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Summer Fun (Glee Faberry F/F)-- yeah, this is pure indulgence! :)


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hey guys, here's a little something I have no idea what to do with. I don't usually get into allergies, but sometimes you just need a change of pace to get the creative juices moving, huh? anyway, I'm not sure whether or not I'll continue this, just had to get it out of my system. enjoy! biggrin.png



Summer Fun

A Faberry fic


“Hhetishhew!! Iiihshhew!! Aah'chOOoo!!! *Snfl*...” Rachel woke to the increasingly familiar sounds of her girlfriend's allergic sniffles and sneezes, so dependable over the last few mornings that they hardly needed to set the alarm to wake up anymore.

“Bless you, cutie pie,” The little starlet yawned, rubbing her eyes and blinking sleepily as she sat up and took in Quinn's miserable state beside her. The blonde girl grumbled softly to herself as she snatched a tissue from the box on the bedside table, and then another, cupping them to her runny nose just as her puffy eyes snapped shut and her breath hitched softly in her chest.

“Uhh...uht'tchOOoo!! *Snfl*...ugh, fuck you pollen,” she sighed crankily, wiping the crumpled tissues roughly back and forth against the underside of her damp pink nose. “This is...hhuh...this is ndot how I thought I'd be spendihg mby first sumber id Ndew York. *Snfl!*” Quinn pouted and blew her nose, scrunching up her eyes and rubbing her ticklish nostrils through the tissue.

“Aww, baby,” Rachel cooed, smiling sympathetically and leaning in to kiss her cranky girlfriend lightly on the lips as soon as she pulled the tissue away from her face. “I'm sorry you're so miserable. C'mon, take your Claritin and jump in the shower, you'll feel lots better.”

“No I won't,” Quinn whined, grabbing a fresh tissue and holding it a few inches in front of her face in anticipation, even as she tried to keep talking. “N-none of the over the c-counter stuff w-works anyyy...hhuh...anymore,” she sniffled, twin trails of watery snot already leaking from her stuffy pink nostrils as they trembled in allergic irritation. “It was ndever this bad id...*snnfl*...id Ohio...ehhishhew!! Iishhhew!!! Hhuh...*snfl*...uhh'tchshh!!!” She pinched her itchy nose through the tissue, muffling the last sneeze into a snotty, half-stifled squelch.

“Bless you, bless you, bless you,” Rachel hummed, rubbing her girlfriend's back as she sniffled and pulled another tissue from the box. “I know you're awfully miserable right now, baby; but I told you, don't stifle your sneezes like that! You're gonna block your head up even more, you can even give yourself an ear infection that way. You're just making it worse, angel.”

“I'mb just trying to scratch the itch! You have doe idea how bad it tickles. I dod't...*snfl!*...dod't need you to tell mbe how to sndeeze, ohh...okay Rach?” The blonde girl scowled, rubbing her runny nose once more before throwing the crumpled tissue down in her lap with a huff. The pink underside of her nostrils still glistened with allergic snot; a single, clear drop slid down the curve of her lip as she cupped the palm of her hand over her mouth. “Aah'chiiuh!!! *Snfl*...”

“Oh, angelfish. I'm sorry,” Rachel sighed, kissing her sniffling girlfriend on the cheek before jumping out of bed without another word, and scurrying to the bathroom, where she ran a washcloth under the cold water tap and squeezed it out, so it wouldn't be dripping-wet. Then she brought it back to Quinn, who was still sitting dazedly in bed, with her head leaning back against the wall and a finger pressed urgently to her dribbling pink nose.

“What are y-you...doihg,” the blonde girl whined miserably when her girlfriend climbed back into bed beside her, barely able to see what Rachel was doing through her teary eyes as she blinked and sniffled.

“Ssh, close your eyes,” Rachel murmured patiently. Quinn obliged, cranky but trusting, and the little starlet began gently wiping her girlfriend's face with the damp cloth. First her puffy eyes, then her cheeks, then her cute pink nose and the channel of her upper lip, both slick with snot. “There, does that feel a little better, hmm Quinnie-pie?”

