to the blonde hero who was staring off into space, but he looked over and siled when he heard his name.

“Oh, *sniff*… l-lets head this way!” He said, pointing deeper into the snowy forest before setting off walking again without waiting for a response. Zelda had noticed immediately that Link had been sniffling ever since the snow had started and now his nose seemed to be slightly red.

“Are you ok, Link?” She asked before she could stop herself, though the young hero simply offered her a reassuring smile.

“I’m ok, the cold air’s just making my nose runny, that’s all,” he sniffled softly an turned his face away. For now she believed him.

It hadn’t been a complete lie, but the cold was badly affecting his whole body, not just his nose. The snowflakes that landed on his skin felt as sharp as icicles and froze him right through to his core, his insides felt as ice cold as his skin and it was all he could do to hold back the shivers so that Zelda wouldn’t notice and even now the occasional one slipped through. He rubbed his hands up and downs his arms to try and warm up. He had been feeling particularly exhausted ever since their fight with Giriham at the temple of time and he had been secretly looking forward to getting back to Skyloft so he could have a decent meal and a long sleep ih his warm comfy bed, but this snowstorm had been his last straw and now he was feeling pitifully weak. A violent shiver wracked his frozen body and he was grateful that Zelda was walking ahead so she didn’t notice. He sighed and sniffled miserably, but that only caused a tiny tickle to blossom in the back of his nose.

“Haashoo…Hetcshuu!” He bent almost double with two violent sneezes and Zelda turned back in concern. Forcing himself to recover quickly for her sake, Link straightened back up and replied to her question before she could ask it.

“I’m fine Zelda, it was just a sneeze, now lets hurry up and find our way back.”

When Zelda finally turned around Link sighed weakly and rubbed gently at his ticklish nose. The flakes of snow that had landed on him had melted and now his clothes were completely soaked. His self control slipped and he began to shiver uncontrollably. His body was sore from all the fighting and the cold, and with each step through the thick snow it became increasingly hard to take the next. His nose was still feeling persistently itchy and occasionally he would have to rub and pinch his nose to stop himself from sneezing, knowing it would make Zelda worry. He sniffled deeply to try and give himself some relief, but that only made the tickle flare up, leaving his breath hitching softly as he struggled to contain the sneezes. He desperately rubbed his index finger under his nostrils and held his breath, his chest heaving with soft gasps, “Hehhh…ihh, heh eh…”

Full of concern Zelda turned around and this time saw the full extent of his weakness. He was shivering uncontrollably and no wonder since his knight uniform was soaking wet, his eyes were red and bloodshot as though he hadn’t slept for days and his nose was red and twitching desperately. His was stuck in a pre-sneeze expression, his eyes fluttering half shut and his breath catching in his throat as he tried to hold back the sneezes. After a few moments he found himself unable to hold back any longer.

“HeHexntchuu!!… Hexntchuu! He tried to stifle but failed, bending forward with the force of the sneezes.

“Bless you!” She gasped in shock and rushed towards him to steady him, “come on, we need to get you back to Skyloft and into bed!” She reached out for his sleeve but he move his hand away.

“I-I-it’s a-alr-right, I-I’m f-f-fide!” He sniffled and rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand while Zelda frowned. ‘He’s still denying it!? His teeth are chattering so much I can barely understand him.’

Link knew that by the look on her face Zelda was less than pleased but he tried not to think about that too much, all he could think about was getting back to the bird statue. They had been walking for hours even before it had gotten dark and despite the snow Link had the senses of a homing pigeon so he was sure they were close. To keep himself going while they walked he daydreamed about falling asleep beside the fire in headmaster Gaepora’s room under a nice warm blanket, having Zelda fuss over him and bring him his favourite hot soup to eat. He rubbed at his right shoulder which ached from weilding his sword and sighed wistfully, his skin felt numb and he was sure his body was freezing up, but he forced himself to keep going with thoughts of home.

