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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Keeping Quiet (Merlin fanfic)


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hey guys! so i've been wanting to write a story for a while but have been super nervous about BUT i have a goal of doing 10 things that scare me this summer lol and this is one of them. the title is dumb but hey.

this is a merlin fanfic with light merlin/arthur (sorry if you don't like that sort of thing lol). little idea came into my head for the topic. please let me know if you like it (or if you dont lol but pleaaaase be nice! :) )


Arthur knew and accepted that he had feelings for his manservant, Merlin, for some time now. He knew Merlin felt the same way towards him; they had shared bedrolls and exchanged chaste kisses enough times for Arthur to know how both prince and servant felt towards one another. It was only recently that something new happened that made Arthur's stomach flip-flop all over again, as when he first laid eyes on his servant: Merlin sneezed in front of him. It was a relatively quiet thing, a quick "HSST" while Merlin was making Arthur's bed that seemed to have taken some effort to stifle. Arthur had quickly blessed him, hoping that Merlin wouldn't notice the flush in his cheeks. Merlin sneezed a second and final time, a louder and more forceful "HATchoo" and then resumed his work. Arthur wasn't sure why, but he felt even more attracted to Merlin when he sneezed, and he needed to see him do it again.

The following week, Arthur started to form a well thought-out and devious plan on making Merlin sneeze again, but without Merlin becoming too aware of said plan. He knew Merlin had a handful of allergies, but they never really discussed them at length. Arthur went to Gaius under the pretense of asking about some made-up allergy of his own, and casually inquired to whether Merlin was allergic to anything as well. Gaius thought for a moment, and recalled an instance where he asked Merlin to collect a special flower, a blue lily, on the edge of Camelot's forest for a remedy, and Merlin came back so sneezy and teary-eyed that Gaius had to immediately draw him a bath to wash the pollen off of him. Arthur hoped his eyes didn't light up too much when he heard this news, but he thanked Gaius for his help and solidified his mental plan.

The next morning, he sent word to Gaius's chambers via a page, telling Merlin that his services were not required until the afternoon. Upon receiving this news, Merlin happily went back to bed, confused but grateful for the extra and unexpected rest. Little did he know what was happening across the castle.

Arthur sent two female servants the previous night to the edge of Camelot's forest with instructions to pick as many of the blue lilies they could find. He told them that he wanted to surprise Gwen and Morgana with bouquets. The servants thought this was a very nice gesture, and they hastily made their way to the forest and came back in a decent amount of time with two heaping basketfuls of the flowers. Arthur thanked them with a winning smile and set to work.

He laid out a few of the flowers in plain sight, noting briefly that the pretty blue color of the lilies complemented the room nicely. He then plucked a few of the stamens out of another grouping of the flowers and shook the heavily pollenated stalks all around the room. He felt his own eyes watering from the sheer amount of pollen in the air, but he was too excited and nervous to care. He hid two or three of the flowers in some of the drawers, and then made the rest into bouquets and, as he originally promised, sent them to Gwen and Morgana. Finally, he sent for Merlin. Arthur sat down at his desk, heart beating wildly, and waited for his servant.

Some time later, Merlin arrived to see Arthur intently reading something at his desk. "You sent for me, sire?"

"Ah, yes. About time you showed up. My chambers have got this strange dust everywhere and and I can't work when my room is so dirty. I need you to clean this up as fast as you can."

Merlin looked around. There did appear to be a weird yellow powder on some of the surfaces, but he found it best not to ask how it got there. Arthur cleared his throat, drawing Merlin out of his thoughts. "Oh, and Merlin? I am reading some very important documents so I need you to be as QUIET as you possibly can. I know this will be difficult" (this earned an eye-roll from his manservant, but Arthur did his best to muster up a threatening tone) "but you must, and I mean must, be quiet." Merlin saw the seriousness on Arthur's face and his own eyes widened. He gave a quick and silent nod and began to work, getting a clean cloth out of a closet, and began to wipe down a bookshelf. Arthur looked back down at his parchment, unable to read a word.

As Merlin started to wipe down some of the surfaces in Arthur's room, his nose began to tickle. It started small, as just a tiny itch in the back of his nose, but as he moved from cleaning the bookshelf to a table, it blossomed into something much larger and he felt like he was going to sneeze. He started to panic a bit; he had a hard time holding back his sneezes normally and Arthur had ordered him to be as quiet as possible, so he didn't dare sneeze now. He tried to discreetly sniff which, to his credit, was almost silent, but that made the tickle even more unbearable. He quickly glanced over at Arthur, who seemed to have not noticed

Arthur heard the quiet, almost imperceptible sniff and it took all of his self-control not to snap his head up and watch Merlin. He knew Merlin was close to breaking, and it was almost a matter of time before he sneezed.

