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Three (SPN ficlet)


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This is so so so short but I figured I would post it anyway since it's been a while!! If you guys have any prompts or anything for me to go on with then you should let me know because I have got the woooorst writer's block right now.


Sam tended to stick to patterns. He would always brush his teeth for exactly five minutes in the morning, he would always have salad on his dinner plate in the evening, and he would always sneeze three times in a row.

If the situation wasn’t dire, and if it wasn’t apparent that Sam was suffering too much, Dean would often make a game out of blessing him between sneezes – each blessing matter-of-fact and expectant, said in the same tone one would use when urging someone to “go on…” as he counted on his fingers.

And Sam would do his best to scowl and look annoyed, to raise his eyebrows and purse his lips, always to no avail – there was no stopping Sam once he’d started, try as he might to prove Dean wrong and nullify his teasing in its tracks.


“Bless you…”


“Bless you…”


“Come on, one more.”


“Right on time,” Dean chuckles. “Gesundheit, Sammy.”

Sam sniffles and rubs at his nose irritably before Dean hands him a bandana. “Thanks. Jerk.”

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Oooooh wow. This is so short and yet so packed with awesome.

Here are a few things I especially liked:

1. Dean's teasing is just... love.

2. Sam would really, really like to break the pattern just to prove Dean wrong, which is great. And he can't do it, which is even better twisted.gif

3. "...there was no stopping Sam once he’d started..." *Fans self* Be still my heart!

4. Bandana!

5. Sam does his very best to be irritable, but he can't really be annoyed at Deeeeean.

Loved it!

I have a prompt if you're still looking, dunno if it'll do anything for you, but it's been floating round my head lately.

Sam is suffering from heat stroke, but it's come on really slowly. He's a little out of it, but it's been a rough week so Dean doesn't think all that much about it. The first thing that tips Dean off to it is that these crazy, out of control allergies that Sam had had as a kid make a sudden and dramatic reappearance. For years he's been a master at managing the symptoms, knowing just exactly what to take and when to take it. But things are getting foggy now and he's forgetting his medicines. Luckily Dean figures it out and of course he gives Sammy every thing he needs.

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OHMAIGOD IT'S SO CUTE!!! I just love their relation ship and Sammy is such a cutie~ <3


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I liked it! :)

Oh,sorry for using this topic to talk to other member but it's necessary since I can't send a private message because of the 'pending' status of the person I would send it...Hope Akahana sees it...

"Hi,Akahana,I answered your post on role play,hope you like it!Sorry for taking so long,nowI'm back for good!Take care! :)"

Edited by SneezyQueen1
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Oh my god you guys are amazing. Thank you so so so so much.

I have a prompt if you're still looking, dunno if it'll do anything for you, but it's been floating round my head lately.

Sam is suffering from heat stroke, but it's come on really slowly. He's a little out of it, but it's been a rough week so Dean doesn't think all that much about it. The first thing that tips Dean off to it is that these crazy, out of control allergies that Sam had had as a kid make a sudden and dramatic reappearance. For years he's been a master at managing the symptoms, knowing just exactly what to take and when to take it. But things are getting foggy now and he's forgetting his medicines. Luckily Dean figures it out and of course he gives Sammy every thing he needs.

I like this a lot! I don't know a lot about heatstroke so it gives me an excuse to do some research, which I love. Give me like a day or two and I might have something for you. You are THE BEST. So happy to see you around.

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UGH this is too cute. So happy right now. Thank for posting. <3

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