“Oh no!” Zelda cried out from just up ahead and Link looked up from his daydream, “these are the same footprints that WE made earlier! We’ve been going in circles!” His dream of having a warm bed for the night vanished and Link sank to his knees in the snow, clutching his head in pain and shivering uncontrollably as the cold snow seeped through his legs. Zelda knelt down in front of him and placed her palm against his forehead.

“Link, you have a terrible fever!” She said breathily, trying to encourage him to stand up so they could get walking again. “We need to get home right now!” he tried to stand, but his legs only trembled and buckled again after barely half a step.

“Zelda, I…Hatshoo, Hektchuu. N-n-no s-str-rength l-left!” He stuttered, fighting against the cold with the last of his energy just to speak. Zelda tried to act calm and pulled her best friend into a tight hug to reassure and warm him, but inside her chest her heart was pounding frantically. She looked through the blizzard for somewhere she could hide him and through the falling snow she spotted a small cave almost completely covered over by branches and vines. It was the perfect place for getting him out of the wind.

She hooked one of Link’s arms around her shoulder and dragged the reluctant hero to his feet, he seemed to want nothing more than to pass out in the snow at first, but once he realised her plan he decided to use the last of his strength to make a run for the cave.

“GAHH!” They stumbled in out of the wind and as Zelda let go of Link’s arm he tumbled to the floor. She quickly pulled off his sword, shield and his boots, which were filled with snow, and sat him up against the back wall. His body was limp and he let her manoeuvre him without so much as a word which worried Zelda even more, she had never seen Link act like this before.

“Hetchuu! Hakshuu!” He sneezed uncovered towards his knees as he even lacked the strength to lift his arms and Zelda watched him with a worried expression on her face. She rushed to her backpack and pulled out a blanket which she wrapped around his shoulders in the hopes that it would help.

“Thags,” he mumbled but he didn’t turn to look at her and his eyes were half lidded and distant.

The moment they had gotten inside of the cave Link’s body had gone into shutdown, it hadn’t been a moment too late, he’d just barely made it. He sat huddled up in a corner of the dark cave watching the snow fall from behind the vines, feeling his consciousness fade in and out. Now that they were inside there was no wind but Link was so cold he barely noticed and his limbs shook in the hopes of generating some heat, he was unaware of which part of his body hurt the most, but he was turn between his head and his feet, which were blistered and chapped from the cold. He desperately wanted to just let himself go and fall asleep, but Zelda seemed to be talking so he tried to focus on what she was saying to distract himself and after a moment his head cleared slightly just in time for him to hear her say, “Right, just try to stay awake until we’ve got you warmed up, ok Link?”

He sighed. It seemed the night was only just beginning.

YAAAAAAAAAY :D:D:D:D let me know if you like it guys yaaaaay <3

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yaaaaaaayyy thank you <3 im glad you like it, already started the second part so hopefully it wont take more than a couple of days :D

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Gah wanna friend you ur so awesome but dont know how gahhh how do i friend???

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fuuuuuuu i can't figure out how to add you either upset.gif

maybe i cant do it yet because im too much of a newb :'(

death note kun how did you add me as a friend? <3

kyaaaa yaaay i feel so awesome that not_telling chan wants to be my friend <3w00t.gif

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awwww thanks thats so sweet btw YOUR NEW PIC IS SO ADORABLE you can call me Kitty thats my nickname someone already had the screen name...

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fuuuuuuu i can't figure out how to add you either upset.gif

maybe i cant do it yet because im too much of a newb :'(

death note kun how did you add me as a friend? <3

kyaaaa yaaay i feel so awesome that not_telling chan wants to be my friend <3w00t.gif

. You guys need to be validated or members. I don't know wich status allows u too view member profiles but you'd have to post 500 times (: so enjoy the forum it'll happen soon probly. If you have anymore questions about friend requests contact staff&mods (: (I'm not a mod)
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nuuuuuuu! ok ill try my best to become a full member so i can become friends with kitty chan :D but if it doesnt work then i'll just give you guys my facebook XD oooh i almost finished part two of this fic so hopefully will post by end of week :D

