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Misery (Justin Bieber One Shot-multi part)


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Hey everyone! This is a multi-part one shot. Who is it about?? Obviously Justin Bieber as it also states in the title, I hope you like it, constructive criticism is helpful.

Part 1

It was a hard day for 19-year old Justin Bieber. He had woken up with a terrible head cold. Justin had an interview coming up and he was not ready for it. He couldn’t just not go, that wasn’t a choice, fighting through it was all he could do. This was going to be a live interview on tv, all of his beliebers would be watching and he couldn’t let them down; they would be absolutely heart broken. Justin loved them too much to do something like that.

When he got to the building where the interview would take place the interviewer looked at him concerned.

“Are you alright?” the interviewer named Skylar asked him concerned.

“Not really” he replied

“What’s wrong?” she asked curious.

“I just have a really bad head cold and it’s killing me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry” Skylar replied sympathetically.

About 30 minutes later the interview was starting. Skylar had made sure that Justin had a water bottle next to him so he could keep hydrated and for his sore throat.

“The interview starts in 3,2,1” said the camera man.

“Today we are here with Justin Bieber!” Skylar exclaimed.

“I will be asking him about his new album Believe and about his upcoming tour.”

“So, how are you Justin? I heard that you’re under the weather” she said

“I’m not doing great but I’m hanging in there” Justin replied.

“Oh that sucks”


“Well let’s start” she said.

“Ok” Justin replied

“What do you want to show your beliebers with the album Believe?” Skylar asked.

“I want to show them something a little different with this album, since my voice changed and I’ve matured.” He replied

“What do you say your favorite song off of Believe is?”

“My favorite song can change depending on the day but my current favorite is Catching Feelings.” Justin said

“What will be different in this tour compared to the My World Tour?”

“I will have new back-up dancers and defenatlly have some surprises here and there…” Justin’s voice trailed off as he felt a tickle become unbearable in his congestion filled sinuses.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” He sneezed twice into his elbow, trying to keep his germs to himself.

“Excuse me” he said sheepishly.

“Bless you” said Skylar

“Thank you” Justin replied and sniffled as quietly as he could, trying not to be gross.

“Next question… why do you like going on tour?”

“I love performing for my beliebers and letting them feel connected to me.” Justin replied.

“We will be back with Justin Bieber in a couple minutes” Skylar said, a commercial break was starting.

To Be Continued? This was written from a request, I won’t say who, you know who you are. Also sorry for not much sneezing, it was kind of just a plot, to know what's going on part.

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THANK YUUU<3 you wrote it from my request right?? CONTINUE I LOVE IT ALREADY:D

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THANK YUUU<3 you wrote it from my request right?? CONTINUE I LOVE IT ALREADY:D

Yep, from your request and thank you so much, it means so much to me.

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THANK YUUU<3 you wrote it from my request right?? CONTINUE I LOVE IT ALREADY:D

Yep, from your request and thank you so much, it means so much to me.

No problemo :D Update soon cant wait c:

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Here is the next part, I hope you enjoy and thank you for the nice comments.

Part 2

Another devious tickle had started to form in his nose. Skylar wasn’t paying attention, talking to his manager about something. Justin’s jaw went slack; nostrils flared, and breathe hitching softly.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” He sneezed twice uncovered towards his lap, his head pitching downwards.

“Bless you” said Skylar and Scooter in unison.

“Thank you” Justin replied and sniffled, rubbing his nose. The interview was going to start again and quite frankly Justin didn’t feel like sitting through the rest of the interview, what if he embarrassed himself? That would be tragic. Oh well, he had to go on any way. Skylar sat back down and the interview started again.

“We are back with Justin Bieber.”

“So… what does the song Believe mean to you?”

“Believe is a song that describes that my beliebers never gave up on me and we’re here now, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without their support and I appreciate what they have done for me.”

“You have an amazing relationship with them.” Skylar said, remarking from Justin’s last answer. Justin opened his mouth to answer but then was overcome with a strong need to sneeze, his breath hitched softly.

“PSHH!” “PSHH!” “PSHH!!” Justin sneezed three times into the back of his wrist.

“Excuse me, I’m so sorry for being so disruptive.” He said sheepishly, embarrassed by how he couldn’t control his sinuses.

“Bless you, don’t worry, you’re fine.” Skylar reassured him.

“Thank you” Justin replied shyly.

“Ok… are you excited for your tour?”

“Yes, I’m very excited to be going on this tour.”

“After the break we will be doing more with Justin Bieber.” Skylar said, Justin was grateful that she called break. Skylar came over to Justin and crouched down next to him.

“Hey, why are you embarrassed?” she asked softly.

