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It's What I'm Here For (LoZ - Skyward Sword)


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Okay guys this is my first fic ever. Ever! I love Legend of Zelda sooo much and have been having this story in my head for months! Finally I have the courage to post something. I don't have a name for it yet, but that can come later. Okay! Tell me what you think! And feel free to post any other Legend of Zelda fics, I'm craving them and there don't seem to really be any at the time. Totally G-rated.

Chapter One

It was a cold and windy day in Faron Woods. Link and Zelda had run an errand for the Headmaster and were now looking for a bird statue so they could go home. The nearest bird statue wasn't exactly directly in front of them, though, so they had to walk pretty far before they would be able to ascend into the sky. While Zelda had her sailcloth wrapped around her shoulders, Link struggled to stay warm in the frigid temperatures. He regretted leaving his sailcloth in his room at the Academy, and chuckled remembering how they had first descended into Faron Woods. Zelda had to hold both ends of her sailcloth with one hand and Link had to hold on to her free arm as they drifted into the Faron Province. Of course, Zelda didn't forget to scold Link for being so irresponsible as soon as they reached the bottom.

A strong breeze came along, making Link shiver. Zelda stopped, and looked at him over her shoulder. "Link, are you cold?", she asked. Link gasped when she took off her sailcloth, held it up and offered it to him. "Here, take my sailcloth!"

He held up his hand and shook his head, touched at her kindness but not wanting her to suffer just for him. Zelda reluctantly pulled the cloth back around her shoulders. "Well, okay then," she said.

As the two walked, it got colder and the breeze got stronger. Link rubbed his hands up and down on his arms to keep from shivering, but it didn't help much. Then, as if the goddess Hylia decided Link wasn't cold enough, it began to rain. They started running to find shelter from the storm or to hopefully catch a glimpse of a bird statue in the distance. Suddenly, Link's foot caught hold in a tree root, and he toppled over into the lake.



"Link!" Zelda cried out.

She helped him pull himself up to the grass as he sputtered and coughed. Concerned, Zelda asked, "Are you alright?" Link nodded, but he was awfully cold. After he pulled himself up into a standing position, his nose began to itch. "Heh.....eh........HASSHHHOOO!" The impact of the sneeze made him stumble forward. Before he had even regained his composure, two more sneezes made their way through his nose.

"Ish-shushhh! Ehh-sshhooo!"

As he shuddered from the cold, Zelda draped her sailcloth over his shoulders. Before he could argue, she explained calmly, "You need this more than I do." Link sniffed weakly and nodded his head in appreciation.

The closer they got to the bird statue, the worse Link felt. He coughed and sniffled the rest of the way, struggling to fight both the freezing temperatures and the tickle in his nose. "Hah-sshhoooo! Eshshhischhh!" He clutched Zelda's sailcloth tighter and tried to stay warm, but the fact that he was soaking wet made his efforts useless. With every sneeze and sniffle, Zelda grew more concerned for Link's well-being.

After what seemed like an eternity of misery, they finally approached a bird statue. Zelda took her sailcloth from Link and he firmly grasped her hand. They sailed up into the sky. Link started coughing and tried to hold on, but he was slipping away from her grip. When she felt his grip loosen, Zelda looked over at him and gasped. "Link, no!" He gave out and started to fall through the clouds. Zelda let go of her sailcloth and dove down, whistling for her Loftwing. She grabbed hold of Link's arm as her Loftwing swooped down and caught the both of them, gasping under the extra weight.

Zelda kept one hand on Link to keep him from falling off, and the other on the Loftwing to steer them in the right direction. Link laid limp and half asleep on the Loftwing's warm soft fur, coughing without cease throughout the flight. Zelda didn't mind, though. She only became increasingly worried. She continuously comforted him until they landed in Skyloft.

They landed just as it was getting dark. Link felt a soft tap on his shoulder and Zelda whispered that they had arrived at Skyloft. She helped him to his feet and Headmaster Gaepora had been waiting for them outside the Academy and was relieved to see that they had arrived safely.

