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Long Day


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Hey everyone! This is a Justin Bieber one shot; this is my rewritten version of DeathNoteOwner’s story. It’s kind of changed with my flare. I hope you like it. Criticism is very helpful.

Justin’s POV

I had woken up this morning with an unbelievably itchy nose and eyes. I got out of bed even though my body begged me not to. As I looked in the mirror I felt so disgusted with what I saw; red puffy eyes and a pink tinge around my nostrils, I felt the same way I looked, terrible. It was another day of the Believe tour. I went in the front of the bus and said good morning to everyone. First thing on the list to do was meet and greets, I saw lots of boys and girls, mostly girls, come to meet and get a picture with me. We were halfway through and I had been fine, until now. A belieber had come next and she was wearing a flower in her hair. She asked me for a hug so I gave her one, I couldn’t say no. The flower gently swiped over my nose and I instantly felt the pollen dance around in my sinuses. I tried to pull away to avoid sneezing on her but I guess she didn’t notice. I very quickly pulled away from her.

“PSHH!” I sneezed too fast to cover, my head pitching downwards.

“Bless you” she said

“Thank you” I replied sheepishly. A couple beliebers later a similar eruption happened.


A belieber with caramel colored hair and blue eyes came up next. My sinuses were tortured with a particular scent that arose in the air. I realized she was wearing a very strong smelling perfume. Nobody knew that I was allergic to pollen and certain strong perfumes. I wouldn’t tell them, nothing should be difficult for them. My nostrils started to flare slightly and my breath hitched softly.

“PSZH!” “PSH!!” “PSHH!” “PSHHH!!” I sneezed four times rapidly, trying to cover the best I could but I don’t think it was that well.

“Bless you!!” the girl exclaimed, shocked at the stars sudden outburst.

“That was so embarrassing.” I thought to myself.

*End of Flashback*

We had made it to the concert period after lots of embarrassment. I was in the middle of singing “Catching Feelings” when I felt a familiar tickle brew in my sinuses. Suddenly I was overcome with the day that I never wanted to meet.

“Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” “Huh’PSH’iew!” I sneezed three times slightly loud. My microphone didn’t move fast enough, my sneezes echoed through the speakers. I blushed deep crimson, but to my surprise the beliebers starting yelling out “bless you”.

“I’m so sorry for what just happened.” I apologized. God was it a long day.

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Thanks Belieber I feel special yu wrote this for me :D it's so well detailed & good C:

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Thank you! I couldn't have done it without you writing it first.

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Thank you! I couldn't have done it without you writing it first.

Haha not a problem C: Please write a second drabble? loving it.

What about u write another ? mkai thanks

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Well I'm still writing the interview one and then I will write the concert one so you can be happy. Also because you're really nice.

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Well I'm still writing the interview one and then I will write the concert one so you can be happy. Also because you're really nice.

Thanks x10000<3

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