“Uhh, yeah...a little,” the blonde girl nodded woozily, with a sheepish smile as Rachel drew the damp washcloth away from her face. “Thadks, Rach. I'mb sorry I'mb so...*snfl*...so cranky...aahshhiuh!!” She sneezed openly into her lap this time, misting the air in front of her as a fresh dribble of clear, allergic snot issued freely from one pink nostril. “Aah...aahishiiuh!!! *Snfl.*

“God bless you, my poor little baby,” Rachel tutted, wiping Quinn's runny nose with the damp washcloth once more, pinching it a little through the cloth before pulling away this time. The blonde girl sighed and dropped her head back against the wall, eyes still closed. “I hate to see you so miserable, my sweet angel. It really is getting out of hand, your summer allergies were never this bad in Ohio. I think we need to find you an allergist and get you a prescription for something stronger, before this gets any worse.”

“Ughh. Yeah, okay,” Quinn sighed, with another sharp sniffle as she rubbed the bottom of her pink nose with the heel of her palm. “I dod't thidk I cad stand mbuch mbore of this, adyhow.” She grabbed a fresh tissue and blew her nose vigorously, until the wet sound finally subsided, if only for a moment.

“I know, sweetness. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better,” Rachel cooed, cuddling up to her sniffly baby and trailing her fingers absently up and down Quinn's bare leg under the covers.

“You are...*snfl*...making me feel better,” the blonde girl smiled sheepishly, picking up the damp washcloth and folding it in half, so the snotty side was contained, and pressing it over her eyes for a moment. “Uhh, that really does feel good...and it felt good when you rubbed my nose, too.”

“Yeah?” Rachel asked, smirking as she reached across Quinn's body and pulled a fresh tissue from the box. “Well I don't mind giving your cute little nose some extra attention. Even when it's all stuffed up with sniffles and sneezes, it's still pretty damn adorable.” She pinched her girlfriend's damp nose gently through the soft tissue, then leaned in and kissed the pink tip. Quinn smiled shyly.

“You're such a dork,” the blonde girl grinned, blushing pleasurably. “And I...*snfl*...I really love you, you doe.”

“I really love you too, Quinnie-boo,” Rachel smiled back, leaning in and wiping a fresh dribble of snot from her girlfriend's pink nose, rubbing and tugging lightly through the soft tissue as Quinn sniffled, in an attempt to alleviate some of the allergic tickle she could see growing in the blonde girl's eyes. “Here, blow.”

“Uhhh...*snfl!*...heh, hheh...” Eyes narrowing, breath hitching, Quinn tried to pull away from the tissue her girlfriend held pressed to her pink nose; but Rachel held on, dropping a soft kiss on the blonde girl's temple and whispering in her ear.

“Shh, it's okay honey. It's okay if you have to sneeze. I got you.” She jiggled the tissue lightly against the bottom of Quinn's flaring, snotty nostrils with her fingertips; and the tickle grew so unbearable, Quinn lost all ability to think, rationalize, or be embarrassed. She pressed her pink nose firmly into the tissue, resting a hand absently on Rachel's arm to steady herself as a hitching breath caught deep in her chest.

“Aah...hht'chxhOOoo!!! Hhetshiiew!! Iihshhew!!! Hhuh...'tichxOOoo!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed breathlessly into the damp tissue Rachel held to her runny nose, helpless and allergic and utterly unable to hold back her sneezes, despite feeling mildly embarrassed by the situation. It was one thing to allow Rachel to wipe her nose for her; but she hadn't intended to let herself sneeze right into her girlfriend's hand like this.

“Bless, bless, bless you!” Rachel giggled, wiping gently all around Quinn's nose while the blonde girl sniffled wetly.

“Thag you,” Quinn sighed, blushing scarlet. It really did feel good when Rachel wiped her nose; and the itch began to fade a bit into the back of her head. “Sorry I sdeezed od you, baby.”

“It's okay. It's adorable,” Rachel smirked, kissing her sniffling girlfriend lightly on the lips when she took the damp tissue away. “Now go get in the shower, that always helps a little. I'm gonna go online and find you an allergist in the city, and then I'm going to terrorize them until they agree to see you ASAP.”