"Zelda! It's late! You ought to come in and get some sleep!" The headmaster called out to them. He held the door open for her as she protested. "But, Link is-"


Link doubled over when he sneezed to his hands. Gaepora blessed him as Zelda passed through the door. "You should get inside as well. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold, now would we?" Link nodded and rubbed his itchy nose, and headed inside to his room.

He took off his gear and soggy boots and set them aside. Even though he was in the warm and welcoming heat of the Knight Academy, Link was still shivering. He curled up onto his bed and clutched his blanket closely around him. "Hesshhooo! Esh-schishh! Isshhooo!"

Sniffling miserably, Link knew he would suffer a long and restless night. He pulled the covers closer and began coughing again, too tired to bother to cover his mouth.


If you like it!!

Edited by Not_Telling
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dlfkjlkjakdhkdhjafdlhkfjdlkjkjflhd hoooooollllyyyyy shiiiiiiiiiiit


SS Link... <33


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Yes continue I love LOZ<3 Link bbeh link<3 yah u better continue :D:D

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cant wait!

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Giggles<3 Omigosh you guys like it I'm so happy yay! Ok I'll continue.

Chapter Two

The sun rose over Skyloft the next morning and all was good and well. Except for Link. He groaned and sat up on the side of his bed when he felt a tickle in his nose. "Eh......ehh.........ESSHHHOOO!!" With the pre-sneeze expression still lingering over his face, he quickly grabbed a tissue from his bedside table and brought it up to his face just before he sneezed again. "HASCHSHHH! Eh-ISSHHHOOO!" Link blew his stuffed-up nose and tossed the tissue into the trash. He walked up to the mirror and was taken aback by his appearance. His hair was tousled and he was a bit on the pale side. His nose and cheeks were tinged pink. But despite his longing to go back to bed, Link got ready for class.

He then heard a knock on his door. "It's Zelda!" He walked up to the door and let her in. "Hey, Link. Whoaa..." She faltered when she noticed his disheveled appearance. Zelda put that thought aside and continued. "Sorry I didn't wake you up for breakfast. I figured I'd let you sleep in a little. I thought I would come to check on you before class."

"Why? I'b perfectly fide," he lied, silently cursing Hylia for his congestion.

"Really?" She asked quizzically. "Seemed like yesterday you were coming down sick."

"I'b dot sig." He then turned to the side and coughed into his fist. Zelda crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You sure don't look like you're not sick. In fact, you look even worse than yesterday."

Link became frustrated with her persistence. "I'b fide, Zelda. Really. Huh....huuhhh........HEASSHHHOOO! Unghh..." Zelda's expression softened. She really did hate to see him like this. She sighed and put her hands on his shoulders. "Listen, Link. I've known you for years. You can be as stubborn as a Goron. But I can see through your tough exterior, and I only want what's best for you. Please," she begged, "I want you to rest today. Stop trying to act all macho for once."

Link grumbled after she left. He didn't want anyone to think he was sick. He stifled a couple more sneezes into the back of his hand, and contemplated whether or not to comply with Zelda's wishes.

Meanwhile, Karane and Zelda were having a conversation in the classroom. "So, I hear you had to go on a quest yesterday. With Liiiiiinnnk." Karane playfully teased. Zelda blushed. Karane knew Zelda's feelings for Link, and like to poke fun whenever she could. "How did it go?"

Zelda sighed, exasperated. "You mean the actual quest, or when it was all over and we had to find a bird statue so we could return to Skyloft?" At first, Karane laughed at Zelda's question. "The actual quest, silly!" Karane stopped laughing when she saw Zelda's serious face. "Why, did something go wrong?"

Zelda explained to Karane all that Link had gone through the night before; the chill gusts of wind, the unfortunate trip into the lake - not to mention the fact that he had almost fallen through the clouds on their ascent. Karane nodded in sympathy. "Poor Link, that sounds awful!"

"It was awful.", Zelda agreed. "I saw him this morning. He really looked like he was feeling under the weather."

