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Drake and Josh are Back!


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I have always loved Drake and Josh, and I always will! Here’s a story I found in my stash of hidden sneezefics…now that I’m a member I thought I’d share ;)

Sometimes Drake Parker was the best.

Josh Nichols pulled his covers up to his chin at 10:30, exactly thirty minutes left of Drake’s curfew arrival time.

The seventeen-year-old settled deeper into his mattress contentedly, knowing that when Drake missed curfew time (which was inevitable) that he had Drake’s back, as always. But this time- Josh pointed out as his eyes drifted shut- he would do it willingly and with a smile.

Despite his weeklong schedule of gigs at every coffee shop this side of San Diego, Drake Parker, his brother canceled his Friday concert at Starbursts to play in Belleview High’s old gym, as a fundraiser for Josh’s Academic Pursuers club. It was all set. Tomorrow was Drake’s day to honor Josh…He guessed that after gaining back his Ping-Pong partner, Drake must have realized the importance of Josh’s desires instead of his own.

Their mother called it a miracle.

Josh called it brotherly love.

Megan buried her nose into the phonebook looking under psychiatrists for one that she hoped would bring back her brother from whatever “Good-Samaritan” planet he was on….

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪


Josh launched up in bed forty-five minutes later just in time to see Drake push his soaked bangs away from his damp face.

Whoo! I’ve been holding that back since I got through the kitchen window!” Josh’s brother exclaimed in the direction of Josh’s bed before his hand found every light-switch in the room. “Thank GOD I didn’t wake someone up!”

“Drake? I’m SOMEONE?!”

The brother swung his guitar case from over his head and shoulders, and turned back to Josh, discarding his wet garments as a blank stare settled upon his features.

Normally, Josh would have vented a bit over Drake’s oblivion to his own step-brother’s existence, but in his excitement of the next day, in which HE would benefit from Drake’s good deed, the dark-haired teen relented.

Moments later extra loud un-Drake-like snores rose up from his bed. After marching throughout the room and turning every light switch off, including the lamp that shone brightly into his brother’s conked-out face, Josh stumbled back into bed. Josh pulled a pillow over his ears after fighting his impulse to chuck it in the direction of Drake’s head. He repeated to himself,

“Remember tomorrow, Remember tomorrow”

I have more! Interested? :)

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I always thought there was such a sad lack of drake and josh in this forum ;) Here's another section!

Josh watched numbly as the clock by his bed inched closer to its going-off time at 6:30.

Why was he awake now!?

The answer was a stepladder away.

Drake’s blankets had begun to shape in the form of a tent, occupied by Josh’s brother along with sounds not welcoming to Josh’s ears.


Josh slapped a palm to his clock and it was “silent” once more, except for what Drake produced beneath his comforter.


“Bless. You. DRAKE!” Josh said sarcastically rising from his bed, as the heap caved in a little on his brother’s bed; Drake knew he had been caught.

Clearing the stepladder, Josh stood erect, glaring at the heap of brown comforter covering his brother’s form.

“That was number 21 I believe…”

Drake threw out a groan and twisted his body to face Josh’s direction, asking thickly, “What are you talking about?”

Suddenly the cave convulsed and Drake’s voice, although muffled was clear.


“See?” Josh half-laughed. “That’s number 22. You’re sneezing!”

Josh knew that was quite an accusation to make just minutes into Drake’s conscious morning, but impatience and less sleep dulled the edges of empathy for his brother.

He shoved Drake, and suddenly dark eyes peered out of the side of the blanket nearest Josh.

“Am not.”

Josh laughed. “You are too!”

Drake maneuvered into a sitting position that caused an avalanche of loose sheets and discarded clothes to fall to the already cluttered floor.

Josh watched as protest formed in the face of his brother and his already tired features. Before words could arise, a coughing fit forced its way out of his throat and with that Josh knew what he should have known all along.

Launching off Drake’s ladder Josh’s disappointment turned to anger and he grabbed his carefully pressed dark pants for that night’s event and threw it with so much force that it settled like a disproportioned veil on their computer.

“I should have KNOWN this was going to happen,” Josh’s voice heightened with each movement he made, and within his speech a striped dress shirt was hanging from the ceiling fan. “When DRAKE gets sick, he goes ALL the way! And today is NO exception!”

His tie managed to drop along both sides of the encrusted fish bowl, a kind of lure that shriveled in the discolored water. (It was vacant from some sort of piranha Drake had brought home the first day of 9th grade before Megan found it and put it in Josh’s underwear drawer with a RIP sign).

