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Essentials Massage, Supernatural RPF


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So, I haven't been really around for a while, but yesterday this popped into my head. You don't need to know the fandom or people at all, Jared just made for a lovely visual for me. I'm hoping to maybe do another part where Jared invites Jensen, but I really like this as a one shot also. P.S Unbetad as usual due to laziness.


"Bless you man, still can't shake this thing?" Jared felt his assistant's hand pat his shoulder, as he tried to empty his sinuses."

"Ugh, this cold is going to be the death of me. It's been three weeks."

"Geesh, the doc check you out?"

"Yeah, no sinus infection, just a bad case of the common cold," Jared paused to cough, "says fluids rest and wait it out."

"I've got something that might help, it's a little unorthodox, but it helps me a lot."

"H'PSHHH!" Jared raised a balled up tissue just in time to catch the wet blast. "I'd try adythig ad dis poind."

His assistant handed over another tissue and let Jared clean himself up before continuing.


Taking the proffered card, Jared reviewed it.

'Essentials Massage'.

"Ask for Sabrina."


The atmosphere was cozy when Jared entered, but he couldn't help but feel a little awkward given his haphazard look and bright red nose. He didn't even notice the receptionist till she cleared her throat.

"Good morning sir, do you have an appointment?"

"Yes, um, with Sabrina."

"You must be Mr. Padalecki. Right this way."

Jared followed the woman to a dim lit room with a relatively normal massage table. "Thank you for filling out the online information sheet. Janet and Sabrina will be with you shortly. Please strip to whatever level you are comfortable, put the blindfold on and get under the sheets, head facing down."

As the woman went to leave Jared stopped her.

"Ummm, I kind of have a cold and I'm not sure facing down is going to work very well."

Jared rubbed his nose hoping the woman understood.

Smiling, she held back a chuckle, "I take it no one really explained this to you. Sinus issues are what we specialize in. You really don't need to worry about it." Seeing he was a little unsure she added, "just let it drip." And with that, she left the room.

Jared made sure to clear his nose as well as he could before making himself uncomfortable, hoping the masseuse made it soon.


"Hi, Mr. Padalecki, my name is Sabrina." It was strange she sounded as if she was almost underneath him. "Janet is going to be administering your body massage today and I will be helping with your sinus issues. I see you've been having some issues with a cold."

So she was below him.

"The receptionist told me you were new here, so let me explain how this works. The goal is to relieve some of the sinus pressure and discomfort. We use essential oils and have various other things that will ease the drainage process and open up your sinuses. Mostly we will be making you sneeze, allowing your body to expel as much mucous and other irritants as possible. I know this may seem awkward, but I assure you, I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy this, so don't worry about me. I'm here to make you more comfortable. I can massage, cover your nose, help you blow, and even help hold some of your sneezes back if you want to let them build more. Do you have a preference of having your sneezes covered? I can use my hands, tissues, handkerchiefs, or soft or fluffy towels.


"If you want me to stop something at any time, let me know, overall, just follow your body's signals. Are you ready to get started?"

"I guess." Jared still felt a little uneasy, but he was really tired of suffering and something about Sabrina was comforting.

Immediately he could feel a strong scent prickle at his nose. He tried to sniff back the mucous threatening to drip out.

"Shhh, just let it all go."

Light music played in the background as hands gently kneaded his knotted muscles. He tried to let his nose just drip and was relieved when tissues were placed to catch and partially stem the flow. The light touch tickled at the tip of his nostrils and his breath hitched.

"I thingk I'b going to sdeeze soond."

Sabrina let out a light laugh. "I know, you don't have to tell me."

Jared's nostrils flared but he tried to stifle the sneezes creating an embarrassing 'SHNK' noise.

"Bless you, and just let them out, it really helps."

"I hih' I dod't wad do sdeeze odd you." Jared continued to fight the sneezes.

"I told you, I wouldn't be here unless I enjoyed this, and I know you can't see, but I have plenty of tissues to help contain the spray, if that's what you are worried about.

It's a good thing Sabrina genuinely didn't sound concerned, because Jared was fighting a losing battle, and it only took one more breath before his nose gave in.

"heh'PTSHHH ek'TSHHHH," Jared felt the soft paper surround his nose as his head jerked forward and he allowed a final sneeze to be muffled into the folds "HMPFSHHH!"

"Bless you."

Jared shook his head a little against the head rest. "Ugh, thang you."

"Here, blow."

Jared felt fresh tissues pressed against his nostrils, and he started out blowing lightly but quickly increased the intensity as delicate fingers worked gently against his nostrils, closing each one.