"AWWWWWW!" Karane teased. "You really care about him!" Zelda blushed even more. She knew it was true. "Shut UP, Karane!" She nudged her giggling friend and continued, "I'll check up on him before lunch. I told him to rest today, after-"


She was interrupted by a familiar sneeze.When she looked up in the direction from which it came from, she was both shocked and angry to see that it's source was none other than Link, who was standing in the doorway, sniffling and rubbing his nose. He stumbled over to the table in the back of the room. Zelda, infuriated at his stupidity, started after him when Karane stopped her.

"Zelda I understand your frustration, but we all know Link well enough to know that he's not going to admit how he feels no matter how miserable he is," Karane explained. "And he definitely won't admit it to you."

Zelda was still angry, even though she knew that Karane was right. "But, look at him!" She pointed to Link, who was hoarsely coughing and looking worse by the second.

Karane kept a mature composure and continued trying to calm Zelda down. "Look Zelda, it won't matter what you say to him. He's still going to act like he's perfectly fine, whether he actually is or not." Zelda stubbornly accepted this, but insisted on keeping a close eye on him.

She took a deep breath and bit her lip to avoid lashing out on him as she quietly sat down in the seat next to him. Link groaned when he noticed her sitting down, knowing that one sneeze would send her all over him. Unfortunately, his nose would not provide him with any immediate relief.


It gets good after this!

One little side-note: The next chapter will have a lot of stifled sneezes. Anyone got any good spellings for the new writer here?

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neruhbvjhfrhdnudf hdnvuhnshn link you asshat @W@

For stifles, personally, I like to pop Ns in there, because of the way I stifle. somethin liike "h'Kkshnn!" or something. or with a 'shh' sound at the end, or with X's. "Ha'Ggxxx!"

oOf ciurse, that's just me. you should experiment and see what feels right to you. (ps i think your spellings are wonderful eeeee)

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neruhbvjhfrhdnudf hdnvuhnshn link you asshat @W@

For stifles, personally, I like to pop Ns in there, because of the way I stifle. somethin liike "h'Kkshnn!" or something. or with a 'shh' sound at the end, or with X's. "Ha'Ggxxx!"

oOf ciurse, that's just me. you should experiment and see what feels right to you. (ps i think your spellings are wonderful eeeee)

ooohhh thank you i just might have to steal some of those gosh why is everyone on this forum so nice i love you all so much yay happytime!

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I'm too tired to post more tonight so I'll do it tomorrow morning probably

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This is so so so good & stifled sneezes i spell them like "Hchnt'x " :3 but you can pick whatever spelling u like.

Link to comment

Wow I really slept in this morning its like 11:15 but its summer got nothing to do today until 4 so u know whatever. But anyway heres part three!

Chapter Three

Instructor Horwell entered the room and everyone immediately took their seats. He took out his lesson planner and flipped it open. "Good morning, class. Today we are going to learn about night patrol.", he said. He turned to the chalkboard and wrote the words 'Skyloft at Night' in big letters.

He continued, "Going out at night can be pretty dangerous. Expect plenty of mon-"


Everyone turned around and looked at Link, who had interrupted Horwell's lesson with a muffled sneeze. The instructor looked up from his planner at the sound of the outburst. "Bless you, Link," he said. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, instrugdor, just a sdeeze.", answered Link. Zelda gritted her teeth. "I abologize for disrubdig the class."

"That's quite alright." Horwell returned to his lesson as if nothing had happened, boring the class with tedious details regarding Keese, Chuchus, and Remlits. Zelda glared at Link and he sank in his seat, knowing he would be in for it later.

Link stifled three more quiet sneezes into the back of his hand. "Ha'Gnnnxxt......h'Kkshnn....g'shhnnxx!" Instructor Horwell hesitated, beginning to wonder if it really was 'just a sneeze', but he continued his lesson anyway. A look of weariness flitted across Link's face. He ran his fingers through his hair. This was going to be a long day.

Throughout the class, Link kept his sneeze volume at a minimum, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention. Zelda noticed every time, and she cringed each time he sneezed knowing there was nothing she could do. Instructor Horwell was beginning to figure out what was going on.