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fuuuuuuu i can't figure out how to add you either upset.gif

maybe i cant do it yet because im too much of a newb :'(

death note kun how did you add me as a friend? <3

kyaaaa yaaay i feel so awesome that not_telling chan wants to be my friend <3w00t.gif

. You guys need to be validated or members. I don't know wich status allows u too view member profiles but you'd have to post 500 times (: so enjoy the forum it'll happen soon probly. If you have anymore questions about friend requests contact staff&mods (: (I'm not a mod)

Mkay thanks yeah I tend to flood forum threads carelessly so that shouldn't be too hard lol

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yaaay! good luck with becoming a full member kitty chan!

but until then i gots part 2 to keep you going

last night i had a proper writing spree, i wrote all of part 2, most of part 3 and all of part 5! :o

im impressed with myself

this section is huge XD it just kept going and going hahaha, also, i dug out some old fetish artwork i did some years back while i was cleaning up, so imma upload one of those later if you wanna see it?

anyway, here you go, story ->

Link yawned widely and barely managed an “I’ll try,” before his eyes started to fall closed. If it hadn’t been for his still tickling nose he would have fallen asleep on the spot. Knowing that this was the only way to distract himself enough to keep him awake he tried to coax the tickle by twitching his nose softly.

“Heh…ihh, Eshuu…ktchu ktch, Hetchu!” He sniffled thickly and shivered, tightly gripping the warm blanket Zelda had given him, his only defence against the cold air, and snuggled into it.

Zelda herself laughed nervously as Link’s eyelids started to twitch sleepily and she jumped to her feet.

“Let’s see if we have any health potion left over!” She grinned optimistically and reached into her bag. She knew that the red potion would be just the thing to cure his fever if they had any, but she wasn’t so sure that fate was willing to give her an easy way out of this situation. The sound of glass bottles clinking together caught Links pointed ears, followed by Zelda’s sigh, “no health potion, only stamina potion, now what do I do…” She whispered in a voice he could barely hear and Link felt guilty for worrying her, but another bout of exhaustion made his next words come out in frantic gasps as he struggled not to fall asleep.

“Zelda, Stamina potion, gimmie, need… now!” Zelda looked startled for a moment before quickly passing him the bottle of green liquid which he drank down greedily. It soothed his raw throat and within minutes he began to feel a little more energised. The effects weren’t that substantial, but it was enough to ease his exhaustion and keep him awake for an hour or two, so Link was rather pleased with the results.

“Suhh… Haktchuu! Success!” He sneezed forcefully into his gloved hands and gave an embarrassed half smile. Zelda sat down by his side while she considered what to do next, they barely had any food, no medicine and no way of getting Link warmed up and despite his slightly improved condition she knew the effects were only temporary and was still worrying non stop. Link, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying her warmth and snuggled closer and closer until his head was resting gently on her shoulder. Slowly accepting their situation, she wrapped her arm around his neck, took off his cap, and slowly brushed her fingers through his blonde hair. Link rubbed his nose on Zelda’ shoulder and groaned in frustration, before reluctantly wriggling out of her grasp. He sat up and tried to turn away, but only managed to get halfway before he let out a half stifled sneeze towards her lap.

“Hexncheww!” He slumped forward with exhaustion and landed with his head in Zelda’s lap, she blushed scarlet but since he was facing away from her he didn’t notice. She knew it was the fever making him act like this so she didn’t say anything and instead continued to massage his scalp with her nails. After a few moments when she felt him start to relax she took out her goddess harp that Impa had given to her and began to play the fateful song of legend they both knew so well.

“Oh youth, guided by the servant of the goddess, unite earth and sky, and bring light to the land.” Link sighed at the nostalgic melody and began to hum along, his voice sounding slightly congested, but neither of them seemed to mind. In the middle of her song Zelda stopped abruptly and lowered her harp.

“Wad’s wrong Zelda? Link murmured hoarsely but instead of replying she quickly patted him on the head and shushed him, before gently manoeuvring the sick hero off of her knee.