As Merlin moved slowly about the room, he realized he was losing control over his nose. Whatever was all over Arthur's chambers was teasing his nose mercilessly, and he knew he was going to sneeze, and soon. The need grew exponetially when he by accident gave a harsh swipe with the cloth and a huge burst of dust flew into the air. Merlin's eyes slammed shut and his breath started to hitch out of his control. He raised his fist to his nose, applying gentle pressure to the underside of his nose with his index finger, desperately trying to stave off the sneeze.


Arthur couldn't bear it any longer: he looked up. His manservant was standing, leaning slightly on a table, pollen-covered cloth in one hand and his other hand balled into a fist at his nose. His eyes were shut, allowing Arthur to stare unabashedly while Merlin struggled not to sneeze. His servant's features were contorted into an adorable pre-sneeze frown, and it was clear that he was losing the battle as he struggled not to sneeze and disturb Arthur's "work." Merlin's breath hitched again, the normal rise and fall of his chest becoming erratic:


Merlin couldn't control it any longer. The need to sneeze was overpowering that he could barely focus on standing upright. He finally (much to Arthur's happiness) gave in to his struggle:

"HATshh HUShhoo HARSChoo HNxt!"

He was able to stifle the last one, and was slightly out of breath from the small fit. He used his free hand to steady himself the table he was previously leaning against. He nervously glanced over to Arthur, who had averted his eyes in enough time not to be caught staring. Merlin sighed quietly in relief, which was temporary as the sigh ignited the itch in his nose tenfold. His eyes shut again and he brought his other hand to his face, forgetting that he was holding the pollen-covered dust rag. The minute the cloth touched his nose, his eyebrows raised in both alarm and in pre-sneeze expression, and before long he found himself sneezing loudly and helplessly into the cloth (Arthur watching all the while, unable to tear his eyes away):


It felt like it would never end, much to Merlin's chagrin and Arthur's delight. Merlin kept sneezing, unable to move, though he had the presence of mind to at least drop the dusty cloth from his face. As the fit slowed slightly, Merlin opened his eyes to see Arthur looking at him with an unreadable, but soft, expression on his face. Merlin was terrified; he and the prince had feelings for each other, but he knew that even with their special relationship, he never risked disturbing Arthur's work. Merlin sneezed twice more, two comparably quiet "HATShh"'s into his shoulder.

Arthur got up slowly, went to one of his drawers and grabbed a clean handkerchief. He approached Merlin almost timidly, which surprised both servant and prince alike. He placed a light hand on the small of Merlin's back and gently placed the handkerchief at Merlin's nose. Merlin was so shocked at this development that he momentarily forgot himself and sneezed twice, directly into the cloth that Arthur held at his nose.


Both men stared at each other with wide eyes and flushed faces: Arthur's from arousal and Merlin's from embarrassment. Merlin tried to pull away, quietly mumbling "Oh god I am so sorry. I don't know what's come over me...I'll just go--"

But Arthur would have none of it. He pulled Merlin close a second time into a warm embrace and whispered:

"Bless you."


WHOAH that got long omgg. hope you like it? :) xo

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That was adorable! Sneezy Merlin and fetish-y Arthur are both super yummy!

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O_O wooww.... That was so cute. And just adorable. Arthur and his fetish and Merlin's allergy... Gah. This was great. :)

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@O@ Wooooowww~

This was really really hot okay like


i love merlin and aaaaAAAAHHH FETISH!ARTHUR I JUST--

oh gosh thank you!


haha i love them too! lol

That was so adorable, oh my gosh. I absolutely loved this!

oh wow thank you! I love your work!

That was adorable! Sneezy Merlin and fetish-y Arthur are both super yummy!

hehe I agree! i love your stories - it means so much that you read mine!

O_O wooww.... That was so cute. And just adorable. Arthur and his fetish and Merlin's allergy... Gah. This was great. smile.png

gah thanks! love your stories!

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I haven't been on the board for quite some time, and I'm glad to come back to this adorable story! Arthur's such a little dick, but it's really cute how they feel about each other (and the scenario was hot, hee hee!). Thanks for sharing!

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I haven't been on the board for quite some time, and I'm glad to come back to this adorable story! Arthur's such a little dick, but it's really cute how they feel about each other (and the scenario was hot, hee hee!). Thanks for sharing!

Wow, thanks so much for reading it!! :)

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  • 2 years later...


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oooh honey, this was so hhhhhht. I loved them, so so so cute. Loved it, I hope to see more like this. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just found this gem. Wow, I do like sneaky fetishy Arthur. Hehee nice job!!

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This was absolutely amazing! I can honestly say I was shocked at how well you portrayed the actual characters while incorporating your own spin on things. Amazing! I really do hope you will consider writing more, because I'm a serious fan.

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