“Oh, and he planned it too, no DOUBT about it!” Josh threw his voice in the direction of Drake’s bed.

“He’s going to lie in bed all day ordering me to pick up cough drops, tissues, and supply him with his inhaler and make me miss Morning Chem class ALTOGETHER! Oh, and HOW do I know this YOU might ask? Because this is what my beloved brother DRAKE does EVERDAY! And on important days,” Josh chucked his newly polished left shoe, hitting his brother’s shoulder (although at the moment Josh regretted how his aim had missed Drake’s face). “If he’s not sick, He makes sure I go into the Little Demon’s (Megan) room to get her white eye shadow to discolor his face, and I’m not EVEN going to MENTION how he gets me to pour 3 tablespoons of lilac scented bubble bath every five minutes until he’s a PRUNE and gets Megan to strangle me for using her bubbles in the FIRST PLAC-”

“Hey…hey Josh?”

Drake tapped his shoulder frantically.

In the middle of his tirade, Josh turned to snap at his step-brother, “What?”

Drake’s breath hitched and his eyes fluttered as he got out a stuttered request for tissues.

In that moment Josh grabbed his brother’s nose and kept it shut as Drake made a violent movement that was all he could produce of a sneeze. Josh grabbed the Kleenex box and with just one hand thrust a load of tissues into the air.

“Not sick now are you brotha?”

Their eyes met and Drake glared at Josh for a moment before prying his brother’s fingers from his nose and placing his next sneeze into his brother’s palm.

“OH GOD! This is un-SANITARY!”

Josh made a quick exit and into the bathroom clutching his wrist like he had an injured hand.

Hope you liked it! There's more :)

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Here's more! Enjoy!

Within seconds the bathroom sink was full of bubbles, foam flying as the angered brother scrubbed franticly at his “infected” hand.

“He always gets me one way or the other,” Josh muttered to his reddened hands. “How could I have believed this would be different?

Josh looked up at his reflection and began to instruct the clone of himself:

“Okay, let’s see….what is Drake going to do first? Oh yeah, NOTHING!! He’ll live in bed in the same state as he does at school; thinking all he does holds him only accountable to himself…”

“Hey dude,” Drake reached across the pool of soap bubbles. “Hand me the toothpaste!”

“Oh sure!” Josh broke off his tirade with a quick smile as he handed off the bubblegum flavored tube- Drake’s favorite and the only one he’d use. “As I was saying the guy’s gonna stink before he magically recovers in time for his HOT date Friday night. Honestly DRAKE has never been taught proper hygiene!”

Josh directed his complaint out of the bathroom door that led to their room, all the while handing his brother’s Herbal Essence Shampoo to Drake as the guy stripped off his shirt and turn to start the shower running.

Steam instantly incased the small room, and Josh lifted his hands to the mist, knowing air drying was the only way to avoid the month old hand towels (“Drake uses for who knows what?!” )…

“Hey, hey Josh?”


Drake’s face appeared from the corner of their shower curtains, soap gathering in his dampening hair.

“Do you mind?”

Josh exploded, striding to the shower and yelled, “Yeah, this time I do! Now you’re sick and not even Megan’s wake-up routine is going to move your ass from your beloved bed, and I better stop right now cause I think I hear you calling for orange juice and your sippy cup with a pink bendy straw-”

Drake rested a hand on the wall as the curtain formed into a toga over his body. “Actually it’s the burgundy one…”

“Who CARES! Ya know Drake Parker, I’m NOT going to deal with this, I’m going back to our room and so help me, I’m getting your lazy ass out of that bed and I’m going to get you into this shower one way for another and I won’t be GENTLE!!”

Drake’s face reappeared, the traces of soap gone. He rolled his eyes and said, “Okay, find a way to get me out of my bed and drag me into this shower. You just go do that.”

“I think I WILL!”

Josh marched two steps before he met the doorframe of their bathroom. “Wait a minute…”

He slowly turned to the figure watching him through the shower curtains with an amused smile across his features.

“Rise and Shine brotha.”

DRAKE!!” The seventeen-year-old launched himself at the sopping figure, not even releasing his hug as the shower curtain snapped in the middle.

“I love you!”

“Just get outta here!”

