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Misery (Justin Bieber One Shot-multi part)


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Hey everyone! Here is the next part, I kind of had some writers block so it was kind of hard to write. I hope you enjoy!!

Part 5

Justin went into the other room to get a couple tissues and blow his nose. As he was walking back a fierce tickle arose in his infected sinuses. He was now back in the room but not where Skylar and his manager were (If that even makes sense). Justin’s eyelashes fluttered softly, mouth hung open slightly, and nostrils flaring.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSHH’iew!” “HUH’PSH’iew!!!” The last sneeze louder and more violent, bending him over at the waist.

“Bless you!!” Skylar and Scooter said surprised, although Justin’s breath continued to hitch; Justin gasping for breath.

“PPSHH!!” “PPSHHH!!” “PPSH!!!” Justin sneezed three times into his cupped hands. His face instantly turning red with embarrassment. Justin was very reluctant to remove his hands. He went back into the other room and returned with the tissue box. Justin’s nose was now a darker shade of pink around his nostrils.

“You still want to finish it?” Scooter asked and Justin nodded. Justin wasn’t going to let his illness get in the way, even though he felt miserable. All he wanted to do was be able to sleep, but he couldn’t.

Sorry that it’s so short, to be continued????

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Yeh continue it for sure, this part is amazing <3

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Seriously.. I just re-read It u like need to add another super long part like right now cause I'm addicted.. It's one of the best stories I've ever read.

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Seriously.. I just re-read It u like need to add another super long part like right now cause I'm addicted.. It's one of the best stories I've ever read.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Will u continue for me soon?

I will soon.

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Thx babe

Just on question, when will you continue your story?

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Hey everyone!! This might possibly be the last part; it is very long so I hope that helps. I hope you like it!!!! <3333

Part 6

Justin’s throat itched with a tickle, he coughed harshly into his fist; an aching pain seared through it. His coughing didn’t subside until he was able to stop long enough to take a refreshing sip of water. Justin’s throat held the feeling of daggers cutting it. The tickle had now spread to his sinuses, his breath hitched quickly in his chest.

“HUH’PSHH’ieww!!” “Huh-huh” His breath hitched, a tortured look on his face.

“Huh-huh-HUH’PSHH’ieeww!!!” Justin sneezed violently and desperately, too fast to cover. His head pitching downward, the large amount of spray cascaded down to his lap.

“Bless you!” Skylar said

“Thanks” Justin replied, his voice completely filled with thick congestion.

“I don’t think you should do the rest of the interview.” His manager told him.

“Why?” Justin asked

“You should see what you look like and I can tell that you feel miserable.” Justin sighed then nodded, giving in and stopping his act of trying to look healthier. He excused himself from them to go to the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror. As he looked in the mirror he realized what Scooter meant. His nose was a dark shade of pink, lips chapped slightly, and visible dark circles under his eyes.

“I look like such shit.” Justin murmured to himself. He started to notice a throbbing headache come on, he lightly groaned at the pain which triggered a cough. Again the same harsh wet cough that shook his slender body. Justin clasped a hand to his throat, soreness took over it. He decided to go back and see if he could now leave.

“Do you know when we’re going to leave?” Justin asked politely.

“We can leave now if you want.” Scooter said

“Can we?”

“Sure” his manager agreed.

“It was nice meeting you Justin, I hope you feel better.” Skylar said

‘You too and thank you” Justin replied and they left.

When they got back to the tour busses Pattie (Justin’s mother) came up to them. She was visiting Justin on tour.

“How was it?” she asked

“Not that well” Justin said, his voice thick with congestion.

“Honey, are you sick?’ she asked concerningly.

“Yeah” Justin replied

“Oh honey” Pattie said sympathetically and pulled her son into a hug. Justin relished the feeling of her warm embrace. She put her lips to his forehead, kissing it while discreetly checking him for a fever. She found him to be pretty warm.

“I think you should go lay down, ok?” Justin only nodded then went off to his bedroom and layed in bed, putting his hands over his face. With all of the embarrassment and everything else it became overwhelming for Justin and he started to cry (I know, again; hehe). He was soon sobbing and gasping for breath. Pattie soon came in with a concerning look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” she asked softly.

“I just don’t feel good.” He replied weakly.

“It’s ok baby, shh, calm down.” Pattie soothed gently while pulling him into a hug. She kept him there and he soon quieted, when she looked at him he was sound asleep.

“My poor baby” she whispered as she stroked his hair gently.

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Thank you for all the nice comments!! But I think that this is the end of this story :(

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