The instructor continued his talk about Remlits. "Remlits are-"


"Remlits are rather cu-"


Horwell talked as fast as he could so not to be interrupted again. "Remlitsarerathercuteduringthedaybutatnighttheycanquitevicious. Class dismissed."

The students eagerly left the classroom for lunch, except for Link. He had a small fit of coughing before moaning and resting his head on his hands. Instructor Horwell waited until he was done and approached him with concern. "Link, are you sure you're feeling alright?"

"I'b fide.", Link stubbornly replied. The instructor reached out his hand to feel Link's forehead when Headmaster Gaepora came bursting in. "Instructor Horwell, thank goodness you're still here. I really need your help with this."

"Headmaster, I'm kind of in the middle of something here. Can it wait?"

"Please, Instructor? It will only take a minute."

"Well, alright."

Horwell took one last look at Link before heading out the door.

Later that day, Instructor Owlan took the class to the Plaza to observe and take notes of Loftwing flying maneuvers. By this time, Link was feeling nowhere near fine. His throat was burning, his head pounded, and he was so congested he had to breathe through his mouth. To make matters worse, Groose and his gang were approaching.

Groose smirked. "Well, well. If it isn't the mighty Link. Haw haw haw!" They snickered as if it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. Link sniffled and glared at them. He would have said something if his throat didn't hurt so much. Groose took out a bucket of water and splashed the ice cold water all over Link. They cackled and walked away, leaving poor Link to suffer.

It was either the cold water running down his back or the chill that was rushing up his spine, but Link was shivering uncontrollably and couldn't stop. "Heh...Hasshhooo! Isshhooo! Esh-schishh! Ehh....Esshhhooo!"

Pipit came up to Link after seeing the nasty prank pulled by Groose and his flunkies. "Don't mind them, Link.", said Pipit as he tried to encourage the blonde hero in the soaking wet green tunic. "That's just Groose being Groose." He stopped when Link hunched over and erupted into a fit of coughing. Pipit stepped closer and put his hand on Link's shoulder in concern.

"Hey buddy, you don't look too good," he said in a serious tone. "Are you okay?" Link paused for a brief moment just long enough to reply. "I'b fide," he answered in a raspy voice before he continued coughing. Pipit raised his eyebrows. "You don't sound too good, either. Are you sure-"

Pipit stopped talking when Link dropped to his hands and knees, dizzy and short of breath, and still shaking uncontrollably. "Gah!" Pipit stepped back unsure of what to do. "Link....Link are you okay? Link!"

Link's arms trembled, and he collapsed onto the ground.


Bwahaha! I'm so evil.....and Link is such a idiot. No offense, Link.

Edited by Not_Telling
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Good update I love it <3 continue continue

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Link half-opened his eyes. A crowd had formed around him, consisting mostly of his classmates and a few of his village friends. Someone had rolled him onto his back, and he could see Instructor Owlan peering down at him, concerned yet relieved at his awakening. "Link...", Instructor Owlan began. "Thank goodness you are awake."

He was interrupted when Zelda pushed through the crowd. Her eyes were frantic with worry. She choked upon seeing his condition and dropped down next to the semi-conscious hero. "Link, what happened?! What-"

"Hiisschhh! Esshhooo!" He sneezed twice and coughed weakly. Zelda lifted up his head and placed her other hand on his forehead. She gasped and yanked it back when she felt the heat. "You're burning up!" Then she realized that he was soaked through to the skin. Zelda's eyes filled with tears. "Why are you all wet?", she asked quietly, biting her lip.

Pipit stepped forward and angrily shouted, "Because Groose thought it would be real funny to drench him with a bucket of cold water!"

There was a moment of silence. Everyone stepped away from Groose as Zelda stood up and glared at him. Her face was red and her ears were on fire. She'd never been so angry before. She started at him, tears rolling down her cheeks. "THAT'S your idea of a JOKE?" Groose backed up as she came closer. He cringed at her fiery anger. "You think that's FUNNY?" Zelda put her hands on her hips as Groose tried to explain himself. "I... I didn't know he was..."