“You're the best, Rach,” Quinn smiled dazedly, rubbing a finger absently under her stuffy nose as she climbed out of bed and stumbled woozily towards the shower.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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I think you're my favorite fic writer in like, ever. Actually, yeah, you are. w00t.gif

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well gosh, thx guys! since you asked so nicely, here's another part :D


Summer Fun

Part 2


“Haha, score! I win again! I'm the president,” Santana crowed cheerfully, throwing her cards down in the middle of the circle while everyone else groaned. “And I declare that everybody who doesn't like it has to drink.” Around the circle, everyone picked up their plastic cups of beer and took a gulp; all except Quinn, who just giggled and rubbed her nose absently on the palm of her hand. Santana raised an eyebrow at her accusingly.

“What? I like whed you're the presidendt,” the blonde girl shrugged, with a tipsy smile. “Your rules are the mbost ridiculous, ahd it helps mbe forget about how mbuch I wadt to claw mby face off for a while. But I'll...*snfl*...I'll drindk if you w-wadt be t-to...hhetshiiuh!! Hhtishhew!!! *Snfl.*” Quinn sneezed into the damp, crumpled tissue she held, then pulled a fresh one from the box in her lap, holding her beer away from her face as she sniffled and swiped the soft cotton across her glistening pink nostrils.

“Well I don't like when Santana's president,” Kurt whined, gathering all the cards up and spilling them all over again as he tried to shuffle. “I swear to God, if I have to be the asshole one more time I'm gonna get alcohol poisoning. And then I'm going to barf all over you.” He scowled, and Santana smirked devilishly.

“Careful, twinkle toes. You don't wanna invoke the wrath of the president before we even deal a new hand, do you? Now go get us another pitcher of beer, and maybe I'll consider a benign reign for this round.” She chuckled in obvious delight, and Kurt rolled his eyes and stood to fulfill his duties as demanded by the game. Quinn grabbed a fresh tissue as a trickle of slippery snot slid from her pink nose.

“Aahiishew!! Iiishhew!! Aahh...aaht'chOOoo!!! *Snfl.*” She wadded the tissue firmly to her runny nose as she sneezed dazedly, doubling over so hard she accidentally knocked over her beer onto the hardwood floor. “Oops. I spilled mby beer againd. *Snnfl.*” She grinned sheepishly behind the crumpled tissue, a little too tipsy to really be embarrassed as she sniffled and blew her stuffy pink nose.

“Aww, it's okay sniffleboo. I'll clean it up.” Rachel leaned in and kissed her woozy girlfriend on the cheek, then cheerfully rose to fetch a dish towel from the kitchen.

“I thought the whole point of us staying in tonight instead of going to the free Celebrate Brooklyn concert was 'cause Q's crazy allergies would be better if we stayed indoors,” Santana complained. “I mean, seriously? Hardly seems like they could get any worse. I don't think I've seen anyone sneeze this much since the time Figgins thought it would be a good idea to pour a gallon of perfume into the air ducts on Valentine's Day freshman year.”

“You should have beend here this mbordig,” Quinn groaned, rolling her eyes as she grabbed another tissue and stifled a soft “Hhtshh!!” in its folds. Allergic tears ran down her cheeks as she sniffled and wiped her nose, pinching it firmly through the soft cotton tissue and massaging it lightly up and down. “Uhh...*snfl*...hh-hhuhh...” The tickle danced lightly behind her nose and eyes, making her head fall back in anticipation. She dropped her hands for a moment, still holding the tissue, briefly revealing her glistening pink nostrils on the brink of another allergic sneeze. They widened irritably in time with her hitching breath, leaking twin trails of watery snot down the channel of her upper lip as her teary eyes fought to stay open just a crack. “Hheh...hhihtshhuh!! Hh'hishoo!!! Iihh'shiiuh!! *Snfl.* Hhih...'tchshh!! 'Tchshh!! *Snnfl.*

“Bless you sweetness,” Rachel cooed, returning with the dish cloth and kissing the top of her girlfriend's blonde head before leaning over to mop up the spilled beer, as Quinn pulled several more tissues from the box in her lap and blew her pink nose vigorously. “Anyway, San, she's right. This morning was worse. We had to cancel our brunch plans because she couldn't stop sneezing long enough to get dressed. But I found a really good allergist at NYU Medical Center, and we're going tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully we'll get our poor Quinnie-boo feeling better soon.” She tossed the beer-soaked dish towel over a chair, and sat down again beside her sniffling girlfriend, kissing her lightly on the tip of her pink nose.