“I think I heard something.” She stood up and moved silently over to the entrance of the cave, making a slight parting in the vines so that she could see out into the blizzard. She looked out into the dark forest for a moment before turning back and whispering, “It’s Ghirahim! Link don’t make a sound!”

The blonde hero say up as quietly as he could and crawled over to Zelda’s side, through the vines he could clearly see the familiar red cloaked figure stalking through the snow no more than two metres away from them.

“Blast, where could the spirit maiden have gotten to!?” He grumbled, stopping just in front of their cave. Fearing that he would hear Link’s congested breathing, Zelda pushed the shivering boy back into the shadows and hoped the falling snow would muffle any sounds they made, “I need her powers to awaken my master. Ohh I do so hope that wherever they are this snowstorm is making them suffer, especially that sky boy who’s always interfering with my perfect plans! Ahh! Just the idea of him writhing in pain excites me, I’m getting chills.”

Link strained forward to try and get a better look, his messy blonde hair, now uncontained by his hat, danced on the wind that broke in through the gaps in the vines. He gasped as one of the stray curls brushed against the tip of his cold sensitive nose and immediately shook the hairs away, but the feathery touch had already left a tiny tickle fluttering in the tip of his nose. He automatically scrunched up his face and rubbed his knuckles childishly against his red nostrils, a slight feeling of panic blossomed in his chest as he found the tickle only spread further. He tensed up to try and control it but as the slightest hitching breath escaped his lips Zelda turned back to quiet him and immediately noticed his troubled expression. Eyebrows furrowed, his face scrunched up and contorting, his nose wriggling. She silently asked him what was wrong and he pointed to his nose before shoving the heel of his palm up against his septum to try and quell the tickling.

‘Link, you mustn’t sneeze now, you’ll blow our cover!’ Her lips moved frantically but her voice was practically none existent his expression was becoming more alarmed with every moment and although he was gradually losing a battle with a fit of hitching breaths, Link tried to respond.

‘I know! I, hahh hah, eh… I’m trying to hhehh, hold it back buhh…but I cant help ihht!” He was scrubbing frantically at the underside of his nose but nothing he did seemed to alleviate the itch and he was so close to losing it. His eyes had watered so badly that his surroundings had blurred and they had almost fluttered shut, his nose twitched with an unbearably tickly sensation and tiny barely audible hitching breaths escaped his lips. His entire body was willing him to sneeze and Link couldn’t hold it back any longer, his chest heaved as he drew in a big gasp of air, but just then he felt something press against the underside of his nose, subduing the tickle slightly.

He pried open his watery eyes and found that it was Zelda’s index finger that was holding off his sneezes and he blushed right to the tip of his pointed ears, but the constant pressure helped to dull the urge and make it much easier for him to hold back. He took several deep breaths and tried to get himself back under control.

“It’s ok, I’ve got you,” she whispered into his crimson ears.

Even with Zelda’s help Link was no where near in the clear yet, the need to sneeze was very much still prominent and his breath still hitched wildly, but her actions were helpful so he quietly asked her not to move. She simply smiled and caressed his back soothingly before checking on Ghirahim again.

She could feel Link’s pink tipped nose twitched madly against her finger and knew that even with her help he was barely holding on, his face frozen in a presneeze expression.

However, despite their best efforts only moments later Link was unable to control himself any longer.

“Hehh…AHH!” Desperately trying not to get caught, Link pitched forward with three sneezes, stifled into perfet silence. Zelda breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn’t last long, “Chnxt!” Her eyes bulged wide when a tiny sound escaped with the fourth stifle and Link blushed as though he had let her down before gearing up for another sneeze. She checked through the vines, but it seemed that Ghirahim hadn’t noticed them, and pressed her finger a little firmer against Links’s reddened nostrils to help him hold it back, while with her free hand she also rubbed at the bridge of his nose in the hopes that that might ease his torture. He tensed for a moment but then his expression softened slightly. As she glanced through the vines she noticed Ghirahim begin to walk off.

