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Come What May (Klaine Fanfiction)


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Just a quick disclaimer: I am not, nor have I ever been Ryan Murphy and as a result I do not own Glee, or the characters assoiciated with the show. If I did, Glee would have probably turned out a lot differently, but I digress.

In this story Kurt and Blaine are in their early 30s and live in New York.

My apologies, I am not the best writer by any stretch of the imagination, but please enjoy! tongue_smilie.gif

“Huh Esh, esh, Eshoo” Blaine loudly sneezed into a tissue. He heard running footsteps behind him on the hospital floor and quickly turned around to see his husband Kurt running towards him, looking frantic.

“Blaine, what are you doing? If you don't hurry up they are not going to let you in when the babies are born!” he exclaimed.

Yes, that was what Kurt and Blaine were doing at the hospital. After years of waiting they were going to have not one child, but two. Twins! “Come on,” said Kurt “aren't you excited?”

Of course Blaine was excited. How could he not be. When he had heard the news that they had found a surrogate willing to have a baby he could have died of happiness. He was even happier when he had found out that she was having twins, one his, and one Kurt's.

“Are you kidding me? How could I not be excited? Come one, let's go see a miracle take place!” Blaine said grabbing Kurt's hand practically and dragging him down the hall. It felt like the first time they met, the excitement, the love, the electric spark, but thankfully not the awkwardness of the first hand hold they had experienced together.

Blaine paused just outside the room, his nose twitching. He knew that he could not sneeze in front of Kurt and risk not being able to hold his children for the first time. He turned “You go inside first. I just need a moment.” he said his breath hitching. “Okay...” Kurt said, sounding somewhat skeptical as he walked inside. “Just come in soon.”

As soon as the door shut, Blaine pulled out his tissue and turned around and sneezed “Huh-eshoo, Uh-eshoo, Huh-huh-huh-Ekshhooo” He quickly blew his nose, and with a shake of his head walked inside. If he had to be sick, so be it, but he was not going to let that stop him from getting to his family.

Please comment with your thoughts and whether or not you would like me to continue.

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Are you serious?! Of course continue!!

This is a great beginning and we don't have enough Klaine stories around here ;)

I reaaally wanna see what happens when they are daddies, so please please please continue!

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I almost tripped & fell over;-; IT'S KLAINE<3 continue for sure love the plot:3

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Thank you everyone for the lovely comments! It made my day teehee.gif Anyhow.... would you mind if I do the next part of the story from Kurt's POV instead of Blaine's.

By the way, I am going out of town and will not be back until next Saturday, so there probably will not be any updates until then.

Thank you again!

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I love that the title is a song from the show (music nerd XD)! It's definitely a good start, and I would love to read more? A perspective change would also be cool. Yay!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone! My apologies, life has been a little bit hectic lately, and the computer deleted what I had previously written to be posted here before it was finished. Thank you to everyone who responded! It made me very happy.

Please feel free to read and respond, and I am not Ryan Murphy.

Kurt sighed heavily. Blaine was not acting quite right, but he just could not place his hand on it. Glancing around the room, he saw a window to the hallway, thick curtains draped around it. After four seconds of intense deliberation he decided to peak out and see what was taking Blaine so long. He quickly strode over to the window and cracked open the blinds, to see Blaine hunched over and convulsing. “What is he doing?” Kurt wondered. However, when Blaine straightened up, he saw the tissue clutched in his hand.

Of course, Blaine was sick. How could he have not seen it before? The slightly pink nose, the flushed face, the lethargy, it all seemed so obvious now. Kurt could tell that he had two options. He could either let Blaine know that he knew, and risk Blaine becoming embarrassed, or he could pretend as though nothing was going on. He chose the lesser of the two evils, and decided to pretend as though he had not noticed anything.

Seeing Blaine glance to the window, Kurt quickly shut the curtains and jogged over to his position beside the hospital bed, just as Blaine came inside. He smiled at Kurt and took his hand gently as they watched quietly beside the bed. They heard the doctor announce “She's crowning.” Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand more tightly, but Blaine tried to pull his hand from Kurt's. Confused, he looked at Blaine to see him pull another tissue from his pocket and sneeze into it “Hu-esh, esh, Eh-Eshoo” he sneezed. “Are you okay?” asked Kurt, maintaining his cover of innocence. “Of course,” said Blaine “It's just allergies.”

Kurt turned back rolling his eyes, but said nothing. They watched their children come into the world, offering support and love (and a few sneezes). They could not be happier, except for “Ehshoo” sneezed Blaine. Yes, they could not be happier except for the fact that Blaine was blatantly sick.

If anyone has ideas for the names of their children (and if anyone wants me to continue the story) please post your opinions below.

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Hello everyone! My apologies, life has been a little bit hectic lately, and the computer deleted what I had previously written to be posted here before it was finished. Thank you to everyone who responded! It made me very happy.

Please feel free to read and respond, and I am not Ryan Murphy.

Kurt sighed heavily. Blaine was not acting quite right, but he just could not place his hand on it. Glancing around the room, he saw a window to the hallway, thick curtains draped around it. After four seconds of intense deliberation he decided to peak out and see what was taking Blaine so long. He quickly strode over to the window and cracked open the blinds, to see Blaine hunched over and convulsing. “What is he doing?” Kurt wondered. However, when Blaine straightened up, he saw the tissue clutched in his hand.

Of course, Blaine was sick. How could he have not seen it before? The slightly pink nose, the flushed face, the lethargy, it all seemed so obvious now. Kurt could tell that he had two options. He could either let Blaine know that he knew, and risk Blaine becoming embarrassed, or he could pretend as though nothing was going on. He chose the lesser of the two evils, and decided to pretend as though he had not noticed anything.

Seeing Blaine glance to the window, Kurt quickly shut the curtains and jogged over to his position beside the hospital bed, just as Blaine came inside. He smiled at Kurt and took his hand gently as they watched quietly beside the bed. They heard the doctor announce “She's crowning.” Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand more tightly, but Blaine tried to pull his hand from Kurt's. Confused, he looked at Blaine to see him pull another tissue from his pocket and sneeze into it “Hu-esh, esh, Eh-Eshoo” he sneezed. “Are you okay?” asked Kurt, maintaining his cover of innocence. “Of course,” said Blaine “It's just allergies.”

Kurt turned back rolling his eyes, but said nothing. They watched their children come into the world, offering support and love (and a few sneezes). They could not be happier, except for “Ehshoo” sneezed Blaine. Yes, they could not be happier except for the fact that Blaine was blatantly sick.

If anyone has ideas for the names of their children (and if anyone wants me to continue the story) please post your opinions below.

. Id say for the names for a boy either "Rueben" or "Griffin" & for a girl " Amanda" or "Melissa". Really would want the kid or kids to be guys doe :3 thanks. But thank u for continueing do continue :D
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Aww, this is sooo cute.

I haven't seen some Klaine around here for a while now! Please do continue!

Poor, poor Blaine. I hope Kurt will still have some time to give him TLC once they have two babies o_O

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If anyone has ideas for the names of their children (and if anyone wants me to continue the story) please post your opinions below.

I would suggest for a boy "Wesley" or "Logan" and for a girl "Mia" or "Tatiana"

..idk i just really like those names lol

LOVING your story so far though! :D

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