“Uhh, yeah,” Quinn sighed, nodding in agreement. “I'mb sorry about the...*snfl*...the condcert, guys. I doe we were all lookindg forward to it. You cad still go if you wadt. I just...*snfl*...just cad't stand the idea of...hhuh...g-goihg outside r-right dow...hhehtshihh!!! *Snfl.*” The blonde girl snapped forward with another pink-nosed sneeze into the damp tissues, then blew vigorously as she rubbed her dribbling nostrils in little circles through the soft cotton. “Ughh,” she sighed softly. “Aahh...aahtchOOoo!!!” Quinn trembled as the breathless sneeze rattled her whole body from head to toe, the wadded tissue pressed firmly to the pink rims of her nostrils.

“Jeez, bless you Q. Give me some credit, I'm not worried about that. There's plenty more free concerts coming, summer's barely begun. I'm actually worried about you, dummy. Can't you at least pop a Benadryl, or take some damn nasal spray, or something? You sound like you're about to turn your lungs inside out. Santana frowned, holding up her cup for a refill as Kurt came around with the pitcher.

“I...*snfl*...h-have to wait 'till after I have mby appoidmendt tomborrow,” Quinn explained, pulling a fresh tissue from the box and holding it a few inches in front of her stuffy pink nose in anticipation. “They're...*snfl*...godda...d-do a skind test...” Snot trickled from the depths of her swollen, allergic nasal passages and leaked down the curve of her upper lip, wet and glistening, as her delicate pink nostrils quivered and pulsed in unquenchable irritation. “Hheh...ehhshiiuh!! *Snfl*...uht'chshh!! 'Chshh!! 'Chshhih!!! *Snnnfl.*”

“Bless you!” The whole room chorused; and then, as if it had been a toast, they all drank. Santana got a positively evil look on her face as she grinned around at them all.

“Okay. New rule for this round,” The smirking Latina declared. “Every time Q sneezes, the last person to put down a card drinks.”

“Santana,” Rachel said disapprovingly, narrowing her eyes at her friend. “You're making her feel bad. She's been self-conscious enough lately as it is.”

“Doe, it's okay,” Quinn shrugged, chuckling weakly. “I'm drundk, I dod't care. If I...*snfl*...have to sndeeze mby head off adyway, mbight as well use it to mbake the gambe bore fud. Thed mbaybe I'll forget how itchy it feels for a...a little w-while...ehhtshiiuh!! Hhuh'chOOoo!!! *Snfl.* Uhhh...'tshhiew!! 'HchxOOoo!!! *Snnnfl.*

“Bless you sweetie pie,” Rachel murmured in Quinn's ear, pulling a fresh tissue from the box in her girlfriend's lap and wiping her runny nose for her, gently pinching and squeezing the pink nostrils through the soft cotton and rubbing them in little circles, the way she knew would help dispel the tickle in her baby's allergic little nose, if only for a moment.

“Thags,” Quinn sighed, smiling sheepishly. She sniffled again, and Rachel giggled and kissed her.

“There, see, she doesn't mind. I'm helping distract her. I'm a venerable philanthropist,” Santana waved her hand dismissively at Rachel's scowl, snapping her fingers for Kurt to deal the new round. “Now c'mon bitches! Let's play.”

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I've been reading your stories for quite some time and I figured now would be a good time to tell you how AMAZINGLY AWESOME YOU ARE! w00t.gif

Seriously, you are a genius! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

I'm new to posting on here, and I needed my first reply to be on your story haha :)) Your Faberry stories are utterly fantastic and you've basically got me hooked on Quinntana now as well! I'd love to see another Quinntana soon! Sick Quinn is too adorable for words! C:

Anyways, I hope you continue this story, you're just so great!