“Just a few more seconds,” she reassured the desperate sniffling hero in her arms, who was seriously on the verge of losing it. When the silver skinned creature had disappeared from sight she began to count backwards from ten, leaving it a few seconds longer just to be safe. Link gripped impatiently at her sleeve, restlessly moving his fingers as some sort of distraction, when she had finished her countdown, Zelda patted him on the back and whispered sweetly.

“It’s ok now, let it go.”

Link was eternally grateful for her permission, because at that exact moment he had been unable to hold it any longer. With barely a half strangled gasp Link broke down into a desperate sneezing fit.

“Hexnnt! HaGgxxnt! HehKkshnn!” He stifled them at first just in case Zelda kept her finger lightly pressed against his nose throughout the entire fit and at first Link thought it felt strange, but after a while he found himself thinking about how nice it was to have someone comforting him when he was this weak and vulnerable. After all, hero’s aren’t supposed to be weak and vulnerable, they aren’t supposed to need comforting.

“Haashoo! HaaEtchuu Kkshuu Etchhu… HaGgnxt, Hepchoo, Eshoo, Hetchuu!” He sniffled thickly and Zelda rubbed at his nose gently, he giggled, feeling both pleased and awkward about all this attention.

As though someone turned off a lightswitch in his head Link’s eyes darkened and he slumped forward into her chest feeling suddenly more aware of his fever, and what felt like hypothermia setting into his body.

“Zelda, I thigk da stabina potiod is wearibg off,” He moaned weakly and Zelda smiled, patting his back.

“You’re still dreadfully cold, that’s not going to help your fever,” she chided softly, feeling her forehead and trying not to let herself get too worried, “I’ll build a fire to warm us up!” She was being optimistic for his sake, but the idea really did seem to cheer Link up, which didn’t surprise her since he seemed to like sitting in front of the fire in her fathers room.

“Ok, and then will you make me soup?” He asked hopefully and his eyes lit up, it was that look that Zelda just couldn’t refuse. She tapped him softly on the head and he grinned at her childishly.

“Of course I will, anything for you Link.”

if there were any parts that didn't make sense, i was typing this up while i was watching tv so i wasnt really paying attention like i should have been D':

hope its ok!!! <3

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also will someone please please please teach me how to upload pictures straight from my computer to the site? i tried to do it but i cant figure it out :'( thank you thank you <3

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fuuuuuuu i can't figure out how to add you either upset.gif

maybe i cant do it yet because im too much of a newb :'(

death note kun how did you add me as a friend? <3

kyaaaa yaaay i feel so awesome that not_telling chan wants to be my friend <3w00t.gif

. You guys need to be validated or members. I don't know wich status allows u too view member profiles but you'd have to post 500 times (: so enjoy the forum it'll happen soon probly. If you have anymore questions about friend requests contact staff&mods (: (I'm not a mod)

Mkay thanks yeah I tend to flood forum threads carelessly so that shouldn't be too hard lol

. You're welcome (:
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That's so so so cute :D loving it so far the story can't wait for more

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  • 3 weeks later...

nuuuuuuu! ok ill try my best to become a full member so i can become friends with kitty chan biggrin.png but if it doesnt work then i'll just give you guys my facebook XD oooh i almost finished part two of this fic so hopefully will post by end of week biggrin.png

I added you yay!!!

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yaaaay!!omg im glad you read it! i was hoping you'd see this, it's been a long time since i updated this so i wasn't sure anyone would read it so im super glad!!!! i almost got part 3 written so please read it when its up <3 yaaaaay friends im so happy <3

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that awkward moment when you look for your half finished chapter 3, can't find it, and think s**t, did i leave my fetish fics lying around the house again DX

lucky the parent's know already xD

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oh geez dont i know it yah my mom and sister know but i wouldn't DREAM of my dad knowing. The horror!

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hahaha i didn't think he knew for the last two years (when she found out) but then my mum told me 'actually ya he knew the whole time' so i was like :o then i thought oh well xD most of my family and friends know now xD

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 years later...

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