“I’m mad that I can’t control my sinuses.” Justin replied.

“Don’t worry, I’m not disgusted, you can’t control it.” Justin wasn’t really paying attention; he had a fierce tickle in his nose that would not subside.

“Huh’PSHH’iew!!” Justin sneezed violently into his fist trying to cover the best he could but accidentally sneezed partly on Skylar’s arm. Tears welled up in Justin’s eyes as he looked at her with regret. Before Skylar could reassure him he ran off somewhere.

To Be Continued? Note: Skylar is 25

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Oh my god :o that's so good. Upset Justin ? No no? ;-;. Ahg. Continue tho:D

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Oh my god 7.gif that's so good. Upset Justin ? No no? ;-;. Ahg. Continue tho:D

no as in good? Or as bad? I can't quite tell what you mean by that.

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Oh my god 7.gif that's so good. Upset Justin ? No no? ;-;. Ahg. Continue tho:D

no as in good? Or as bad? I can't quite tell what you mean by that.

. Upset Justin is conflicting my emotions so kinda bad :3 but good plot. Continue
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Oh my god 7.gif that's so good. Upset Justin ? No no? ;-;. Ahg. Continue tho:D

no as in good? Or as bad? I can't quite tell what you mean by that.

. Upset Justin is conflicting my emotions so kinda bad :3 but good plot. Continue

Don't worry, it won't be for long... or maybe it will? You'll see soon.

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Oh my god 7.gif that's so good. Upset Justin ? No no? ;-;. Ahg. Continue tho:D

no as in good? Or as bad? I can't quite tell what you mean by that.

. Upset Justin is conflicting my emotions so kinda bad :3 but good plot. Continue

Don't worry, it won't be for long... or maybe it will? You'll see soon.

. Alright can't wait :D
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Here is the next part, I hope you like it!

Part 3

“Poor kid” Skylar thought to herself. Skylar looked around and soon found Justin. He was sitting in a corner with his knees up to his chest. His arms folded over them, Justin’s head layed in them. Skylar sat down next to him.

“Honey” Skylar said and Justin lifted his head a little, tear stains present on his face as more proceeded to fall down his flawless face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Justin said quickly, beginning to cry harder.

“Shh, shh, it’s alright, I’m not mad.” Skylar reassured while taking him into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly.

“Do you want to tell me what’s upsetting you?”

“I’m sorry, I just feel really bad, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sneeze on you.” Justin apologized.

“I know honey, it’s ok, it was an accident.” Skylar said softly. Justin suddenly turned to the right and Skylar was confused.


“PSHH!” “PSZH!” “PSH!” “PSHHH!!” Skylar was cut off by Justin sneezing four times into his cupped hands.

“Bless you!”

“Thank you” Justin replied softly and shyly. He then coughed a wet harsh cough into his fist. Justin cupped a hand to his throat as a pain seared through it.

To Be Continued?

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YES!! Like immediately!! It's amazing

Thank you! I'll post soon. <3

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AWWWWWW poor guy :'( ....but lucky us wink.png

I know twisted1.gif

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Waiting for more!! Please continue this soon!!

Don't worry, I will, I just have to kick myself into shape.

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Hey everyone! I’m so sorry that this took so long; I’ve kind of had some personal issues so it kind of took a little longer, so here’s the next part. I hope you like it!

Part 4

“Are you ok?” Skylar asked, concerned.

“No” Justin replied, his voice getting slightly more congested.

“Do you want to go back?” Justin nodded lightly.

“Ok, come on honey.” Skylar said softly while helping Justin stand and they walked back to the room. When they got back Scooter’s face had concern written all over it.

“What happened?” he asked Skylar privately.

“Justin kind of had a tiny mental breakdown.” She replied

“Is he alright?”

“I don’t know” Skylar openly admitted.

“I’ll go talk to him.” Scooter replied and went over by Justin. He crouched down next to Justin and lightly touched his arm, getting his attention from his previous position of his head in his hands.

“Are you doing ok?” he asked Justin.

“No, not really” Justin replied, his voice lightly starting to falter; hitching breaths consumed his lungs. Eyelashes fluttering, jaw slack, nostrils flaring ever so slightly.

“Huh’PSH”iew!!” “Huh’PSH’iew!!” Justin sneezed violently into his cupped hands.

“Bless you!” Scooter said

“Thanks” Justin replied while sniffling thickly.

“Do you want to continue the interview?” he asked

“I have to”

“You don’t “have to” but if you want to then you can, but you have to blow your nose first, I don’t want to see you get any sicker.” He told Justin.

“Ok” Justin replied shyly, even though Scooter is his manager and he knows him he still gets shy about people seeing this side of him.

To Be Continued?

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