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Oh I love it :D nice plot. I like Santana's idea on how to play xD yeh continue that's all (:

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hey guys, thx for being such awesome reviewers! as always, I am astounded by the decadence of your praise. here's another part-- enjoy! smile.png




Summer Fun

Part 3


“C'mon angelfish, time to get in bed now,” Rachel cooed, guiding her extremely drunk and giggling girlfriend down the hall and into the bedroom, where the windows were closed and the A/C was blasting. “Tomorrow we'll see the new allergist at NYU, and I know you'll be feeling a lot better, my poor little boo.”

“I feel better now! I feel great,” Quinn giggled, tripping over her feet a little and stumbling into Rachel's side as they made their way slowly down the hall.

“Yeah, thanks to your good friend tequila,” Rachel snorted, wrapping an arm firmly around her girlfriend's waist and half-dragging her along. “We'll see how you feel about that in the morning. But right now, I'm just glad you found something to distract you from your sniffles.”

“Wouldn't it be funny if that was a real prescription? Got allergies? Drink tequila!” Quinn dissolved into giggles, and Rachel rolled her eyes and bit back an indulgent grin.

“Okay, Drunky Drunkerson, let's go,” the dark-haired girl chuckled, tugging her girlfriend along as Quinn stumbled and came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the hallway. “Quinn, come on,” Rachel whined, tugging the blonde girl impatiently by her waist.

“Uhhh...*snfl*...uh-huh,” Quinn nodded absently, raising a hand to her face and pressing a finger to her pink nose. “I...hh...hhh...hhit'chiiew!! *Snfl*...I cad't walk ahd sndeeze at the sabe tibe,” She whined, sniffling and rubbing her leaky nose on the heel of her palm.

“You could before you got chummy with our friend Jose Cuervo,” Rachel teased, gently rubbing her girlfriend's back as she pulled the sniffling blonde along. “C'mon baby girl, we're almost there...”

“Uhhh...*snfl!*...'kay,” Quinn sighed, pinching her stuffy pink nose roughly between her fingers in an attempt to hold off another sneeze as they stumbled the last few feet to their bedroom. A trickle of snot still leaked between her fingers and down her lip, and Rachel wasn't surprised when they were brought to an abrupt halt by the bed as Quinn shivered and gasped in a soft, wheezy breath, still pinching her pink nose as her eyes fell helplessly shut. “Hht'chshh!! 'Tchshh!! 'Tchhsh!!! *Snfl*...”

“Bless you sweetie-pie,” Rachel cooed, guiding her tipsy girlfriend the last few feet and sitting her down on the edge of the bed, then sitting beside her and grabbing a tissue from the bedside table. “Poor baby, your little nose has been through quite a lot this week,” she sighed, curling up beside her sniffling baby and gently wiping her leaky pink nose, then pinching it a little harder through the tissue. “Here, blow.” Quinn complied, drunk and woozy and submissive, and scrunched up her eyes for a deep, wet blow, instantly soaking through the soggy tissue Rachel held.

“Ugh, sorry. I'mb gross,” the blonde girl sighed, sniffling sharply as a fresh dribble of snot slipped down the curve of her upper lip.

"Shut up, I already told you. You're not physically capable of gross," Rachel sighed, leaning in and kissing her girlfriend's temple. "Still adorable. Just, adorable and congested, and it's my job to help you feel better so you can fall asleep, angelfish." She grabbed the whole box of tissues off the bedside table, pulling out two more and bringing them to Quinn's glistening nostrils as they quivered in irritable anticipation. “Aahhh...*snfl*...” Rachel gave her girlfriend's pink nose a little squeeze through the tissue as her eyes fell shut; and Quinn's hand reached out and rested absently on Rachel's arm to steady herself as her lungs sucked in an involuntarily deep breath. “Hhuhishhew!!! *Snfl*...aahehshiew!! Aah-ahhh...” Her lower lip quivered as a few allergic tears ran down her face; and Rachel rubbed the damp tissue firmly against her girlfriend's flaring wet nostrils, pressing hard against the rims so the pink tip of her allergic little nose was pushed up. “Iiishhew!! Ishhhew!! Hhehishhew!!! *Snfl*...ughhh.”

“God bless you, my little lamb,” Rachel cooed, giving Quinn's nose one more wipe with the soggy tissue before she tossed it aside and grabbed a new one, which Quinn took from her and cupped hastily to her face as her eyes snapped shut again, spilling a few more allergic tears down her face.