"NO!" She threw her hands down. "For once in your life, YOU are going to listen to ME! You have done some pretty nasty things to Link, but THIS is completely uncalled for. How could you not notice how miserable he already was? Was that not ENOUGH for you?"

"I - I'm not that smart, okay?" Groose stuttered.

Zelda aggressively poked his chest. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU, GROOSE??"

Groose's eyes widened. He started to say something but faltered. Cawlin and Strich snickered. It really was kind of funny to watch Zelda screaming her head off at Groose. Zelda kneeled down next to Link and wiped away her tears.

Link sat up as the crowd dispersed. Instructor Owlan turned to him. "Link, do you think you could walk back to the Academy?" Before Link could answer, Zelda protested, "Instructor Owlan, he's pale as a ghost and has a really high fever! Not to mention the fact that he's just fainted!" Link tried to act strong. He didn't want to worry Zelda, even though that had pretty much been all that he had done that day. "Dod't worry aboud be, Zelda. I.....Isshushhh!.....I cad wog bahg." He sniffled wetly to clear his nose and make his words more audible, with no significant success.

They stood and Link stumbled, his knees buckling under him. Zelda caught him just in time. She offered him support, placing her arm around his waist as he leaned on her so as not to fall over. She caressed his blonde hair and spoke to him softly, "We're going to take you back to your room, okay?"

"MmHmm." Link mumbled. Then his nose twitched. "Heh.......ehh..........h'Kkshnn!" He stifled a sneeze onto her shoulder. Immediately his face turned red. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I, uh, oh geez..." Zelda suppressed a giggle. "It's okay, I don't mind."

Pretty soon they entered the Academy. Zelda took Link into his room and helped him sit up on his bed. He coughed as she got him a fresh towel. She took off his hat and dried his hair with the towel. Usually, Link hated to be fussed over, but when Zelda was the one who was fussing, he felt safe and comforted. He felt loved.

Zelda took out some dry clothes for him to change into. She looked at him awkwardly and Link soon realized why. He was quick to respond, "I cad change byself!" Zelda breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on his desk chair patiently. "Do you mide?" She looked confused but then understood and left the room, flustered and embarrassed.

Link rolled his eyes. Zelda was so cute sometimes. He mentally slapped himself. What are you thinking? She's your best friend! Link couldn't help himself. He had always had a crush on Zelda, but he was too afraid to admit it. He couldn't think of one thing about her that he didn't find adorable. She sang like an angel, she was always so sweet and motherly.... Link sighed. And he had to admit, watching Zelda scream her head off at Groose was pretty hilarious.

He wondered if she knew, if she saw the way he looked at her. If she saw how she always made him smile.

He wondered if she felt the same way.

Soooooo, TBC?

Kind of on mental block after this. Might add some caretaking and maybe a kiss...?

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Whoops forgot to add subtitle: Chapter Four

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GARAHHHH I NEED FOCUS FOR WRITING NEED INSPIRATION GAHHHHH! Guess I'll go play Legend of Zelda then. For Science! I'm almost at the final boss just have to

Spoiler Alert: Collect the 3rd part of the Song of the Hero

Gosh I hope I did that spoiler thing right if I didn't I'M SO SORRY!!!!!upset.gif

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Mkay gonna try posting a part 5 now may take longer is the only part i didn't already have a draft written down for but u know whatever. p.s.

Am in the Sky temple thing I think it's the last temple in the game it's very weird like a huge mega temple with a bunch of mini temples lol don't tell me what else happens i don't wanna be spoiled!

you know, i probably would have finished a long time ago if i didn't play around on it all the time lol this game is awesome.

Chapter Five

...................... . . . . . . . . . . .

writing is difficult..................

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Chapter Five

Zelda knocked on the door, bringing Link back to reality. "Link, are you dressed yet?" He quickly put on his dry clothes as he answered, "Uhh, yeah. Cobe id." Zelda walked in holding a tray overflowing with hot water, medicines, tissues and fresh washcloths. "Whoaa. Ub, is all this really decessary?" Zelda looked at him incredulously as if it was the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard. "Of course it's necessary. Why, do you think I went a little overboard?" Link stared at her struggling to balance everything on the tray without dropping it. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, though. "Uhhh do. Do, you did't go overboard at all."