"Actually, yes." Jared was amazed at how much pressure seemed to be relieved already. Why weren't his normal sneezes this soothing? And with each sneeze and blow, Janet seemed to know just where to press to relieve the muscle tension throughout the rest of his illness racked body.

He coughed lightly and was surprised to feel the edge of tissues around his mouth.


"There's nothing to apologize for, and if you need to get some gunk out of your lungs too, just let me know. We also handle pneumonia and bronchitis patients here."

I just need to cough a little.

"Go ahead."

The coughs were airy and unproductive, but they did relieve the uncomfortable feeling in his throat.


"You're welcome."

Jared took a deep breath in through his nose which only seemed to ignite a worse tickle than before. Immediatly, his nose shot into awaiting tissues.

"H'PTSHH hETSHEEW h'UPTSHOO, h'NGXT 'TSHH 'TSHH," he couldn't help but stifle a few as a finger pressed beneath his nose, allowing him to catch his breath before another forceful sneeze escaped, "H'TshOOOO!"

"Mmmm, bless you." He could here another tissue being plucked from the box before feeling it placed against his cheek, Sabrina's hand tenderly cleaning him up after the messy fit.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome. Do you need to blow?"

"A little." Jared said, still a little shyly.

"Go ahead."

A new tissue was placed against his nose, and surprisingly, this time the blow produced very little.

"How does that feel?"

"Perfect." Jared's head no longer felt like it was stuffed with cement, he could breath through his nose for the first time in weeks, and although he still felt undeniably sick, it was much more bearable.

Sabrina giggled a little as she watched the surprise and satisfaction light Jared's face.

"Is there anything else you would like before you leave?"

"No, that really was amazing."

"I'm glad, I still advise plenty of rest and liquids, but hopefully you'll feel better for at least a little while, and can kick this thing."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. You definitely have my recommendation."

"Thank you. Janet and I will leave you to get dressed and just check out with the receptionist when you are ready." And with that, the two women silently slipped out.

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That was awesome :D That is an amazing plot<3

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Does this sort of thing exist in real life? That place sounds like heaven! Beautifully written, too!

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Does this sort of thing exist in real life? That place sounds like heaven! Beautifully written, too!

My sentiments exactly. As soon as I have money, I'm opening one of these xD

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After reading the note at the top, I definitely would not object to a second part! It's amazing either way

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This is really, really hot. Everything about the clinic, and the way she talked to him... oh my god... how did you do it? Incredible. The blessings and all of her knowledge and just how soothing all of it was... mmm... thank you so much...

edit: oh my god, totally do a second part. I'd love it. (and if you ever need anyone to beta, I'm online, like, all the time, and I'd love to!!)

Edited by Sen Beret
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Oh my goodness! This is... this is hot! Are they hiring, do you think? I could go do some training in massage...

Mmmmmm... this is just a dream. Definitely need a list to tell you all the stuff I liked about it!

1. Three weeks Three... weeks... I feel faint. And he's sneezing at work and talking about his cold and he's all tired and fed up AND I AM IN LOVE ALREADY. He is SO vulnerable but also trying not to make a massive deal of it

2. Random phrases that get me going... like 'Bless you man' 'shake this thing' *swoon*, the images of the balled up tissue and his super congested sinuses. Heaven.

3. IT WENT ON SO LONG THAT HE WENT TO THE DOCTOR TO MAKE SURE EVERYTHING WAS ALRIGHT. I don't know why that melts my heart but it totally does. I not even a big fan of illness normally, but something came over me with this fic.

4. He's so awkward and embarrassed because he's all siiiick and that's adorable.

5. I didn't notice this on the first readthrough but he has a blindfold on, and that's kind of hot. I don't even really know why, I think it's something to do with the fact that that whole sense is shut out and so there's naturally more focus on all the sneeziness *grins*

6. AWWWW! He has to explain to the woman that he's sick, and he doesn't really want to be laying on his front.

7. Awww, she's just so gentle and kind and I want to help her. I feel like such a creeper. Can't help it.

8. Mmmmm... even the touch of the tissues makes him want to sneeze.

9. She comes across as so experienced and it's just delightfully sexy the way that she's so in control. She knows exactly what's happening with his body and can anticipate and respond to it and speed it up and slow it down at will. It's like... the most errotic caretaking that has ever, ever seen the light of day.

10. I love how at the end he's so relieved, but he's still sick, and she still advises him to look after himself. I don't really know why. I guess I just like the idea of him still being delicate, but maybe feeling a little more able to take better care of himself.

Overall, this was so unexpected and unusual and creative. This fic made my week.

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