“Aht'chshh!! *Snfl*...ughh, fuck this.”

“Aww, honey. C'mon, let's try to go to sleep now, okay? You're gonna feel so much better tomorrow after we see the doctor, I promise.”

“How amb I...*snfl*...s'pozed to fall asleep whed I...cad't s-stop...*snfl*...” A fresh dribble of allergic snot leaked sluggishly from her pink nose, and she pressed the tissue flush against the juncture of her stuffy nostrils and her upper lip. “Aah...aht'chOOoo!!! AahISHeww!! *Snghf.*

“Bless you, Quinnie-boo,” Rachel sighed, gently stroking her girlfriend's back while she sniffled and blew her pink nose again. “I'm so sorry you're so miserable, my poor little angel. Let's just try to sleep, okay? If you can't, you can't, but let's try. And just remember that tomorrow night, we'll have drugs. Lots and lots of drugs to make your little nose happy, right baby?” Rachel smiled teasingly and kissed the pink tip of her girlfriend's allergic little nose, and Quinn smiled sleepily.

“'Kay,” the blonde girl sighed, tipsy and submissive as she climbed under the covers and allowed Rachel to cuddle up beside her, still holding the tissue box. “Hhuh...” Quinn grabbed a fresh tissue and tugged roughly on the bottom of her snot-slicked nose as it trembled on the brink of another irksome, allergic sneeze. “Hhtchxiuh!!! 'Ktchxx!! 'Tchshh!! Hhehtchsh!!! Hhihhh...*snfl*...” As she drew the crumpled tissue back from her wet nose, it was abruptly replaced with Rachel's finger, pressing lightly against her pink nostrils as she sniffled helplessly.

“Mind over matter,” Rachel murmured as she pressed her finger more firmly to her girlfriend's wet, pink nose, giving it a little rub as Quinn sniffled again, soft and congested.

“Th-thadks,” Quinn sighed, dropping her head back against the headboard and wriggling her pink nose a little against Rachel's finger as she sniffled some more. “I should...hhuh...probably be embarrassed about this, but...it feels so good, I just...*snfl*...dod't care.”

“Good,” Rachel smiled sleepily, leaning in and kissing her sniffly girlfriend on the cheek. She gave Quinn's nose one more firm rub, then dropped her hand, grabbing a tissue from the box and discreetly wiping the snot off her fingers. “Does that feel better, sweetness?”

“Yuh-huh,” Quinn nodded woozily, taking another tissue and blowing emphatically into it. “Huh, that's way better. Thanks, Rach, I...*snfl*...really owe you one.”

“You don't owe me anything, silly,” Rachel shook her head, stroking a stray lock of soft blonde hair back behind her girlfriend's ear. “I love you. And I just wanna help you feel better, okay?”

“Okay,” Quinn nodded, smiling shyly. Then her expression went blank, and her eyes went out of focus as she raised the crumpled tissue back to her pink nostrils, quivering and quaking as they leaked allergic snot. “Aahtchiiuh!! Uhh'chshh!! 'Chshh! 'Tchshh!!! *Snfl.* Ahhh...*snfl*...ahhxkshiew!!! The blonde girl doubled over and sneezed helplessly into the damp tissues, sniffling and massaging her pink nose as she straightened up, blinking woozily.

“God bless you, baby,” Rachel sighed sympathetically. It was going to be a long night.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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As another longtime adorer of your Faberry fics, I'm also going to pop in and say how much I love this =) And SANTANA. She is absolutely my favorite, and I love the way you write her. I think she should continue to make appearances ;) keep it up, darlin'!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh. My. Gosh. LOVE THIS! Please continue! Maybe even a flashback to the Figgins incident? XD Anyway, I just love this so much. The descriptions are AWESOME!

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thx guys! I love your feedback so much. I'm not gonna write any more for this particular story; but FYI, for those who don't know, I have written tons of other fics here, which you are welcome to browse! (just posted a new one 2 days ago, in fact.) if you click on my name, there should be a link (same as on each person's member profile) that says "search member's topics." please enjoy the sneeze buffet! ;)

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  • 1 year later...

This one is really hot. Allergy stories are my absolute favorites. I love everything about your writing style; please keep it up!

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