You jumped off the boat altogether and swam all the way across the ocean, he thought to himself.

"Good," she replied, taking another look at the tray after setting it down. "I hope it's enough..."

She was interrupted by Link's coughing. It startled her at first, but she sat down next to him and gently rubbed his back. He groaned and flopped down onto his pillow. "Are you okay?", she asked him softly. "Do," he replied, unmoving. "I'b sig."

Zelda smiled and took it as a confession. Now maybe he would listen to her. Her smile faded when she felt his forehead again. "You really do feel warm. You should rest." She covered the feverish hero with the comforter and took out a thermometer. Almost instantaneously after she placed it in his mouth, Link snapped forward with three quick sneezes. "Yesshhooo! Esshhooo! Ishshooo!" The thermometer flew out of his mouth.

Zelda quickly grabbed a tissue and held it up to his face. "Esh-schishh! Hasshhushh! Esshhooo!" She kept it to his face. "Blow," she commanded. When Link hesitated, she repeated it again. "Blow." He reluctantly obeyed and blew his nose. Zelda winced at the wet, gurgling sound it made. "This is disgustig." Link said, his cheeks flushing with both fever and embarrassment. "It's what I'm here for," Zelda assured him. "Don't worry about it."

Soon after, he drifted off to sleep. Zelda pulled up a chair next to his bed and took out a book. She had only read the first few pages when she heard footsteps and voices coming from down the hall. She could barely make out what they were saying.

"But I don't wanna!" A gruff, pouty voice grumbled.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to. You're going to do it." An intelligent-sounding voice responded.

"It's not my fault he's sick."

"It's your fault he passed out and it was a very nasty thing to do regardless."

"He probably would've passed out anyway!"


The pouty one huffed before Zelda heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Groose and Instructor Owlan walked in. Owlan crossed his arms and Groose looked down at his feet. The instructor waited patiently. "Isn't there something you wanted to say to Link?" Groose sighed and hung his head. He mumbled, "I apologize for pouring cold water on you. It was very disrespectful and rude." Zelda answered him. "He's asleep, but thank you for your apology." Groose just stood there until Instructor Owlan asked, "Did you have a question for Zelda?"

Groose sighed again. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Zelda thought for a second. She looked at Link, who seemed asleep but was still shivering. "You can get another blanket for Link. And....." She felt his forehead again. It wasn't much cooler than it had been before. She finished her sentence, "Could you get a basin of cool water?"

"Wha? Hold up, earlier today you shouted at me for pouring a bucket of water on him. But now, you're making me get another one so you can do the same thing? Instructor Owlaaaann!", he whined.

Zelda replied in a stern voice, "I didn't say I was going to pour it on him."

Instructor Owlan took Zelda's side. "Get the water Groose."

"This is hypocrisy!" Groose shouted.

"Shush. You'll wake up Link!" Zelda whispered.

"Get the water Groose." Owlan repeated.

Groose continued, "So, if you pour a bucket of water on him, it's okay. But if I do it, you treat me like a horrible person. What kind of world is this?!"

Instructor Owlan and Zelda irritatedly replied at the same time.

"Groose! Get the water!"

Groose stormed off to get the blanket and the water. A minute or so later, Link was moaning and writhing in his bed. His head was beaded with sweat. "Link!" Zelda's voice cracked. She felt his forehead for the fifteen-thousandth time and he was burning up. Instructor Owlan saw the look of worry in Zelda's face and the tears that began to form in her eyes. "He'll be okay, child.", he reassured her. "This is common, he just has a high fever." Zelda didn't respond. She tried hard not to cry. How could she have let Link get this bad?

The instructor kneeled down next to her and wiped away her tears. "It's not your fault. You did everything you could. He's was ill and too stubborn to admit it. It'll be fine." He saw the sincere look of worry and fear on her face, and wondered how at such a young age someone could care about another so very much. It tugged at his heart, making him smile as he left the room.