With a surge of elation, Josh was back in their room, gathering up his now scuffed dress shoe from the floor by his brother’s bed, unveiling the computer of his dress pants, and lastly resurrecting his tie from the fishbowl which already was edged with some sort of allege or mold. Then he sat on the couch, smiling to himself, waiting until his brother came back into the room so he could climb onto Josh’s shoulders and get the dress shirt hanging from the ceiling fan.

That Drake Parker, Josh thought to himself, Sometimes he was the best.

You like?

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This part is shorter than the others....please tell me if i should continue- I'm debating with myself on this. :)

It was raining hard. Megan looked briefly from the television screen to what had caused her to consider the increased sound of the weather outside. And the sudden wind…

Her brief look turned into a double take.

“Yo Boob!”

Her older brother didn’t respond, his hand on the doorknob of the completely ajar front door, seemingly hypnotized by the tile pattern blurry from the puddles around his soaked feet.

DRAKE PARKER!” she screamed and he jolted to look up at her, but his only other response was dropping his left shoulder to dump his school bag on the floor.

She couldn’t believe it. Lurching off the couch she passed her brother and pried his hand off the door, then slamming it shut she turned to attack the lone figure.

“The front hallway only becomes a swimming pool in the summer you moron!”

She shoved Drake and he broke out of his haze again and finally taking in his surroundings he numbly followed his little sister into the living room, collapsing on one side of the couch, once again causing Megan to turn and look at him as if he were crazy.


She poked him in the stomach, instantly regretting it when her finger collected the water from his shirt like a sponge. But he was now looking at her, and she continued, exasperated that she even had to finish her point.


His stare was absent as he looked back at her.

“It’s Sabrina re-runs…” she warned.

Megan was jolted when Drake shrugged.

With a harsh sigh, she gave up and turned back to the TV.

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Aww, thank you for writing it!

I'm glad you're brave enough to post another drake and josh fic. My fic

"A Liar will not be believed" had been the only fic for ages! Thanks so much!

Please continue!!

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Hey lovely Linda I read one of your drake and josh storie again! Soooo good! I couldn't find the one you mentioned tho....

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Oh, silly me. I had called it "The sneezy episode that never was" or something like that

as a working title. Back then I didn't know how to edit previous posts, thus it's still called like this

whereas I saved it on my computer as "A liar will not be believed."

Thank you for liking it :)

I loved writing it!!

I'm excited what will happen next in youuuur story!! :)

Edited by LovelyLinda
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She couldn’t believe it.

The boob was snoring.

Not loudly, but Megan, used to Drake and his sleep-talking didn’t appreciate the change one bit.

She sighed and turned to look at her brother during the series of commercials. Half the couch was soaked, thanks to Drake, but she wasn’t complaining…it wasn’t her side. His head had fallen against the top of the decorative pillow.

Mom wasn’t going to be happy, his sister knew, and she smiled in anticipation for when her mom would return home.

Her smile faded when she remembered that her parents had been gone since this morning, driving along the coast to care for their sick aunt. They wouldn’t be home until tomorrow night…Megan knew the Parker-Nichol family wouldn’t miss any situation that could jeopardize inheriting the old hag’s beach house.

So it was up to her…

The smirk returned on her face and she scrutinized her brother, for the best prank to pull.

His breath was coming in and out, a kind of wheeze that she knew, if not prevented soon could flare up into snoring that would wake the dead…just like Walter when he got sick last November. She shuddered at the thought and reluctantly, pulled off his soaked shoes and socks. She had to slap him awake, but by the time he pulled off his shirt that had turned into a sponge and jerked off his jeans he was conked out again, under the tent of the quilt Megan had thrown across him to rid herself of the horrible picture of her brother almost naked. The thought made her shudder, but the prospect of him getting any sicker and turning into a fog horn at night was even more threatening. After all, a little girl like herself needed her sleep. She’d prank him bad after he was done being under the weather.

She looked back at him, fifteen minutes later, and her gaze froze. The quilt had fallen from his curled up form past his left shoulder sloped in his fetal position. Megan drew her hand to the scar tattooed across his shoulder blade and fell past down to the small of his back. Her palm recognized the inscriptions of every scar before she pulled her hand away from him as if shocked.

“Oh God Drake…” She murmured, staring at his form, damp bangs fallen across his closed eyes.

She had thought the past was gone…but her brother’s back had made it reappear.

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I always manage to send my work before im ready! I wanted to thank all of you for your comments and to warn you that there was no sneezing in this part, but....YOU ALREADY KNOW if you've read this haha.

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It's so good still :I oh what are the scars from?? Can't wait for the next part :D

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