Pretty soon, Groose returned with the blanket and the basin of water, clearly not happy about having to do this job. "There," he said, handing the stuff to Zelda. "Can I go now?" He became angry again when he saw Zelda pulling down the comforter off Link rather than using the extra blanket Groose had worked so hard to get. "Hey! What's the big idea? You ask for a blanket and you don't even use it?"

Zelda shrugged, picking up a washcloth and submerging it into the lukewarm water. "His temperature is really high. He's even sweating." She stroked the damp cloth on Link's face, gently caressing his hair and softly comforting him.

Groose began to argue. "But....but.....ohhhh..." He couldn't get upset. The way Zelda cared for Link just made him feel bad. He grumbled at himself and turned to Link. He sighed. "Listen Link, I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I'll leave you alone." Groose hardened his tone again, because he really did hate Link's guts. "But hey, don't forget. As soon as you get better I'm gonna smash your head into a wall, partly for worrying Zelda so much but mostly because it's just fun." He started to leave, but stopped just before heading out the door.

"And, uh, get well soon. For Zelda, I mean." And with that, he left to his room, leaving a shocked Zelda and a sweaty Link behind.


Finally some inspiration! Sorry not much sneezing in this one but I thought the Groose moments were hilarious. I mean, come on. Groose IS hilarious. Also, I think a kiss is in order. What do you guys think?

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A kisss so that Zelda catches Link's sickness (: CONTAGION<3. Continue. Haha the Groose parts were quite funny yahh xD

Link to comment

Oh Groose don't you know that Jealousy is the worst possible trait? But aw Zelda taking care of Link <3. I love this story do keep it going :)

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omg i love it!!

you inspired me to write Link sickfics!!

that's a hard thing to do!!

<3 <3 <3 thank you for your talent!

Link to comment

Chapter Six

A few minutes later, Link's fever had broken. Zelda breathed with a sigh of relief and set the water and washcloths aside. Link soon fell back asleep and Zelda returned to her book. It was fascinating. It was about a girl who is separated by her best friend, her Loftwing. He gets imprisoned on a faraway island and the girl does whatever it takes to save him. Zelda wondered how two creatures could have such a deep bond. What if Link was imprisoned? She thought to herself. Would I rescue him? Zelda smiled. She knew the answer.

Later that evening, Link woke up with a fit of sneezing. "Esshhooo! Hasshhushh! Eh...Ishschhh! Isshhooo! Hasshhooo!" Zelda looked up from her book. "Oh good, you're up." She took out a tissue but Link took it from her before she could put it up to his face. "I'd like to.....to.....Esh-schishh! Ishschushh!" He blew his nose and finished his sentence. "To hadel it byself, this tibe, if you dod't mide."

She laughed as he threw it into the trash bin. Boom! Two points Link! Zelda looked at him mischievously and Link frowned. "Guess what you're going to do," Zelda singsonged. "Uh oh." Zelda walked over to the tray and grabbed some liquid medicine. She poured a spoonful and put it to Link's mouth.

"I'b dot dridkig that."

"Oh, yes you are."

"Do I'b dot."

"Liiiiink." Zelda warned, pushing it closer to his mouth. "You have to take it."

"Uh uhh."

"Please?" She looked at him with a puppy-dog face. He sighed. Link opened his mouth and Zelda fed him the medicine. She laughed when he grimaced at the bitter taste. "Whad is that?" he asked. "Just a little potion I picked up from the bazaar. Do you like it?"

"Whad do you thig?"

Zelda giggled when she heard another knock on the door. "Come in." Groose walked in holding Cawlin by the collar of his neck. "Hey Link. Hey Zelda. I got another little slav- er, helper, for you." He said this casually as Cawlin wiggled around, blubbering to be let down. Zelda looked at the time. "Well, it is getting close to dinnertime..." she began.

Groose instantly began shouting. "YOU HEAR THAT CAWLIN? MY SWEETIE'S HUNGRY! FETCH HER SOME DINNER!" He then remembered Link. "Oh, and I guess some for Link too." Zelda stood up and looked at Groose, clearly annoyed. "Your sweetie?"

Groose pretended not to hear hear as he started barking orders at Cawlin. "Go fetch some dinner! Now!" Cawlin whimpered and rushed off. Groose stood in front of Link and Zelda, looking pleased at himself. Zelda lowered her eyelids. "Groose, I am not your sweetie." Groose ignored her comment as he was completely absorbed in himself at the moment. He slicked back his hair and started talking to himself about how awesome he was. "Oh yeah, Groose. You're so helpful. Considerate. Good-looking. A perfect match for Zelda."

"Hey! I can hear you, ya know!" Zelda placed her hands on her hips. Groose snapped out of it and looked at Zelda, surprised. "Oh! Zelda! You're still here! I, uh, forgot you were standing there...I'll just...go...." He awkwardly left the room.

Zelda rolled her eyes and Link chuckled. Groose will be Groose, after all. Cawlin soon returned with two bowls of hot pumpkin soup. "If you need anything else, don't bug me about it. Un- Unless Groose comes back." Zelda turned her attention to Link after Cawlin left. "Are you hungry?" Link shook his head. He didn't even want to think about food. "Well, you should at least try to eat something," she said, handing him the bowl. Link picked at his soup as Zelda hungrily ate hers. She had been too worried about Link to eat that day.

Late that night, Zelda was deep into her book when she heard Link's coughing. She looked up and saw him reaching for a glass of water. Zelda stood and handed it to him. He nodded his thanks and the coughing died down. She smiled at him. "That's a lovely way to wake up, isn't it?" Link shook his head, holding back a sneeze as he answered her. "It did't wake be ub, I......Esshhooo! Ishhoooo! Sniff I could't sleeb."

"I could read you some of my book, if you want. To help you fall asleep," Zelda offered. Link nodded eagerly at her request and she began reading.

"Kimmie brushed her way through the growing vines of ivy. Tears flooded her eyes when she found none other than Starburst, her magnificent royal blue Loftwing, cruelly tied to a tree with coarse ropes of jute digging into his fur. Kimmie sprinted over to the tree and began tearing at the ropes using all of her strength. When she realized she couldn't set him free, she threw her arms around Starburst's neck and sobbed. It had been so long since she'd seen her best friend, and he had been put through terrible pain. Kimmie had done all that she could, even risked her own life. But she couldn't rescue him, because she simply didn't have the strength."

Before Zelda could continue, Link commented on her reading. "That's so sad." Zelda nodded. "I like hearig you read." She blushed. "You hab the bost beautiful voice, ad the bost beautiful eyes, ad you're so sweet and fuddy ad always there for be..." He looked over to see Zelda staring at him and his eyes went wide. Had he just said that aloud?

"Link, you're delirious!" She started to panic and felt his forehead, but he didn't have a fever. "Wha? You don't have a fever, but your cheeks are flushed and you're delirious! What's going on?" Zelda breathed heavily and Link sat up on the side of his bed.

"Zelda, I...Hasshhooo!" He turned away to sneeze before continuing. "I'b dot delirious, ad by cheeks are dot flushed because of fever..." As he said this, he began to blush even more. Zelda looked at him in disbelief. "Then- Then why are you acting all weird, and why is your face all red? Why-"

Link suddenly pulled her towards him and he kissed her full on the lips. Zelda's eyes widened in utter shock. When he realized what he was doing, he immediately pulled back. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry...."

Zelda pushed forward in a giant hug and kissed him back, with the force of the impact collapsing them onto the bed. Their lips met, and they each realized why they always smiled when the other was around. Why they had always felt an emotion around each other that they had never felt for anyone else.

"It's what I'm here for." Zelda giggled. "Don't worry about it."


M'kay, that's it! Sorry for being all mushy. I'm a romantic, what can I say? Please comment and give feedback. I'd love to hear what you have to say! Plus, I have an idea brewing in my head for another LoZ fic. thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

Link to comment

omg i love it!!

you inspired me to write Link sickfics!!

that's a hard thing to do!!

<3 <3 <3 thank you for your talent!


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